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Level 3 CT Video Reflection 1

FEAP 1a/4b: 3:10

I introduced the topic and goal of this lesson. It is directly related to a Florida State standard. It is at the
appropriate level of rigor because students are challenged to analyze a character using a chart to figure
out the perspective of a character on certain topics. Students have to analyze the text, which is a
rigorous skill because students have to read it and then determine what is most useful for the question
they are trying to answer. They then had to take that information and write a few sentences about what
the perspective is based on the information they collected. Another area that students are looking at is
how the perspective changes over time, which involves analysis and synthesizing.

FEAP 1d/4b/4c: 39:00

The formative assessment that I chose is an analysis of a text to find out the perspective of a character
on a certain topic. This was done in the form of a graphic organizer. I feel like this was an appropriate
formative assessment because it allowed students to do a more performance and written based
response and so they were able to truly demonstrate what they learned and their skills in general. Using
graphic organizers is a way for students to show their skills, and it is something they will have to use
throughout the rest of their schooling as many teachers in middle and high schools use them and ask
students to copy them down themselves. The graphic organizer shows what the students found
important and what evidence they use to back up the perspective they chose. The formative assessment
is also directly related to the standard that I chose, which helps relate this to FEAP 4b as well. Having the
students complete a graphic organizer based on the different areas of the standard can help show that
students are on their way to mastery. I feel like for students to truly understand the lesson, they'd have
to have more lessons on the same content, but they are on their way.

FEAP 1e/2h/5a: 23:36

There are two ways that I used diagnostic data to help me differentiate and plan better for all students
in this lesson. The first way is that I use data from my previous observation with my supervisor from the
assessment to see that some students, particularly students who are receiving ESE services, struggled to
complete a multi-step answer since it was multistep. Based on that information, for this observation I
provided a format that I want the assessment to be in. One reason that I let students have freedom over
how they format it is what works for me might not work for them, and so I want students to have
choice. However, the some students can't really come up with a graphic organizer or format on their
own, and therefore have issues completing a multi-step problem, so I provided one that students can
use but gave them the option to switch it up if it works better for them in another way as long as all the
content was there. This also helps me to show FEAP 5a because I set goals after my previous observation
to do better on this observation to help better instruction for my students.

FEAP 1e/2h: 5:40, 43:22

The other way that I use diagnostic data is by looking at the scores for the recent iReady diagnostic. It
helped me to know that the majority of students are below 5th grade level and so they would probably
need a lot of support throughout the process of this lesson. In general, I tried to make sure that I was
constantly walking around and making sure that any student that needed help was getting it and
encouraging students to collaborate with each other.
FEAP 2a: 33:03

This lesson was intended to have two parts, one is practice, and the other is assessment, but I ran out of
time. While I feel like I will be able to collect a lot of data based on the one that they were able to do, I
will not be to see how the students work individually on this content. There are a few things that I could
have done better in terms of time management, which is why I connected to this FEAP. One thing that I
could have worked on is making sure students are hurrying up while copying the graphic organizer,
where I lost a couple minutes of time. There are a few students who took a very long time to do it, and
partially they were distracted and partially they didn't understand, which go hand in hand. One other
area that I think I could improve on to make this lesson be more of what I want it to be is taking time
across multiple days so that students can work on this more than just once. Analyzing text is something
you can't learn in one day, and while the students have worked on similar things before, they have not
analyzed a text for a character's perspective in 5th grade. Allowing students to have a bit more time on
this topic, either by adjusting the times or other things or just providing more time on another day
would be ideal.

FEAP 2a: 3:50

One other issue that happened was students were not able to type in a link correctly in the first class, so
I created a slide for the saying class that had instructions on how to get to the link through going to the
website normally, but that slide did not end up in the final presentation for whatever reason and so I
had to walk around and make sure that everybody got to the right place. I feel like this took up a bit
more time than it should have, and if the slide had been up on the screen, I could have just come around
to the students who needed help with that and not every student who didn't hear my verbal directions.
What I wanted to do was provide the document of the text to the students using canvas, but my CT did
not have his canvas page set up. I wanted to include this FEAP because I could improve on my time
management in the future, but I feel like my management of space and attention were fine in this

FEAP 4c: 43:22 In addition to the formative assessment in the form of a graphic organizer, I also walk
around the classroom and check in with students to make sure that they are doing okay. This is more
informal, but it does provide me with a lot of data that I can instantly use and address in the moment.
This time stamp shows me using one method of formative assessment, in addition to the other forms
that I use throughout this lesson.

FEAP 4c: 47:16, 57:40

I also asked students to raise their hands at different points to check in and share ideas with others. This
also allows me to see what some students are thinking and it can also allow students who want to speak
to speak, and students who don't want to speak don't have to. At the first time stamp in particular, I
asked some students to raise their hand and share some thoughts that they're having even though
nobody was finished. This allowed me to check in with the students and also have the students get ideas
from one another since there were many different groups working on the same thing and they might
not notice one thing that another group does. I also check in at the end to see student progress (second
timestamp) to make sure students are understanding the content. I also use this period to help draw
conclusions about evidence since we were running out of time.

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