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For Grade 55 and more lapping (Rebar size: 12 mm) For Grade 55 and more lapping (Rebar size: 16 mm)

554 or 453 942 or 798 528 or 432 1206 or 1014

792 or 648 1258 or 1057 792 or 648 1628 or 1359

For Grade 55 and more lapping (Rebar size: 20 mm) For Grade 55 and more lapping (Rebar size: 25 mm)

660 or 540 1470 or 1230 825 or 675 1800 or 1500

924 or 756 1998 or 1662 1155 or 945 2460 or 2040

Doc. Name Doc. No. Rev.
General Notes CD/ECRL/C/ML/BR/RFD/80BE
(Sheet 1 of 2) 201/00002
concrete grade 55
Rebar size (mm) 12 16 20 25
lapping (tension)- 33d (mm) Tension 396 528 660 825
lapping (compression)- 27d (mm) Compression 324 432 540 675
Case 1 : Lapping at same location Tension 554 739 924 1,155
1.4 x la
(Except for top bar of top-cast member) Compression 453 604 756 945
Case 1a : Lapping at same location Tension 792 1,056 1,320 1,650
2 x la
(For Top Bar of Top-Cast Member) Compression 648 864 1,080 1,350
Case 2 : Staggered Lap Tension 942 1,206 1,470 1,800
la + 150+ la
(Except for Top Bar of Top-Cast Member) Compression 798 1,014 1,230 1,500
Case 2a : Staggered Lap Tension 1,258 1,628 1,998 2,460
2 x 1.4 x la + 150
(For Top bar of Top-Cast Member) Compression 1,057 1,359 1,662 2,040

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