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Republika ng Pilipinas

Kagawaran ng Edukasyon
Rehiyon XI
Sangay ng Lungsod ng Dabaw
Purok ng Talomo
Lingsod ng Dabaw




We, the public school teachers of A. Bonifacio Elementary School, Talomo District,
Division of Davao City, are committed and dedicated to abide the vision, mission and goals of
the Department of Education towards a community that promotes freedom and justice. Our goals
can be fully achieved through cooperative efforts, thus, formed ourselves into one association
which shall promote the interest and welfare of its members, do ordain and promulgate this
Constitution and Bylaws.


Section 1. This association shall be called A. Bonifacio Elementary School Teachers Association

Section 2. Its office shall be situated at A. Bonifacio Elementary School, Talomo District,
located at Barangay Talomo, Davao City.


Section 1. The primary purpose of the association shall be to promote and advance the interest
and welfare of its members. Specifically, the association shall seek:

1. To work for the benefits which are advantageous to its members.

2. To work with other organizations which have the same objectives and principles.
3. To find ways and means to avail of opportunities such as cooperative, business ventures,
and the like for the benefit of every member.
4. To support any member concerning medical, legal and financial matters.


Section 1. Upon appointment or assignment of every teacher in this school in permanent status,
he/she shall become a regular member of ABESTA by paying a membership fee of One Hundred
Pesos (100.00) to the ABESTA treasurer, who shall acknowledge receipt of such payment by
issuing an official receipt prescribed by the officers. Membership shall take effect immediately
upon receipt of the fee on the date indicated in the receipt. The annual fee is fifty pesos (50.00)
payable within the first month of the school year.
Section 1. Every member of the association shall contribute to the development and welfare of
the association, uphold its constitution and bylaws and cooperate with the officers in the
attainment of the objectives of the association.

Section 2. It shall be his/her duty to pay his/her fees and dues willingly within the period of

Section 3. Every member shall be expected to promote the dignity of the teaching profession,
render the services prescribed by the Department of Education regulated by the Civil Service

Section 4. Every member shall participate in the deliberation during membership meetings.

Section 5. Every member shall vote on all matters brought before meetings. It shall also be
his/her duty to willingly follow the rules and proper conduct in attending meetings.


Section 1. The officers of the association shall be the president, Vice President, Secretary,
Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Auditor, Assistant Auditor, PIO, Assistant
PIO, Business Manager, and Assistant Business Manager.

Section 2. The term of office of every officer shall be one (1) school year.

Section 3. The above officers shall be elected by the General Assembly during the first week of
the month following the end of the school year. The elected officers shall be inducted into office
after the election or in a schedule agreed by the officer themselves.

Section 4. The election of the officers shall be done through secret balloting.

Section 5. A nominee should have served at least two consecutive school years at A. Bonifacio
Elementary School.

Section 6. The School Head shall automatically be the adviser of the association.


Section 1. The officers shall manage the affairs of the association. The president shall
preside over all meetings and shall decide with his/her vote in the case of tie. He/She shall
approve/disapprove all accounts and shall see to it that the constitution and all resolution adopted
are strictly complied with.

Section 2. The Vice President shall take the place of the President in case of the latter’s
absence, illness, temporary disability, inability to hold office or death. In whichever case, he
shall assume the powers and duties of the President.

Section 3. The Secretary shall keep the journals of the association. His/Her other duties are
as follows:
1. Keep all minutes of the meeting.
2. Serve notice to all members when meeting is to be convened.
3. Assist the President in the preparation of all correspondence of the association.
4. Furnish the Treasurer and the Auditor a copy each of every appropriate financial measure
established by the officers.

Section 4. The Assistant Secretary shall assist the Secretary in the performance of his/her
duties in case of the latter’s absence, illness, temporary disability or death.

Section 5. The Treasurer’s duties are as follows:

1. Keep the funds of the association and all the books of accounts necessary for the purpose.
2. Keep a register of all the members of the association with their respective payments of
fees and dues.
3. Pay all authorized expenses or issue the necessary checks that should be countersigned by
the President and the Auditor to effect such payments.
4. Keep records open for examination by any member of the association.
5. Submit a monthly and annual financial statement to the members of the Association.

Section 6. The Assistant Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer in his/her duties and shall
assume the duties of the latter\ in case of absence, illness, temporary disability or death.

Section 7. The Auditor shall examine the checks/records and audit the same monthly and
annually, and shall certify to the correctness of any approved expenditures. Moreover, he/she

1. Help the preparation of annual budget.

2. Countersign all checks issued by the Treasurer.
3. Check and initial all official receipts of the association.

Section 8. The Assistant Auditor shall assist the Auditor in his/her duties and shall assume
the duties of the latter in case of absence, illness, temporary disability or death.

Section 9. The P.I.O. shall take charge of all the publications undertaken by the association.
Section 10. The Assistant P.I.O. shall assist the P.I.O. in his/her duties and shall assume the
duties of the latter in case of absence, illness, temporary disability or death.

Section 11. The Business Manager shall assist the President in the management of all the
affairs of the association.

Section 12. The Assistant Business Manager shall assist the Business Manager in assisting the
President in the management of all the affairs of the association.

Section 13. The five major officers of the association such as the President, Vice President,
Secretary, Treasurer, and Auditor shall sit as members of the Board of Directors of the General
Parents and Teachers Association (GPTA).

Section 14. The President and Vice President shall sit in the School Governing Council


Section 1. The members of the association shall have its meeting once in every quarter and
as the need arises.

Section 2. The President may call the General Assembly as the need arises.

Section 3. The order of business at regular, special meetings or General Assembly shall be:

1. Prayer
2. Roll Call and determination of quorum.
3. Reading and approval of the previous minutes by the secretary.
4. Financial Report by the treasurer.
5. New Business (Agenda)
6. Other matters
7. Adjournment


Section 1. The association shall have funds which will be derived from the following
sources: a.) Membership and annual fees b.) Donations c.) Interest on deposits d.) Proceeds from
investments and fund raising activities.

Section 2. All dispositions/disbursement of funds shall be made only by the treasurer with
the prior authorization of the president, whereby such disbursement was approved by the general

Section 3. The treasurer shall be allowed to have a petty cash fund of not more than P 500.00
in a year, subject to liquidation. The president shall note disbursement of petty cash by the
Section 4. All funds of the association shall be deposited in any reputable bank that offers
better services, as determined by the officers. Withdrawal shall be signed by the president or in
his/her absence, of the vice president, the treasurer of the assistant treasurer in the absence of the
latter, and the auditor.

Section 5. The properties of the association shall be handled by the treasurer and to be
audited by the auditor annually.


Section 1. The association shall have a medical aid system that aims to extend voluntarily
financial assistance to:
 Married members (spouse and children)
 Single members (parents, brothers and sisters)
a. One hundred pesos if a member is confined in the hospital
b. Two hundred pesos if a member underwent an operation

Section 2. Should any member in good standing dies, his/her immediate beneficiaries shall
receive the amount of five hundred pesos (Php500.00) from each member as death aid. Teachers
will render a service vigil at the last night of the wake. In case the member has no immediate
beneficiaries, the death aid shall be given to the optional beneficiaries or to the relative/friend
who holds the proof of shouldering the burial expenses, provided that the unpaid dues shall be
settled by the beneficiaries first before the release of the death aid.

Section 3. Should two or more members die in a month, every member is obligated to pay
contributions corresponding to the number of deaths that occur.

Section 4. Should any immediate or optional beneficiary of each member in good standing dies,
each member shall also contribute as death aid:
a. three hundred pesos (Php300.00) for members’ immediate beneficiaries
b. one hundred pesos (Php100.00) for member’s optional beneficiaries; and
c. any amount for member’s in-laws

Section 5. Concerned first-degree relative or authorized representative of concerned member

shall receive the mortuary assistance not later than 3 days after such death.

Section 6. Husband and wife who are both members of the association shall be considered two
separate and distinct members and therefore they shall pay two separate contributions.


Section 1. All members shall receive their corresponding due shares from the association’s
gains, earnings of interest, proceeds from various fund raising activities, etc. every end of the
school year.

Section 2. Should any member in good standing retires, he/she shall receive an amount of ten
pesos (10.00) from each member, multiplied by the number of years of his/her service in the
school. This will serve as cash gift from each member.

Section 3. A retiree shall be given a token, plaque of recognition, and a despedida party in
his/her honor.

Section 4. A member who is transferring out shall be given a despedida party in his/her honor
and will be awarded with a Certificate of Recognition. He/She will be given a cash gift of five
pesos (P5.00) from each member, multiplied by the number of years of his/her service in the
school. This shall follow the provision in Section 2 of this Article.

Section 5. Any member shall be granted moral support on legal matters.


Section 1. Any member of the association at any regular or special meeting may propose any
amendment or revision of this Constitution and Bylaws.

Section 2. Any amendment or revision of this Constitution and Bylaws shall take effect
immediately upon approval by a simple one-half plus 1 vote of the actual members present
during the meeting.
DATE OF RATIFICATION – December 11, 2018

Witnessed by:


District Supervisor General PTA President


Names Position Signature

1. Genara S. Barong Chairman ______________________

2. Laila S. Pajaron Vice Chairman ______________________
3. Emeline V. Bajado Member ______________________
4. Nenita G. Caro Member ______________________
5. Romeo N. Sollano Member ______________________
6. Hazel N. Linaza Adviser ______________________



This is to certify that the following teachers crafted this ABESTA Constitution and Bylaws on
December 11, 2018

Names Signature
1. CARMELA G. BANDAYANON ______________________
2. ANNALIE E. BECIETE ______________________
3. GRACE A. LUZON ______________________
4. KATHLEENE B. DUMADAG ______________________
5. GINA T. GOKOTANO ______________________
6. SHIELA RUTH T. PEÑALES ______________________
7. YOLANDA T. TOLIBAS ______________________
8. ROWENA L. CANDOG ______________________
9. NENETH L. BOQUE ______________________
10. ALETH B. SAPLAGIO ______________________
11. JUDITH B. GUIEB ______________________
12. MARIETTA B. ORACION ______________________
13. JOSIE R. SURIGAO ______________________
14. JASMICRISTY V. RECLA ______________________
15. ROMEO N. SOLLANO ______________________
16. LAILA S. PAJARON ______________________
17. LETECIA P. ALIBANGBANG ______________________
18. VIVIAN B. OLIVA ______________________
19. ESTRELLA S. TAÑOLA ______________________
20. EDITHA L. TAC-AN ______________________
21. JOSEPH CECIL N. MALIGRO ______________________
22. GENARA S. BARONG ______________________
23. NENITA G. CARO ______________________
24. EMELINE V. BAJADO ______________________
25. ANN MARIE Q. UMAD ______________________
26. MIALMA D. AWID ______________________
27. RUBY LYNN M. SANTOS ______________________
28. GEMMA M. BATACAN ______________________
29. CHRISTINE T. NERI ______________________
30. WELIZA N. LACHICA ______________________
31. HERACLIA B. CORCUERA ______________________

Principal III/ABESTA Adviser

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