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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Nama :

Waktu : Kelas : VIII (Delapan )

1. Tulislah lebih dahulu nama, nomor peserta dan kelas pada lembar jawab yang telah tersedia!
2. Bacalah lebih dahulu setiap soal, sebelum Anda mengerjakan!
3. Kerjakan lebih dahulu soal-soal yang Anda anggap mudah!
4. Periksalah kembali pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas!

Choose the correct answer by crossing ( X ) A, B, C, or D, do it on your answer sheet!
1. Adin : What are you doing, Krisna? This following dialogue is for no. 3 and 4.
Krisna : I’m having my snack.
Adin : Have you washed your Mr. Adnan : Look! The doctor is coming.
hands? Krisna : Upsss, I’m afraid I Mrs. Adnan : Help me, doctor! My son is
haven’t. running out of breath. He
Adin : You must wash your hands before was fine when we’re on our
eating to get rid of any virus or way here.
bacteria. Doctor : I’ll do my best, ma’am.
Krisna : Thanks for reminding Please, stay outside and
In the dialogue, Adin expresses a/an we’ll take care of your son.
…. A. Opinion You don’t have to be worried
B. Obligation too much.
C. Suggestion
D. Willingness 3. The dialogue might take place at a/an ….

2. Mom : Don’t forget to wear mask if you want

go out, Santi. A. Hematology unit
Santi : Should I, mom? B. Emergency unit
Mom : Yes, dear. You must put on your mask. C. Radiology unit
Santi : I cannot breathe quite well with the mask. D. Pharmacy unit

Mom : You don’t want to have corona virus,

do 4. According to the doctor, Mrs. Adnan must be
you? ….
A. Sorrowful
The expression telling an obligation is ….
B. Worried
A. Don’t forget to wear mask if you want to go
C. Happy
out, Santi.
D. Calm
B. You don’t want to have corona virus, do
you? C. I cannot breathe quite well with the
D. You must put on your mask.
This dialogue is for no. 5 - 6. 8. Things which are not allowed to do by the
students are ….
Teacher : Attention, please! In this A. Miss any task, go to school, and support
webinar meeting, I’d like to the online class.
share some important B. Go to school, skip the twice a week online
information. meeting, and miss any task
Sarah : Yes, Sir. We’re listening. C. Skip the twice a week online meeting, join
Teacher : During this COVID 19 virtual classes, and miss any task
pandemic, you are obliged to D. Go to school, skip the twice a week online
keep staying at home. You are meeting, and confirm their learning troubles
not allowed to go to public area
for unnecessary things. The This text is for no. 9 and 10
teaching and learning will be
conducted in online mode. Ahsan : Hello, Hilmy. Your voice sounds
That’s why, you don’t have to go terrible. Do you have any problem,
school. Next, you need to eat buddy?
healthy food and you have to do Hilmy : Yes, you are right. Have you
sport at home. Stay safe and submit the English assignment
healthy, everyone! in our classroom?
Ahsan : I have. How about you?
Hilmy : Good to hear that, Ahsan. I’m in a
5. The expression of a must is ….
mess now. I haven’t finished some
A. You are not allowed to go to public area for
tasks in many subjects.
unnecessary things.
Ahsan : Well, you had better manage your
B. The teaching and learning will be
time from now on. Make your time
conducted in online mode.
line to finish them all. I’m ready
C. You are obliged to keep staying at
anytime you need a help. But don’t
home. D. You don’t have to go school.
forget, you should keep your
6. Based on the dialogue, the students are health also. One more thing, you
prohibited to …. should be relax.
A. Do exercise Hilmy : I will. Thanks, Ahsan.
B. Go to school
C. Eat healthy food 9. Ahsan suggests Hilmy by saying ….
D. Study from home A. Your voice sounds terrible.
B. Do you have any problem, buddy?
This text is for no.7 and 8. C. I’m ready anytime you need a
These are some terms on the study from D. You had better manage your time from
home of SMP Persada Semarang. now on.
1. Students don’t have to go to school.
2. Generally, the teaching and learning is 10. “… you should be relax.”
conducted in online system. This expression shows that Hilmy doesn’t need
3. Students must join a virtual class for to be ….
each subject. A. Angry
4. Students are not allowed to miss any B. Sad
task on their class. C. Panic
5. Students are also prohibited to skip D. Sick
online meeting which is held twice a
week. 11. Andin : What shall we do to prevent the COVID
6. Students must confirm their class 19 spread?
teacher if they have any troubles on Amira : We have to do healthy life style and
their learning. we
7. Parents need to support this online … put on mask anytime we go out.
teaching and learning in such ways. A. Can
B. Will
7. The text aims to … in the study from home. C. May
A. Inform the dos D. Must
B. Inform the don’ts
C. Inform the dos and the don’ts
D. Inform the don’ts and the need
12. Candra : I’m happy we are in new normal 18. The due date for the last assignment is today
now. before 5 pm. ….
Hanif : Me too. Let’s keep our environment A. We must submit it
clean, wash hands using soap tomorrow. B. We must not
regularly, and do positive things. submit it late. C. We should
Candra : You are right. But … forget to eat submit it late.
nutritious food too. D. We should not submit it.
A. Do
B. Does 19. Pay attention on these two cards.
C. Don’t
D. Doesn’t
13. Hasan : What … I do if I failed joining the
online class meeting?
Harun : Check your internet network,
please. A. Have
B. Need
C. Might
D. Should
The text is for no.14 and 15.

14. The suitable expression based on the text is D

…. w
A. It is no need to wash hands often.
B. We must not wash hands regularly.
C. It is unnecessary to wash hand
D. We should wash hands with soap
regularly. 20.

15. Lita : How long should we wash our hands

with soap, Lisa?
Lisa : …
A. We should wash them for at least 20
seconds. B. We would wash them for at least
20 minutes. C. We would wash them for at
least 20 seconds. D. We should wash them for
at least 20 minutes.
16. Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID 19)
outbreak has driven the world order to such a
mess. People are struggling to fight the virus.
They … support their government to get rid of
the virus.
A. may
B. shall
C. might
D. should
17. All students are obliged to keep their personal
hygiene. They … take a bath twice a day.
A. must
B. may
C. can
Both of the cards aim to congratulate one’s …. A.
B. wishing C.
shining D.

The card is sent in order to …

A. express sympathy on one’s life
B. express sympathy on one’s death
C. express sincerity on one’s disappointment. D.
express sincerity on one’s appointment
Untuk soal nomor 41 s.d. 45, jawablah soal-soal berikut dengan jawaban yang benar dan jelas
pada lembar jawab yang tersedia!
21. Complete the dialog below with the suitable expression!
Dian : Do you know that this COVID 19 outbreak is getting worse in this
town? Shinta : Yes, I know that.
That’s why we must obey all of the health procedure issued by our
government. Dian : The health procedure? What must we do?
Shinta : We must wear (a) _, (b) hand and keep (c)
Dian : I see.
22. This is the end of September. Students will have their mid-term test soon. What should they do to get
good scores?
23. Write suggestions based on the problems! Number one has been done for you
No Problems Suggestions
1 I have a headache You should go to the doctor.
2 I want to go to Hendro’s house by motorcycle (a) ............................................
3 I failed my English test (b) ............................................

4 I feel boring at home (c) ............................................

24. Fill the blank with the suitable words!

Dear Ana,
I’ve noticed your winning on the latest science competition. Please, accept my warmest (a) …. I
always believe that you are such a (b)... student. I’m really (c) ... of you.
Best regards,

This text is for no. 45

25. Complete the following statements based on the text above!

a. The card is about .....
b. The sender of the card is probably ….
c. The sender sends the card in order….

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