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Administration of Police Organization Review Questions 1

1.A primary subdivision of a bureau with a department wide

   responsibility  for providing a specific specialized functions.
2.A subdivision of a squad
3.A subdivision of a unit.
4.A subdivision of a section.
5.The primary geographic subdivision of a precinct.
     C. Section
6.The primary subdivision of a sector.
     C. Unit
7.One of several tours of duty.
     C. Shift
8.Fixed geographic location usually assigned to an individual officer
     C. Shift
9.The primary geographic subdivision of the patrol operation bureau.
     A. Precinct                            
     C. Sector
10.It means planning the work of the department and of the
     personnel in an orderly manner.
     C. Oversee      

Memorize the following:

1.Organize - it means planning the work of the department and

   of the personnel in an orderly manner.

2.Oversee - It means that the supervisor ensures that the work

   that has been organized and delegated is satisfactorily

3.Delegate - It means giving someone else the responsibility

   and authority to do something.

4.Precinct - the primary geographic subdivision of the patrol

   operation bureau.

5.Post - Fixed geographic location usually assigned to an

   individual officer.

6.Shift - one of several tours of duty.

7.Beat - the primary subdivision of a sector.

8.Sector - the primary geographic subdivision of a precinct.

9.Unit - subdivision of a section.

10.Squad - a subdivision of a unit.

11.Detail - a subdivision of a squad.

12.Section - a primary subdivision of a bureau with a department

    wide responsibility for providing a specific specialized functions.

1. A nationwide, cooperative statistical effort of  law enforcement

   agencies voluntarily reporting data on crimes brought to
   their attention.
      A. National Crime Reporting           
      B. Uniform Crime Reporting
      C. National Statistic Report
      D. National Police Crime Report
2. It post the location of murder's,rapes,robberies,carnapping and
    other major crimes of the locality.
      A. Crime hot spots                             
      B. Crime incident location
      C. Crime spot map
      D. Crime mapping
3. It post the the motor vehicle and pedestrian accident which
    occur in the area.
      A. Traffic spot map                
      B. Traffic crime map   
      C. Traffic statistic report
      D.  Traffic incidence report
4. Useful to indicate the traffic accidents and crime location.
      A.Traffic map                                       
      B. Traffic and crime map
      C. Crime map
      D. Spot map
5. Each time any file is issued, a record should be made on a color
    charge-out which is often called a “Substitution Card” or an

   “Out Card” which takes the place of a file that has been
    removed from the cabinet.
      A. Borrower's card                             
      B. Document card
      C. Borrower's slip
      D. Charged out card
6. A file showing the history of each police officer, both prior and
    subsequent to joining the force, is indispensable.
      A. Personal records                            
      B.  Policy,order,memoranda file
      C. Assignment record
      D. Correspondence file
7. This consist of set or records of communications classified,
    arranged   and filed alphabetically by the subject to which they 
      A. Personal record                              
      B. Policy,order,memoranda file 
      C. Assignment record
      D. Correspondence file
8. This consist of photographic records of known criminals and
    describe the procedure how criminals commit crime. 
      A. Modus operandi file                
      B. Operation file   
      C. Method of operation file
      D. Criminal file
9. A notation put into a file to indicate that a record is not stored in
    that file but in some other location specified therein.It tells the
    filer or searcher where to find the needed material.
      A. Reference                                     
      B. Cross reference 
      C. File notation
      D. Cross location
10.Making an identifying mark on the item to be stored to indicate
    what classifications it is to be filed .
      A. Identifying                                    
      B. Classifying  
      C. Coding  
      D. Differentiating

Remember the ff: Administration of Police Organization

1. Uniform Crime Reporting - A nationwide, cooperative statistical

    effort of  law enforcement agencies voluntarily reporting data on
    crimes brought to  their attention.
2. Crime spot map -  It post the location of murder's,rapes,
    robberies,carnapping and other major crimes of the locality.

3. Traffic spot map -  It post the the motor vehicle and pedestrian
    accident which occur in the area.

4. Spot map - Useful to indicate the traffic accidents and crime


5. Charged out card - Each time any file is issued, a record should
    be made on a color  charge-out which is often called a
    Substitution Card or an Out Card which takes the place of
    a file that has been removed from the cabinet.

6. Personal records -  A file showing the history of each police

    officer, both prior and subsequent to joining the force, is

7. Correspondence file - This consist of set or records of

    communications classified, arranged and filed alphabetically
    by the subject to which they pertain.

8. Modus operandi file - This consist of photographic records of

    known criminals and describe the procedure how criminals commit

9. Cross reference - A notation put into a file to indicate that a

    record is not stored in that file but in some other location specified
    therein.It tells the filer or searcher where to find the needed

10.Coding - Making an identifying mark on the item to be stored to

     indicate what classifications it is to be filed .
11. The accredited professional organization for criminologists in the
     Philippines is the PCAP - Professional Criminologist 
     Association of the Philippines.
12.The Professional Criminologists Association of the Philippines
    (PCAP) was accredited by PRC on March 25, 1990 as the
    professional organization for criminologists in the country.
13. The Board of Examiners for Criminology was created on July 1,
     1972, pursuant to Republic Act No. 6506 entitled “An Act Creating
     the Board of Examiners for Criminologists in the Philippines and For
     Other Purposes.”

14. The first Board, constituted in 1987, was composed of

      1. Dr. Sixto O. de Leon as Chairman  
      2. Atty. Virgilio B. Andres as member
      3. Jaime S. Navarro as member

15.Republic Act No. 6506 - An Act Creating the Board of Examiners

     for Criminologists in the Philippines and for Other Purposes.

16. Lourdes W. Aniceto - the present chairman of the board of


17. Ernesto V. Cabrera - the present member of the board of 


1. There are how many staff directorate in the Philippine National Police?
    A. 8
    B. 10
    C. 12
    D. 14

2. The second highest ranking officer in the PNP.

     A. Deputy Director General for Operation
     B. Chief of the Directorial Staff
     C. NCR Director
     D. None of the Above

3. What is the rank of the PNP Chief of the Directorial Staff?

     A. 3 Star General
     B. 2 Star General
     C. 1 Star General
     D. None of the Above

4. This theory of Police service is followed by the PNP.

     A. Continental Theory
     B. Home Rule Theory
     C. Modern Rule Theory
     D. None of the Above

5. Under this theory of police service, policemen are considered

    servants of the community.
     A. Continental Theory
     B. Home Rule Theory
     C. Modern Rule Theory
     D. None of the Above

6. Under this theory of police service, policemen are considered

    servants of the higher authority and people have little share
    or no share of all there duties nor any direct connection 
    with them.
     A. Continental Theory
     B. Home Rule Theory
     C. Modern Rule Theory
     D. None of the Above

7. This concept of police service says that punishment is the

    sole instrument of crime control, throwing more people to jail
    rather than keeping them out of jail.
     A. Old Concept
     B. Modern Concept
     C. Community Concept
     D. None of the Above

8. This concept of police service says that the yardstick of 

    efficiency of police is the absence of crime.
     A. Old Concept
     B. Modern Concept
     C. Community Concept
     D. None of the Above

9. This type of organizational structure divides authority between

    several specialist.
     A. Line Organization
     B. Functional Organization
     C. Line Staff Organization
     D. None of the Above

10.It is the simplest type of organizational structure,Channels of

    authority and responsibility extends in a direct line from top
    to bottom within the structure.
     A. Line Organization
     B. Functional Organization
     C. Line staff Organization
     D. None of the Above
1. This type of organizational structure is found in almost
   all police organization today.
     A. Line Organization
     B. Functional Organization
     C. Line Staff Organization
     D. None of the Above

2. An organization is effective if it enables the individual

   to contribute to the organizations objective.
     A. Principle of Unity of Objective
     B. Principle of Organizational efficiency
     C. Scalar Principle
     D. Unity of Command

3. Organization is effective if it is structured in such a way

   to aid the accomplishment of the organization's objective
   with a minimum cost.
     A. Principle of Unity of Objective
     B. Principle of Organizational efficiency
     C. Scalar Principle
     D. Unity of Command

4. The vertical heirarchy of an organization which defines an

   unbroken chain of units from top to bottom describing
   explicitly the flow of authority.
     A. Principle of Unity of Objective
     B. Principle of Organizational efficiency
     C. Scalar Principle
     D. Unity of Command

5. A subordinate should only follow the command of one superior.

     A. Unity of command
     B. Span of control
     C. Delegation of authority
     D. Principle of balance

6. The control of superior should not be more than what he

   can effectively direct.
     A. Unity of command
     B. Span of control
     C. Delegation of authority
     D. Principle of balance

7. The assignment of authority and responsibility to another person.

     A. Unity of command
     B. Span of control
     C. Delegation of authority
     D. Principle of balance

8. Refers to the division of work according to type, place, time

   and specialization.
     A. Functional Principle
     B. Line and Staff principle
     C. Principle of balance 
     D. Principle of delegation result

9. To ensure the effectiveness of the structure in meeting 

   the organization's objective.
     A. Functional Principle
     B. Line and Staff principle
     C. Principle of balance 
     D. Principle of delegation result expected

10.That which implies the system of varied functions, arrange 

   into a workable pattern.
     A. Functional Principle
     B. Line and Staff principle
     C. Principle of balance 
     D. Principle of delegation result expected

1. The authority delegated should be adequate to ensure

   the ability to accomplish expected result.
     A. Functional Principle
     B. Line and Staff principle
     C. Principle of balance 
     D. Principle of delegation result expected
2. The responsibility of the subordinates to their superior
   for performance is absolute and superior can not escape
   responsibility for the organization on activities 
   performed by their subordinates.
     A. Principle of Absolute Responsibility
     B. Principle of balance
     C. Principle of Parity and Responsibility
     D. Principle of delegation

3. The responsibility for actions can not be greater than that

   implied by the authority delegated nor should it be less.
     A. Principle of Absolute Responsibility
     B. Principle of balance
     C. Principle of Parity and Responsibility
     D. Principle of delegation

4. This law organized the Manila Police department.

     A. Act 183
     B. R.A. 8551
     C. E.O. 1012
     D. E.O. 1040

5. Transferred the operational supervision and direction

   over all INP units to the city and municipal government.
     A. Act 183
     B. R.A. 8551
     C. E.O. 1012
     D. E.O. 1040

6. Transferred the administrative control and supervision of

   the INP from Ministry of National Defense to the office
   of the Napolcom.
     A. Act 183
     B. R.A. 8551
     C. E.O. 1012
     D. E.O. 1040

7. The Transfer of the administrative control and supervision of

   the INP from Ministry of National Defense to the office
   of the Napolcom took effect on.
     A. July 10, 1985
     B. July 10, 1986
     C. July 10, 1987
     D. July 10, 1988

8. The Manila Police Department was organized on.

     A. July 31, 1900
     B. July 31, 1901
     C. July 31, 1902
     D. July 31, 1903

9. Granted to those who possesses the mandatory 

   promotional requirement.
     A. Regular Promotion
     B. Special Promotion
     C. A and B
     D. None of the Above

10.Extended to PNP members who acted conspicuously 

   beyond and above the call of duty.
     A. Regular Promotion
     B. Special Promotion
     C. A and B
     D. None of the Above

1. A PNP officer before eligible for promotion to the 

   rank of Senior Superintendent must first obtained 
   what mandatory training requirement?
     A. General Staff Course
     B. Officer Senior Executive Course
     C. Officer Advance Course
     D. Officer Basic Course

2. A PNP officer before eligible for promotion to the 

   rank of Superintendent must first secure what
   mandatory training requirement?
     A. General Staff Course
     B. Officer Senior Executive Course
     C. Officer Advance Course
     D. Officer Basic Course

3. A PNP officer before eligible for promotion to the

   rank of Chief Inspector must first secure what 
   mandatory training requirement.
     A. General Staff Course
     B. Officer Senior Executive Course
     C. Officer Advance Course
     D. Officer Basic Course

4. A PNP officer before eligible for promotion to the

   rank of Senior Inspector must first secure what
   mandatory training requirement.
     A. General Staff Course
     B. Officer Senior Executive Course
     C. Officer Advance Course
     D. Officer Basic Course

5. Before an officer is appointed to the rank of PNP

   Inspector, He/She must finish what mandatory training 
     A. General Staff Course
     B. Officer Senior Executive Course
     C. Officer Candidate Course
     D. Officer Basic Course

6. Before a PNP enlisted personnel is appointed to the

   rank of SPO3 to SPO4, what mandatory training requirement
   must he/she undertake?
     A. Senior Leadership Course
     B. Basic Leadership Course
     C. Public Safety Basic Course
     D. None of the Above

7. Before a PNP enlisted personnel is appointed to the

   rank of PO2 to PO3, what mandatory training requirement
   must he/she undertakes?
     A. Senior Leadership Course
     B. Basic Leadership Course
     C. Public Safety Basic Course
     D. None of the Above

8. Highest award in the PNP.

     A. Medalya ng Kasanayan
     B. Medalya ng Kabayanihan
     C. Medalya ng Katapangan
     D. Medalya ng Kagitingan

9. PNP's mandatory retirement age.

     A. 55
     B. 56
     C. 60
     D. 65

10. Optional retirement requires the approval of the

     A. DILG Secretary
     B. Napolcom
     C. Chief of the PNP
     D. President of the Philippines

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