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Chapter 12
Metallic mineral deposits

This account concentrates on the the primary metallic mineral which accompany the 1:250 000 Geological Maps of Sumatra
deposits and occurrences in Sumatra, in particular the recent dis- published by the Geological Research and Development Centre,
coveries of gold, tin and base metals. The residual and placer Bandung. Additional data for southern Sumatra can be found in
deposits are given less emphasis, as no significant discoveries the Quadrangle Regional Geochemistry Atlas Series published
have been made in recent years. by the Directorate of Mineral Resources and for Sumatra as a
The history of mineral exploration and discovery in Indonesia whole in the geochemical atlases of Northern Sumatra (Stephen-
has been reviewed recently by van Leeuwen (1993, 1994), docu- son et al. 1982) and Southern Sumatra (Machali Muchsin et al.
menting the change in emphasis of mineral-based activities from 1995, 1997). Historic (pre-1941) data on several precious metal
western to eastern Indonesia since the World War II. These deposits in North Sumatra appear in Bowles et al. (1985).
studies bring up-to-date the classic account by van Bemmelen Details of other mineral occurrences are given in reports of the
(1949), written when the mineral deposits in western Indonesia, North Sumatra Mineral Exploration Project (Directorate of
particularly those in Sumatra, were among the better known and Mineral Resources/British Geological Survey) and in reports
prior to 1942, important contributors to the Indonesian economy. and published accounts of the mineralogical and analytical
The larger mineral deposits in southern Sumatra have been studies which followed this project (e.g. Bowles et al. 1984).
described briefly by Gafoer & Purbo-Hadiwidjoyo (1986), and The Regional Physical Planning Programme for Transmigration
are referred to in the regional descriptions of the mineral deposits (RePPProT Land Resources Department/Bina Programme)
of SE Asia by Hutchison & Taylor (1978) and Hutchison (1996). include a review of the mineral resources of Sumatra by Clarke
In wider-ranging reviews the geological setting of gold and base (1990) in a summary of the land and natural resources of Indonesia
metal deposits in indonesia have been discussed by Carlile & to assist the planning of the Transmigration Programme.
Mitchell (1994), while those of tin deposits in SE Asia are catalo- Government-sponsored mineral exploration activities concen-
gued by Schwartz et al. (1995). trated on geological mapping and long-term regional geochemical
Sumatra has long been known as a source of gold, the name of surveys, with an emphasis on documentation but with limited
the island being derived from the Sanscrit word S v a r n a d v i p a , follow-up. The objective of these surveys was to encourage
meaning 'Golden Island', dating from the importance of gold exploration activity by the private sector. Private sector interest
deposits to the rulers of the Hindu kingdoms that flourished in in investment in mineral exploration in Sumatra was stimulated
Sumatra from the seventh until the eleventh century. The esti- by these programmes and peaked between 1985 and 1992
mated total production of precious metals from Sumatra to 1994 (Fig. 12.2). The latest cycle in exploration activity started
was 91 t gold and 937 t of silver (van Leeuwen 1994). between 1995-1997 (Fig. 12.3).
Tin deposits in the Riau Archipelago, Bangka and Billiton Much data concerning mineralization in Sumatra has been accu-
islands ('Tin Islands') are positioned at the convergence of mulated by mineral exploration companies in their Contracts of
ancient maritime trade routes between the Middle East and India Work (COW) areas. Relinquishment reports of COW companies
and China, and Bernal (1991) has suggested that they have been are not easily found on open file, and often important information,
known and exploited from the earliest times, but there is no for example on analyses and drill cores, was never reported, or was
archaeological evidence for this; current exploitation of tin dates misplaced when the COW ended (van Leeuwen 1994).
from the early eighteenth century. Between 1710 and 1942 a The most significant prospect located by the government-
total of 1.5 Mt of tin was produced (van Leeuwen 1994), but cur- sponsored regional geochemical surveys of Sumatra was the
rently the demand for tin is limited and the bulk of tin production porphyry deposit at Tangse where C u - M o mineralization was out-
in Indonesia comes from alluvial and off-shore placer deposits. lined by preliminary geochemical surveys (Page et al. 1978)
during the North Sumatra Project. This prospect was investigated
by Rio Tinto Indonesia (van Leeuwen et al. 1987). Recently pub-
lished descriptions of mined Sumatran mineral deposits include
Sources of data Lebong Tandai (Jobson et al. 1994), Mangani (Kavalieris et al.
1987) and Muara Sipongi (Beddoe-Stephens et al. 1987), and
For the purposes of this review mineral localities in Sumatra and
the recent discoveries include: Nam Salu (Schwartz & Surjono
the Tin Islands are catalogued in Tables 12.1-12.6 in terms of
1990b), Sungei Isahan in the Tigapuluh Mountains (Schwartz &
'mineral clusters', the locations of which are shown in Figures Surjono 1990a), Hatapang (Clarke & Beddoe-Stephens 1987),
12.1 and 12.6-12.10. Mineral clusters represent concentrations Way Linggo (Andrews et al. 1991) and Miwah (Williamson &
of mineral occurrences, or a group of deposits formed at similar Fleming 1995). Descriptions of Dairi (Middleton 2003) and
times, although a few include mineral deposits which were Martabe (Levet et al. 2003; Sutopo et al. 2003), both new discov-
formed in the same area but at different times. Summaries are
eries, have been presented at recent conferences.
given of the geological setting and the history of exploitation of
these deposits. Original sources should be consulted for further
details. Recently discovered/investigated deposits that have not
(yet) been described in the published literature are discussed in Timing of metallic mineralization events in Sumatra
some detail in the text.
Van Bemmelen (1949), Young & Johari (1980), Djaswadi No comprehensive dating of mineralization events in Sumatra has
(1993), Indonesian Mining Association (1995) and Crow (1995) been carried out. The available data are summarized in
have compiled lists and details of mineral localities in Sumatra. Figure 12.4, with mini-maps illustrating the trends of zones of
Summaries of this data are given in the Explanatory Notes mineralization.

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148 CHAPTER 12

BREUEH 960 , , 101 i ,
,06Oo E 980 100~
04o , ANGs
IGEUNT~T~ ~ M , ~ ~ X X
~x.4,~KA~I~ M E L u A K ~ B E R H A L A ~ PENINSULA /
BABHAROT~ .A --- ~ k ,
DIARI [ ~ " ~---"~Lake " ~ /.~

_ 2ON ~ J PINAPAN~ AHATAP'AN jG~ ~ \ 2~-

SIBOLGA~ xJ ~k.(
~ ~
~l~l MARTABE ~ ~ ~ ~

"~ / SIHAu ~-k.._~,t~KuK-~-'6'Rj

~J NATAL~I~,V ~ROKAN j~/--~
PASAMAN~I~ r ~ l ~ BALUNG ~ X~
- 0~ LU~BUKSIKAPIN.G. v . ^IJIF~.v.,, / /_~ 0~
(" \ ~x~'l'~ "- LUBUKGADANG
\ \ ~ ~L~ [ IDRKELAYANG k ~-.c-~
LOLO~ V " " \ ~ { L~A\D=,n^~', I
__ SIULUKr 1 ~ BANGKO . . . . . . . . c., A ~ . . . . . . . . 2~
- 2~ % DERAS__V q~IILRAWAS /r_lVlrlL/~l~l
~ L~l~j~ k~ KELAPA BATU[
r~. ~ A ~ S.TUBOH ~ "~-'~..~..-~A7KAMPIL-~BESII
D.DIPATIAMPAT[ J_ I ~ B U K I T T E M B A N G . . . . . ~ . . _ m V ~ j k T I K U S ~ I
LEBON k G O q~IITIRIS . .I. . ~
. . . .

O GOLD } -~
0 500km ~ LAMPUNG

96~ 98~ 100~ 102~ 104~ _ /" 106~

Fig. 12.1. Metallic mineral clusters in Sumatra and the Tin islands.

Palaeozoic sedimentary basins (Pb-Zn Table 12.1) (2) brecciated quartz veins and mudstones with selvages of sul-
phides; (3) disseminated sphalerite and galena in sandstone
Lead-zinc mineralization in metasediments and metavolcanics of (Large 1991).
the Bentong-Billiton Accretion Complex (Barber & Crow 2003) Several origins have been proposed for the lead-zinc mineral-
was found in Billiton in the 1980s in the Nam Salu open pit at the ization: (1) sediment-hosted exhalative (first proposed in 1977
Kelapa Kampit mine, during the exploration for tin, and this by BHP geologists); (2) possibly syngenetic/diagenetic related
deposit has been investigated by several companies during the to volcanic exhalations with later faulting, folding and granite
past 30 years. It occurs as sub-parallel veins and lenses within intrusions having variably remobilized the mineralization (van
and adjacent to the Nam Salu horizon over a strike of more than Leeuwen & Poole 1978); (3) syntectonic (?Triassic) formed
5 km. The Nam Salu horizon consists of interbedded, iron-rich, from hydrothermal solutions derived from tectonically induced
chemically precipitated sediments and basaltic tuff, altered by dewatering of the host sediments, with mineral deposition taking
metasomatic processes (Schwartz & Surjono 1990b). The total place in structurally dilated zones (Large 1991); and (4) vein-
resource outlined to date is of the order of 25 Mt @ 6.5% Zn, type related to hydrothermal fluids exsolved from a crystallizing
4.0% Pb and 60 g t -~ Ag. The style, thickness and grades of acid magma (Schwartz & Surjono 1990b).
mineralization intersected in drillholes vary considerable along Important zinc-lead deposits, the Dairi cluster, were recently
the strike of the mineralized zones. Three styles of mineralization identified in northern Sumatra, in the Kluet Formation to the
have been recognized: (1) massive, fine-grained sphalerite, NW of Lake Toba by Herald Resources. The deposits include
galena and pyrite, in places showing streaky lamination and massive Pb-Zn veins that were mined on a limited scale in
commonly containing fragments of quartz and mudstone; the early 1900s (van Bemmelen 1949). In addition to the veins,
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i 9~ ~ I I I I
1~176176 CONTRACTS
1967-1971 TIN

1969-]972 ~ COPPER

-4 ~



-0 o 0 o-

% ~!~:i~!~?~!~84184
!~?::~i i:i]

- 2os % BESI -
-4 ~

~t GOLD(primary)
O GOLD(alluvial)
PAL Fig. 12.2. Contract of Work (COW) licence
0 500km 6o '
areas signed in Sumatra and the Tin islands
between 1967 and 1992 showing deposits that
98 ~
100 ~
102 ~
104 ~
~__~ 6~ 108 ~
I have been drill-tested.

several other styles of mineralization have been identified: sedi- meta-argillites and subordinate meta-psammites and marbles.
mentary-exhalative (sedex) deposits of Mississippi Valley Type These are interpreted as sedex and remobilised cavity-fill deposits,
(MVT), believed to be formed by the reaction of volcanic fluids respectively (Dalimunthe et al. 1996).
with sediments; and supergene mineralization, the latter presum-
ably deposited recently from descending metal-rich solutions
derived from the weathering of the sedex mineralisation (Middle-
Late Triassic-Early Jurassic magmatic arc and the Tin
ton 2003). The sedex mineralization occurs in a dome-like struc-
ture and is traceable over a strike distance of about 5 km along Granites (Sn, Wo; Tables 12.2 and 12.3, Figs 12.5 and
the NE flank of the dome. It is hosted by carbonaceous shales 12.6a, b)
and dolosiltstones and forms a single thick horizon in the SE
and multiple, mostly thinner horizons in the NE. The MVT and Mineral deposits and mineral occurrences, predominantly of tin,
vein -type mineralization are confined to a sequence of shelf car- are associated with granitoids emplaced in the period between
bonates which are in sharp contact with overlying sedex-bearing 220 and 195 Ma, and associated hydrothermal activity. In this
argillites (Middleton 2003). The project has reached the bankable period Sumatra was a part of the western margin of the SE Asia
feasibility stage. Measured and indicated resources amount to Tin Belt which extends from Myamar to Billiton Island. The
7.1 Mt @ 16.6% Zn, 10.2% Pb and 13 g t -~ Ag. An additional majority of significant tin deposits are associated with peralumi-
10 Mt of c. 8% Zn, 4.2% Pb and 6 g t -~ Ag has been inferred. nous granites of collision origin (Mitchell 1977, 1979, 1986)
Two extensive skarn zones at the Sarkea prospect (Hendrawan that were emplaced during the Indosinian Orogeny (Hutchison
et al. 2001) located to the south of the Dairi prospect were drill- 1989) (Fig. 12.5). These peraluminous granites are classified as
tested by Rio Tinto in 2001. The skarns are related to the intrusion being within the Main Range Granite Province by Cobbing
of a granite of the Sibolga Complex into (?calcareous) beds of the et al. (1986, 1992), Cobbing (2000; see also Chapter 5) and
Kluet Formation. Magnetite is the dominant mineral, followed by Schwartz et al. (1995), the type area being the western part of
pyrrhotite and minor sphalerite-molybdenite in a magnetite- the Malay Peninsula. Granitoids in the Eastern Granite Province
silica-chlorite-garnet + actinolite-epidote assemblage. The in the eastern part of the Malay Peninsula are predominantly
skarn is locally cut by late quartz veins containing significant metaluminous, but some of these granitoids are also associated
amounts of Ag, Cu, Pb and Zn. with tin mineralization (Fig. 12.5). Cobbing (et al. 1992 and
During a regional stream sediment sampling programme carried Chapter 5) describes the occurrence of granitoids of both I- and
out in South Aceh by Rio Tinto, Zn dominant banded and S-types with similar age ranges, representing the two separate
laminated pyrite-pyrrhotite-sphalerite-galena mineralization, provinces in the north of the Riau Archipelago, overlapping
and Pb-dominant galena-sphalerite mineralization, both of south of Singkep Island and on Bangka and Billiton Islands to
apparent limited extent, were found near Beukah in an area of form a single belt. The textures, chemistry and geochronology
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150 CHAPTER 12

I I i\ L_., I I
96OE 98 ~ 100o / \ 104o 106o
SIGNI~ 995-1997



_0 o 0 ~ __


~,1~ NAPAL
0 500km
Fig. 12.3. Contract of Work (COW) licence
areas signed in Sumatra and the Tin Islands
104 ~
between 1995 and 1997 showing deposits
96OE 98 ~ 100 ~ 102 ~
I I I I I I%, that have been drill-tested.

of these granitoids has been described by Cobbing et al. (1992 and Main Range Province, but found parts of the Sibolga Complex
Chapter 5), and Schwartz et al. (1995). reminiscent of Eastern Province granites of Peninsular Malaysia.
The foreland of the Indosinian Orogenic Belt extended from the Minor alluvial tin is associated with the Sibolga Complex but
central Malay Peninsula deep into eastern Sumatra (Sibumasu). the age and source of this tin mineralisation is uncertain
The West Sumatra Block, when sited approximately between (Aspden et al. 1982b).
present day Borneo (Cathaysia) and New Guinea (Gondwana) Westerveld (1937) mentions clasts of vein quartz with cassiter-
(see also Fig. 14.11) also appears to have participated distally in ite in a Tertiary conglomerate 18 km to the west of Palembang in
this collision. In Chapter 5 Cobbing refers to the presence of S- SE Sumatra. This tin appears to have been derived from the con-
type granites in northern Sumatra, dating from 200Ma cealed Palembang Batholith, known from oil exploration (De
(McCourt et al. 1996), including a suite of tin-bearing granites Coster 1974). The only surface exposure of the batholith is the
associated with the Medial Sumatra Tectonic Zone, and also the Bukit Batu quartz syenite pluton southeast of Palembang (van
West Sumatra magmatic arc which is composed mainly of Volca- Tongeren 1936; Gasparon & Varne 1995), which is associated
nic Arc-type granites (as classified by Pearce et al. 1984). with quartz-cassiterite veins (Katili 1974a). The Bukit Batu
syenite has geographic and chemical affinity with, and a similar
West S u m a t r a SVSr/S6Sr ratio to the Main Range Province (see Chapter 5),
though the end value of +5.3 (Gasparon & Varne 1995) is very
McCourt et al. (1996) identified a magmatic arc in western different from Main Range Province ~Nd values of --8 to --10
Sumatra (219 _ 4 to 183 • 13 Ma) that overlaps the post-collision (Cobbing et al. 1992).
phase of the Indosinian Orogeny. Alluvial cassiterite is associated
with the locally porphyritic Tantan Biotite Granite (210 + 10 Ma
K - A r age, Suwarna et al. 1994). In Chapter 5 Cobbing has noted M e d i a l S u m a t r a Tectonic Z o n e ( M S T Z )
the similarity of the Sijunjung biotite granite (247 • 12 Ma K - A r
age, quoted by Sato (1991) and 206 + 3 Ma by Silitonga & The Medial Sumatra Tectonic Zone (MSTZ) (Hutchison 1994;
Kastowo 1975), with the granites of the Main Range Province, Barber & Crow 2003) is associated with granitic plutons carrying
but tin is not recorded. Cobbing & Mallick (1984) include the strongly to intensely pleochroic cassiterite, similar to cassiterite
unmineralized Payumbah Granite near Muarasipongi in the associated with the Main Range Granite Province in Malaysia
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Ma ~ ~
a) ~ ~ "~,~.
10t 1" ~ "~ ~ O T TANGSECo-Mo . "~.-.TANGSE ~- "~
/ ,l, ~
o 2 _c * "...r ~.,SALIDA " ~
20 ~ ~ E i~tX-- L x
t o

~,~ ~ LEBON~ EMPAH )

~~ ,,h PORPHYRY-TYPE"-~\ "~) ~ ~. #4,~

601r "" MINERALISATION \~, ~ ~>..x~
- 13-9Ma ~ ~. ~, %~j.~'+"~

ulr ~ ~
GARBATIN ~ k , , ~
90 ~ <~,~_,, MANUNGGALSKARNS~ (~_'~x
~ O s,~u,~. S~A~NS " ,
00 ~ E
10 .~ \ ~'
9 MUAR"A~Ook-er
2o TcoHisionof Bentaro-Saling ~""- DAN~,URANTAU MAGMATIC ARCS
30 ~ O. . . . ic IslandArcs "~ " ,,O KI~LAYANG __
~x X " "".
|~ " "- "'" Mid-Jurassic
40 ' ~ o ~ "~ ( " EarlyCretaceous
.o o~ ' ~ "A n~,Rn~ UagmaticArc
50 ~ {~ ~ DANAU RANAU ~ Z"4~k"g~'P ''Zl
60 ~ [ ~ E~ ~Z~ MKjLAIAINpGO
NGI ~ie/e
70 o,,g.oor

GREISEN Deformationof
R~ Granite Mineralisation
Main Peri~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s ~ C I , ~o~


Fig. 12.4. The timing of the main
mineralization events and their distribution
in Sumatra and the Tin Islands.

(Hosking 1977). Van Bemmelen (1949) suggested that the Medial the tin has been weathered out, eroded and redistributed in Tertiary
Sumatra tin granite suite occurred within an allochthonous thrust and Quaternary sediments. Alluvial tin has been won for over 50
slice sourced in the Tin Islands Archipelago. The Medial years from the Siabu-Sungai Lipai mining area in the Rokan
Sumatra tin zone is now considered to be related to a suite of cluster, from which about 100 t of tin concentrate was produced
peraluminous granitoids belonging to the Main Range Granite up to 1982. Occasionally diamonds are found in the concentrates,
Province of Peninsular Malaysia (see Chapter 5). which are believed to be of multi-cycle alluvial origin, originally
Primary and alluvial tin in the Tigahpuluh tin cluster (Table 12.2) sourced in the Tapanuli Group (Clarke et al. 1982b). The source
is derived from granites emplaced in Tapanuli Group metasedi- of the tin is the Rokan-Siabu granitoid suite intruded into the
ments to the east of the MSTZ. Schwartz & Surjono (1990a) Tapanuli Group on the margin of the MSTZ. Fifteen greisen,
report K - A r ages of 197 __ 2 and 193 4- 2 Ma from muscovite in quartz vein and alluvial tin occurrences are associated with these
a cassiterite-bearing greisen in the cupola of the Sungei Isahan granitoids (Clarke et al. 1982b; Rock et al. 1983). The Rokan
muscovite granite. The granitoids from the Tigapuluh Mountains Granite is variably cataclastically deformed and cooled to
analysed by Schwartz & Surjono (1990a) and Suwarna et al. c. 400 ~ between 186 4- 2 and 189 4- 2 Ma (determinations on
(1991) have 'high' and 'moderate' peraluminous compositions in biotites using the K - A r method quoted by Rock et al. 1983). The
the scheme of Villaseca et al. (1998), suggesting reactions with roof zones of the mineralized granites were exposed to erosion by
peraluminous pelitic and greywacke lithologies. Upright folds block faulting during the Neogene.
with sub-horizontal plunges indicate deformational thickening of The Penno-Triassic granite plutons in the Alas Valley section of
the sediment pile, facilitating hydrous fluxing and anatexis. the MSTZ, west of the Sumatran Fault Zone have metasomatic
Crustal melts were emplaced in shears within the MSTZ. The Tiga- cupolas and, according to Cameron et al. (1982a), were emplaced
puluh Mountains have the potential for the exploitation of small during a transcurrent fault episode. The foliated muscovite-biotite
deposits of alluvial cassiterite, which may be accompanied by granitoid plutons (Ketambe and Upper Sempali) and the Kais Intru-
small amounts of gold. sive Complex, which is believed to be the source of the alluvial tin in
To the NW of the Tigahpuluh cluster, sporadic elevated geo- the Kais cluster (Johari 1988), from their field descriptions are similar
chemical tin values in stream sediments (Machali et al. 1997) to the anatectic granitoids which occur elsewhere in the MSTZ, but
were probably derived from the cupolas of granites from which there are no chemical or isotopic data to confirm this affinity.
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152 C H A P T E R 12

o 0


-4 -
~ .~


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o ~_~ ~ s ~~ ,
~ ~.~

~.- a ~---,-. ~ ~ ~ _ o~ s


9~ ~ ~ .~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~


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c,o --~ 'e

o > <

"~ -- "6

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-~ ~ 0
9~ ~ ~ o ,~ = o+
9~ ,~ "~

= ~ .=


r~ ~ 0 ~


~ ~ ~~ "i "~~

r.~ ,.

< ~ Z
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154 CHAPTER 12

The I n d o s i n i a n f o r e l a n d heterogeneous granite porphyry to microgranite has been

described by Pitfield et al. (1990). The textural changes leading
In Northern Sumatra, a belt of remote and poorly exposed grani- to the heterogenous microgranites were attributed to sudden
toids (Fig. 12.5) north of the Medial Sumatra Tectonic Zone losses in pressure, which resulted in the quenching, fluidization
(MSTZ), were dated as Permo-Triassic by Cameron et al. and disruptive emplacement of residual melt into a partially or
(1980). In Chapter 5 Cobbing correlates these granitoids with wholly crystalline host granitoid. The emplacement of residual
the Main Range Province of the Malay Peninsula, based on the melts was often accompanied by alkali metasomatism, volatile-
field descriptions of biotite and muscovite granites with tourma- fluxing and hydrothermal alteration, culminating in replacement
line, reported in the Keteren, Serbajadi and Biden intrusions. greisen deposits, veins and stockwork systems containing tin,
The Dusun biotite granite is excluded here, as it has an early wolfram and sulphides.
dioritic phase (Cameron et al. 1983), Mo-Cu mineralisation and Tin and wolfram ores (Table 12.3) occur either as massive repla-
is most likely associated with a Miocene intrusion (Dalimunthe cement deposits with greisen, as non-massive replacements of
et al. 1997a, b). The Serbajadi Batholith is elongated N W - S E , low-grade ore, as at the Pemali Mine on Bangka, or as stockworks
has a massive marginal carapace of lineated schists and gneisses and simple veins. The cooling period for the granite in the Pemali
(Cameron et al. 1983) and according to Bennett et al. (1981c), Mine was between 159 and 95 Ma (Schwartz et al. 1995) based on
was emplaced during the regional slate-grade metamorphism the K - A r ages of biotites from this granite that was emplaced
and deformation of the Tapanuli Group. This granitoid belt around 211 __ 3 Ma ( R b - S r errorchron quoted by Schwartz &
coincides with a 'mid level geochemical enrichment zone' of tin Surjono 1991). The lengthy hydrothermal regime during the
identified during the North Sumatra Project stream-sediment cooling of intrusions generated by the collision orogeny provided
survey (Stephenson et al. 1982), but no in situ tin mineralization favourable conditions for tin mineralization on a regional scale
has been reported. (Lehmann 1990).
There are several islands in the Malacca Straits to the east of Tin, and sometimes wolfram, are invariably accompanied by
Sumatra composed of granite and/or greisen, with tin mineraliz- later sulphides, and mineralization is accompanied by tourmaline,
ation. The Berhala cluster occurs in the three Berhala Islands off- fluorite and topaz. These replacement bodies, stockworks and vein
shore Tebingtinggi. Here tin and rare-earth minerals in beach systems, which are characterized by the absence of magnetite and
sands have been weathered from gneissic biotite granite, greisens paucity of basemetal and iron sulphides, formed in the cupolas of
and cordierite-sillimanite aureole hornfels (van Tongeren 1935 in the granitoids. For example the Tikus mine of NE Billiton
Cameron et al. 1981). Van Bemmelen (1949) considered the (Suryono & Clarke 1981" Schwartz & Surjono 1990c) was exca-
Berhala granites to be the same age as those in the Malaysian vated in a greisen topaz-quartz pipe within the Tanjung
Tin Belt. Katili (1973) reported a K - A r age of 167 Ma from an Pandang batholith. In contrast to the other Main Range tin gran-
altered basalt cored during oil exploration in the area of the ites, tin was not identified in geochemical analyses of the
Berhala Islands. Pulau Perak north of the Berhala islands and Tanjung Pandang batholith; Lehmann & Harmanto (1990)
SW of Langkawi Island is composed of quartz-tourmaline horn- suggested that the tin remained in solution until it was removed
fels (Jones 1981), which is related to a concealed pluton. during the hydrothermal stage. In the southern part of Billiton,
Several granite plutons buried beneath the Tertiary sediments of several tin deposits (e.g. Tebrong and the Senyubuk cluster)
the Central Sumatra Basin were cored in the Foreland Zone during occur as stockworks and sheeted veins in metasediments, but
the exploration for oil. A hydrothermally altered muscovite granite erosion has not yet exposed the granite source.
pluton at the bottom of the Idris No.1 well in the Coastal Plains A rather unusual style of mineralization is found at the disused
Block gave a K - A r muscovite age of 208 __ 7 Ma (Koning & Kelapa Kampit mine, where complex tin-sulphide mineralization
Darmono 1982). Nearby detrital tin in the Petani Formation is present in both stratabound 'bedding-parallel veins' and cross-
(Stephenson et al. 1982) appears to have been derived from cutting veins: on a mine-scale the distribution of the mineraliz-
another (undated) buried pluton to the north of Rengat. ation is stratabound. Bedding-parallel veins also are found in
several other localities, including Batu Besi and Selumar. The
veins are generally up to 2 km long and 3 m thick. They contain
The main S E A s i a n Tin Belt varying amounts of magnetite, sulphides, amphibole, biotite/
chlorite aggregates and quartz. Some veins are magnetite-rich,
The bulk of the economic tin mineralisation in the Indonesian some are sulphide-rich, while others comprise both magnetite-
section of the Southeast Asia Tin Belt occurs in the Riau Archipe- rich and sulphide-rich portions. The veins are hosted by metasedi-
lago, Bangka and Billiton, within the Indosinian Collision Zone ments, with the exception of the rich and thick (35 m) Nam Salu
(Fig. 12.5 and Table 12.3). An irregular 'tin front' separates Lode (now largely mined out), which occurs in the Nam Salu
the mineralized peraluminous tin-bearing granitoids from the horizon (mafic volcanics-ironstone). Certain characteristics of
unmineralized metaluminous granitoids. On Bangka Island the Nam Salu Lode and bedding-parallel veins (stratabound/strati-
(Fig. 12.6a), the granitoids were emplaced in foreland basin form, sharp contacts, fine grain size and other textural features,
sediments (Tempilang Sandstone), which unconformably overlie abundance of iron minerals, and the presence of bedded barite)
an accretionary complex composed of imbricated sediments led several workers, including Hosking (1977), Hutchinson
and metavolcanics of the Carboniferous-Permian Pemali Group (1986) and van Wees & de Vente (1989) to conclude that the
(Ko 1986; Barber & Crow 2003). On Billiton Island, mineralization is of syngenetic origin. Other workers, e.g. Meyer
(Fig. 12.6b) the accretionary complex is exposed beneath folded (1979) and Schwartz & Surjono (1990b), favour an epigenetic
Triassic sediments in (former) underground mines for primary (hydrothermal and/or pyrometasomatic) replacement origin
tin. Lower Palaeozoic stratigraphic units are not exposed in the related to granitic intrusions based on replacement textures dis-
Indonesian islands, unless they occur on Singkep Island among played by the mineralization, chemical characteristics (of the
the unfossiliferous slates and graphitic schists of the Persing Nam Salu horizon), and the presence of skarn-like assemblages
Complex (Sutisna et al. 1995). that include amphibole, pyroxene and garnet.
According to Cobbing et al. (1992 and in Chapter 5) Sn-bearing Recent work at Batu Besi has shown that the latter interpretation
granitoids were emplaced during a post-collision peak between is the most likely. In this area several 'iron formations' with strike
220 and 200 Ma. Tin (and wolfram) mineralization is associated lengths of up to 6 km and up to 50 m thick, occur close to granitoids
with late two-phase granitoid textural variants within the predomi- that are extensively greisenized and veined by quartz along their
nantly peraluminous megacrystic K-feldspar granitoids. The margins, together with felsic quartz porphyry and microgranite
process of textural evolution from megacrystic granitoid through dykes with associated tin mineralization (Middleton 2002). They
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156 CHAPTER 12


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I 84 I 9 ~:
96~ 98 ~ ..
Granite Provinces and Granite Types
9 (GONDWANA) eerake ,

\ ~

, (Peraluminous
S-Type) 't
B E L T (Metaluminousl_Type) I

~,; O Berhala
--~ Keteren~

9 \

~ " ~'~~' ......' Rokan-


_o o

' Sungei~@~
x~lsahan : J

- 2os

--4 ~

_6 ~
0 300km

96~ 98 ~ 100 ~ 102 ~ 104~ 106 ~ ~-108 c


Fig. 12.5. Distribution of Late Triassic and Early Jurassic granites in Sumatra, Malaysia and the Tin Islands in the Indosinian Orogen. Granite Provinces and typology
from Chapter 5.

are deeply weathered into a mixture of maghemite, goethite, hema- The later stage retrograde mineralization is interpreted as associ-
tite plus remnant magnetite. Deep drilling has revealed the primary ated with a late stage, volatile-rich hydrothermal fluid that also
mineralized rocks to comprise skarns of varied assemblages, which caused the greisenization of the granitoids. It is likely that the
show a complex paragenesis. Early phase 'proto-skarn' is a zebra- skarn was formed after a carbonate-rich protolith.
patterned, contorted, banded lithology, with dark bands predomi-
nantly of magnetite and light bands of calcsilicate (probably
mainly versuvianite) and fluorite. It resembles the so-called
'wrigglite' skarn at Moina, Tasmania (Kwak & Askins 1981). Bintan
In places this early skarn phase is altered to a garnet-rich lithol-
ogy, which in turn is retrogressed to carbonate-silica and clay, but Tin mineralization on Bintan Island is associated with metaluminous
the most important mineralization stage is a chlorite-biotite- to peraluminous Volcanic Arc Granites of the East Belt (Schwartz
sulphide-fluorite assemblage, still with preserved magnetite et al. 1995) of the Eastern Province, intruded c. 230 Ma. Cobbing
wrigglite banding. This style commonly has > 1 % Sn grade et al. (1992) attributed these granitoids and their mineralization to
while the 'proto-skarn' has Sn grades in the order of 0.2-0.1%. melting of the lithospheric mantle as a result of the subduction of
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158 CHAPTER 12

(a) : KLABAT BATHOLITH ~..& 106~

I ~ MAIN RANGE 'S' or 'IS'Type
Fi iiiilili E A S T E R N
!...i.iljlii!i!J BELT 'r-Type
; Tin Mining
'. 9 Primary Soils and
-2os~ ; Deposits ":~:.:!:.Sediments 2~-
'. Tempilan name of mineral cluster
Old T.KK
~luk~ salinta

Thrust /
Triassic ~ Tem~i~ L.
Early-Mid Permian t
and older Pemai GrOup / ~:: ::Tr

Carboniferous- ~
Early Permian
i iiii ' , i

Tapanuli Group~--

TOOX 107 ~
I,,, ,
3 ~_

(] 1, . 0 30kml
Sye n l t ~ ~'-'X"J -..~- L ._.a I
Gabbro~,Munti (, S-~"~ I
TANJU~:G~ TIkus . . . . I
PANDANG," ~ [l~,
L!!!!'! II Il I Ii ~II. .IRL
.. ~ i ~
i ". . . . . . giN~GUNON G
....... ]
:;I~,::: .'lanjau .....ExaEll2Jl . . . . . ~ M A N G I
....... ~-',-~ ~ , . , .... edan-I
!1111111 qEll. , ~".ll_L~Cl./Ulll ~ I
I ~ Z~.........~ 4 ~ Labu ,']l~VA-ntulDti;1Man g kuban g I
/ / ~ "~ GUNUNG G e" Batu n";-~Beb u ng I
I~/~ ..:.. ~ Badau L E G A U ..9 "~'~aunung I
] ~ J ~ . t Papan Zr Selumar.t..!." i~(... /
Seumar "..',.."i ~V]l~~r~n,-~ Man ar i
I J: ..L.: eaga larD:, eSi:~ns
-~sA~ Sambulae . ~n
.... ~ N a n g k a / ~ LILANG~hi :~, _) TIN FRONT

"'~.Bunta L . ~ . . . , , . ~ . - ~ l ~ l t l t ~ , ..-"~" .............. Fig. 12.6. (a) Bangka Island; (b) Billiton
Island. Compilation maps to show
distribution of granites and primary and
secondary tin deposits. The structure of
- ~ ,,' I II~KELUMPANG Bangka Island is after Ko (1986) and the
PARANG BULOH..-" ~I~_)~~ .~" . . . . granite typologyafter Cobbing et al. (1992).

(Palaeo-Tethys) oceanic crust, assimilation of continental crest erosion and sedimentation, characterized by distinctive climatic
lithologies and fractional crystallization processes. regimes, and accompanied by a progressive rise in sea level that
In Malaysia to the NE, metaluminous intrusions of the Central eventually submerged the present-day shelf platform area sur-
Belt (Schwartz et al. 1995) of the Eastern Granite Province are rounding the tin islands (Aleva 1973, 1985; Batchelor 1979).
associated with gold, stibnite and sulphide mineralization, as
exploited at Raub, but this style of mineralization is not seen in
the Indonesian sector of the Indosinian orogen.
Jurassic to Early Cretaceous magmatic arcs
(Cu, Au; Table 12.4 and Fig. 12.7)
P l a c e r tin
These magmatic arcs have been eroded, exposing batholiths and
Primary tin deposits have given rise to numerous onshore and off- plutons, so that the roof structure and mineralization are rarely pre-
shore placers (Fig. 12.6a, b), including Koba Tin and Cebia, from served. In Central Sumatra a few examples of intrusion-centered
which the bulk of Indonesia's tin production has come. Most are mineralization are known from the Mid-Jurassic-Early Cretac-
palaeoplacers which were deposited and partly reworked from eous Arc. Skarn and disseminated mineralization at Muarasipongi
the Late Miocene to Recent times, during three major phases of have been described in detail by Beddoe-Stephens et al. (1987). At
Downloaded from at Indiana University Libraries on May 11, 2015


the time of the emplacement of the batholith at 158 -+- 23 Ma Batholith with the Woyla Group, were formed around the time
precious metal and copper deposits were formed. of its intrusion (c. 87 Ma, Rock et al. 1983).
In the Singkarak cluster copper and precious metals in the Cassiterite and cerium-bearing monazite placers of the Garba
disused Timbulan quarry are associated with an altered granitoid. cluster were eroded from greisens and pegmatites which formed
This intrusion is probably related to the Sulit Air suite of plutons, in the cupola in a late phase of the Garba Batholith. This composite
from which Imtihanah (2000) obtained 4~ ages of batholith was constructed during the Cretaceous, with a Mid-
192 + 0.4 and 193 ___4 M a for emplacement, which is the Cretaceous dioritic phase (117-115 Ma, Aptian) followed by a
suggested time of porphyry-type mineralization. Late Cretaceous ( 8 6 - 8 2 M a , Santonian) granitic phase with
The Danau (Lake) Ranau Kelayang low-grade C u - M o mineral- quartz-feldspar two-phase variants (McCourt & Cobbing 1993).
ization in the north of the Bangko cluster occurs in altered roof Tin and rare earth mineralization was formed as a result of the suc-
rocks of the Bungo Batholith. Components of the batholith have cessive fractionation of melts emplaced in a long-lived conduit and
K - A r mineral ages ranging between 169 and 129 Ma (McCourt hydrothermal system developed in a favourable carapace. Alluvial
et al. 1996). tin in the Seputi cluster to the SE of the Garba Mountains is
thought to be associated with a younger muscovite granite, which
is a fractionated phase of the Padean Pluton (McCourt & Cobbing
Woyla Group and Accretion Complex 1993), dated at c. 85 Ma and having low values of tin. The source
(Au-Ag, Pb-Zn; Table 12.4 and Fig. 12.7) of the alluvial tin was most likely the highly fractionated granite
phases and greisens that have since been eroded away.
A possible example of exhalative sulphide mineralization is present The second category of Late Cretaceous tin deposits in Sumatra
within mafic lavas of the Bentaro Volcanic Formation in the Geun- is associated with the Hatapang Granite, studied in detail by
teut cluster. Bedded hematite-magnetite rock in the Tapaktuan Clarke & Beddoe-Stephens (1987). The cassiterite and wolframite
Volcanic Formation is a potential, although limited, source of in this untested resource are derived from pegmatites and greisens
massive volcanic exhalative auriferous magnetite and sulphides developed in the carapace of the granite, emplaced at 80 i 1 Ma
forming the Tapaktuan and Babahrot clusters from which alluvial ( R b - S r isochron age) to the rear of the magmatic arc. The
gold is derived (Cameron et al. 1982b). The alluvial gold in the Hatapang Granite margin has a peraluminous chemistry and has
Natal river is derived from skarn-type deposits at the contacts of chemical characters of both a within-plate A-type granite (see
Late Cretaceous intrusions and Woyla metasediments (see Chapter 5) and an S-type anatectic granite of collision origin
below). Alluvial chromite and perhaps some gold in the Pasaman (Clarke & Beddoe-Stephens 1987). Detrital tin weathered out of
cluster are derived from the Pasaman ophiolite body, which was Tertiary sediments 7 0 - 8 0 km to the SE of Hatapang is possibly
possibly a seamount accreted within the Woyla succession. derived from hidden Late Cretaceous granitoids.
The Sungei Pagu former P b - Z n mine near Lubukgadang north Tin deposits formed during Late Cretaceous magmatism have
of Kerinci Volcano occurs within limestones in a megabreccia, two origins: (1) by fractionation and assimilation in intrusions
composed mostly of serpentinite boulders derived from an adja- belonging to the Late Cretaceous magmatic arc and (2) by anatexis
cent massive serpentinised harzburgite (Hariwidjaja & Suharsono of peraluminous metasediments caused by crustal thickening and
1990). Small diatremes and andesite and dacite dykes occur in the associated mantle-derived intrusions in the backarc area.
area. The megabreccia and ophiolite body are similar to lithologies
described within the Woyla Group at Natal (Wajzer et al. 1991).
The megabreccia is probably an olistostrome or a mud diapir in Palaeocene magmatic arc (Cu, Au-Ag; Table 12.4)
an accretion complex of which the massive serpentinite forms a
component. Van Bemmelen (1949) suggested that the P b - Z n - Minor sulphide mineralization in the Rawas cluster occurs within
Mn mineralisation was of metasomatic origin, but here it is iron-rich skarns at the contact with Woyla Group metasediments
suggested to be a manganese-rich metalliferous deposit of hydro- and disseminated within the Bukit Rajah Granite emplaced at
thermal type (Mitchell & Garson 1981) formed in an oceanic 54 • 2 Ma ( K - A r method, JICA 1988). Nearby is the Sungei
environment with the harzburgite representing part of a seamount, Tuboh 1.76 Mt (estimate) skarn deposit with copper and precious
capped by limestone. metals which formed at the contact of a quartz monzonite at
c. 40 • 2 Ma ( K - A r method, JICA 1988).
The alluvial gold in the Rawas cluster is found in the vicinity of
quartz veins, and associated with the sericitization and chloritiza-
Late Cretaceous magmatic arc (Sn, Au-Ag;
tion of Woyla Group metasediments, which also may be related to
Table 12.4 and Fig. 12.7) Palaeocene intrusions (Miswar & Suherman 1991).
Subduction beneath Sumatra was re-established in the Late Cre-
taceous, following the collision of the Bentaro-Saling Oceanic
Late Eocene-Early Miocene magmatic arc (Table 12.4)
island Arc Complex in the Mid Cretaceous (Barber 2000). The
reversal of subduction direction resulting from the collision of
A rare example of mineralization associated with this Early
oceanic volcanic arcs with Sundaland in the Cretaceous was
Neogene volcanic arc occurs in the Breueh cluster NW of Banda
identified as potentially important for mineralization by Carlile
Aceh. Disseminated sulphides and quartz veins are related to the
& Mitchell (1994). In Northern Sumatra, small amounts of gold
intrusion of a sub-volcanic diorite body dated at 19 _+ 1 Ma (on
in the Sikuleh area are derived from skarns in reef limestones of
hornblende by K - A r method) (Bennett et al. 1981a).
the Bentaro Arc formed when the Younger Complex of the
Sikuleh Batholith was emplaced at c. 98 Ma. Detrital tin, identified
by stream sediment sampling during the North Sumatra Project
(Stephenson et al. 1982), is probably of Tertiary age, as no tin min- Miocene-Pliocene magmatic arc (porphyry Cu, Mo;
eralization was seen in greisens and veins at the contact of the Table 12.5 and Fig. 12.8)
Sikuleh Batholith with the Woyla Group, well exposed in stream
sections along the northern margin of the intrusion (M.C.G. Several porphyry-type mineral occurrences (Danau Diatas, Siuluk
Clarke, unpublished map, pers. comm.). Deras and Danau Dipatiampat) were located as the result of
Precious metals and sulphides in the Natal cluster, formerly exploration for porphyry copper deposits in the early-1970s (van
mined from magnetite bodies at the contact of the Manunggal Leeuwen 1978) (Exploration Phase 2 of van Leeuwen 1994)
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160 C H A P T E R 12


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162 CHAPTER 12

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-O- G O L D METAL ~L U ~ I ~ eiGADA


Late Cretaceous Plutons
4 ~_
-4~ Elm__.Mid-Jurassic to
Early Cretaceous Plutons
Woyla Group
,,,% -%\
(Arc and Accretionary Complex) SEPUTI
I I Pre-Cretaceous basement
-6 ~
% 6 ~_

0 500km
F i g . 12.7. M i n e r a l o c c u r r e n c e s a s s o c i a t e d
with the Mid-Jurassic-Early Cretaceous and
96~ 98~ 100" 102~ lO4~ 106~
I I I I I I t h e L a t e C r e t a c e o u s m a g m a t i c arcs.

(Fig. 12.2); others were found during regional mapping (Tangse The Tangse prospect is of particular interest as an example of
and Dusun) and in the 1990s. The Miocene suite of equigranular dated Miocene multiphase porphyritic igneous intrusions in the
and porphyritic dioritic and granitic intrusions, with C u - M o min- Sumatran Fault System. The geochemistry and low intial Sr
eralization, are widely distributed in the Barisan Mountains isotope values shown by the Tangse porphyries indicate that
of western Sumatra, but the mineralization is of very low grade. they represent a subduction-related, mantle-derived, normal-K
Porphyry-type mineralization is usually associated with arc- calc-alkaline suite, which shows little evidence of sialic crustal
parallel fault sets of the Sumatran Fault System, with plutons contamination (van Leeuwen et al. 1987). The significance of
emplaced within segments and jogs of the main fault zone, or such multiphase intrusions is the potential for successively fractio-
like the Lokop cluster in fault splays, although some dioritic nated melts with enriched metal contents to be emplaced in the
centres, such as Tinjoen, are not associated with important faults. same host, via the same magma conduit system, resulting in
Van Leeuwen et al. (1987) have described the extensive inves- potential mineral deposits of economic value. This setting
tigation of the Tangse C u - M o prospect which was discovered occurred in the overlaps and jogs between transcurrent faults in
during the geological and geochemical mapping programme of Sumatra during the Neogene, as at Tangse and probably also the
the North Sumatra Project (Young & Johari 1978). A large miner- Lolo Batholith. The mineralization at the Tangse stock (van
alized system is present at the Tangse prospect, but at the time of Leeuwen et al. 1987) was completed before the intrusion of the
the investigation the grades were not economic. C u - M o mineral- dacite porphyry dykes, which had cooled to c. 500 ~ by
ization is present between strands of the main Sumatran Fault 9.97 4- 0.50 Ma (magmatic hornblende by K - A r method). This
System in altered, stockwork-fractured, multiphase (three sequen- suggests that the vertical and horizontal movements along the
tial sets of intrusion were distinguished) porphyritic intrusions in Sumatran Fault System which initially facilitated the magma
the Eocene age Gle Seukeun Igneous Complex. The older group conduit system at Tangse may have disrupted this system by
of porphyritic quartz diorites is the most extensive, with the intru- c. 10 Ma and was followed by rapid uplift. The Tangse multiphase
sion and the alteration-mineralization having cooled between 13 stock may be younger than the Lolo Batholith, which is composed
and 9 Ma. A core of early chalcopyrite and biotite alteration is sur- of equigranular granodiorites only locally megacrystic, where the
rounded by a halo of chlorite and epidote. These were overprinted associated minor skarn mineralisation probably dates from the
by two structurally controlled quartz-sericite-pyrite assemblages emplacement at c. 15 Ma (40 Ar/~39 Ar determinations by Imtihanah
of which the chlorite assemblage is enriched in Cu and Mo. The 2OOO).
mineralized system has been weathered and oxidized and there The only other porphyry copper prospects that have been drill-
is patchy secondary Cu enrichment. tested to date are the Upper and Lower Tengkereng and Upper
Downloaded from at Indiana University Libraries on May 11, 2015


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164 CHAPTER 12




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I I [ I ~ I I I
\,-N--. " ~ ~ . O Mineral Locality

UNI~ q~__Ld

-2~ (,x,.. " ~ (-,xLake'S,. ~,,. ~ 2~

- ~ ~ pi NAPANO~',x~Tob_a v ~ ,---. ~ .
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N .w

-o+ " o

_ >---,\ %
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-4 ~ "~ON,,~r "-..._..-'~TAMBANG


Fig. 12.8. Mineral occurrences and
prospects associated with the Miocene-
96~ 100~ 102~ 104~~ 106~ Pliocene mineralization.
I I I I "%, I

Ise-Ise in the Dusun cluster. The three Dusun cluster deposits Tandai being reopened. Most of the abandoned mines were rein-
(Dalimunthe et al. 1997a, b) are associated with small (up to vestigated and drilled during the late 1980s, but extensions to
550 x 3 0 0 m 2) multiple intrusive diorite-tonalite porphyry the ore bodies at Mangani and Lebong Donok were not found at
stocks. Alteration is highly telescoped with progressive overprint- depth (van Leeuwen 1994). A number of new gold occurrences
ing of advanced argillic and phyllic alteration assemblages. Quartz in Sumatra were found during the various COW investigations
stockwork veining varies from weak (1-10%) to intensive (up to (1985 onwards), of which Bukit Tembang reached the mining
50%). The quartz stockwork is typically barren or only weakly stage while exploration is at an advanced stage at two others
mineralized. Sulphide mineralization consists of pyrite, covel- (Way Linggo and Martabe).
lite-chalcolite, lesser bornite and chalcopyrite and minor molyb- The dating, quantity and source of the gold mineralization of
denite. In contrast to Tangse the molybdenum content is many prospects remains poorly understood, because their per-
negligible, whereas gold values are relatively high (0.17- ceived low economic potential has discouraged detailed study.
0.38 g t-~ Au). In Table 12.6 the times of mineralization are estimates, based on
It has been suggested that the general low tenor of the porphyry the dating of host lithologies and intrusions, although the mineral-
copper occurrences found to date in Sumatra may be due to the ization sequences are better documented. An exception is the gold
poor copper content of the crust that was subducted beneath the mineralization at Lebong Donok for which K - A r ages between
island during the Neogene (Katili 1974b) or because the process 1.2 and 1.3Ma were quoted by Henley & Etheridge (1995),
of subduction was too young to have generated suitable melts which is a similar to the age to the Cirotan epithermal system in
(Hutchison & Taylor 1978). Another possible explanation is that west Java, where adularia was dated by the K - A t method at
the Neogene subduction occurred (most of the time) at an even 1.7 Ma (Milesi et al. 1994). This data places Neogene gold miner-
velocity, a condition which is not conducive to the generation of alization in Sumatra, at least in part, in the period after 3.5 Ma in
large, high grade deposits (Sillitoe 1997). an interval of tectonic reorganization following the collision of the
Philippine Arc and the Eurasian Plate (Barley et al. 2002).
Neogene epithermal precious metal deposits in Sumatra are
Neogene magmatic arc (Au-Ag; Table 12.6 and Fig. 12.9) classified following White & Hedenquist (1990), using the vein
and alteration mineralogy and the form of the ore body, to infer
Mining of primary deposits on the West Coast of Sumatra and in the fluid chemistry which controlled ore formation. The high sul-
the Lebong cluster was interrupted in 1941. Subsequently mining phidation type reflects relatively oxidised ore fluids, and the low
has never reached pre-war production levels, with only Lebong sulphidation type reflects relatively reduced ore fluids. Examples
Downloaded from at Indiana University Libraries on May 11, 2015

166 CHAPTER 12


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96~ 98 ~
O t High sulphidation

MIWAH \ ~1~ Low Sulphidation

ABONGx Sediment hosted

4ON !
IAK 4 ~ --

~':"~:~I Jurassic-Cretaceous
ii~i;iii~:iii~iiii:iii~iiil Woyla Group


""'" ~ SIHAYO

"7 MANGANI c~ 0 ~ --

~9 / I
F'~ i .._.,


I ~l "'": " d"(TI I
6~ 500km
)n \ %. ~ . Fig. 12.9. Mineral occurrences, prospects
96~ 98~ 100o and former mines related to the Neogene
1012~'~ 104~
I I I gold mineralization.

of the latter type are commonly found in the southern half of the explain the concentration of epithermal occurrences in the
island, concentrated along two lineaments or axes. An Outer Neogene Gold Belt. Evidence of hydrothermal outflow in
Neogene Gold Axis, linking the Salida and Kotaagung clusters the Inner Axis is illustrated by the presence of sinters, as in the
with concentrations in the Lebong and West Coast Districts of Bangko cluster. In some instances this outflow may derive from
van Bemmelen (1949), and an Inner Neogene Gold Axis, linking the Outer Neogene Gold Axis in the elevated Barisan Mountains.
the Mangani and Tanjungkarang clusters can be distinguished The geomorphic outflow of thermal waters from the Barisan
(Machali et al. 1997) and are represented predominantly by Mountains also contributes to the low temperature reservoirs of
'classic' quartz-vein type deposits (Fig. 12.9). To date only three thermal water in the Tertiary sedimentary basins in the back arc
high-sulphidation type deposits have been found. All are located area (Hochstein & Sudarman 1993).
in northern Sumatra and are recent discoveries (Martabe, Miwah In southern Sumatra several precious metal clusters are associ-
and Meluak). They represent fossil geothermal systems rich in ated with arc-parallel master fault segments of the Sumatran Fault
magmatic volatiles. A study of the present-day hydrothermal System (e.g. Tanjungsakti, Way Linggo and Martabe). The
systems in Sumatra by Hochstein & Sudarman (1993) shows Mangani prospect is situated towards the termination of a major
that about 20% fall into this category. A third type of deposit com- segment of the Sumatran Fault System (Kavalieris et al. 1987).
prises sediment-hosted mineralization found at Abong and Sihayo. The connection with arc-normal fault sets is occasionally
The majority of Neogene epithermal gold occurrences in invoked, as at Miwah and the importance of faulting in the local-
Sumatra are hosted in Tertiary volcanics and sediments which isation of metal occurrences is well understood. Hovig (1914)
rest on the Woyla Group (Fig. 12.9). There are exceptions, as in noted the fault-grid intersections controlling precious-metal min-
the Meluak, Martabe, Mangani and Bangko clusters where the eralization in the Lebong cluster. Terpstra (1932) distinguished
Woyla Group is not present. The spatial relationship between four groups of quartz veins at the Salida mine, based on their
many of the epithermal gold deposits and the Woyla Group in orientation, and Harris (1988) drew attention to the significance
Sumatra and Western Java was observed by Carlile & Mitchell of fault control of mineralisation in the Lebong and Mangani
(1994), who suggested that this relationship may be related clusters.
indirectly to the arc reversal and emplacement of the oceanic vol- As mentioned above, the majority of the low sulphidation gold
canic arcs in the Woyla Group onto the Sundaland margin in the deposits are located in southern Sumatra. Deposits in the Lebong
Cretaceous. cluster (Fig. 12.10) are among the better known. Jobson et al.
The focusing of fluid flow, favourable permeability and fault (1994) described the Lebong Tandai deposit where underground
structures controlling the emplacement of intrusions helps to mining recommenced in 1983 and continued into the early
Downloaded from at Indiana University Libraries on May 11, 2015

170 CHAPTER 12

between sediments and overlying volcanics was the focus of

repeated boiling of high-temperature fluids that resulted in mul-
tiple precipitation of precious metals (Izawa et al. 1990). It is note-
worthy that Lebong Donok and Hishikari show very similar
mineralization characteristics (Kavalieris 1988). The ore bodies
at Lebong Donok and Salida formed as a result of repeated
opening of the fault zones, but in Sumatra precious metal mineral-
ization was dispersed over larger areas, and in alignments, rather
than concentrated at a single locality as at Hisikari.
An unusual feature of several south Sumatra deposits, including
Lebong Tandai and Lebong Donok, Mangani and Way Linggo is
the occurrence of hypogene low-temperature calcium zeolites in
quartz veins. Lawless et al. (1995) suggest that these deposits
were formed in long lateral outflows, which facilitated extensive
de-gassing of the outflowing primary hydrothermal fluid to the
point where zeolites, rather than calcite, were deposited when
the fluids finally boiled. In contrast, in deposits which formed in
hydrothermal upflow zones, such as Bukit Tembang and Salida,
CO2 contents were relatively high and consequently calcite
tended to precipitate on boiling because of the de-stabilisation of
Fig. 12.10. The Lebong cluster of precious metal prospects, occurrences and bicarbonate along with adularia in response to the resulting rise
former mines showing the 'Ketaun Zone' of eroded volcanic centres along which in pH. Lawless et al. (1995) point out that if their model is
some the Lebong cluster mineral localities are aligned. Geology after Gafoer correct, it may be a useful exploration tool for distinguishing
et al. (1992c) and Henley & Etheridge (1995). upflow-zone from 'satellite' outflow-zone deposits which they
argue is important, as the latter can be expected to have a more
limited vertical extent.
1990s. The tabular, quartz-cemented, breccia ore bodies are loca- Turning to high sulphidation deposits, the Martabe gold system
lized along shears, which are related to an east-west sinistral fault (Levet et al. 2003, Sutopo et al. 2003) was discovered in late 1997
system (Jobson et al. 1994 had reservations) and to a NW dextral by Normandy Anglo Asian Indonesia (subsequently taken over by
fault system, by Jobson et al. (1994), using kinematic indicators. Newmont), using bulk leach extraction of gold (BLEG) sampling
The mineralized zone is orientated approximately east-west techniques. It consists of a number of deposits over a strike length
over a strike of 4.3 km. It appears that no transpression or transten- of 7 km, hosted in a series of Tertiary volcanic and sedimentary
sion was involved. The dimensions and mineralogical details of rocks (palaeontologically dated at 18-20 Ma), proximal to a
the breccia bodies are given in Table 12.6. Jobson et al. (1994) fault splay of the Sumatran Fault System. Episodic fault activity
found that precious-metal mineralization was the result of hydrau- has been responsible for pulses of high-level magmatism and the
lic fracturing, associated with four phases of hydrothermal mineral development of multistage phreatomagmatic breccias, dacitic
deposition. In contrast, the precious metals at Lebong Donok are flow dome complexes, hydrothermal alteration and gold mineral-
associated with quartz veins within the N W - S E Lebong Fault. ization in this district. The fault system consists of a major NW to
Dacite dykes and andesite dykes and sheets are present. The min- NNW fault set accompanied by a conjugate set of NE extensional
eralization is on the flank of an eroded andesitic volcano (Henley faults, consistent with regional dextral strike-slip tectonics.
& Etheridge 1995) and is localized at the contact between the The most significant and best defined of the Martabe deposits is
sediments and the volcanics. Henley & Etheridge (1995) relate the Purnama deposit, which has a resource of 3.7 million ounces of
the mineralization in the Lebong cluster (apart from gold and 46 million ounces of silver, making it the largest known
Tambang Sawah) to the 'Ketaun Structural Trend' (Fig. 12.10), gold deposit in Sumatra. It is hosted by an intrusive diatreme that
a tectonic-volcanic zone in which the individual ore bodies has been injected along bedding planes within a sedimentary-vol-
were emplaced at different levels, with Lebong Tandai represent- canic unit. Multi-stage acid-leaching hydrothermal alteration
ing the oldest mineralization and deepest structural level. Henley events have produced large volumes of vuggy to massive silica
& Etheridge (1995) postulated that the breccia mineralization at with a tabular geometry. The silica zones are enveloped by
Lebong Tandai was due to later transtensional reactivation of silica/dickite/alunite, grading out to silica-illite and peripheral
stepped thrusts, and that the Lebong Donok bonanza veins were argillic alteration zones as the initial acidic vapour phase was pro-
formed in a dilitant transtensional setting, closely associated gressively neutralized by the wall rocks and the groundwater.
with the intrusion of dacite. There is a very strong correlation between gold mineralization
According to Gafoer et al. (1992c) the location of the Ketaun and silicification, as the latter has produced a vuggy permeable
Zone coincides with an incursion of the volcaniclastic Seblat For- host that was subjected to brittle fracture during subsequent tec-
mation within the volcanic Hulusimpang Formation (Oligocene- tonic events. The mineralized zone at Purnama extends about
Miocene), and the volcanic centres are related to the Bal 1.2 by 1 km. An early phase of low sulphidation silica pyrite
Formation (Middle Miocene). Postulated thrusting in the Ketaun veining and chalcedonic silica with low gold grades, associated
Zone was presumably Pliocene in age, but while thrusts have with or immediately after the main acid sulphate alteration
not been described elsewhere in the area, they could represent event, was followed by a high sulphidation phase characterized
the inversion of pre-existing normal faults associated with the by enargite and luzonite mineralization and higher gold grades.
growth of the Barisan Mountain range. The alteration/mineralization sequence observed at Purnama,
It is difficult to evaluate the alternative interpretations of a i.e. acid-sulphide alteration-low sulphidation veining-high sul-
clearly complex geological setting with so little information on phidation veining is highly unusual for this type of deposit.
the dating of the volcanic events and the mineralization. None The low grade Miwah prospect is found in an extensive altera-
the less the presence of large high-grade gold deposits at tion system in interbedded Pliocene sediments and andesitic volca-
Lebong Donok and at Salida (Painan Formation volcanics on the nics, associated with arc-normal faulting and probably connected
Woyla Group), both of which are at the interface between sedi- to a buried porphyry-type intrusion (Williamson & Fleming 1995).
ments and volcanics, is significant. The settings are reminiscent A linkage with a subduction zone beneath the North Aceh coast
of that at Hishikari in Japan where a fractured unconformity was proposed by Rock et al. (1982) on the basis of the chemical
Downloaded from at Indiana University Libraries on May 11, 2015


composition of the volcanics and is favoured by Carlile & Mitchell (from intercalated beds in the limestone), and coarse calcite frag-
(1994). This interpretation is considered unlikely as although ments. Dark silica alteration (jasperoid) replaces breccia matrix
seismicity is associated with this zone, oceanic crust is not material (fine phreatic sediments and tuffaceous sediments). Indi-
involved. The deposit is related like the rest of the precious vidual jasperoid bodies can be highly irregular in shape. Sulphide
metal deposits, to the Sunda subduction zone as mapped beneath content is generally less than 1 or 2%, but locally exceeds 10%.
Sumatra by Sieh & Natawidjaja (2000). Pyrite is the dominantly sulphide phase and is invariably
The geology of the Meluak area is dominated by the rift formed accompanied by arsenopyrite and stibnite. In one of the adjacent
by the subparallel Blangkejeren-Toru and K l a - A l a s Faults that prospects late-stage epithermal white quartz with vuggy and
form part of the main Sumatran Fault Zone. Gold mineralization cockade textures forms the breccia matrix and occurs extensively
is hosted by the Quaternary Kembar volcano and is associated as veining and breccia fill.
with hydrothermal breccias, massive and vuggy silica and c l a y - Jasperoid alteration and mineralisation postdates Oligocene
pyrite alteration. sediments which disconformably overlie the Permian limestone,
The Martabe and Meluak deposits have been discovered in areas but is otherwise undated. Later karst processes during the ?Late
of good access without previously recorded gold occurrences. This Tertiary and Quaternary, have reworked the jasperoid material
is probably due to the very fine particle size of the gold, which has into new breccias, some of which are fissure fillings.
not led to obvious detrital gold signatures in the drainage, but is Some workers distinguish two types of sediment-hosted gold
amenable to discovery by chemical exploration techniques such mineralization, as discussed by Sillitoe (1994): one generated dis-
as the BLEG (bulk leach extraction of gold) method. tally with respect to intrusion-centred districts (eg. Sillitoe &
The two known sediment-only hosted gold deposits Abong and Bonham 1990); and the other the product of metamorphic dewa-
Sihayo, are both located in northern Sumatra. tering of thick sedimentary sequences, as exemplified by deposits
The Abong prospect (Hendrawan et al. 1996) consists of a NW- in the Carlin trend in Nevada (e.g. Seedorff 1991). Abong and
trending zone, about 2300 m by 450 m, of mudstone/black shale Sihayo are both located in areas that contain low-grade porphyry
underlain by limestone, belonging to the Bampo Formation copper deposits and may therefore belong to the former group.
(Upper Oligocene to Middle Miocene). Andesitic volcanics are However Sillitoe (1994) suggests that both groups may form a
interbedded in this unit. An irregular zone of gold-bearing strati- single, broad genetic category.
form jasperoid and silicified shale/siltstone with an average thick- The alignments in Sumatra range in scale from the N W - S E
ness of about 9 m is present at, or close to the hanging wall of the 'Neogene Gold Axes' (Fig. 12.9) and less common east-west
limestone. It shows variable development of fluid breccias grading volcanic-tectonic alignments of mineralization as at Muaradua
from crackle breccia to pseudo-conglomeratic breccia. Matrix-fill and the Ketaun Zone in the Lebong cluster. Posavec et al.
material includes massive crystalline quartz, colloform quartz, (1983) described examples (see Fig. 13.25) of N W - S E align-
cockscomb quartz and illite. Gold mineralization is accompanied ments, representing the migration of older Quaternary to Recent
by anomalous As (up to 6%), Ag (up to 680 ppm), Sb and Hg. volcanic centres in response to progressive displacement along
At Sihayo (R. Jones, written comm. 2004) drilling by Aberfoyle the Sumatra Fault Zone. East-west alignments of active Quatern-
Resources Ltd, and more recently by Oropa Limited, has outlined ary volcanic centres also occur, as at Bukitinggi. At Talang, and
a well-mineralized zone with a strike length of 1 km and up to some other active volcanoes, Posavec et al. (1983) found e a s t -
450 m wide containing an inferred gold resource of about west aeromagnetic anomalies, thought to image large buried
600 000 ounces. It is associated with NW-SE-trending faults as dioritic intrusions, but the N W - S E volcanic alignments did not
well as orthogonal cross-structures that form part of a multi- show aeromagnetic signatures indicative of buried intrusions.
strand segment of the Sumatran Fault Zone. The zone is inferred The migration of the loci of igneous intrusion and transcurrent
to extend discontinuously over more than 4 km of strike length movement of fault blocks were both caused by the oblique subduc-
to adjacent prospects. Gold mineralization is hosted by regolith tion of the Indian-Australian Ocean crust beneath Sumatra
and silicified breccias at, and near the top of a sequence of (Fig. 12.9). The Sunda subduction zone (Sieh & Natawidjaja
Permian limestones, and in tuffaceous siltstone intercalations 2000) and the Neogene Gold Belt are deflected by subduction of
within the limestones. The tuffaceous sediments vary from well- the Investigator Fracture Zone. In the forearc the 'Pini Arch' has
bedded ash-rich siltstones to chaotic, slumped, clast-dominated formed above the trace of the Investigator Fracture Zone, which
grits. The breccias were formed by karst dissolution under phreatic also has been related by Page et al. (1979) to the genesis of the
conditions and subsequent collapse. Typical breccias comprise Quaternary Toba Caldera Complex (Chesner & Rose 1991). The
clasts of mainly limestone, dark siltstone and andesitic volcanics Martabe deposit is situated above the projected eastern boundary

Table 12.7. Alluvial gold deposits in Sumatra

Cluster name Orebody form Ore elements Time of mineralisation Resource & notes Reference

ANU-REUNGUET Alluvial Au derived from Au Quaternary Cameron et al. (1983);

quartz veins & Coulson et al.
disseminated sulphides in (1986)
Woyla Group
MEULABOH River terrace sands & Au-Ag Quaternary Production (est. pre- 1942) Cameron et al. (1983);
(WOYLA) boulders derived from Cu-Hg 980 kg Au/5 Mm 3 gravel. Bowles et al.
Woyla Group & Cr-Pt Resource: proven (1988) (1985);
epithermal min 11.5 M m3@ 196 mg m -3 Au Van Leeuwen
in 8 areas along Kr. Woyla (1994)
SINGINGI Alluvial deposits occupy Au-Ag Source uncertain. Resource: 17.2 Mm3 @ Van Bemmelen
(BENGKALIS) broad valleys cut in Pt?? Epithermal quartz 149 mg/m 3 Au (1990); (1949);
Tertiary sediments found in dumps. production to 1958:2.2 t Au; Van Leeuwen
Most gold found in est. grade 120 mg m -3 Au; (1994)
upper alluvial 1973-75 resource of
succession 180 Mm3 @ 90 mg m-3 Au
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172 CHAPTER 12

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174 CHAPTER 12

of the Investigator Fracture Zone and may be an example of min-

eralization caused by the focussed release of volatiles into the
mantle wedge as a result of post-subduction faulting of hydrated
3~t LEBO

oceanic crust, which Fauzi et al. (1996) suggested might have con- 104 ~1 ~ LEBONGDONONG
tributed to the formation of the Toba Caldera Complex. The pre- I WAYU.GGo \ \%
sence of other irregularities in the ocean crust passing through
the Sunda subduction system in the past may have contributed
to stalling of the subduction system, which Sillitoe (1997) has
suggested creates the possibility for developing large ore deposits
in a volcanic arc by steady-state, feed-back processes.
E~176 9~ ~ MARTABE~
Alluvial g o l d

Several of the larger alluvial gold deposits in Sumatra have been

mined in the post-war period (Table 12.7), but production has
never reached pre-war levels. This is because the deposits were
exhausted or because the resources were insufficient for commen-
01 , ,
cial exploitation, though attracting artisanal workers (as have 0.2 1 10 160
many of the disused primary deposits). Resource (including past production) in millions of tonnes
Coulson et al. (1986) suggested that the precious metals in the
Quaternary Anu-Renguet alluvial goldfield in northern Sumatra Fig. 12.11. Gold resources, including past production and gold grades (g t l) of
were derived from quartz veins and disseminated sulphides that some Sumatran gold deposits adapted from van Leeuwen (1994).
formed during Mid-Cretaceous deformation of the Woyla
Group. Precious metals in the more economically interesting
coastal plain Woyla (Meulaboh) alluvial gold field were probably
sourced from skarns in the Woyla Group (Cameron et al. 1983). depressed subsequently due to the 1998-99 economic crisis, the
The source of the gold in the Singingi alluvial field south of the deterioration in the general investment climate, the issuance of
equator is probably weathered epithermal deposits. Forestry Law 41/1999 prohibiting opencast mining in protected
forest areas, which has effectively sterilized large parts of areas
with mining potential (>50% in Sumatra), and the emergence of
Conclusions a strong anti-mining lobby. Despite these unfavourable conditions,
several companies have persisted with exploration projects.
Since 1967, Sumatra and adjacent islands have seen successive Compared with other parts of Indonesia, exploration for metallic
phases of mineral exploration (Figs 12.2 & 12.3) for tin, bauxite minerals in Sumatra during the past 35 years has, on the whole,
and porphyry copper deposits (1967-71), gold (1985-92 and produced disappointing results. In mainland Sumatra only one
1995-97) and since 1998 (albeit on a reduced scale) base deposit was discovered that reached the mining stage (Bukit
metals, gold, and tin. These phases of exploration have led to Tembang, a small Au deposit) and two old Dutch mines (Woyla
the discovery of numerous mineral occurrences and the testing and Lebok Tandai) were reopened for a short time. From an econ-
of the more important mineral deposits (Table 12.8 & omic point of view none of these were very successful. The most
Fig. 12.1 l). The Indonesian Government has encouraged foreign significant discovery on the islands east of Sumatra is arguably the
mineral industry private sector investment in exploration small, but rich Nam Salu tin deposit, which was amenable to open
through the Contracts of Work (COW) system. Although the pit extraction.
main focus of the exploration efforts of the private sector has The recent discoveries of several gold and lead-zinc deposits,
been in Eastern Indonesia and Kalimantan, Sumatra with its rela- however, indicate that the mineral potential of Sumatra has not
tive accessibility and lower cost of exploration, has seen a fair yet been fully tested. It is encouraging that these include styles
amount of activity, especially during the most recent gold explora- of mineralization not previously known to exist in Sumatra.
tion boom in 1995-97, when large tracts of land were covered by Other novel categories of mineralization may be identified in the
COW applications (Fig. 12.3). Unfortunately, the boom was pre- future. The reinterpretation of the genesis of known occurrences
maturely terminated in the wake of the Bre-X scandal in Kaliman- may lead to new exploration concepts, as may a better understand-
tan (Wells 1998). This scandal sapped the confidence of investors ing of the geological history and of the geological processes which
in the Indonesian mining sector, and the sector has remained have occurred during the evolution of Sumatra.

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