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Theoretical basis

The Performance
The term of performance comes form the word performance or actual performance or actual achivement,
achived by someone.Mangkunegara (2011) namely the work quality and quantity achieved by an employee
in carry out their duties base on responsibilities given to him. Other opinion by Gibson and Nawai (2013)
said the performance by someone can be determain with motivation ability in carring out work, can be said
the implementation of it’s work are define by interaction, motivation and ability. Meanwhile,
Prawirosentoso Sutrisno (2011) said that performance can also be referred to as the results achieved by a
person or team in the organization, based on the established authority, in order to achieve organizational
goals legally or not in accordance with norms and ethics.
Leadership Style
Based on House in Yulk (2009) Leadership is the ability an individual in a motivating influence and make
some one to contribute in effectiveness success of organization. Base on the opinions we can concludet
that leadership is the way to influence and motivating another people want to contribute to the success of
the organization. Leadership in organization is an effort to influence those under his leadership ( Sutikno,
2014). After described the term , it can described about leadership style is important as aspect for gain and
increase success a person’s leadership in an organization.
Based Thone (2013) the stye of leadership is norm of behavior people use when try to influence the
behavior of other when he sees him. while according to Rivai (2014) leadership style is aset of
characteristics used by leader to influence subordinates so the organizational goals achieved or could also
be said that Leadership style is behavior pattern or prefferred strategy as well as frequently adopted by
According to study done by Kandi (2013), Hotdianty, Taufik, and Haryani (2016) that there is a relationship
or the effect of leadership style on performance and in this study was conducted in construction project.
The resulting conclution is if leaders have and capable to used leadership style while interacting with
subordinates,can be ensured the performance of subordinates is well controlled.
Reward is also define as reciprocal that is provided organization to employee when they are doing or
assigned duties organization (Rahim, Daud, & Wan 2012). Rewards will more effective when they are
applied in organization with a powerful, indentification in this case is when there are similar values and
behavior between individual and organization interest. Effective reward system requir a couple things
among other of experimental attitude, asustainable adjustment system, feedback form the people involved
in the system and continuous evaluation effectiveness system.

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