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No Practical Date Signatur

1 Write a program to compute the simple interest.

2 Write a program to check whether the given number is even or odd.

3 Write a program to find the maximum number out of the given three
4 An electric power distribution company charges its domestic

consumers as follows :

Units Rate of Charge

0 – 100 Rs. 1 Per Unit
101 – 300 Rs. 100 plus Rs. 1.25 per unit in excess of 100
301 – 500 Rs. 350 plus Rs. 1.50 per unit in excess of 300
500 and above Rs. 650 plus Rs. 1.75 per unit in excess of 500

Write a program that read the customer number & power consumed
and prints the amount to be paid by the customer. Note that output
should be well formatted.
5 Write a program to print a multiplication table of the entered

6 Write a program to generate the following pattern:

2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9 10
7 Write a program to find the factorial value of a given number.
No Practical Date Signature
8 Write a program to create 2 D and 3 x 3 array using numpy.

9 Write a program to represent the data on the ratings of mobile

games on bar chart. The sample data is given as:

Games:Pubg, FreeFire, MineCraft, GTA-V, Callofduty, FIFA 22.

Rating: 4.5,4.8,4.7,4.6,4.1,4.3.
10 Write a menu-driven program to calculate the mean, mode and

median for the given data: [5,6,1,3,4,5,6,2,7,8,6,5,4,6,5,1,2,3,4]

No Practical Date Signature

11 Consider the following data of a clothes store and plot the data on
the line chart and customize the chart as you wish:
Month Jeans T-Shirts Shirts
March 1500 4400 6500
April 3500 4500 5000
May 6500 5500 5800
June 6700 6000 6300
July 6000 5600 6200
August 6800 6300 4500
12 Observe the given data for monthly sales of one of the salesmen for
6 months. Plot them on the line chart.

Month January February March April May June

Sales 2500 2100 1700 3500 3000 3800

Apply the following customizations to the chart:

• Give the title for the chart - "Sales Stats"
• Use the "Month" label for X-Axis and "Sales" for Y-Axis.
• Use dashed lines with the width 5 point.
• Use red color for the line.

13 Visit
On the basis of this online tool, try and write answers of all the
below-mentioned questions.
• What is the output colour when you put R=G=B=255?
• What is the output colour when you put R=G=255,B=0?
• What is the output colour when you put R=255,G=0,B=255?
• What is the output colour when you put R=0,G=255,B=255?
• What is the output colour when you put R=G=B=0?

• What is the output colour when you Put R=0,G=0,B=255?

• What is the output colour when you Put R=255,G=0,B=0?

• What is the output colour when you put R=0,G=255,B=0?

• What is the value of your colour?

14 Do the following tasks in OpenCV.

• Load an image & Give the title of the image

• Change the image to grayscale

• Print the shape of image

• Display the maximum and minimum pixels of image

• Crop the image.

• Save the Image

15 Write a program in python to draw a scatter graph using CSV file.

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