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A computer lab is a space which provides computer services to a defined

community. Computer labs are typically provided by libraries to the public, by
academic institutions to students who attend the institution, or by other
institutions to the public or to people affiliated with that institution.

Well-designed and separate computer labs for kids and older children, run by
a well-educated and qualified faculty, with one-on-one access, which means
there is one computer for each child. Pre – primary kids learn words through
PowerPoint presentations and innovative software.
We have invested in new ERP software which would further raise teaching-
learning-working at Udgam to contemporary technological standards.
There are 200 computers in our labs currently. They are state-of-the-art with
multimedia, most of them with 17″ LCD monitors that are easier on eyes,
generate less heat and consume less power thereby keeping the classroom
atmosphere comfortable for children. We use our own LAN with Windows XP
for teaching-learning, documentation and presentations. Currently we can
claim 1:10 as the ‘student to computer ratio’ on campus.

The type of network used in your school's computer

Explanation :
The type of network used in your school's computer lab is an example of
____Local Area Network (LAN)_____.
A local area network is a network of computers that is used in a limited area.
Such as school, laboratory, home, office, building etc. In a local area network,
all the computers of an institution or office are interconnected or all the
computers of a school are interconnected or all the computers in a house are
Based on the network of computers, there are four types of networks:
 Personal Area Network
 Local Area Network
 Metropolitan Area Network
 Wide Area Network

A personal area network is a network of all personal computers owned by an

A local area network is a network of computers in a school or institution,
office, building, etc.
A metropolitan area network is a wide network spread across a city.
A wide area network is a broad network that can be a group of multiple LAN
and MAN networks.

Participant View:

I recently attended the inauguration of the computer lab in our school, SSM in

The computer lab is well equipped with latest Microsoft computer systems as
well as modern Apple computer systems, iMac.

I have not worked in iMac. I wish work and know about the workings of the
iMac systems.

Children are excited to receive gifts - even old computer parts

donated to an organization! 

The importance of learning basic computer skills is an imperitive

need in today's world. Possibly, acquiring adequate computer skills is
equally as important as developing the basic educational skills of
reading, writing and mathematics. 

We are so grateful for the donated computers and parts received in

March. Developing technical skills became necessary for a few of our
GRACE staff members. The enthusiasm spread across the centers
and opened opportunities to engage children interested in the inter-
workings of the devices. Teachable moments are the best! The times
children become like sponges and absorb every detail of your
mentorship. Look at these sweet girls. They are provided an
opportunity to learn beyond keyboarding. The GRACE staff have
implemented STEM experiences through nuturing curiosity and
expanding knowledge. 

Your generosity is expanding the computer lab in one center while

simultaneously developing the lab in another center located in
another region of Thailand. We have the opportunity to go further.
GRACE is opening a third family resource center in a rural province
in NE Thailand, They are in need of a computer lab. We thank you in
advance for ensuring more children receive access to computers.

Beyond games and educational activities, the staff began teaching

children to properly connect the necessary cables ensuring input and
output communication between harddrives, monitors, projectors and
printers. They are excellent learners and quick studies of this digital

The staff in both centers gathered for training in which computer lab
training techniques were discussed, standardized and implemented. 

Because you recognize the vital importance of computer skills as a

basic educational foundation, children with no access to such
luxuries are leading and excelling beyond economically more
advanced school mates. GRACE ensures children of marginalized
families have the opportunity to break through the chains of
multigenerational poverty, malnourishment, and illiteracy. 

Thank you for continuing to provide for this incredible project! 

YOUR generous donations keep this access and provide educational

advancement of many Students
It seems that computer science means no written reports. The computer code is
already a report and to another programmer, it will be easier to read your code
than your report. Thinking like this we forget the main goal of computer science. It
services all ways of life including biology, psychology, statistics, accounting and all
other. And many scientists of these subjects are not able to read code but are
waiting for development and automation in their industry. They are your main
readers. Moreover, it concerns not only lab reports, but also graduation thesis or
scientific paper. If you never wrote such reports before, the best, first step will be to
consult with your instructor about form and content which are preferable to your
work. However, there are common rules for structure and text design. Let’s take a
closer look at some tips provided by our fellow experts who work for professional
writing services and handle requests like write my lab report for me for students.

It contains the name of your report, authorship, date and sometimes location if it is
important for specific research. Try to choose a short simple name, which will show
the professional side of your work. It should take 4-15 words and give information
about all the next pages are telling about.

The abstract is the resume of your report. You should remember that the majority
of your readers would make a conclusion about the importance and significance of
your research according to your only abstract. So make it after all other parts of the
report are ready and answer the next questions:

 Why this research is important?

 What was the problem? Did you solve it? Can be your product used as an independent program?
 Which methodology and why did you use?
Describe the results and make conclusions.

Use only 1-2 sentences to answer every question and statement above.

In this part of the report, you tell about the problem you are researching. You need
to show general knowledge, background information and previous results you
found about your topic. Tell about the reasons you choose exactly this subject and
explain the main goal of research. Finally, formulate hypothesis you are working
with. Don’t forget that the introduction is not a place for results and conclusions.

Materials and Methods

In this part, you should show which methods you used to solve your problem or
answer your question. Tell about the team you choose for your work (if there was a
team), the computers you used and their specifications. Inform about programs
and computer languages you used and say a few words why did you use especially
them. Don’t make excuses, just show it as a fact. Don’t use many details describing
your method. It should be explained in common but not show some specific
aspects. It is important not to forget that you should use only the past tense. Use
only a passive voice.

There show your results. Did you get the goal? Was your hypothesis true or false?
Show the results step by step. Add tables and graphics if necessary. Try to compare
your results with theoretical once. It is also not a part for making conclusions. Here
you show dry residue.

Finally, this is the place for conclusions. Compare your hypothesis with results. Try
to analyze what would happen if you used other method or equipment. How do
your results correlate with the general theory of this question? Are they useful for
future researches or nowadays investigations? Suggest the next steps for your idea

Specify all links you used in the text. Use only the approved format of the links.
Place sources according to rules of journal or your professor is asking for.

Using these notifications your report will be clear and correct. Anyway, the most
important part is your research before writing. Use modern and current subject.
Try to answer the question that will be helpful for society and real life.
The Pros and Cons of Computer Labs
I have spent six of my almost nine years of teaching in a
computer lab. Over that time, my feelings about computer
labs have fluctuated. It may seem silly for me to be in
opposition to my own job, but there are times that teaching in
a lab can be frustrating and isolating. On the other hand,
there are times when I realized that there is no other place
that my students would be learning how to program, edit
videos, create music or format text documents.

Neither of the schools in which I have been the technology

teacher have had a library, a librarian or access to much
classroom technology in student hands. As such, I have
found that my role as the "Computer Teacher" has actually
been many roles. In that way, the computer lab was an
important place in these schools. On the other hand, it is
challenging to try connecting what is taught in the lab with
what students are learning in their classrooms, which is, in
my opinion, the ideal way to structure technology education.

Another challenging part of teaching in a computer lab is the

room layout itself. Most labs contain desktops lined up
against a wall in either rows or pods. These layouts, due to
wiring and cables, are not mobile or adaptable. In my lab, my
younger students can barely see over their computers to
follow what is going on at the board. In other labs I have
visited or seen, students must turn their bodies to view the
Making It Work
Most computer labs are also not laid out well for group work.
Technology lends itself to project-based learning, and this
can be hard to manage or coordinate in a classroom that is
not conducive to moving furniture or creating space for
groups or teams to work. Often, the computer takes up most
of the desk or table space, too, so there is less room for
teams to work out ideas before creating them on the
computer. A lot of this work must be done in the classroom
before they get to the lab, which means that, even when
groups are ready to start creating on the computer, they
must wait until the day they use the computer lab. This
interrupts the creative and design process and inserts an
artificial break between the work students are doing and the
technology they are using.

However, despite this, I know that there are certain computer

literacy skills students are taught in a computer lab that
make integrating technology in the classroom easier. If a
teacher knows that students have a period or two each week
for learning how to edit video, format text, manage files or
create websites, then that is less instructional time in the
classroom they have to spend teaching these skills. It allows
them to focus on the content and process rather than
specific computer skills.

Basic pros and cons of computer labs:

 Each student has a machine. Unlike classroom pods or
clusters in the library, most computer labs have enough
machines for each student.

 Focused computer literacy instruction. Computer labs that

have a teacher and are not just a room of computers
provide students access to specialized computer literacy

 Provide access in schools with no libraries or funding for

large tech initiatives. The bottom line is, if a school does
not have a library or can't afford to put a lot of technology
into its classrooms, then a computer lab is a viable
solution to provide access to students for digital learning.

Computer Labs in Schools




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Computer labs come in several configurations.

Technology plays a major role in twenty-first century education. The new model of integrating
technology into the curriculum means that computers are on demand throughout the school day.
Technology teachers and administrators face the task of developing a technology plan that makes
the most effective and efficient use of the computer hardware available to them. Whether using
desktops or laptops, Macs or PCs, the computer lab remains the center for most computing activity
in schools.

1. Types
o The traditional one-room computer lab has morphed into three common types of computer labs: the
classical lab with desktop computers, the mobile laptop lab that moves from classroom to classroom,
and the mini-lab located in an individual classroom for a teacher to use in her daily work without
having to leave her classroom . In addition to these three basic types, some schools and districts,
like the Irving Independent District in Irving, Texas, are moving to a 1-to-1 laptop program where all
students have their own laptop. This effectively makes every classroom a computer lab.

o The computer lab serves as the center for teaching computer use to whole classes, usually by a
specialist computer teacher. Classroom teachers also use the lab with their classes for research, or
for creating technology-based projects. Technology specialists use the computer lab for teacher in-
services where they instruct teachers on various aspects of using computers in educational settings.
The traditional computer lab often serves as the location for networked printers and scanners that
are used by the whole school.

o A computer lab comes in several configurations: the most common are the "U" shape and the
square models. The "U" or square configurations allow the teacher to monitor student activity.
Several large tables in the center of the room provide space for offline work. Projectors, smart
boards, scanners, printers, software and a variety of peripherals like digital cameras and camcorders
are usually stored in computer labs.

o The number of computers in a lab vary from a few computers in the case of a mini-lab to as many as
thirty plus computers in a traditional lab. A mobile lab usually resides on carts that have power
management systems so that the laptops can be charged when they are not in use throughout the
day. Cart configurations vary with up to twenty laptops in one cart, although ten laptop carts are
easier to move from classroom to classroom.

o When designing a computer lab, three key issues must be carefully considered. The computer
teacher needs to decide whether to utilize wall space for whiteboards or bulletin boards.
Whiteboards are effective in instructional activities, while bulletin boards provide space for displaying
student work. Scheduling is an issue that requires creative planning.
The computer teacher or technology coordinator can place a sign up calendar on the front door of
the lab so that teachers can reserve free lab time for their classes. A mobile lab has similar a
scheduling problem that can be solved the same way. Monitoring student computer use is the third
issue. Computer lab management software allows the computer teacher to control all computers in
the lab from a single workstation. This is vital for keeping students on-task during whole class

The accessibility of modern computer technologies in schools is increasing all over the globe.
Generally, the presence of a well-equipped and functional computer lab facility in school provides
the opportunity not only to modernize educational methods but also to augment students and
teachers’ interest towards the efficient use of computer technology along with access to quality
education. In line with prevailing global trends, federal and provincial governments in Pakistan
especially Government of the Punjab also made concerted efforts to provide computer lab facility in
secondary schools in past two decades. In this context, this article mainly focused on examining the
usefulness of computer labs for enhancement of secondary school students learning experiences.
Descriptive survey design was used to achieve the objectives of this study in which a self-developed
questionnaire designed on Likert five-point format was administered to 320 sample students
selected from 32 secondary schools using cluster and stratified random sampling techniques. Both
the descriptive (i.e., percentage, mean, SD) and/or inferential statistics (i.e., independent-sample t-
test) were used to analyze collected data. The results revealed that secondary school students
believe, with a higher level of consensus, that computer labs are useful for enhancement of their
learning. Some concerns, however, were also highlighted by students regarding the availability of
required physical facilities in computer labs.  It was recommended for school authorities to provide
well-equipped and fully functional computer labs in schools to achieve maximum benefits for

For Students:

1. Learning is fun: Students are engaged better in the classroom as they enjoy watching
the audio-visual digital content
2. Improved conceptual understanding: When students also see what their teacher
taught in the classroom, they relate to concepts better and hence understand them

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