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Which of the following activities occurs when a marathon runner consumes too little water?

a) More ADH is secreted, increasing reabsorption of water.

b) More ADH is secreted, decreasing reabsorption of water.
c) Less ADH is secreted, increasing urine concentration.
d) Less ADH is secreted, decreasing urine concentration.

Which of the following statements describes homeostasis?

a) The process that allows products of digestion to be incorporated into the body
b) Transportation of useful substances to the kidney
c) Maintenance of a constant internal environment
d) The process of enzyme converting glucose to glycogen

Excretion is defined as the means by which the human body

(A) ejects undigested food

(B) gets rid of metabolic waste products
(C) breaks down food into simpler substances
(D) metabolises complex substances from nutrients

Which of the following statements describes homeostasis?

(A) The process that allows products of digestion to be incorporated into the body
(B) Transportation of useful substances to the kidney
(C) Maintenance of a constant internal environment
(D) The process of enzyme converting glucose to glycogen

In a healthy person, which of the following MOST likely occurs when blood glucose level is too low?

(A) Pancreas secretes glycogen.

(B) Insulin is secreted.
(C) Glucagon is secreted.
(D) Blood pressure decreases
In homeostasis, the mechanism used to control blood glucose levels is

(A) digestion
(B) osmoregulation
(C) positive feedback
(D) negative feedback

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