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Welcome back!

This time, I’d like to introduce you to a super easy idiom that you can use in
your daily conversation with your friends or people around you. Have you ever watched
“Terminator 2: Judgment Day movie?” or “Dumb and Dumber” or may be “Hangover 3”? in
those movies there is a line when the actor and actress say “a piece of cake”. There are actually
many more movies use the idiom “a piece of cake” on their actor and actress line. So, yeah “a
piece of cake” is the idiom we are going to learn today.

Piece of cake is an idiom that we can use to describe something that is super simple and easy to
do. Take a look at the 3 sample sentences below:

1. You may think today’s expression is hard, but it will soon be a piece of cake once you
start using and practicing it.
2. The test is a piece of cake. I can finish it 20 minutes before the time’s up.
3. The students found the project to be a piece of cake because it was incredibly easy.

Now take a look at the dialogue below.

Sarah : You look so happy today.

Dino : I am.

Sarah : Tell me what’s great?

Dino : I told you about the test in my dream company, didn’t I?

Sarah : Oh yeah, I remember. It supposes to be yesterday morning, right? How was it?

Dino : Yep, I studied the whole weekend for the test and fortunately, the test is a piece of cake.
I can do it very easily and I am so confident with the result.

Sarah : Have you got the result?

Dino : I just got the email a couple hours ago. I passed the test and they will proceed my
application to the next stage. My blood, sweat and tears has paid off.

Sarah : Wow, congratulation! One step closer to work in your dream company.

Dino : Thank you!

So, that’s how we use “piece of cake” in a sentence. Hope it will be beneficial for you, See you
in the next expression!

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