Parlor Game Mechanics

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1. Each team must have 5 pairs per team.

2. The team left with an unbroken egg wins the game.


 All teams begin by pairs standing an equal distance apart.

 One person begins by tossing the egg to the other teammate. If the teammate
catches the egg successfully, they both take a step back and the game
continues. (If the egg is dropped, but not broken, the teammate may pick it up
and throw it back and consider themselves lucky to still be in the game!)
 If the egg breaks on the ground or in someone’s hands, the team is now out of
the game.
 The game continues until there is one team left standing.
 If there happens to be a question on the last two teams as to whose egg broke
first, the winning team is determined by whichever team is at the farthest
distance apart.


 2 dozen eggs


1. Each team must have 5 players.

2. The teams are given a drawing by the facilitators to explain and draw. The speaker and
the hand should communicate by talking, facing away from each other, and try to
replicate the picture. The closest picture earns a point. The team with most points wins
the game.


 The teams should form a line with one person facing the crowd and all the
players of the team facing the other way.
 The first person in line is called the “speaker” and should explain the drawing
given by the facilitator.
 The “speaker” has 15 seconds to view the picture and 15 seconds to analyze the
 The second person in line is called the “the hand” and is assigned to draw the
speaker’s interpretation/explanation of the picture.
 The “speaker” and “the hand” should communicate with each other for 1 minute
and 30 seconds.
 The game continues until all the players take their turns being the speaker.
 The drawings are collected and judged at the end of the game.
 The drawings closest to the facilitators given picture earns a point.
 The team with the most points wins.


 5 different drawings
1. Each team must have 10 players.
2. The first team to finish wins.


 Each member of a team will carry the calamansi with a plastic spoon in their
mouth. Starting from a certain position, the member races to a designated spot
and then back to his teammates where she transfers the calamansi through the
spoon. The first team to finish wins.

 3 pieces of calamansi.


1. Each team must have 5 players.
2. The first team to finish the hopscotch wins.


 To start, one person at a time will match their hands and feet to the first row of
pictures. Continue making your way down the rows by matching your hands and
feet to the correct pictures. This will require you to move your body and alternate
the position of your hands and feet. If you don’t match a picture to the correct
body part, you cannot proceed to the next row of pictures.
 First team to finish, wins.


 10 drawings of left and right foot

 10 drawings of left and right hands


1. Each team must have 5 players.
2. The first team to complete the course wins.


 Each person puts their body on the sack, only head will be outside with a helmet
on at all times. On the mark, participants begin hopping towards a marked point
and back, tagging the next person in their team. Then, the next person gets into
the sack and repeats the course. The first team to complete the course wins.


 3 pieces of rice sacks.

 3 borrowed helmets.

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