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NAME:_____________________________________ GRADE & SECTION: _______________SCORE:____________

“The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good”
(Proverbs 15:3)

Read the statement carefully then shade the corresponding letter of your answer provided before the number.

1. This is a legal entity that is separate and distinct from its owners.
a) Banks c) Corporation
b) Cooperatives d) Trade Unions
2. Its main duty is to discover regional potential and develop cooperation between the public sector,
private sector and civil society
a) Development Agencies c) Trade Unions
b) International Organization d) Transnational Advocacy
3.It provide financial services such as wealth management, currency exchange, and safe deposit boxes.
a) Banks c) Corporation
b) Cooperatives d) Trade Unions
4. These are defined as “self-organized advocacy groups undertaking voluntary actions across state
borders in pursuit of what they deem the wider public interest.
a) Development Agencies c) Trade Unions
b) International Organization d) Transnational Advocacy
5. These are people-centered enterprises owned, controlled and run by and for their members to realize
their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations.
a) Banks c) Corporation
b) Cooperatives d) Trade Unions
6. This refers to mechanisms which govern the behavior of a set of individuals within a given community.
a) Institution c) Non-State
b) NGO d) State
7. This is a place where two parties can gather to facilitate the exchange of goods and services.
a) Bank c) Cooperative
b) Corporation d) Market
8. A central authority who has the privilege and responsibility to make decisions on the goods or money
allocated among the group as a whole.
a) Cooperative c) Reciprocity
b) Corporation d) Redistribution
9. These are groups and organizations which operate outside the support of any state or government.
a) Institution c) Non-State
b) NGO d) State
10. They provide safe deposit locker facilities and safe custody services to thecustomers.
a) Bank c) Cooperative
b) Corporation d) Market
11. The system of exchange in which goods or services passed from one individual or group to another as
a gift without the need for explicit contracting for specific payments.
a) Cooperative c) Reciprocity
b) Corporation d) Redistribution
12. This is a political organization of society, a political body or institutions of government.
a) Institution c) Non-State
b) NGO d) State
13. This happens when there is no expectation of immediate exchange for the given gifts.
a) Balance reciprocity c) Negative Reciprocity
b) General reciprocity d) Partial reciprocity
14. This happens between persons who lack a sense of kinship or obligation to help one another with no
expectation of return, but who each has something that the other would like to have.
a) Balance reciprocity c) Negative Reciprocity
b) General reciprocity d) Partial reciprocity
15. This happens when an individual or group in reciprocal exchange system attempts to get more than
what it gives.
a) Balance reciprocity c) Negative Reciprocity
b) General reciprocity d) Partial reciprocity
16. Which of the following shows general reciprocity?
a) Deceit in bargaining or outright theft because the profit motive precedes over generosity
b) Simple barter or supermarket purchases
c) When a return gift is expected within a relatively short time
d) When parents of a simple family provide goods and services to the children
17. Which of the following shows balance reciprocity?
a) Deceit in bargaining or outright theft because the profit motive precedes over generosity
b) Simple barter or supermarket purchases
c) When a return gift is expected sometime in the future
d) When parents of a simple family provide goods and services to the children
18. Which of the following shows negative reciprocity?
a) Deceit in bargaining or outright theft because the profit motive precedes over generosity
b) Simple barter or supermarket purchases
c) When a return gift is expected sometime in the future
d) When parents of a simple family provide goods and services to the children
19.Which of the following situation shows redistribution?
a) Borrowing and lending of material goods other than money.
b) Exchange gifts during Christmas season
c) Home shopping in this time of pandemic
d) Taxes collected from individuals.
20. The Social Amelioration Program (SAP) in this time of COVID 19 is an example of ______________.
a) Market Transaction c) Redistribution
b) Reciprocity d) State Function


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