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1. List FIVE (5) environmental causes of crisis. 5m

2. List FIVE (5) role of RMP in managing disaster 5m

3. Identify FIVE (5) types of Environmental Crisis 5m

4. State FIVE (5) characteristic of crisis 5m

5. State any FIVE (5) of the rescue and rehabilitation agencies and voluntary 10m
bodies (Green Zone area) and onsite command post (Yellow Zone area)
*five from each zone

6. Outline any FIVE (5) safety tips “AFTER” the flood 5m

7. State FIVE (5) definition of disaster according to National Security Council 5m


8. Explain FOUR (4) important elements in the cycle of disaster management 10m
with suitable example

9. Explain any FIVE (5) different types of Crisis. 10m

10. Explain FIVE (5) Ian Mitroff’s model of Crisis Management. 10m

11. Explain the FIVE (5) damage containment process done in Gulf of Mexico 10m

12. Illustrate FIVE (5) phases of Disaster Victim Identification (DVI). 10m

13. Describe FIVE (5) steps preparedness. 10m

14. Crisis plans define procedures to maintain and/or restore critical operations. 10m
They are intended to establish policies, procedures and an organisational
structure for response to a crisis.

According to the statement, describe FIVE (5) steps in crisis planning

15. Explain FIVE (5) advantages of teamwork. 10m

16. Identify TEN (10) duty and responsibility of on scene commander 10m

17. Explain the FIVE (5) lesson learned from Chernobyl 10m

18. The global community is facing unprecedented crisis with the spread of 10m

Discuss on how to handle the crisis in terms of speed, cost considerations,

team work and motivation

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