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Manajemen Proyek




Proyek ?
Sekumpulan aktivitas yang ditujukan untuk mencapai kinerja tertentu dalam batasan waktu dan resources yang terbatas

Proyek ?
What is a project
Defined start and end, specific scope, cost and duration A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or result A series of activities aimed at bringing about clearly specified objectives within a defined time period and with a defined budget
(EU Aid delivery methods)

Benefits of project management

Project management was developed to save time by properly planning a project and considering all relevant factors which may affect its outcome The benefits have been proven - it saves time and money - and generates a more successful outcome . if guidelines are followed

How does project management benefit you?

You will have goal clarity and measurement Your resources will be coordinated Your risks will be identified and managed You will increase the possibilities of time savings You will increase the possibilities of cost savings You will increase the possibilities of achieving the agreed outcome You will increase the possibilities to deliver projects successfully

Improved quality
Decision-making routes and processes are clearly defined Deadlines, costs and resources are controlled systematically
All processes in the project management activity chain are coordinated to ensure they remain in harmony with one another

The result will help you to get:

more speed greater flexibility improved quality

What project management helps you to achieve

Plan tasks in project Avoid dependencies problems Reduce risks Track progress accurately Organize project process and timeline Improve stakeholder - staff communication Improve management of stakeholders expectations Complete within budget and on time

Project success factors

Stakeholder involvement Executive management support Clear statement of requirements Proper planning Realistic expectations Smaller project milestones Competent staff Ownership Clear vision and objectives Hard working and focused staff

The triple constraint


Kinerja Proyek
B : Biaya M : Mutu W : Waktu


Siklus Proyek
Feasibility Engineering Procurement Construction Operation and Maintenance


Proses Manajemen
Planning Organizing Actuating Controlling


Manajemen Proyek
P r o se s manaj e me n p r o y e k ag ar d ap at d i cap ai k i ne r j a y ang t e l ah d i t e t ap k an d al am b at asan w ak t u d an r e so ur ce s y ang t e r b at as


Project Cycle Management

Is a methodology for the preparation, implementation and evaluation of projects based on the principles of the logical framework approach It describes management activities and decision-making procedures used during the life cycle of a project (key tasks, roles and responsibilities, key documents and decision options)

Project Cycle Management

Is useful in designing, implementing and monitoring a plan or a project A clear concise visual presentation of all the key components of a plan and a basis for monitoring It clarifies:
How the project will work What it is going to achieve What factors relate to its success How progress will be measured

The project cycle




Financing decision Implementation


Financing decision

PCM is result based

PCM requires the active participation of key stakeholders and aims to promote local ownership PCM incorporates key assessment criteria into each stage of the project cycle PCM requires the production of good quality key documents in each phase to support decision making

PCM helps to ensure that

Projects are part of the country policy objectives Projects are relevant to the real problems of target groups / beneficiaries
Clearly identified stakeholders (primary target groups and final beneficiaries)

Projects are feasible (objectives are realistic)

Clearly defined coordination, management, financing arrangements, monitoring and evaluation

Benefits generated by projects are likely to be sustainable

PCM tools
The logical framework approach Quality assessment criteria Institutional capacity assessment Economic and financial analysis Promoting participatory approaches

Scope Manajemen Proyek

Perancangan Proyek Perencanaan Proyek Pengorganisasian Proyek Pelaksanaan Proyek Pengendalian proyek


Prinsip Manajemen Proyek

Single point of responsibility Integrated planning and control


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