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Name: ___________________________ Date: ___________________________

I. Lesson: Genre of Literature in the Philippines in Precolonial

II. Objectives
a. to learn the rich literary tradition of Precolonial Filipino Literature
b. to study the different types of Precolonial Filipino Literature have.
c. to gain deeper appreciation of the culture and tradition by our Filipino forefathers.

III. Pre- Assessments

Words to remember
a. myths _______________ f. Poems _______________
b. fables _______________ g. Folklores _______________
c. legends _______________ h. Epics _______________
d. riddles _______________ i. Drama _______________
e. proverbs _______________ j. Essays _______________
IV. Discussion

A. Riddles
It was used as a form of entertainment for the Filipinos, and they would even gather in the dead of night and
share their own "bugtongs" and take turns answering. The Bugtong was born as tools that the old and wise use
as a poetic and indirect form to tell the youth.

B. Proverbs
Proverbs are called salawikain or sawikain in Tagalog or sarsarita in Ilocano. Like most proverbs the world
over, Philippine proverbs contain sayings which prescribes norms, imparts a lesson or simply reflects standard
norms, traditions and beliefs in the community.

C. Poems
A composition in verse, especially one that is characterized by a highly developed artistic form and by the use
of heightened language and rhythm to express an intensely imaginative interpretation of the subject.

D. Folklores
Folklore is usually transmitted by word of mouth. Oral traditions are very common among the indigenous tribes
still existent in the Philippines. 

Folklores are Divided into 5 PARTS

Myths are tales involving the gods of old. They may deal with a conflict among the gods themselves, or
ways in which the gods would reveal themselves as unique characters unto the lowly creatures of the
Earth, including, of course, man.

It explains the origin of things, places, objects

Fables are short narratives that revolve around particular moral lessons. Animals are the heroes in
most fables.

Tales of laughter insist on having a separate category. Moral lessons are sometimes scattered about…
though most of the time, stories in this area had been created and are handed down for the sole
purpose of having fun.


Heroes adventure and gather the fruits of their labor and Fate. These tales have inspired the Filipinos
to aspire for the greatest since the dawn of time.

E. Drama
A mode of fictional representation through dialogue and performance.

F. Essays
An issue written from the writer’s personal point of view.
V. Application

Answer the following Riddles

doll shoes egg age bottle candle

future clock fingers wrong president map

________________1. What has to be broken before you can use it?

________________2. What has hands but doesn’t clap?
________________3. What goes up but never comes back down?
________________4. When things go wrong, what can you always count on?
________________5. Mr. Blue lives in the Blue house. Mrs. Yellow lives in the Yellow House. Mr. Orange lives
in the orange house. Who lives in the White House?
________________6. I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old, what am I?
________________7. What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?
________________8. Where can you find cities, towns, shops, and streets but no people?
________________9. What has a neck but no head?
________________10. What word is spelled wrong in the dictionary?

VI. Self-Evaluation

What Precolonial Literature of the Filipino do you like?


VII. Assignment

1. Who are the characters in the story “The Myth of the First Man and Woman”?
2. Describe the characters from the story “The Myth of the First Man and Woman”.

1. _______________________-
2. _______________________-
3. _______________________-

VIII. References
Name: ___________________________ Date: ___________________________
I. Lesson: Ancient Philippine Creation Myth: Malakas and Maganda

Cenon Rivera- Untitled (Malakas at Maganda)

II. Objectives
a. to learn the Filipino version of “The First Man and Woman”
b. To know the Origin of the Filipinos
c. To gain deeper appreciation of the culture and tradition by our Filipino forefathers.
III. Pre Assessment
Answer the following question. Rearrange the letter to form a word
a. Who are the first people in the Philippines NRTIOEG, LAMYA, DONISE - _________,_________,________
b. Who discovered the Philippines? INKG PLIHP OF PSIAN - __________ ___ ___________
c. What is the oldest religion in the Philippines? LSMIA- _______________

d. How many Island does the Philippines have? ______________

e. What is the first Filipino form of writing? BYAABINY- ______________
IV. Discussion

Ancient Philippine Creation Myth: Malakas and Maganda

When the world first began there was no land; there was only the Sea and the Sky, and between them flew a huge,
beautiful Kite (a bird similar to a hawk). One day, the bird, which had nowhere to land and rest, grew tired of flying
about, and in frustration stirred up the Sky in a quarrel against the Sea. The Sky threw rain, thunder, and lightning
that reached the Sea, who in turn rose up and hurled waves and hurricanes that reached the Sky.

In order to restrain its fury, the Sky showered a multitude of massive boulders down upon the Sea, which became
the islands that formed the Philippines. These islands prevented the waters from rising any more - instead causing
them to flow back and forth, and thereby creating the tides. Afterwards, the Sky then ordered the Kite to light on one
of the newly-formed islands to build her nest, and to leave the Sea and the Sky in peace.

Now at this same time the Land Breeze and the Sea Breeze were married, and they had a child which they
named Bamboo. One day, when Bamboo was floating against the sea, it struck the feet of the Kite. Shocked, hurt,
and angered that anything should strike it, the bird furiously pecked at the bamboo until it split in half. Out of one
section came a golden-bronze colored man, named Malakas (Strong One) and from the other half came a similarly
hued woman, named Maganda (Beautiful One).

The earthquake then called on all the birds of the sky and the fish of the sea to see what should be done with these
two, and the animals decided that they should marry each other. Together, Malakas and Maganda had many
children, and from them eventually came all the different races of people.

After a while the parents grew very tired of having so many idle and useless children around. They wished to be rid
of them, but they knew of no other place to send them off to. Time went on and the children became even more
numerous that the parents could no longer enjoy any peace. One day, in an act of pure irritation and
desperation, Malakas seized a stick and began beating them on all sides.

This so frightened the children that they all fled in different directions; seeking some place to hide both within and
outside the house. Some of the children ran into hidden rooms in the house, several concealed themselves within
the actual walls, while others hid in the fireplace. Some ran outside and the rest fled out to the sea.

Now it happened that those who went into the hidden rooms of the house later became the chiefs of the islands
(Maharlikas); and those who concealed themselves in the walls became slaves (Alipins). Those who hid in the
fireplace became the Negritos and the Aetas; and those who ran outside turned into free men (Timawas). As for
those who fled to the Sea; they were gone many years, and when their children eventually came back, they had
become the white foreigners.
V. Application
Draw a Family Tree of Malakas and Maganda

VII. Self – Evaluation

Why we should love our own story such as “The Story of Malakas at Maganda?


VIII. Assignment
A. Give 5 examples of Filipino Myths.
1. __________________ 3. __________________
2. __________________ 4. __________________
5. __________________

1. What is NOUN? _______________________________________________________________
2. What are the Kinds of Nouns? ______________________________________________________

IX. References
Name: ___________________________ Date: ___________________________
I.2 Lesson: NOUN

II. Objectives
a. To study the different Types of Noun
b. To differentiate the Types of Noun

III. Pre-Assessment

Person Place Thing Animal

1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5

IV. Discussion

1. Common Noun
Nonspecific people, places, things or ideas Common Nouns Proper Nouns
Man, city, religion etc… mountain Mountain Apo
author Shakespeare
2. Proper Noun movie Toy Story
Specific people, places, things… ocean Pacific Ocean
Albert Einstein, London etc…

3. Abstract Noun
Abstract Nouns Concrete Nouns
Something that you can not perceive with your five sense
dog liberty
silk beauty
Belief, love, pride, happiness etc…
thunder success
sunset religion
4. Concrete Noun
Something that you can perceive with your five senses
Apple, lion, eyes, flower etc…

5. Countable Noun
Can be counted Countable Nouns Uncountable
Pencil/pencils, apple/apples, train, clock etc…
books sugar
chairs rice
6. Uncountable Noun pens hair
Cannot be counted bags coffee
Milk, music, food, water, snow, rice etc…

7. Compound Noun
Made up of two or more smaller words Compound Nouns
Separate Combined
Textbook, snowball, seafood, sunflower
pencil case battlefield
8. Collective Noun Ice cream eggplant
Refer to a group of things as one whole Self- esteem girlfriend
Bunch, audience, flock, group, family

9. 9. Singular Noun
Refer to one person, place things, or idea Singular Nouns Plural Nouns
Cat, dog, ship, monkey, hero etc… apple apples
butterfly butterflies
10. 10. Plural Noun
Refer to more than one person, place things, or idea church churches
Dogs, cats, ships, babies etc.. wife wives
V. Application
A. Replacing Common Nouns to Proper Nouns
Ex. 1. river- Nile River
1. state ________________ 6. religion ________________
2. street ________________ 7. continent ________________
3. president ________________ 8. school ________________
4. newspaper ________________ 9. pencil ________________
5. planet ________________ 10. book ________________

B. Replacing Proper Nouns to Common Nouns

1. Dr. Cruz ________________ 6. Celebes sea ________________
2. Dictionary ________________ 7. Canada ________________
3. Barbie ________________ 8. Asia ________________
4. iPhone ________________ 9. Ateneo de Manila ________________
5. Dr. Jose P. Rizal ________________ 10. Gumamela ________________

C. Write the Collective Nouns that is being described.

crowd pack herd league congregation

band jury class flock team
swarm group crew committee family

1. A group of judges ________________ 8. A group of players ________________

2. A group of people inside a theater 9. A group of people who shares common goal
________________ ________________
3. A group of students ________________ 10. A group of birds ________________
4. A group of 5 members who plays popular music 11. A group of animals ________________
12. A group of religious persons
5. A group or sailor ________________ ________________
6. A group of wolves ________________ 13. A group of people who shares common
7. A group of insects ________________
14. A member of association ________________ 15. A number of people or things that are located
close together ________________

VI. Assignment
A. Change each Singular Noun to Plural Form and change Plural Noun to Singular Form
1. bracket ________________ 19. uniforms ________________
2. signals ________________ 20. journey ________________
3. monkey ________________ 21. belief ________________
4. fry ________________ 22. guides ________________
5. Screens ________________ 23. spring ________________
6. copies ________________ 24. lungs ________________
7. chore ________________ 25. locks ________________
8. taxes ________________ 26. elf ________________
9. ray ________________ 27. loaf ________________
10. digit ________________ 28. knife ________________
11. plays ________________ 29. child ________________
12. blue ________________ 30. foot ________________
13. inquiries ________________ 31. teeth ________________
14. tomb ________________ 32. mouse ________________
15. sheep ________________ 33. fish ________________
16. bells________________ 34. man ________________
17. bakeries ________________ 35. woman ________________
18. trial ________________

IX. References

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