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IELTS Academic Writing Task 2 Template

What’s the best IELTS essay format for Writing Task 2? Keeping in mind the
demands of the IELTS writing format, here’s the essay structure I recommend:
If you’re unsure about how word count works, check out our post on how many
words to write for IELTS and the word count penalty. Now, let’s examine what this
looks like in practice. See how to use this template on an IELTS Writing Task 2
sample prompt below!
Government investment in the visual arts, the kind you commonly see in art
galleries, is a waste of money. Governments must invest this money in public
services instead. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Introduction — Sample and Explanation

Now, take a look at IELTS essay introduction samples for an essay on this topic.
Explanations about the purpose of each sentence follow!

(1) These days, many local governments spend large portions of their budget not only on
public services, but also on the visual arts. (2) Although I agree that it is important to invest
in local amenities, I do not think spending on the visual arts is a waste of money. (3) This
essay will discuss this issue using examples to support arguments and demonstrate points.
(1) Paraphrase the task question: The author rephrases “government investment” as
“portions of their budget.” They use some of the same phrases as the prompt (“public
services,” “visual arts”), but provide a basic overview of the topic that serves its purpose.

(2) State your opinion: The author clearly states their opinion: this is not a waste of
money. Notice that though they agree with part of the premise (“it is important to
invest i local amenities”), they clearly reject the second part of the premise (that
spending on the visual arts is a waste).
(3) Give an essay overview: The author briefly wraps up the introduction by
explaining how they will prove their point: giving examples that support arguments
and demonstrate points.

Supporting Paragraph — Sample and Explanation

The two supporting paragraphs should include your ideas and supporting examples
to answer the task question. Aim to write only two supporting paragraphs with
roughly 85 words in each. Each paragraph should contain the following four
sentences and stick to one idea per paragraph.

Here’s an example of one of the supporting IELTS task 2 paragraphs for the essay

topic above, along with an explanation of why it works.
(1) On the one hand, spending a significant amount of the government budget on public
services is beneficial for society. (2) Providing for basic amenities, such as hospitals, roads,
and schools, helps to determine the quality of life that most citizens will have. (3) For
example, studies consistently reveal that countries that spend more on schools have a
population that is higher in literacy, compared to those that dedicate no money to education.
(4) Therefore, it is apparent that spending on public services is a worthwhile investment for
the government.
(1) State your first position: The author gives a basic reason that they believe in their
thesis: government spending on public services helps society.

(2) Explain why you hold that position: The author clearly then explains why this
is a good reason. Here, it’s that the spending will improve lives.
(3) Give an example that backs up your idea: The author has done this here by
citing a recent study. (Note that you do not need to name specific sources or give
exact statistics, since you won’t have those sources with you on test day. That said,
you certainly can use more precise academic information if you feel comfortable
doing so.)
(4) Summarize the paragraph showing how your example links your
idea/argument back to the main idea. The author does this here with the word
“therefore,” then a restatement of the thesis (government spending on public
services is a good thing).
Now, here’s an example of the second body paragraph of this essay, so you can see
how they work together. I have again numbered the four parts of the body paragraph
below. (1) States a position, (2) explains why the writer holds that position, (3) gives
a specific example, and (4) summarizes the paragraph.

(1) At the same time, visual arts are a form of public service, and hold more value to the
public than people might at first assume. (2) An investment in local visual arts can enrich the
education and even the wellbeing of a community. (3) For instance, education includes
classes in culture and art, and a trip to a locally funded art museum can certainly greatly
enhance that aspect of learning. Additionally, studies have shown that adding sculptures to
public spaces can increase a sense of community belonging and pride. (4) So even if visual
arts are not as essential of a service as the basic amenities, there is benefit to funding them.

Conclusion — Sample and Explanation

For the conclusion, aim to write just one or two sentences that paraphrase what
you’ve discussed in the essay. Try to keep to under 45 words.

(1) To sum up, although there are clear benefits of ensuring a large amount of investment
goes into public services, I do not believe spending money on the arts is a waste of money
as this also provides important benefits. (2) In the future, governments should consider
budgeting for both.
(1) Summarize the essay: Here, the author provides a linking phrase (“To sum up”), as well
as an overall summary of what they’ve just written.

(2) Provide a final thought: This doesn’t have to be profound. Here, the author
makes a suggestion that is simple but effective.
IELTS Academic Writing Task 2 Sample: Band Score 9
Keeping the template from above in mind, here’s the IELTS Writing Task 2 sample:

With the rise of streaming services and the prevalence of video games,
contemporary children spend a significant amount of time on screens and less time
engaging in physical activity. Although I agree that physical activity is vital, I do not
think it and screen time are mutually exclusive; I therefore disagree that we need to
eradicate screens fully to keep our children healthy. In this essay, I will discuss this
issue using examples to support arguments and demonstrate points.
On the one hand, screen time can lead to an overall decline in physical health. When
children pass hours frozen, watching a video, they harm their bodies and their minds.
For example, doctors agree that children who spend more than the average amount
of time on screens per day without moving are more likely to be obese than children
who spend below average time watching screens. Therefore, minimizing static
screen time is indeed a worthy goal.

However, this does not mean that the only way to do this is by getting rid of screens.
Recently, programmers have developed a variety of applications that encourage
children to move. By training them to dance, perform martial arts, or do calisthenics,
these screen-based activities actually encourage movement. In fact, it has been
noted that, on average, using such applications burn more calories per day than a
game of kickball. Encouraging children to use their screen time on such applications
would therefore give them the best of both worlds.

To sum up, although a sedentary lifestyle has clear dangers, screen use is not
necessarily an indication that children will burden our health system; by using
screens to promote, rather than replace, physical activity, we can prevent
widespread health issues due to lack of movement. To this end, parents should
consider encouraging children to use movement-based apps.

Word Count: 301

So just what did the author of this IELTS Writing Task 2 Academic Band 9 essay do
to get such a high score? Take a look!

1. Task Response: This essay fully addresses all parts of the task: it discusses
screen time, whether it is replacing physical activity, and whether this will be a
problem for the health system. It also presents a fully developed position with
extended and well-supported ideas: it doesn’t just say yes or no, but rather
says, this is not necessarily linked.
2. Coherence and Cohesion: The author here uses a variety of cohesion words
and phrases (“In fact,” “To sum up,” “To this end”) that allow the essay to read
smoothly, attracting no attention. They also use paragraphing well, according
to the IELTS Writing Task 2 template above.
3. Lexical Resource: The author uses a wide range of vocabulary here,
correctly: words like “eradicate,” “decline,” “sedentary,” “and “calisthenics” all
show a high level of natural and sophisticated language use.
4. Grammatical Range and Accuracy: This author uses a wide variety of
sentence types. Note that in addition to just simple and complex sentences,
the author also uses a variety of constructions, including a semi-colon.
Importantly, they do so correctly.

IELTS Academic Writing Task 2 Sample: Band Score 8

Now let’s take a look at an IELTS Writing Task 2 sample that scored an 8 band:

With the rise of streaming services and the commonness of video games, children
today spend a lot of time on screens and less time in physical activity. I agree that
physical activity is important, but children can also gain physical activity by using
screens. I will discuss this issue using examples to support my arguments.
First, it is true that too much screen time can harm physical health overall. Staring at
a screen for a long time without moving isn’t good for the body. For example, doctors
say children who have above-average amounts of screen time are likely to get
obesity than children who do not have much time on screens. Because of this,
lowering screen time is indeed a worthy goal.

However, this does not mean that the only way to do this is by getting rid of screens.
There are many applications that encourage children to move. In fact, some physical
activity app activities are noted for burning as many calories as a game of kickball.
Encouraging children to use their screen time on such applications would therefore
give them the best of both worlds: they could enjoy screen time while staying

To conclude, a sedentary lifestyle has clear dangers. But getting rid of screens is not
necessary. Instead, we can use screens to help our children move more, and this will
stop our health system from becoming overwhelmed, as children will benefit from
physical exercise while having fun. To this end, parents should consider encouraging
children to use such apps.

Word count: 254

This author of this IELTS Writing Task 2 template Band 8 essay makes the same
points as the previous (Band 9) author, but with a few key differences. Take a look!

1. Task Response: This essay sufficiently addresses all parts of the task. The
argument isn’t as nuanced as in the first essay (there’s no elaboration on what
the apps in the second paragraph involved, which weakens that key point),
but the ideas are all here; the response overall is relevant, extended, and
contains supported ideas.
2. Coherence and Cohesion: The author uses some basic transitions here:
first, however, to conclude. These aren’t quite as fancy or sophisticated as in
the Band 9 essay, but they are here! The paragraphing also works.
3. Lexical Resource: The author uses many vocabulary terms here, though
these are more basic than in the Band 9 essay (“commonness” instead of
“province,” for example, or “lowering” instead of “minimizing”). There are a
handful of cases in which the author misuses terms or idioms: “gain physical
activity” instead of “increase physical activity,” or “get obesity” instead of
“become obese.”
4. Grammatical Range and Accuracy: This author uses a variety of sentence
types. However, these are often simple sentences with linking words at the
beginning, with one or two complex sentences thrown in. This is fine, and
shows a range of grammatical mastery, but it’s not quite as sophisticated as in
the Band 9 essay.

Template for opinion essay

The template below has been used to write the second version of the essay.

There is currently a contentious argument over whether XYZ [XYZ is the topic]

I totally agree/disagree with this opinion because

[reason 1 + reason 2]

Paragraph 2
The main reason why I believe/don’t believe XYZ is because… [reason 1]

Paragraph 3
Another reason why I support/don’t support the notion that XYZ is due to the fact that… [reason 2]

In conclusion, I completely agree/disagree that XYZ because [rephrase reason 1] and [rephrase reason 2].

Given this situation, it seems that [give a final recommendation or opinion]

Model opinion essay

Some people believe that the fast pace and stress of modern life is having a negative effect on fami

There is currently a contentious argument over whether family life is being harmed by the high-speed and
pressure of contemporary lifestyles. I totally agree with this opinion because the fast pace leads to less
time for families to be together, and stress leads to arguments among family members.
The main reason why I believe  family life is being compromised is because families have less time to be
with each other. This is due to family members being busier at work and with their social lives. As well as
this, people have many things they have to do these days such as checking e-mail, updating their online
social status and so less time is left for family life. To illustrate, I spend about two hours online every night
attending to daily correspondence before chatting with my family members, whereas ten years ago I would
spend time with my family as soon as I walked in the door.
Another reason why I support the notion that families are being impacted negatively is that the pressure of
life these days means that even when families do get together arguments are more likely. This is because
everyone feels tired and they are more likely to get irritated and to react to their heightened emotional
In conclusion, I completely agree that  the rapid pace and stressful nature of contemporary lifestyles are
having negative consequences on family relationships. This is because family members have less time, and
when they are together they feel less relaxed. Given this situation, it seems that family members should try
to be more supportive to one another and also parents need to set aside regular times for families to relax
together.       [281 words]
Template for a both sides and opinion essay
The template below contains about 130 words. The advantage of this template is that it can be used for any
type of both sides and opinion essay. Memorising and using this template can help you to speed up the
writing of your essay [you have less language to think of], and also help you to increase your score as you
have a lower proportion of errors, and also increase your score for vocabulary and grammar because the
template has high-level vocabulary and grammar embedded in it.


A highly controversial issue today relates to whether to have… [issue]… or not. In this essay, I am going
to examine this question from both points of view and then explain why I believe….

There are people who argue that the benefits of ……………. considerably outweigh its disadvantages. The
main reason for believing this is that …………………. It is also possible to say that ……. One good
illustration of this is ………….

On the other hand, others believe that….. It is often argued that ……….. People often have this opinion
because …………… A second point is that ………..A particularly good example here is…………..

In conclusion, I believe both arguments have their merits. On balance, however, I feel that… This is
Model essay for a both sides and opinion essay

Some people believe that there should be the death penalty for extremely serious crimes
. Others believe that it is not morally correct to kill criminals.
 Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

A highly controversial issue today relates to whether to have capital punishment or not. In this essay, I am
going to examine this question from both points of view and then explain why I believe the arguments for
capital punishment are stronger.
There are people who argue that the benefits of killing violent criminals considerably outweigh its
disadvantages. The main reason for believing this is that the fear of execution acts as a deterrent to
commit serious crimes such as rape and murder. It is also possible to say that the execution of a criminal
may bring relief to the suffering victims. One good illustration of this is when Saddam Hussein was
executed. Many of the victims who were persecuted under his rule expressed joy and relief when he was
finally captured and killed.
On the other hand, others believe that the death penalty is not morally just. It is often argued that
sentencing criminals to death is just committing another murder. People often have this opinion because
they think that it is immoral to take another person’s life, no matter what the reason is. A second point is
that many religions are opposed to any form of murder. A particularly good example here is from the
Bible or Quran, which lists killing another person as one of the most severe sins
In conclusion, I believe both arguments have their merits. On balance, however, I feel that capital
punishment is justified. This is because in cases of extreme crime and that deterring crime is more
important than taking the moral high ground.      [261 words]
Template for a two question essay
It is difficult to build a standardised template for our two question essay because a wide variety of
questions can be asked. First, a general template will be given and then a more specific template will be
given for a typical problem and solution essay.
General template
Rephrase the topic

this essay discusses…[Question one] +

Question one [try to write two main points to respond to this question]

Question two [try to write two main points to respond to this question]

In conclusion,

[summarise the two main points about question one]

[summarise the two main points about question two]

Template for the problem and solution essay that follows with gaps for the topic
Note that this is the original form of a two question essay that gets asked and it is essentially the same as
the essay above and follows the same format. The question type is quite commonplace and you can use the
template below for any essay of this type.

……………. is becoming increasingly serious in many nations. Although ……………. Threaten[s] many
societies, its /their effects can also be combated successfully. This essay looks at some of the problems
caused by ……………. on society, and suggests some solutions to the problems.
……………. causes multiple problems. The ……………. effects are very obvious. For example, …………….
In some cases, such as ……………. even leads to (death). The second effect is ……………. People who
……………. become …………….
However, the menace of ……………. can be fought. Education is the main way to tackle this issue. People
need to be aware of the effects so that they can avoid this problem. In addition, the government could also
…………….. This is a good approach because …………….
In conclusion, ……………. is a serious issue because it causes harmful effects on people’s health and
people who are ……………. The best approaches to deal with it are to educate people about its damaging
effects, and also for the government to …………….. Although the problem is unlikely to be entirely
eliminated in the short term there are concrete steps to reduce the effects it is having on the current
[about 175 words]

Model essay:

The use of illegal drugs, such as heroin and cocaine, are becoming more and mo
What are some of the problems associated with drug a
What are some of the possible solutions?  

Drug abuse is becoming increasingly serious in many nations. Although drugs threaten many societies,
their effects can also be combated successfully. This essay looks at some of the problems caused by drug
use on society, and suggests some solutions to the problems.

Drug abuse causes multiple problems for countries and communities. The medical effects are very
obvious. For example, addicts abuse their bodies and neglect their health, and so eventually require
expensive treatment or hospitalization. In some cases, such as Marilyn Monroe, a drug overdose even leads
to death. The second effect is crime. People who take drugs become crazy and irrational and often cause
harm and danger to themselves and others.
However, the menace of drugs can be fought. Education is the main way to tackle this issue. People need
to be aware of the effects so that they can avoid this problem. In addition, the government could also use
infomercials to educate their citizens. This is a good approach because they can alert all citizens about the
negative aspects of using drugs.

In conclusion, drug abuse is a serious issue because it causes harmful effects on people’s health and people
who are high often commit crimes. The best approaches to deal with it are to educate people about its
damaging effects, and also for the government to ensure all people are aware of the consequences through
public service advertising. Although the problem is unlikely to be entirely eliminated in the short term
these are concrete steps to reduce the effects it is having on the current society.

[260 words]

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