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Name: ________________________________ Date: ________________________________

I. Lesson: Epic: Beowulf

II. Objectives
a. to verbalize why Beowulf is important as a contribution to English
b. to understand what an Epic is.

III. Pre- Assessment

a. Give 4 famous hero you know.
1. ______________ 2. ______________ 3. ______________ 4. ______________
b. What do heroes do in a story? ___________________________________
c. Why is hero important in a story? ___________________________________

IV. Discussion

King Hygelac

King Hrothgar Beowulf

warriors Wiglaf
King Hrothgar, the ruler of the Danes, is troubled by the rampages of a demon named Grendel. Every
night, Grendel attacks King Hrothgar's wealthy mead-hall, Heorot, killing Danish warriors and sometimes even
eating them.
Hrothgar was a great warrior in his time, but now he's an old king and can't seem to protect his people.
Fortunately, a young Great warrior named Beowulf travels to Heorot Hall from his own lands overseas to lend a
helping hand—literally.

After explaining that he owes Hrothgar a favor because Hrothgar helped out his father, Beowulf offers to fight
Grendel himself. King Hrothgar gratefully accepts his offer. The next time Grendel attacks Heorot Hall, Beowulf
is waiting for him. Choosing to fight Grendel in hand-to-hand combat, Beowulf wrestles the demon into
submission and eventually tears off his arm at the shoulder. Mortally wounded, Grendel flees into the
wilderness and dies. Beowulf, Hrothgar, and their followers throw a wild party to celebrate. Hrothgar also gives
Beowulf many presents and treasures to reward him for his heroic defeat of the demon.
Unfortunately, Grendel has an overprotective mother who decides to avenge her son. While all the warriors are
sleeping off the party, she attacks Heorot Hall. But when the warriors wake up, she panics and flees back to
her lair, a cave underneath a nearby lake.

Beowulf, his Geatish warriors, and some of Hrothgar's Danish warriors track her there. Beowulf dives into the
lake and finds the cave, where he takes on Grendel's mother in another one-on-one battle. Seizing a
nearby sword from Grendel's mother's stash of treasure, he slays her, even though her poisonous demon
blood melts the blade. When Beowulf returns to the surface, carrying the sword hilt and Grendel's severed
head, the Danish warriors have given him up for dead, but his own Geatish followers are still waiting patiently.
When everyone sees that Beowulf has survived this second challenge, there's even more partying and gift-

Finally, the Greats take their leave of the Danes; Beowulf says goodbye to King Hrothgar and sails back to
Geatland, where he is a lord in the court of King Hygelac. Eventually, Hygelac and all his relatives are killed in
different blood-feuds, and Beowulf becomes the King of the Geats. Beowulf reigns as king for fifty years,
protecting the Geats from all the other tribes around them, especially the Swedes. He is an honorable and
heroic warrior-king, rewarding his loyal thanes (warrior lords) and taking care of his people.

But one day, Beowulf finally meets his match: a dragon, woken by a thief stealing a goblet, begins attacking
the Geats, burning villages and slaughtering people. Beowulf takes a group of eleven trusty warriors, plus the
thief who knows where the dragon's lair is, to the barrow for a final showdown with the monster. When they
see the dragon, all but one of the warriors flee in terror. Only one man, Wiglaf, remains at Beowulf's side. With
Wiglaf's help and encouragement, Beowulf is able to defeat the dragon, but he is mortally wounded in the

After Beowulf's death, the Geats build an enormous funeral pyre for him, heaped with treasures. Once the pyre
has burned down, they spend ten days building an enormous barrow (a large mound of earth filled with
treasure) as a monument to their lost king.
V. Application
A. Answer the following question from the story “Beowulf”.
1. Why did Beowulf help King Hrothgar? _____________________________
2. When did Grendel always attack? _____________________________
3. Why did Grendel’s mom avenge? _____________________________
4. Why did Beowulf become a King of Geatland? _____________________________
5. Why did Beowulf die? _____________________________
6. Who became the King of Geatland? Why? _____________________________
7. How many battle did Beowulf have? _____________________________

VI. Analysis
Fill –in the graphic organizer

Main Character Setting/s



VII. Assignment
If you were the author the story “Beowulf” how would you end it?
VIII. References
Name: ________________________________ Date: ________________________________
I. Lesson: Inverted Word Order

II. Objectives

a. to identify normal and inverted sentence

b. to learn what inverted sentence is

III. Pre- Assessment

Read the Poem aloud.
I’m very ugly.
So don’t try to convince me that
I am a very beautiful person
Because at the end of the day I hate myself in every single way
And I’m not going to lie to myself by saying
There is beauty inside of me that matters
So rest assured I will remind myself
That I am a worthless, terrible person
And nothing you say will make me believe
I still deserve love
Because no matter what
I am not good enough to be loved
And I am in no position to believe that
Beauty does exist within me
Because whenever I look in the mirror I always think
Am I as ugly as people say?
IV. Discussion

Normal and Inverted Word Order

When the subject of a sentence comes before the verb, the sentence is in natural(normal) order.
Example: The dog ran down the street.
Subj. Verb

When the verb or part of the verb comes before the subject, the sentence is in inverted order.
Example: Down the street ran the dog.
Verb Subj.

V. Application
A. Underline the subject and the verb. Rewrite each sentence in natural order.
1. Around that corner is my favorite store.
2. Never have I seen so many pairs of shoes.
3. Here is my backpack.

B. Rewrite each sentence in inverted order. Underline the subject and the verb in each new sentence.
1. My dog is here.
2. The student sat in the first row, smiling.
3. The floundering ship sank beneath the waves.

VI. Analysis
Identify whether the sentence is in Natural Order or Inverted Order.
1. There are two possible explanations for the accident. ______________
2. Who is responsible for creating that computer virus? ______________
3. The lilacs in our backyard smell especially sweet this year. ______________
4. The detective looked cautiously for the fingerprints. ______________
5. Beyond the meadow flows a beautiful river. ______________
6. Over the hill lies a quiet little town. ______________
7. Cows and horses graze in the peaceful fields. ______________
8. People come and go from the little village. ______________
9. The whole place is a lovely scene. ______________
10. All the children are hot and thirsty. ______________
11. Four girls are ready to go back to the game. ______________
12. Two boys are certain of a victory. ______________
13. In the line at the water fountain are six thirsty children. ______________
14. The floundering ship sank beneath the waves. ______________
15. The student sat in the first row. ______________
16. Can you hear the ocean? ______________
17. Comics can be funny too. ______________
18. Look at the huge wave. ______________
19. Two seagulls flew above the beach. ______________
20. Beyond the meadow flows a beautiful river. ______________
21. On the breakfast table was the newspaper. ______________
22. Around that corner is my favorite store. ______________
23. The greatest love of my life is my mother. ______________
24. There is a small shell on the sand. ______________
25. Runners dashed around the track. ______________

VII. Assignment
Change the normal sentence to inverted sentence

1. The dog ran down the street.

2. Two English classes are scheduled for 9th grade.
3. A crash was heard in the back of the room.
4. Julie has designed the banner for the party.
5. Germany was one of the first great centers of newspaper publishing.
VIII. References

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