2nd Yr MBBS - 220812 - 214629

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Respiratory System (tb | 4.) Ghon’s complex. ~ (@ §) Chyenic _brenchifis - & 3) Enumerrte complications ef lobar preamonia- @ $) Diseuss gente [ung injury wit paybeuley emphasis on : Critevin for diaynesis , Differential disqnesis Pathe physiolog y_ rae & ericrescopic Rahinese ) Boenchial asthma. - ©. ) Lobay predmenia -&. -) Define & classi fy. pheumonias. Describe guess & mjcrescepic features +f [ebay pneumonia & it's complitatiens - @_ )__Complicstions +F lung abscess - ©. :) _Eticlegics) facteys fer bung. cancers - @). )_ Difference Brevchicc Psbesbsis -@. Define & write types of Copp. Discuss merpheleyy between blue bloatey 4 pink euffey - ©. and clinical fertures of any one. - @). 8) ke antitrypsia deficiency - ©. —%) Lung. abcess - © 9) _Cayses ef atypical paryumonia- @). | Enumerate malignant fumeys ef Jung —@. ss Kidney & Lower Vrinan, Track 5.) Disewss nephritic etysus nephrotic syndveme unde’ Differential diagnosis Eisley 1 Pethegencsis ierescopic _ | __festuyes. ~@o _ 2) Crystelarian - @. — 5) Define nephrotic syndrome. Discuss aetiepathezenesis. ___mexphslegy complications =f acute all 4n.-©) Mention srinary, caste Lermsts -@. s.) _Civeulahing immune complex _nep hit: 5.) Causes of haemsturva - @. go) Hypervtensive ketdnes, 5.) Causes of massive proteinuria - ©. §) RPoN - @ $)__Classify acute lemembenephritia» Deseri 7 / Lmerphslegy ef pest styeptecoceal gdomenlorep britis - ) *J__Casts im vine & theiy diagnestre importance - ©). G)__Impevtince of Physica) examination sf uyine - @ 3) _Pyclenephritis - ©. &) Enumerate pitsevvatives for urine - @ 9.) Renal___cell _cavtinema - © _fothera’s test - ©. _Urvinay sediment + ©. Classify —glememlenephritis -@ Mention tests fy preteins in urine - © Renal shoes -@. 3) Enumerate renal function fests- @ 9) | Granulav contacted kidney. -©. 9.) Fined specific gvanhy, of une -@. 51 terboes sf pepasitie syndrome. ~ 2): ~O_Define _nephe Sper — causes =F ite ——_Desuribe _etiopathogentsis holo: ea] ins ih gS. 4 10 membrane ss anand eel eo. <= *) | Hematuna -@ $a M4 usculeskel fa) System. a Osteomyelitis — © 4) _ Serelegy of vhegmateid avthyihs - @. ) Giant cell _tumey +f bene - @. | __Osteaclastema. - ©), oe Ewing's tumeusy -@ = — p) Rhevmabid avtheitis = ©. 4) Osteogenic _Sareema - é. 4.) _Osteesayte ma _— @. $)__ Sequestrem - @ y) _Osteoclastema diagram - @. 9) Bene _t4mers classifrestion - . 3.) Enumerate benign “fymers ef bene 8) _ Pyegenic ssteomyelitis -@. ——wusculeskeletat — Majer critena fox diagnosis of. rheumatic ferry - @. - @: PATHOLOGY - TL Blood Vessels & Lymphahies TS)! Bthewacleatg ~ @ _g.) Define _atherem 6) Complications of atherema -@. 5) Enumerate timers ef blood vessels. —<@ (3) Types of aneursyms. - © 9) Pnesrsyma - ©) 9) Piscuss _aetiopathegeneais cf aorta. - ©. “Deserbe ite aetiols gy. mmerphe logy merphelegy & complications — & cemphics Hens: Y 5) Define atheroma. Desevibe aetiopathogeresi of athoescleresis - Add a note en cemp)iahons. —(e a) Atbecsclessis of sards + Predispesing. factas -®.- ogy —in nin - ©. gs.) Vaseulay athe We sunebacks vio Oilptrent = - s [Deewve & ca dees CKepatogenans & lak € a Di eo) SF Lp { tert w) Labelled di spe © a foo | es SS ____- [Propiugtensts of diprenta =) ae : peeko.cierrana hee Oprausher =6) _ ‘ e PF aeernie aaa ae e DeT es © Bockllus punktorr ane. Clostrid.iuin Describe im Detail Los hb Of; Gar gangrene —© ‘ | Claes C4 loeb een | "Of gp Gangrene _—___ © ts TL lalelwae Gasteinfestinal Tract — OL 9) | Enumerate ulcerative Jesions of small intestine - @) 9.) | Differxrnce befurea ulcerative colitis 2 Crohn's disease - 9.) | DifF. bet benign £ malignant gastric ulceys - @- G) | What ase uleerabive lesions of small intestine 7 Describe gymss 2 microscopic featurse of uleevative colitis, -@ 9). Cemplicakons of peptic uleey -@ $-) Discus achopathernesis & merphelegy of peptic | Enamel ite sergltedian -°®.° 9.) Eticlogics\ featuyes fr carcinoma stomach. - @) Enumerate pelyps of intestine. - @. 5) Disewss eticley, 4 pobbslegic findings in pastre ga - 69. @) | Enumerate causes for carcinoma eelen - ©. $.)_ Differences between typheid & tbevculeys ulcers. of intestine. - © @.) | BarttH*s esophagus - &. 4) | Ulcerative colitis -©. 2) arly. _gasfvie cancer — ©). a.) | Crho's diveare - @ 8.) | Adenecarcinema Calen - ©). female tenital Tract “Cervical intraepithelial ateplasia -@- Classify geom cell tymevs of ovary. - @. ______ 9.) Sqnqmeour cel| _caveinoma of cevvin -_ us tymers eof eyay “So $) Carcinoma _cervie - ©. : 4.) _ Classify | ovarian tymers. Diseuss mmo rpholeg s oF serous fumevs ef cvamy . - © Enxmerate risk facteys fey carcinem, of cenvin - @. Servers tumeys 0 F evan, -©. $) _ Mwel farcinoma Ovary = ©. Enumerate surface epithelial tumeys of ovary - ion Ovavgn tratpma- © Liver, Biliary Tract £ Enecrine, Pnckas. $.) | Civrhesis of iver - (@) $.) Insestgahiens in cree of jaundice - @). 9) Compliahiens ef alehelic livery disenye - @). g-) Livny funcHen tests - @- &) Chrepie hepatitis - @. So) Gress & micrveseopje featues sf Fbty Jiver -@- 9) Fulminant hepatihs - ©. 8) ClassiGeahien ef cirrhesis of finy - @. 4.) Gajl_sbres - ©. $.) Enumerate featurrs of poytal HTN - @ S.) Define 2 classify civrhesis . Discuss getiopathegepesis & patnsleay of nutvitional cirrhosis of lier - ©. $) _Virs| hepatitis - @. g:) Picohelic cixrhesis ~ ©- oy types 2 gall phim §.) Differential diagnesis +f jaundice - ©. 9) Chelecyshtis - @. %) fatty changes > Line ~ G) / Piagram - ® 4) Enuge vate markers of Hepatitis - B. Liver Brtast - - ) Enumerate _aen-neoplasbe Isiens_ of breast -@- S) Classify breast carcinoma. Enumerate risk freteys for _vareinema ef breast Add a pete on invasive ductal Crys pe ma -@ Breast carcinoma - G Fibvecystic disease eof breast - © Fibvesdenoms breast - ©. / Diagram - @ 2 ~ —O|merttdogy tavehapental ge -Inionarejentnal cok Ipc aye = SI — DRL Text er % axa 4 — Standord tents Sox Gwenivis © fk Clabamy shia, ee [Diseases comsed by ryycoplanma. <= [TRAC ‘Cirochoma. inclusion Conjonckiwi is spunk 2 = 2S > ey ws ae Wy a 7 ‘ehete | 6 MaSiquout Puxmule —— _ Qubovte Plague CYeskinia) — i | Acoamycotte _mycokornss.— a = Rickelistal deseares _< - we patie acqaived [nctoconsiod Takectisun— &- Write lw | Pia eal ee rate sr hospital aca J cqpired myechions + Holsbhilic uibrte + DME. bluo elto 8 —Clossical Wate + | Now vilbste (i {TBR § Leprosy * a ____* | Dercaipe skiobathogenens lob & 6h —_[Purnenang T% _— at ‘| + |uosite da detof|_ about enaaProloq Past m, yop ( sta vu ocon ua \ . ° wo 4 \ ‘ amit trhective endocandit? = . Name Ke | anismne =ekbouwwible Or rk, ~| Deboribe me db 4 | -@_ “| Enrumnenate moxbhategfcol class o4 Backenia « Describe ack in Briel = © : [Stelphococcal food poisoning, © WMRSA © | +-[Toxtn mediated disenner of Sauna -©_ ‘] oo - @ Stee ptococeus + + /Eaumenabe the organise cousing ford Horo S ET TTC Cees S Oiscuss Ut, Lab - _ __ -® | Chasatireation Ay Sbrebiococ, ~© _t]PremnocoeS ___+ |100n = cubpuralive combltcations oh dhepaout ©) - Jroesenin a | EnamehO2 vamous orqanienns comtg meniaQt t's Deresive Patinogenaria § Lala of — Jouske Paogenfe mening, a beth D— Sates = - Elgagasaluse es en _ + Enamenate orga Koma combi STD. Deacche | irSeok @ Lobb Gisnorerea yy _ 32 dear ae . 7 |Male Reproductive System and Prostate =e — _ Seminema - $) Classify festiculay tumeys. Desevibe goo yp hel egy of ang. tee fesheulae timers. - @). 3) Benign grestatic hyperplasia - ©. g.) Hydatidiform mole - ©). — —-MaleReproductive Endocrine System eh Feral piggies ellie = -@ ee 4 Te ead geet fate ot : Complication: sf oom - @® $)- q) Causes 6 eli edule 4 eid < ) De classi Desen y oie ° _cname yate Isberstinye inverhgalions . a) Classification af paretid stand —— 7 mene | Nuclear features 0 Papillary. carcins “i selitiy thyreid - nedale - @), 9) Obstwehye jaundice - ©. Soft Tisese Tames. Te tltemenphie —sdenemne aif) Qe rw 8) Carcinoid _tume* = —— Soft Tissue Tumors Skin 65 ~ [retainer of skin. OS of skin -@, 3) Risk. facors for cance ¥S 9-) Premalignant ___ lesions of skin. — @. $) Risk fachera skin tumors. -@ Salivary Alands 9) Salivary — Olid tyme - @. /@. | _ Sal ivary Gland "ros Cranogrere * Pathogens city of CR welt Blab-D. -S) culernon elo <7 _ betathe Se detail “Ebeolo yA. Sosnogemsah G {Lab- Bo, enteric Lerrers - + _Urnten avon origin ne Enumerate the ago Sis cousin, Pyrcexia ee _ = & idol bene : | Senadtagnosa eh entemc Cee : et Gauigella : rigeWancs —_— Q— ro = _@ © cole a _ ; m : Enumencihe roles _oxqaricns cousin J a Dekine the term * siquificdik bockeriuxwe" Desesbe 9 _ledicpatnogewanin & bab- 0 of OTE B+ sewomys pert -©)_ > | Diowdhogunic Ecole -© (lutte cholovae. tr | \ \e [Dencetoe Pot _{ hab DL. canker, YP Pe ee Enurogre Crouibeas Comning Diora | tk Lye f } } 5) Blesd_pieture Blood )_Sertening oF biggy go ometleid leukaemia - Qi ts ed dares @ y),-fentier 4 causes op sy Define $ classify ang THe hy pochyeric anemia - © megaleblastic anemia, oa Lab dicgnesia of 5) Bleed components 7 eMe-@. 1) Define Aelassify anemig. wysie yc — ik _Pid verse “bras Fania ‘ee oo of _hendyhic arin ame ransfusion transmitted diseases — @. | tL Define—Kclassify Jeukemine. Discs tn detail about erh-~@P 5) _fosmerits— diffrent bleed group syittms - s® oe Define Kelussify anemia. Desembe pes, a ae | —-bischemical__feuhires oF ion deficiency anemia - @. } 4), Bleed grup systems ~ ©). ‘ 4) 17e-@ _ - TF ») am - ©. — } 7 a) s - 7 fs Ven- Willebyind's dfseare - ©. fla inestigatins in cate of bleed pansfusion yeactions 0 $ickhing Test - Qo = = 1 —teyestige Define anemia. Hiopabgy pathogens T movphrles 4 —__£lab findings in pen def anemia - (@ 4) Transfusion reachons ~@. 4 Hemophilia - @. > 1‘) Hemolytic _dtseare of _newbom - ©. i 4) | Guus of menecytosis -@. 3) Sign’ Ficance of Bombay, bleed 9 7°4p - @. D1 PbS Finding, in ci - 3) | Define £ classify leyleemiss . Enymente FAB elsssifieahon _ of acute feyleemig. List lab findings in cares oF (bem 2 7) | Leykamoidl reachior -—O - - 1) | Differences bho _lerkemis _¢ leubrmoid reach®ns -@ _ | SE AREREGIO SS: = — SS a — aval = 4 5 ee pee ys _ doug biotrans xmation & describe ~ OT felors ae a impovtanee, affecting ik —() 4) | Placebo = Classi fy ie reyfes of ang Jninisbratien Be: oaks {dv 2eule in defail. ~-@ Explain term bleavailibility &deserbe fubrs | Fitting iE ~ 4) | Drig entrgenism ~ @ 4) |Whst is absevpkion of drug @ Enumerite mechanines of _ | ahoeyptien with suitrble penal Deseybe 4 frets __| affecting, abserptien 2 clinical _sig. -@ | Plvaokiges £ disadvantages 2f Zv youle ~@ [Newer dita, delien, Systems -@. _ 5) | Define dug antipnism. Discuss in detwil various ty pes = fild pote synevyisr -@ . __f) | Desevibe _fictrs modifying cyag gefion 2 suityble gs-@ 9) | G- Prtin coupled xecepte ys = 3) ROR -G 8) Micxesomal enzyme _inductisn - @- 4) | Define ADR Discuss In detiil vaviows ADR's. Ald a mele _ lon th manifestations 2 suitable prtanples, -@ _{ $) Thevapeutic indexs @. __4) Explain Nhe erm \dvwg. achon.’ Describe facts modifying. “jk 2 suitable examples, —@ 3 3) | Define dese & frctys affecting ik. ~@ 9) | Duvatien oF dng action 18 longer by 5-6. vouke $y Enplain process of distribstion & ficbrs affecting. it 2 suitable examples. ~ © &) | Layitwt substances con be given by Iy uk - ©. 3) Classi Fy youles of ~adminishetion of dy. De st the | Advankeges &disadvantiyes of paraotys) youtes | - Gell Injury & Cellulay Adaptations | — Bis lite © * 5 4 Uo apsptesis a _8)| Causes of eosinep hilis SE _#)| Diagn of £65 findings s¥ megaleblastic. _anenia 9 r nl pBs 4 bone manww findings in iven deficieny anes 2 r @) Enurtrale causes of levleepenia - @ ang [ 4) | | Enymevatt caw HS of yeduced _pedt LE plakieh ~ <> _ L a) Causes of lymphocybsis. - © i 4.) deficiency anemia - (3) [ 2 {Complications cf blood transfusions ~ @ ™E 9) | Discuss Nab imvestiqatens in heme rrhagae disordevs Bie} 8) _|Selechon evilevia, of blood doners.- © 9) | Epaumernte 4 Indicabons fy bene mer as pi veo on -O | 3) | Hemera’ e disorders -& §-) | ympbacatsis : Guses ~ © 9) Define Kel assify, anemias Describe in detail jyon def-ainis. Criteria fv selection of don -@ _ D) | Facts affecting Esn-@ _ : | pat is INR & what js ib siqnifiance ? - © 1) | Megaloblaste anemia — v “ Metheds of €5@ petima: a | wie tstimation 2 homal valves for enh — fiji faledipine - @ = _ 1 _ 8) | Azetazolamide. ~- J SO a1 Enalopyi! ~ @ hue in cor - _ Yap 1 Use of mannitel in cerep estan Re a fai blisethy Aerumerate anbiangial agents. Desevibe _phareacebajel J acorns. Wweonpeutic uses Cadverce effects of nitntes -© _9)_{Use of nitrepwsside in HTN sme ence ~@ g) | Plveyee effech of enalap| ~ © a) live of ublingval GIN im acute angina = @ lUss_of furesemide ip pulmonary —aedema = @ _S)_jHechaniem of actor. therapritis woes Sadvene ¢Plich t a ef cibeglyers - @ He \Classify beta blockers Xgive examples. Add o-te len propanclel. ~@ i | 4) | Digitalis ~ @ [| fecp diuretics -@ AcE inhibibve ax copbvaindicated during pregnancy, [Ure of digitelis UM ece - @ t [Classify antihyprdensiens Describe mechanismo of setion thevapeutic uses 4 advtwse is. Hy persensitivt I ei ame petinmantty 5 SNDB: Inesnedifiienc, “eadaay ; 4 Immunoprophylaxis ih Completinctt deficiency . -© Ce), - a 5) Classiftestion of immunity -@ (x). | Ts) Determinants of antigenicity - @ (pa). 3 a Give four differences between primary and secendav, humoval ytspense - @ (1p) ~ Enumerate feu bielogical effects of complemenE-@ Cc). Define precipitation yeaction. Give one example - @ (hpe) _- i Bince- Jones protein -@ (fb) i UL Enumemte different typeof f.tsa-@ (pee {Enumerate yayious. —atrlijen=-antibeds esctions. Deseribe ~—pucipttation yeactien in detail - @ (AfAe) 4) “Plasng cell - @) (szs). if nechvomalgyaphie testa = @ (ARB) Tt Type-Z hypersensitivity - © (15) TI 4 ImmunebleHing echaigyes -@ (AAR). Ht . ~4n - © Cae). - - 4 “L_ Deb, test - © (ape). yee | pwWhet is antificial active jrmniby 2 ine example OO} Etats Fue uses of ELIS - . 7 Geyta $15). a : mfr examples of_aubinmane 4 Defing —immanity b. es 4) a ——Hemadynamics— gt | Define thrombosis. Discus seh eri s . fd teste on iy pay etbsgeee £_thyem _differtne. 4) Bux SENSES bet tye nsced ate & enudyte - & i fats _*f as _thromts - @_ — 1)fra> Smicreseepy of ky Tyet_2f infarehs, ae 4), Patnogtnesis of cplic_shrele ~ @ 9 Pefiny © classify sheck. Pathe: yinesis ef septic shec! 4)_| Paraconical ernbojism ~ © ess 2 nicreseepe 6 f peve die Env mente types” ef embliam -@- eve buns ©. LOVE Liuy -© “4)_Hayal_theembi- ©. Baiada 7 1) Enumerate types Ff embsus - @/ Types of embeliem © “§) Enumevale Virthou's triad ©. 8), Cus oF pilnenay eeclemn —@- —t_| Pesertbe _heavt _ frilue ells ~@. | Types ef Sheck -@ oO)! Gauges of Iymphed ena ~ @. a) Etispsthegtnesis ¢ fas ef fhenbs -@ 4) | Generalized edema, Etiology 4 gathoyenesis ~@ 4) | piffeventiate bho threnbus £ Prt _clet - ©. —2)__Pefine edema. Describe etiopathogenesis of elem & —, describe any ene ‘wn _detuil. 8) Brews induration of lung -@ ~4)| Pic -@ ~8)| Pilking edema causes -@ ~2) Define shecle, What ax vavicus categories of shack ~2)| Diseyes chidony . pathogmesi Emoypholegy of each tp - © ~~9) | Sago spleen ~@ : ) ~ Beseribe etiep sthegtn esis Mayph-! logical & cAinical fiche sep Ath disgeesis of _inrie _thrembuebpenis plsp 9) [Netee Pore — [ee —Otlammation & Repaiy inf lee { fomlmabe inflsaasgn ~ le amination | q.) Gher’s frews ~ @. - 5) DeFire IPFlammetion Discuss Fick aFRetn, inch eM. = @ wound bealing -@ Gell aeried car ©, rn 4) CAT Cacte inflammation) - ©, | YJ 6) | Define aeube inflammation & describe - J _ acute inflammation - Go _ ~} 6) {Praw—vell__Iabeled diagyam of grynuleme g), Primany >epary - © ty Describe _prvcess of wound _besling. by primary ard secondary. _intentien — Pld a ave on facts that affck __vound healing ~ 9. s) Mediates of acute inflammation -@_ t ay), Mechynism € wound perling ~ @O 5 8) Fee radical infu —@. _ th Granulamas -@ ./branslomatous |pflamenstion —@ __§ 4) Describe chronic _inflamasten what js gyanulems 7 Eoymente oe tuts oF syqauloma & desenine mechanism af granuloma” @. 4) Repex fasion injury = © 9), Fite oF acute inflammation - @ 5) Enumerate celltlay adapta Kons 6 gra th £ aif Corentistin —— Define each of these _adap{rtions 2 enamples explanations. Discuss common Cause of abephy = -% ~ | aelevant enqmples ~ © ~$)! What end syenous piyments aye lileel fo_qecumulfe insite tells 1 piscwss their ctieloyy pathoyenssi, pathology | in cluding ne pholeage 4 -$) | Ischemia & reperfusion injury ~ © _ - 8) Heating, by primary. intenhen -© 9)! Yasculay changes in acute Inflammation. -O oe &) Define £ classify qrinulomas ~-©O ‘Hoevapeabte ago —& 71) | Gpreni- O — i ee -@. a onpeste 822 4a aden ; 75) | Claasify — B-bleelees. Poser ef B-bleclees _-@ - yrw_ esis ia 1 Te vate end -CVS-2 . 7 a) | Lignecsine _ iy TP tevastabin - 4) _Aintacid s should: not be combined with sucralfate in tic leew - @ PEP 8) | Use ef misopyestel in eptic yler- ©. — Antimicrobials-3 ~$)_Use of quinine jn cevebral_malavia -@(Ae>. 9) |wno regimen of hegtment in_eulti- bacillany leprosy -@lary $) | Classify beta-lactam antibodies: Describe MOA , a BE £ uses of berry) penicillin — ©. Ceia. —~$) Classify Flurequinelones. Diseuss in deta) Mon, |uses, AE of ciprofloxacin. - @ (s0s.) a —~9.)__.Why axe cyclospoyins used after organ tran sp|an: Tnprine _depressants) - © g.) _ Classify amine glycosides. Oiscuss mop, uses & AE of amineglycesides - © (Aa). $-) Why doxycycline js preferred over oxytetracy cline -O(1¢. 5) | thy Ffelinic acid js combined with _methohevate -©. $) | NerFloxuciy in _vTI- @ (504.) G) | Disewss in detsi) mechanisms of action of antibactenals Lustth examples. Add 4 note on Arig xsi tanee--@ $) Erythromycin for wheoping cough ~@ (BLA) @) | Contraindicatisn of metropidq2ele in alcohelics. ~<@ (Ap). 3.) _ Inj: ben2atnine penicillin 1s gin once in gq monh few pis of vheumatc fiver -@ (ecm. 5.) - tied treatment Fer herpes simplex ~ © (Ay). 3.) veatment ef newly ~diagnesed prlmoney 16 - @ 0s) ——ANS=t | Classify cholinergic dvugs. Desevibe mechanism ef actin _& thernpeutic uses oF —physestigmine. —@ gy | Use ef dopamine in cardisgenic shock —- © a) 1 a) 4 4) | 9) a) 4) 4) 5) | | pse ef bethenechel in urinuny, retention = @) Use ef neostigmine in myasthenia gas -@ | Therapeutic uses of ¢dveniline -@ _ Tuertment ef _glavcoma -@ | Repyanele). - @ _ of advenaline te prolepy local anesthesia ~ © ef atrepine in oer psismin ~ @ Use of neostigmine jo deca 2adion -@ _| Dopamine - @ | Use of adv. 2 |ocal anesthetic -@ <6 [Use of peastiqnine fix savenen) of snevromuscuby Uethedn Use of pilocaypine In acute congestive glaucoma. ~@ Thevapeubic uses ef _phens\ephvine _-G) Pilocarpine -@ Neostigmine - @ Use of ady. in_anaphy lactic Shek. -@ a Use +f qcetite|mide in _glaycoma - Vse ef physostigmine in belladonna poisening.. -@ Atropine substitutes -@ T Therapeutic uses of anticholinesitvares -@ [Use of X=bleckeys in BPH -~ @ 4) [Vse of nesstigmine in myasthenia gravis. -@ Use of pxpranele| in eniqraine ~ @ Vse of hematyepine ip opbthalenelegy ~—@ Seleche fe - agonists - farsantde Use of morphine/ fn acute LVF. ~@ Use of % A B- blake in pheechrems cytoms. Vse of a brepink in_p<-anesthehe tmedierttion -@ 97 Trertinent of belladonna peisening a fa —- Oy OUT eh ei |) Tithe pain - Oi ASO > 2) Tramadol -@. lo). ~- — 9.) | Use cf igzepam an__preanesthetic_ i Ne £) why Jevedepn is combined! wath arbidepa = @ CP)" 9) Use of morphine in LVF ~ @_6o). = 7 1 9) Use of atropine 2 _moyphine in biliary clic -@ fe) = 9) Use af ethy| alechs)_in_methane]_peisoning ~@ CA), = 9.) | Pentyeecine ja contraindicated in AMT -@ Co ” 9) Use of thiopentone sodium _in status epilepticus -@) (pe) 4.) Selective Seretenin Revptake Takibites (ssets)-@) (0) &)__, Fluoxetine -@) (Dd). _ 9): | Classify ant - parkinsonian drugs: Describe actions, sts, LAE ef levedepa . Pd note of levodopa -cavbidepe canibinehinG) a) Tricyclic: antidepressents -@ (p) . 5-) | MAO Tohibitys ~@) (p). 9) Use of anticholinergics in, ding. induced parkihsonisn-Dlt 3.) Use of pethidine in _pyeanesthetic medication -@ Con) — §.) Halothane “© (aA). ~ $:) | Opium poisoning ~ @ (0). = $) Compare A combvast _benzediaze pines & bavbibwrates. Discuss —— Linon benzo diazepines Aadd nete on phenobarbitmne -& (34) ~ 3) t Use of +thiepentone sodium in GA - @ (gm 9 ~ $.) Dopamine vyic agonists —O@ (py. ' &) Vee oF moyphine in preanesthetic medication -© 0). 9) Less frequent_use of ester type oF pa-@ (Ab 4) Use of ethesuccimide in absence seizure - @ (AB. 6) | Compare & contrast + Diazepam £ phensbaybitone - O15 4) t Drig - induced Paxkinsonism £ its pregtment -@ (2) | oo | ” ff = —= lsd medication -@). (sy et 3.) ~ a.) Enumerate antige “Pakes_ib-seriston- Big ee ; | —= = ] es a i yi . lisa - © (Ape) ons. Iscys. Se ces anlibai soctions. Basis, —_~ le. {ons eta heaeota | seaehiona’-Deveibe: aug ¢)__Eoumersis sth applections in_dingpesis © (App). — ; | r fn __diaqnesis is veactions with ca ions 8. Tyee - hh a ws). c hy with -suifeble exy 6.) Define immunity. Clas: @)__ Mechanism of salina ~@ (#t) aa 3) Nene fur omar defit diseases -@) (pp). [EO 9.) Mention foux propevties of “6" cell. -@ (Sts). G.) Type - hgpuacnitily -@_ (us). | 9) _Differnces between active & passive jmmunit, -@Cr) 9.) _Ptopy - © (ft). &) ish -@© (As) 9.) Differential: between TEB lymphocytes — (srs). $) Tissue culkus. - @ &.)__Enumevale uses of monoclons| ibedies, - 8.) | Ow) polio vaccine -@_(vace) G) | Ose of pyridoxine vith isoniazide -© Cv) 3) | Use of Vit.c with ov) iven preparations -@. $) | Vilemin € - @ (v) . @)_. Use oF antitetanus serum in tetanus -@lvxc) &) | Ova) Polio Vaccine — ©) ( vace-) 6) Vilymin op - © Cv). _ in ive poisoning -@ (cm. $) Vse oF desferoxamine $.)_| Use oF erythvopeietin in chronic: vena) failure @ (Ble 3.) _ Pyridoxine is not givtn__alonguith Jevedeps -@) (Vv) 9.) | Dray Resistance -© 9) | Stel softeners - © ; 6) | ser oF vik By pili iscnmmetde ; 5.) se of Vit-C with fermas Siiphak in anemia. ANS 9) | se _phenglephn# ne a oak —s e_prtfirsed © [eget 9) | se mictics in ‘an svgls—3 2 ademas eff Ps 1 oe atharimebes Wri ke ASS “a Sg — is aeaat a ne a af Ady “a_anphlastis_sbask-= , a 44 deatment of opp poisotng — aT snag ae 2 Bi 9.) | Basis fer use of gnticholinemics 10 os Fy 5) | Ergetamine 5) | use of edvaponiuer in $) | Vee o£ trhexiphenidyl _ #) _Succiny|cheline ®) | se “of tamsulosin in BPH - @ $) x of phenylephn ne Fir Findescopy. -@- _ $) | Chelinesteyase reactivates. — : 9) | Use of pralidexime in ofp. - © 6) | Peverne effects of _p-bleckere. ogasthenia gras, ~@ jn diy induced Porkirsonm 6 =0 | | Hormones & Related Dru [me _ “gs eae il Beker Pitus - ~ (Blew 9 lin abeHe Dyas . icy. . ig st felated mga” wishin I oR ete = ei be aoe : gy) Mlassihy seth Nisbet c_drugs, Discuss in deba sc agents eg sa P_Onytecics -© Ce). Vse_of ergometrine in PH -@ (0). 4) Use of metformin in Type 2 Diabetes - © (zy. : use of 1**' fv hyperthycidism - © (7) Ts) Use of beclomethasone in brenchial asthma - @ fe) ‘Wses of covticostersids ~@ (Cc). 4) Pderye effects of corticosterids -@ Cc). |-s) Classify thyveid ‘inhibits. Wrile a note on difference beveen ppyWhiouraci) & cavbimazele. Ald a nele on = wedicachve jodine ~G9 (1). 4) Pydnisolone - G) (c) +1) Oxstecin -©@ (0), —~—H__Ora) hypoghy cemics - © (5). lech: estrogen cephy__ modu = 2) Metformin -© (2). NEL Todine 2** -® (1). (/Radicactire iedine $ —Tecelytics -@ ¢°). opi. uy co covticeids ~@ (ec). ) cocovtiesid s- Ce). —_|___ Hormones-2_—...5=5 / 7 = 3) || Newey insulins - © CD). = - 4) | Mifeprastene - © (€)- _— 4 $.) I ctomiphen cite - @ ( 6) Sn @) | Anabolic steyetds -@ (C).' ~ 3) | Tosulin lispyo - © (1). - $) Drig_teatment +f type -= diabetes. - @ (2) _- 3) | Emergency contraceptives - © (CE) / $) Sulfeny\ wpeases -@©@ (1). 7 9) Life - saving uses oF gluco -corhcoids -© ~(c). @) | Use of mefenamic acid jin dysmenorrhea -@ (FE) 9) Classify gluco covticsids Describe uses & AF of Ahese Ange -@ (6). $) Lugels Isdine- © (B&B). (Oisipfectin't). ! $.) | Use of pyolymine with insulin - © /r). anemia.» — __ 7 pesiniciows ape G) | Use hyd x ng cobslastine ee lla Flakes 5)_| Therapeutic _uSe2 2° spine “as _againt ae a — 5) | Vse of enexiparin T> | Ve of a agains + dia meres po) jn pen poiseping. = 5) |Vse of ferrous as sulphate fox_ Anemia _— eo: p_leprsy -@. = Inbeled_diagvam of 15 ymnulers -@ > | Lepr —leprs5. - O _t oo eenbe oes ‘aftition 1) _Diserss tertian syphilis - ©. 4) Lab diagnosis oF dubevtulay _meningitts ~@. 4) | Bindi in prima hilis - _— - §) Lab _diagnasis o£ _sup, fungal infections - @ $1 Types of prety = - 4) Syetemic syeesis - 4) tata of [epresy 4S compare majsy ‘ype 8. $) Prima, 16 -@ D__Weuresyphilis -@ _ : Lin Savesideisis

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