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Life Saving Android system at Trivial Times

Padmavathi B1,a), Renae R 2,b), Nithyalakshmi3,c) and Vaishali4,d)

Department of Computer Science &Engineering, Easwari Engineering College, Ramapuram, Chennai, India
Corresponding Author:

Abstract . Ambulance android apps are important for saving people’s lives in emergency situations by
efficiently picking up patients in ambulances. When a client fires up the application, the request is sent to the
corresponding server, which verifies the type of request and connects to a local area traffic server, which then sends
responses to the user using mobile agent technology. This allows the traffic controller to easily handle all crisis
situations. The ambulance driver could use GPS to identify the crash scene with this software. Besides from that, the
local traffic controller interacts directly with the ambulance driver, providing the traffic controller to grasp the
ambulance’s whereabouts as well as getting GPS coordinates from the ambulance driver app. When the paramedics
arrive, the traffic controller can clear the ambulance lane by changing the free pass. In this survey paper, we
construct an Android interface that lets users to notify the main server of the location of an accident.

The Global Positioning Protocol (GPS) is routinely used for mapping in the transport sector. The trajectory of such
traveller is tracked by vehicles GPS equipment via smart mobile-based GPS application. At the same time, these
visi- tors are expected to provide feedback on their socio-demographics and journey records through the Web, group
inter- views, email, essay questionnaire, and so on. These GPS-based transportation investigations have
revealedcollecting respondents’ movement patterns in instantaneously and acquiring a substantial array of statistics
The information gathered using this transportation questionnaire, which is based on the GPS module integrated into
the respondent's smart phone, is more thorough and detailed than that gathered using traditional survey techniques.
It can be quickly gathered from a large number of travellers over a period of time.Because there is so much data,
more efficient data analysis and ma- nipulation methods are required. The GPS systems included into smartphones
were able to precisely gather a tonne of data during the survey, including longitude, latitude, date, speed, altitude,
number of satellites, and more. In the proposed methodology, we develop a client mobile application via which the
client would notify the main server of the location of the accident. contacts for ambulance drivers are stored on a
medical server. Then the medical server notifies the ambulance drivers. The ambulance driver app automatically
syncs with the local traffic controller so that the traffic controller can clear traffic for the ambulance's impending
route. The notification displays the exact location of the accident site on a Google map. The ambulance driver’s
contact information is recorded just on medical server. The ambulance drivers are then updated by the medical
server. The notification depicts the accurate position of the accident spot in Google Maps, and the ambulance driver
app is instantly harmonised with the local traffic controller, enabling the traffic controller to clear traffic for the
ambulance’s approaching trip.

Hossam M. Sherif, et al.,2014 [15] utilised Traffic Updates Alert System (RTTADS), Wireless Sensors, and other
techniques (WSN), Sensors to control road accidents. Automatic vehicle collision detection is an essential lifesaving
application on today’s highways.In the event of a traffic collision, notification to the proper authorities must be
quick and accurate. This paper's main objective is to develop a real-time traffic accident detection system
(RTTADS) using RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and wireless sensor networks (WSN) technologies. This
white paper discusses how to put up a hardware prototype for RTTADS, the algorithms utilised, and the system’s
benefits and
limitations.Setup and application software configuration are also under consideration.Devices fitted in a car
determine the location of the collision, the the number of passengers, as well as the vehicle's speed just prior to the
collision. After that, the sensors transmit an alert signal to a monitoring station. The monitoring station then logs the
accident's location and sends a casualty warning to the appropriate authorities.
S. H. Sankar et al., 2016 [13]have used accelerometers, Servers to prevent the accidents via a smartphone.
The significant rate of deaths in motor vehicle accidents in nations such as India is owing to delays in obtaining
emergency medical services (EMS). The protocol takes a very long time to follow, from reporting an accident to
calling for an ambulance to safe delivering over the patient to the surgeon. By keeping this latency as brief as
feasible, lives can be saved. We provide a thorough approach for managing ambulances and detecting accidents.
The main server quickly sends the closest ambulance to the accident scene when the in-vehicle accident detection
module detects a collision. The android app the ambulance driver uses helps him get to his destination fast and
securely. Accident detection and ambulance dispatch automation, as well as emergency service advice, are
completely automated.
N. T. S. A. Wadhahi et al.,2018 [12] In this paper the authors have used techniques like Global Positioning
System, Infrared detectors, Traffic information system to prevent accident, to control road traffic.One of the most
serious issues that the globe faces is traffic hazards. Increased vehicle traffic and dense population are two
significant causes of traffic dangers. One of the primary issues is reducing transportation dangers, as vehicle
accidents account for the bulk of deaths worldwide. As a consequence, advances in transportation are required to
reduce the frequency of road accidents and save people’s lives. One of the options discussed in this report would be
the use of thermal cameras with Arduino Uno technology. Accident detection and accident prevention are the
system's two phases. Infrared sensors are used in the detection phase to identify users and alert them by text
message utilising a GSM modem and pre-programmed numbers.
N. R. Vatti, et al., 2018 [11] has used different techniques to detect road accidents using vibrations, Heart rate
of the driver. The number of fatal and catastrophic traffic accidents is steadily rising, endangering the public's
health. Due to inadequate medical care, people routinely die in traffic accidents. This has led to a rise in the number
of fatal car accidents. Many accident prevention systems exist, and while they can help to prevent accidents to some
level, they lack the ability to interact with family members in the event of an accident.In this research, the authors
intended to build an automobile accident detection and communication system that will alert families. nearby
hospitals, and police, as well as the location of the accident.
S Veni et al.,[2010] have made use of techniques like Motion Field Optical, Flow Flareback, Optical flow
Angle Vector. The wide range of road types, such as crossroads and motorways, is a significant difficulty for
computer vision algorithms. As a result, an effective algorithm to detect and assess the severity of a vehicle accident
is required. This can be used to decrease the time required for emergency responders to react. The study detailed in
this paper aimed to develop such an algorithm by changing an already-in-place CCTV security system. In this study,
the dispersion in the motion field of the automobile upon impact is employed to identify an accident. The optical
flow of video frames is utilised to determine the motion field of the road. In the frames, moving objects are split and
B. Fernandes et al.,[2015] have used IOT devices such as Sensors,Humanoids, humanistic robots, freeways,
as well as the Universal Serial Bus HDyCopilot is a multifunctional Android application for accident avoidance,
warning broadcast through eCall and IEEE 802.11p, is presented in this study. The suggested accident detection
system takes feeds from the ODB-II port of the vehicle, as well as the smartphone’s sensors, speedometer, magneto,
and gyroscope, for instance. The Android phone also functions as a human-machine interface, allowing the driver to
modify the programme and get traffic hazard alerts. alerts from nearby cars, and halt countdown operations in the
event of a false accident detection. Laboratory tests were used to validate a prototype implementation.
D. K. Yadav et al .,[2020]have made use of techniques like artificial intelligence ,traffic engineering computing
,GPS ,GCM ,object detection. According to statistics, 20 to 50 million individuals are injured as a result accident.
The lack of coordination among the groups involved has resulted in these situations. In addition, failing to
adequately practise the principles and methods as they should be followed amplifies the graph upwards. Speeding,
drinking and driving, distracted driving, poor infrastructure, in-property vehicles, and breaching restrictions are just
a few of the risk factors. As a result, a system that is completely capable of coordinating many operations required
for a speedy reaction must be made in order to respond quickly to the accident site.In this study, such radars make
use of a number of methodologies, including the Satellite Navigation Network [GPS] and [GSM]. as well as mobile
phone apps. All cars are covered by these detecting systems, and other technologies are also taken into account.
This paper provides an overview of the technologies that are linked to the detection of road accidents by automated
road traffic accident detection systems.
E. P. Ijjinaet al.,[2019] it made use of IOT tools like Accident Detection, Mask R-CNN, Vehicular Collision,
and Centroid based Object Tracking. Accident detection via face recognition and surveillance cam- eras has
emerged into a beneficial but tough endeavour. This study offers a specialised framework for identifying traffic
collisions.The current proposal for surveillance footage utilizes R-CNN mask for precise object identification, then
an effective clustering detection and tracking methodology. the likelihood of an accident is calculated depending on
the vehicle’s velocity and direction irregularities after collision with other vehicles. On typical road-tra ffic CCTV
surveillance footage, the suggested scheme provides a strong mechanism for achieving a high Detection Rate and a
low False Alarm Rate. This framework was tested using the intended dataset under a range of conditions, in-
cluding broad daylight, low visibility, rain, hail, and snow. This paradigm was shown to be successful, and it sets the
groundwork for future study.
Rishi et al.,[2020]made use of techniques like GSM, Detectors, Accelerometers, Medical services This
document permits real-time chase of an automobile and aims to reduce the risk of deaths caused by delays in aid
arrival by alerting concerned persons about the vehicle’s disaster. According to a government assessment, drowsy
driving and drunk driving account for 22 and 33 percent of all accidents in India, respectively. If help is obtained as
soon as possible, the number of lives lost can be reduced. The Gps system, Gsm modem, and accelerometer are
interfaced with the Arduino uno, which functions as the controller, to develop a system


External sensor data analysis for vehicle performance is a broad field of research. Our key parameters revolve upon
mapping surface abnormalities on a road and identifying various driving patterns. Nericell is a Microsoft-researched
and created technology that uses external sensors to monitor traffic horns, bumps, and vehicle brakingIt uses a
number of external sensors, such as a radio, GPS, accelerometer, microphone, and Global System for Mobile
Communications, to find traffic.

Pothole Patrol is a different system that keeps track of the state of the roads using GPS and an external
accelerometer. The system was tested in cabs using an easy method to recognise worn road surfaces.


In the proposed system,To analyse and identify accidents, we employ the smartphone's three-axis accelerometer,
which runs on Android.The accelerometer sensor has three axes: X, Y, and Z.We frequently calculate axis values
and specific time , if the axis value suddenly increases in short time ,this system takes the current GPS co-ordinates
and sends it to the main server where the server stores relation’s contact number,that server then sends notifications
to the relation’s contact number.
We also propose one more concept “priority based call process” using this. we can set priority to phone
numbers that is only priority phone calls will ring others will be automatically silenced.


When a user enters his or her information into the app, the data is saved, and when the user presses the push button,
the user’s current GPS coordinates are collected. These coordinates are sent to the admin, who converts the
coordinates into text and sends it to the ambulance driver, as well as monitoring the ambulance’s route to the
hospital. Admin also assigns neighbouring hospitals to drivers. After receiving the location from the administrator,
the ambulance drivers arrive at the destination and go to the hospital designated by the administrator.
When the user presses the trigger button in the app, the admin receives the position of the accident area as a
text message.Then, using the SVM algorithm, it searches for nearby ambulances and assigns one, sending the
accident site’s position to the ambulance driver’s smartphone.He will get the patient and transport them to the
hospital.Admin will also arrange for the ambulance driver to drop the patient off at the hospital.Ambulance drivers
have the option of manually adjusting the signal while driving.
Author Year Approach Description
Thompson C, White J, 2010 GPS receivers, The suggested accident detection systems reduce
Dougherty B, Albright accelerometers the duration it takes emergency services to come
A, Schmidt D.C. at the site of an automobile collision.
Jorge Zaldivar, Carlos 2011 OnBoardDiagnostic(OBD- Our recommended application, which is used to
T. Calafate, Juan II) trigger airbags to identify accidents, predicts the
Carlos Cano, U. Pietro interface amount of G the passengers would suffer in a
Manzoni frontal collision.
H. M. Sherif, M. A. 2014 Wireless Networks (WSN), Using wireless sensor nodes (WSN) and RFID
Shedid S. A. Senbel Real-time Road Crash (Frequency Identification) technologies, the
Detection System system creates a real-time road alert system
(RTTADS), Optics (RTTADS).
Pei-Hsuan Lee 2014 Mobile computing,Wireless A dynamic geo-casting technique is presented to
Tsung-Chuan Huang communication,multicast alert drivers on the road that an ambulance is
communication,vehicular ad approaching and that traffic signals should be
hoc networks adjusted to green to allow ambulances.
A. Ali B. M. Eid 2015 fuzzy logic, crash detection, When the system detects any abnormal changes,
quick accident response the system sends a text alert to an Emergency
time, GCM. Backup, along with the location and timeframe of
the accident.
B. Fernandes, V. 2015 Devices, humanoid robots, HD y Copilot is an App that identifies crashes
Gomes, C. J. streets, as well as the Serial and transmits multimodal warning via e- Call.
Ferreira Communication Bus
A. Oliveira
S. H. Sankar, T. K. 2016 Accelerometer and servers The system proposes a full accident detection and
Jayadev, B. Suraj and ambulance management solution.
N. T. S. A. Wadhahi, 2018 Global Positioning The system uses sensors to detect accidents and
S. M. Hussain, K. M. System,Infrared detectors, uses GPS to send help and notify the
Yosof, S. A. Hussain Traffic information system emergency contacts.
A. V. Singh
E. P. Ijjina, F. D. 2019 Collision Prediction, R-CNN Based on a vehicle's speed and abnormal
Chand, G. S. Gupta H. Camouflaging, Automobile trajectory after hitting with other cars, the
K. Goutham Collision, Clustering Object likelihood of an accident is calculated.
Sahriar Habib, Zawata 2020 Sensor networks, The system is totally automated and may send
Afnan, SakibAnam spatial-temporal systems, emergency notifications to a local hospital or fire
Chowdhury, Sarah cyber-physical systems station as well as an emergency contact.
Altaf Chowdhury, and information systems
Abu S. M. Mohsin application, database
management systems
R. Rishi, S. Yede, K. 2020 GSM, Detectors, This system permits real-time chase of an
Kunal and N. V. Accelerometers, Medical automobile and aims to reduce the risk of deaths
Bansode services caused by delays in aid arrival by alerting
concerned persons about the vehicle’s disaster.
D. K. Yadav, Renu, 2020 Accident Detection, This paper helps to detect accident with the
Ankita and I. Anjum, Convolutional Neural cameras and sends an automated text to the
Network, LSTM, RNN ambulance drivers.
”T. P. Chikaka O.M. 2021 Radio frequency, Wireless This paper describes a reliable autonomous
Longe communication, Wireless automobile accident detection and alert system
sensor networks, that makes use of artificial intelligence.
Interference, Transceivers,
Sensors The study described in this paper makes an effort to
Veni S., Anand R., 2021 Optical-Motion Field, develop such a strategy by modifying the CCTV
Santosh B Circulation Flareback, surveillance system. The dispersion in the vehicle's
Optic-Motion Vector of such motion field following contact is examined in this
an Axis study at used to locate an accident.
FIGURE 1. System Architechture

FIGURE 2. Architechture Diagram

Java is one of the most widely used programming languages It is used as the server-side language for most
backend development projects, including those involving big data and Android development.It is object-oriented.
This allows you to create modular programs and reusable code. we have used java language for the various features
The SVM algorithm is used in the main server after the main server receives notification from the user it seg-
regates the ambulances and sends the ambulance which is nearby to the accident spot, while classifying the nearby
ambulances SVM algorithm is used.

FIGURE 3. Performance Analysis Graph

Main Server connection
All the data is saved in the main server gcm, which takes the user’s current GPS coordinates. The user’s
position and nearby ambulances are gathered in the main xmpp server, which stores and handles the data of the
driver’s module, admin module, and user module.
Ambulance module
The driver has to log in using the credentials given in Fig.5 and the driver will be receiving the location details
of the accident spot from the admin module and the driver will be going to the accident spot.

User module
Any user using this app should login using the credentials and password is 12345,after logging
in they should enter their mobile number,the main server will collect the latitude and longitude after triggering the
location button,the user’s current location will be saved in the main server.

Admin module
In order to access the admin module, the administrator must log in with the credentials and pass-
word 12345. The admin will obtain the user’s location and transmits the user or accident location to the driver.
Admin will also keep track of the ambulance’s route to the destination by assigning it to a neighbouring hospital.
FIGURE 4. Main server Connection Snapshot
FIGURE 5. 5 Ambulance module snapshot
FIGURE 6. Accident Location Details
FIGURE 7. User module snapshot
FIGURE 8. User location details snapshot
FIGURE 9. Admin module snapshot
FIGURE 10. Admin sending location snapshot
FIGURE 11. Admin sending user location to the driver snapshot.
The conclusion of this paper is that the accident location is identified along with a text notification to the nearest
ambulance drivers that is accident detecting, tracking, classification, identification has been studied and Literature
review of many papers has been done.Currently, the app can simply notify the accident location and dispatch the
nearest ambulance; however, in the future, we hope to add a user’s registration with medical history and personal

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