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Name: Lorena Hamilton

Module 1 Notes (Part 2) Assignment 1.5

Copy this document to your computer and complete prior to the end of Module 1.  It is the
Notes template for the Learning Materials Part 2 in Module 1.

Readings/Videos/Instructions Your notes to submit by due date and to bring with

you to the Module 2 Content Meeting.

1. Canvas Materials  Develop trust in a team

Module 2 Content Discussion Meeting  How to best facilitate meetings
Instructions (Assignment 2.1 and 2.2)

2. Video: Teams Start with Human Connection with people helps individuals exel.
Connections Individuals have to be vulnerable, let people know you
can’t do everything by yourself, connect with others who
support your goals, and build cohesive teams.

3. Video: Good Teams and Bad Teams The value of humor in teams puts the team at ease, it
reduces stress, it is a component of creative thinking, and
it can help build trust.

4. Video: Procrastination My biggest avoidance strategy is to do just enough to start

on the project then I likely avoid doing anything until a
day or two before the deadline because I got “something
done”. I plan on avoiding procrastination by committing
to do a few hours of work each day.

5. Other Materials: Yes, I read the document on Writing & Formatting

Writing & Formatting Instructions instructions: Common Writing Errors. I am familiar with
Common Writing Errors the guidelines in APA formatting as I had o use it in my
previous course.

6. Tips for Managing the reading load -read the prompt before watching video/reading
including tips from Dr. Chanley and in the
-first paragraph/intro then read conclusion
“speed reading” article from
Ideas.Ted.Com -read the first sentence of each paragraph (keep reading if
-stop/think periodically about what you’ve read
Bad Habits:

 Subvocalization
 Reading regression
 Fixation

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