Ecircular - 4030 - 2023 BREAK2 Challenge

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4 January 2023

All Agency Force of GELM

Dear Sir/Madam,

2023 BREAK2 Challenge

It has been two years since the launch of Quarterly B.E.S.T. Award Challenge from year 2021
and we are grateful to witness the overwhelming response that you have shown towards this
challenge. In addition, you have also displayed amazing consistency in your performance,
ensuring that you complete the full series of the personalized B.E.S.T. trophies.

In the spirit of our brand new theme for year 2023 - Breakthrough Beyond Limits, we want
you to push yourself beyond limits! Instead of quarterly consistent performance, this year
we are aiming for bi-monthly consistent performance! As such, we are delighted to
announce that the bi-monthly BREAK2 Challenge is specially designed for you to achieve

Breaking down the 12 months into 6 periods (Jan-Feb, Mar-Apr, May-Jun, Jul-Aug, Sep-Oct,
Nov-Dec), we want you to break your previous 2 months’ record and achieve a new milestone
through BREAK2 Challenge! A new highlight from this revamp includes the additional full
year incentives up to 4% (depending on the total number of qualified periods) – Do not miss
this golden opportunity to earn up to a maximum of 6%!

On top of that, we are excited to unravel the new personalized trophies - BREAK2, in-line
with the name of the challenge. Do note that every word in this acronym - BREAK2 is
thoughtfully personalized to motivate you to continuously create breakthroughs, while
keeping the consistency of your performance throughout the year 2023. Earn this trophy bi-
monthly and we are sure that you will complete this new collection of trophies - BREAK2 by
the end of the year!

B Believe
R Rise
E Evolve
A Active
K Keep It Up
2 2023
Summary of the 2023 BREAK2 Challenge as follows:

Personal Sales (PS)

Agent Rank CA / LIA Rank
Minimum IL-BIP Cash Reward Minimum IL-BIP Cash Reward
ANP Requirement (% of IL-BIP ANP) ANP Requirement (% of IL-BIP ANP)
Jan-Feb /
20% growth or
Mar-Apr / 20% growth or
May-Jun / RM20,000, 2% 2%
whichever is
Jul-Aug / whichever is higher
20% growth or 20% growth or
Nov-Dec RM60,000, 2% RM70,000, 2%
whichever is higher whichever is higher
6 Qualified Periods – 6 Qualified Periods –
Additional 4% on 25% growth from Additional 4% on
25% growth from Qualified Periods Qualified Periods
the higher of 2021
the higher of 2021 5 Qualified Periods – 5 Qualified Periods –
or 2022 base, or
Full Year or 2022 base, or Additional 3% on Additional 3% on
Qualified Periods RM240,000, Qualified Periods
4 Qualified Periods – whichever is 4 Qualified Periods –
whichever is higher.
Additional 2% on higher. Additional 2% on
Qualified Periods Qualified Periods

Kindly refer to Appendix for the complete terms and conditions and the scenario examples.

Keep track of your production targets on ePartner: Circular > Contest “2023 BREAK2 Challenge
(Production Targets)”

“Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success.
Greatness will come.” – Dwayne Johnson

Live up to the year 2023 theme – Breakthrough Beyond Limits and we anticipate for your outstanding
performance through this challenge!

For further information, kindly contact your respective Senior Regional Agency Director (SRAD) /
Regional Agency Director (RAD) / Agency Director (AD) / Deputy Agency Director (DAD) / Assistant
Agency Director (AAD).

Breakthrough Beyond Limits

எல் லலக்கு அப் பாற் பட்ட சாதலை
Mengatasi Pencapaian Tanpa Batasan

Warmest Regards,

Koh Ken Yong

Chief Agency Distribution Officer
Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad
(This is a computer-generated circular that does not require any signature)

Jan-Feb Mar-Apr May-Jun Jul-Aug Sept-Oct Nov-Dec
Assumed qualified IL- Total
RM250,000 Nil RM250,000 Nil RM250,000 RM250,000
BIP ANP production
Bi-monthly pay-out 2% : 5,000 0 2% : 5,000 0 2%: 5,000 2% : 5,000 20,000
*Full year reserve
2% : 5,000 0 2% : 5,000 0 2% : 5,000 2% : 5,000 *20,000
*Payable upon achieving full year sales growth requirements.

Full Eligible for Full Year
Jan-Feb Mar-Apr May-Jun Jul-Aug Sept-Oct Nov-Dec Year Bonus Pay-out

Example 1 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

Example 2 X X √ √ √ √ √ √

Example 3 X X X X √ √ √ X

Please refer below for pay-out explanation of Example 1-3.

Example 1: (Ms. Agent A – Agent rank)
 Ms. Agent A’s 2022 Jan-Feb IL-BIP ANP production base was RM100,000. She needs to
achieve at least RM120,000 IL-BIP ANP in order to qualify for a cash reward of RM2,400 (base
reward of 2% x RM120,000 = RM2,400).
 She also achieved her full year sales requirement with 6 qualifying periods, so she will be
entitled to 4% bonus reward for each qualified period. To illustrate, her total Jan-Feb reward
will include an additional 4% bonus reward on her Jan-Feb IL-BIP ANP production. Her total
Jan-Feb reward will be RM7,200 (base reward of 2% x RM120,000 = RM2,400 + bonus reward
of 4% x RM120,000 = RM4,800). This additional 4% bonus reward will also apply to the
remaining 5 qualifying periods (Mar-Apr, May-Jun, Jul-Aug, Sept-Oct and Nov-Dec).

Simplified calculation for Example 1 as below:

2022 IL-BIP ANP Required 2023 IL-BIP
Period Qualification Reward
Bi-monthly base min. growth ANP
120,000 RM 120,000 x 2% =
Jan-Feb 100,000 120,000 Yes
(20%) RM 2,400
120,000 RM 160,000 x 2% =
Mar-Apr 100,000 160,000 Yes
(20%) RM 3,200
240,000 RM 240,000 x 2% =
May-Jun 200,000 240,000 Yes
(20%) RM 4,800
120,000 RM 150,000 x 2% =
Jul-Aug 100,000 (20%) 150,000 Yes
RM 3,000
360,000 RM 400,000 x 2% =
Sept-Oct 300,000 (20%) 400,000 Yes
RM 8,000
240,000 RM 400,000 x 2% =
Nov-Dec 200,000 400,000 Yes
(20%) RM 8,000

Total Cash Reward (Bi-monthly) RM29,400

Jan-Feb: RM 120,000 x 4% =
RM 4,800
Mar-Apr: RM 160,000 x 4% =
2021 2022
RM 6,400
Full year 2023 FY
production sales 2023 May-Jun: RM 240,000 x 4% =
base requirement achievement RM 9,600
(2021/2022 Jul-Aug: RM 150,000 x 4% =
whichever 1,250,000 1,470,000 RM 6,000
higher) (25%)
Sept-Oct: RM 400,000 x 4% =
850,000 1,000,000
RM 16,000
Nov-Dec: RM 400,000 x 4% =
RM 16,000

Total Cash Reward (Bonus) RM58,800

RM29,400 + RM58,800 =
Total Cash Reward (Bi-monthly + Bonus)

Example 2: (Mr. Agent B – CA/LIA rank)

 Mr. Agent B does not qualify in Jan-Feb and Mar-Apr.
 His 2022 May-Jun IL-BIP ANP production base was RM40,000 and he has achieved the 20%
growth rate required with 2023 May-Jun IL-BIP ANP production of RM55,000. His May-Jun
cash reward is RM1,100 (2% x RM55,000).
 He also achieved his full year sales requirement with 4 qualifying periods, so he will be
entitled to 2% bonus reward for each qualified period. To illustrate, his total May-Jun reward
will include an additional 2% bonus reward on his May-Jun IL-BIP ANP production. His total
May-Jun reward will be RM2,200 (base reward of 2% x RM55,000 = RM1,100 + bonus reward
of 2% x RM55,000 = RM1,100). This additional 2% bonus reward will also apply to the
remaining 3 qualifying periods (Jul-Aug, Sept-Oct and Nov-Dec).

Simplified calculation for Example 2 as below:

2022 IL-BIP ANP Required min. 2023 IL-BIP
Period Qualification Reward
Bi-monthly base growth ANP

Jan-Feb 30,000 36,000 (20%) 33,000 No 0

Mar-Apr 20,000 24,000 (20%) 21,000 No 0

RM 55,000 x 2% =
May-Jun 40,000 48,000 (20%) 55,000 Yes
RM 1,100

42,000 (20%) RM 50,000 x 2% =

Jul-Aug 35,000 50,000 Yes
RM 1,000

60,000 (20%) RM 68,000 x 2% =

Sept-Oct 50,000 68,000 Yes
RM 1,360
RM 150,000 x 2% =
Nov-Dec 80,000 96,000 (20%) 150,000 Yes
RM 3,000

Total Cash Reward (Bi-monthly) RM6,460

Jan-Feb: NIL

2021 2022 Mar-Apr: NIL

Full year
2023 FY sales May-Jun: RM 55,000 x 2% =
production 2023
requirement RM 1,100
base achievement
(2021/2022 Jul-Aug: RM 50,000 x 2% =
whichever 377,000 RM 1,000
Sept-Oct: RM 68,000 x 2% =
300,000 255,000
RM 1,360
Nov-Dec: RM 150,000 x 2% =
RM 3,000

Total Cash Reward (Bonus) RM6,460

RM6,460 + RM6,460 =
Total Cash Reward (Bi-monthly + Bonus)

Example 3: (Mrs. Agent C – Agent Rank)

 Mrs. Agent C’s 2022 Sept-Oct and Nov-Dec IL-BIP ANP production base was RM150,000. She
achieved RM250,000 IL-BIP ANP in both months and is eligible to receive cash reward of
RM10,000 (cash reward of 2% x RM250,000 = RM5,000) x (2 periods).
 She also achieved her full year sales requirement. However, she is not eligible to receive any
additional bonus cash reward as she did not meet the minimum 4 qualifying periods to receive
the bonus Full Year pay-out.

Other Terms and Conditions

1) Contest period:
 Jan-Feb starts from 1 January 2023 to 28 February 2023, both dates inclusive,
 Mar-Apr starts from 1 March 2023 to 30 April 2023, both dates inclusive,
 May-Jun starts from 1 May 2023 to 30 June 2023, both dates inclusive,
 Jul-Aug starts from 1 July 2023 to 31 August 2023, both dates inclusive,
 Sept-Oct starts from 1 September 2023 to 31 October 2023, both dates inclusive,
 Nov-Dec starts from 1 November 2023 to 31 December 2023, both dates inclusive, and
 Full Year starts from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023, both dates inclusive.
2) Personal Sales (PS) open to Agent/CA/LIA rank only.
3) IL-BIP ANP requirement is based on 2023 in-force new business regular premium insurance plans
of Investment-linked (BIP); excluding the following:
 SmartInvest Premier Insurance 3 and SmartInvest Growth Insurance.
 Loaded Great Saver Rider (GSR) / IL EduSaver / Balancer, Single Premium Top Up (including
Golden Age Enhancer (GAE)) and advanced premium (if any).
4) For the eligible insurance plans (ILP) with regular premium payment term of less than ten (10)
years, the IL-BIP ANP will be weighted as 50% sales contribution.
5) Agents can monitor their own production progress from DCMS Online Enquiry in ePartner:
 IL-BIP ANP is calculated as (IL_APREM_R) minus (TWP_IL_50).
6) Any 2023 in-force policy which is free-looked or terminated with refund of premium within the
contest period or during the first policy year shall be adjusted from the sales production
accordingly. This adjustment is necessary to ensure qualifiers status remains consistent in order
to qualify for the cash reward payout.
7) All qualifiers will be subject to a post contest review. In the event whereby a qualifier whose final
persistency requirement on 2023 in-force business for IL-BIP ANP drops below 90%, Company
has the right to claw back the cash reward in 2025 or earlier date if necessary.
8) Transfer of new business cases or IL-BIP ANP (if any) from one agent (any rank) to another will not
be considered for the contest, as the new business cases or IL-BIP ANP shall be considered as
remaining with the original Issuing Agent.
9) Agent, CA and LIA who was terminated for any reason will automatically cease to participate in
the contest, including reward payout (even if agent qualified prior to termination).
10) Qualifier must continue to hold an active contract (contract must remain in-force) at the time of
distribution of the reward. Where it is found that the agent has been terminated and no longer
holds an in-force contract, the reward will be forfeited.
11) The Company reserves the absolute right to amend, waive, and/or substitute the aforesaid
incentive, criteria and conditions, in part or in total, at its sole discretion, in the manner and time it
deems appropriate.
12) In the event of any dispute, the decision of the Company is final.

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