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Unit #4: Differential Analysis

Written Assignment Rubric

Quality Scale

Limited Emerging
Criterion No Proficiency Proficient Advanced Weight
Proficiency Proficiency

Provides correct Less than half of the Half of the values Most values accurately Almost all values All values provided
40% of
values for values accurately accurately provided provided (5 - 6 values accurately provided accurately.
computations. provided. (4 values correct). correct). (7 values correct).

Score 0 1 2 3 4

No attempt at this Explanations of how Explanations of how Explanations of how Fully explained how
portion of the the values were the values were the values were the values were
Articulates the assignment. calculated are calculated are calculated are calculated. Correctly
approach to solving provided. However, provided. However, provided. However, explained how
the problem, explanation of items were incorrectly did not fully explain overhead is treated,
including which which data was included or excluded. why cost data was in each decision. Also 20% of
financial information included or included or excluded. noted any values not grade
is relevant and not excluded is missing. considered in the
relevant. analysis and why.

Score 0 1 2 3 4

Correctly concludes No recommendation Incorrectly Correctly concludes Correctly concludes Correctly concludes
on whether the is made. concludes on whether the company whether the whether the company 20% of
company should whether the should make or company should should make or grade
make or buy the company should outsources the make or outsource outsource the
engines and proposes make or buy the engines. However, the engines. Provides engines. Provides
other factors that engines, but does not provide a couple of factors several factors that
should be considered discusses other factors that should that should also be should also be
when making this factors that should also be considered. considered in considered in
decision. Justifies if also be considered addition to the addition to the
those factors do or do in addition to the calculations. calculated results.
not support the calculations. Justification for Justification for
decision. whether or not the whether or not the
added factors do or added factors do or
do not support the do not support the
decision are not decision are
accurate or is provided.

Score 0 1 2 3 4

Writing is unclear. Writing is clear but Writing is clear but not Writing is clear, Writing is clear,
Grammar and not concise. Style is completely in a concise, and concise, and
Writing Clarity spelling mistakes are inappropriate (e.g., professional style. Few professional. Minimal professional. The
and Quality numerous. too casual). Some spelling or grammar spelling and writing follows a
spelling and errors detected. grammatical issues. logical flow. No 10% of
grammar errors are spelling or grade
apparent. grammatical errors
are present.

Score 0 1 2 3 4

No citations are Most references are All resources and All resources and All resources and
listed. Plagiarism is cited using APA references are cited; references are cited references are
APA Formatting evident. style, although however, not using using APA style with correctly cited using 10% of
there are several APA style, or there are a few errors. The APA style. The paper grade
errors. The paper several errors. paper mostly follows also follows APA
does not conform to Organization of the
APA formatting paper needs APA formatting formatting
requirements. improvement to be in requirements. requirements
APA format.

Score 0 1 2 3 4


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