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Vuka Darkie Meeting Minutes

31 August 2022

Opening: -
The meeting was opened by our secretary Nomvuselelo Khuluse with prayer.

Present: -
All members were present.

Absent: -
There was no member that was absent.

Business from previous meeting: -

There was no old business since this was our first meeting.

New business: -
1. Strategies to outreach the community.
2. A venue where we will run our organization in.
3. Giving each and every person who is a part of the organization a role in the project that we are
willing to do.

Action Steps
• Our treasure raises the opinion on the strategies we can use to reach the community, he said we
can use social media platforms such as Facebook hence people spend most of their time in it.
• Chairman suggested that we can ask municipality for the permission to use the community hall
and also work with ANCYL to reach out in the community.
• Members were given roles for our upcoming project as follows: -
❖ Our chairman Mr. M Khuluse was given two roles for teaching about the benefits of fourth
industrial revolution and also to teach about foreign exchange.
❖ Our additional member was given a role of teaching about online sales marketing strategy.
❖ Lastly our deputy Mr. MA Shwala was given a role of teaching on how to benefit from
agricultural activities.

Adjournment: -
The meeting was adjourned by chairman at 12:13 until 10 September 2022

❖ Secretary approved the meeting.

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