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HSB 2022 N. M.

Endocrine system

The endocrine system is made up of endocrine glands. Endocrine glands are ductless glands that produce
chemical messengers called hormones. The hormones are transmitted by the blood stream and the effect is
usually long lasting.

Diagram showing the location of endocrine glands in the body

HSB 2022 N. M. Narine
Endocrine system

# Endocrine Hormones Function/Effects Disorders

1 Pituitary Growth Stimulates the build-up of proteins in tissue
hormone which results in physical growth.

Follicle F: Stimulates the development of primary F: slow development of

Stimulating follicles into secondary (mature) follicles in follicles
hormone the ovary.

M: Stimulates the development of sperm. M: low sperm count

Luteinizing F: triggers the release of the ovum/egg from F: no ovulation,

hormone the secondary follicle in ovary (Ovulation). irregularity in menstrual
M: Stimulates the testes to produce M: low sperm count.
Anti-diuretic Stimulates the nephrons of kidneys to
hormone reabsorb water from urine.
2 Thyroid Thyroxine Increases metabolism.  Hyperthyroidism –
gland high metabolism, high
heart rate, hyperactive,
weight loss.
 Hypothyroidism – low
heart rate, goiter,
weight gain, tiredness.
3 Pancreas Insulin Reduces glucose level in the blood by Diabetes
causing cells to increase absorption of
glucose from blood and converting excess
glucose into glycogen.

HSB 2022 N. M. Narine

4 Adrenal Adrenaline

5 Ovary Oestrogen


6 Testes Testosterone

HSB 2022 N. M. Narine
Endocrine system

Evaluation – Endocrine system:

1. Name the hormone(s) which:

(a) Increases reabsorption of water in the kidneys

(b) Is secreted during emergency situations

(c) Lowers blood glucose level

(d) Increase blood glucose level

(e) Affects both the male and female reproductive systems

(f) Results in goiter when it is lacking

2. Complete the table below to show the differences between nervous and hormonal co-ordination:
# Features Nervous co-ordination Hormonal co-ordination
1 Types of message

2 Transport medium

3 Speed of transmission
4 Duration of effect
(Short term/long term)

Table showing the differences between nervous and hormonal co-ordination

HSB 2022 N. M. Narine
The eye

Sense organs are organs that have receptor cells that are capable of detecting a particular stimulus. A stimulus is
a change in the immediate environment of an organism.

Sense organs Stimuli

Table showing the sense organs and stimuli

Diagram of the human eye


Diagram of the eye

HSB 2022 N. M. Narine
The eye

# Structure Function
1 Conjunctiva

2 Cornea

3 Pupil

4 Iris

5 Lens

6 Suspensory ligaments

7 Ciliary muscle

8 Aqueous humor

9 Vitreous humor

10 Retina

11 Optic nerve

12 Choroid

13 Sclera

HSB 2022 N. M. Narine
The eye

How do we see?

Light rays from the object enter the eye and become inverted onto the retina. The receptor cells in the retina
then transmit an impulse to the optic nerve which carries it to the brain where it is processed back to its original

Evaluation: The eye

1. Name the part of the eye which:

(a) Bends light rays -
(b) Focuses light rays -
(c) Controls the size of the pupil -
(d) Controls the shape of the lens -
(e) Suspends the lens -
(f) Contain receptor cells -

2. Where is the blind spot?


3. Which Vitamin is needed for healthy eyes?

HSB 2022 N. M. Narine
The eye

Effect of light on the pupil (pupil reflex)

In bright light the pupil gets smaller to prevent too In dim light, the pupil gets bigger to allow more light
much light from entering the eye which can damage to enter the eye so that you can see better.
the cells of the retina and cause blindness.

Evaluation: pupil reflex

1. Mary entered a bright room and her pupil immediately became smaller. Explain how nerve impulses are

transmitted during the pupil reflex. Identify the stimulus, receptor, effector and neurons in your explanation.






HSB 2022 N. M. Narine
The eye

Accommodation Power of Accommodation of Human Eyes | Class 10th Science

Accommodation is the change in the shape of the lens when viewing nearby and far away objects. The lens of
the eyes has a natural biconvex shape (curved on both sides).

Lens become less convex (flatten) when viewing distant objects and more convex (bulges) when viewing
nearby objects.

 Viewing far away objects - ciliary muscles relax and pull on the suspensory ligaments and cause it to
tighten. This causes the lens to become less convex (thinner) in shape. This is because less refraction of light
rays are needed to view distant objects.

 Viewing nearby objects- ciliary muscles contract and push on the suspensory ligaments and cause it to
slacken. This causes the lens to become more convex (bulges). This is because more refraction of light rays
are required to view nearby objects.

A: Accommodation of lens when viewing distant objects

B: Accommodation of lens when viewing nearby objects

Diagram showing accommodation

HSB 2022 N. M. Narine
The eye

Eye defects

1. Short-sightedness – condition in which an individual can only see objects that are nearby clearly while
objects far away appear blurry.
 Causes of short-sightedness – long eye balls. Lens is too convex in shape which causes the parallel light
rays from objects to be focused infront of retina due to too much refraction by lens.

Diagram showing the causes of short-sightedness

 Treatment of short-sightedness – laser surgery, concave lens

Diagram showing correction of short-sightedness by a concave lens

HSB 2022 N. M. Narine
The eye

Eye defects

2. Long-sightedness - condition in which an individual can only see objects that are far away clearly while
objects nearby appear.

 Causes of long-sightedness – short eye balls. Lens is too thin (less convex) which causes parallel light
rays from objects to be focused behind the retina due to less refraction by lens.

Diagram showing the causes of long-sightedness

 Treatment- laser surgery, convex lens.


Convex lens

Diagram showing correction of short-sightedness by a convex lens

HSB 2022 N. M. Narine
The eye

3. Astigmatism – blurry vision at all distances due to an irregularly curved lens or cornea.

 Causes – irregularly curved lens or cornea. This may cause light rays to have multiple focal points
resulting in blurry vision.

Diagram showing normal vision vs. Astigmatism

 Treatment – surgery, cylindrical lens


4. Glaucoma – increase in pressure within the eye. The increase in pressure in the eye can damage the optic
nerve and lead to blindness.

 Causes of glaucoma: excess fluid is retained in the eye, blockage of drainage angle, eye inflammation,
eye trauma.
 Treatment of glaucoma: eye drops, surgery, medical marijuana.


5. Cataract – condition in which the lens becomes cloudy or opaque. Results in blindness since light cannot
pass through lens.

 Causes: buildup of protein in the lens that makes it cloudy, German measles.
 Treatment: lens replacement surgery

HSB 2022 N. M. Narine
The eye

HSB 2022 N. M. Narine

HSB 2022 N. M. Narine


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