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PROGRAM TITLE: Higher Nationals in Bussiness

UNIT TITLE: Managing a Successful Business Project




DATE RECEIVED: 22/6/2022



STUDENT NAME: Phùng Đăng Quân


MOBILE NUMBER: 0766134529

Summative Feedback

Internal Verifiaction
Table of Contents
I. Report introduction............................................................................4
II. Results and Findings.........................................................................4
III. Conclusions and recommendations from the findings................11
IV. Evaluation of the tools and techniques for accuracy and
authenticity to support and justify recommendations.......................12
V. Critical evaluation and reflection on the project outcomes
including conclusions and recommendations.....................................13
VI. Performance Review form.............................................................14
VII. Evaluation of the value of the project management process to
meet stated objectives and support own learning and performance.
VIII.  Critical evaluation and reflection on the decision-making
process and changes or developments of the initial project
management plan to support the justification of recommendations
and learning during the project...........................................................17
IX. Conclusion.......................................................................................17

I. Report introduction
The report will be broken into five major sections. The first section will analyze the answers
obtained by the researcher through survey questions and interview questions. The second section
will talk about the researcher's solutions and recommendations to build a modern workplace. The
third part will be about the strengths and weaknesses of chart analysis and thematic analysis,
along with the researcher's assessment of the feasibility of the solutions and recommendations
mentioned above. Following that, in the fourth section, the report will show readers the process
of the researcher doing the above research through the Performance Review form. In the fifth
part, the researcher will further evaluate for readers the Primary research and Secondary research
along with changes that can improve the quality of future projects.

II. Results and Findings

1. Survey data analysis
 How would you rate your satisfaction with your current job?

According to the survey chart, 61.1% of respondents feel that they are satisfied with their current
job. 0% of respondents feel that they are not satisfied with their current job. It is clear that the
respondents' companies do quite well to make their employees feel comfortable and want to stick
around for a long time while working at the company.
 If the Company offers you a free English training course for work purposes, are you
willing to learn?

+ Agree
+ Disagree
According to the survey results, up to 77.8% of the respondents said that they would be willing
to take an English training course. Only 22.2% decided not to study. With more than 75% of
respondents agreeing, it is extremely necessary to apply English training for work purposes. But
Panasonic also needs to find out and clarify why 22.2% of respondents are not willing to learn
(maybe they are afraid to learn a new language, or they feel it is not necessary to learn English,
etc.) Then the company must find a way to deal with those who do not agree to learn.
If, after you complete the English training course, the company wants to nominate you to a
foreign branch to work with a higher salary, would you agree?
+ Agree
+ Disagree
The graph chart also shows that 77.8% of those who agree to take the above English training
course also fully agree with being able to work in a foreign branch of the Company with a higher
salary. This shows that the majority of employees agree with the Company's changes to make the
workplace more modern. With both being able to learn English for free while also having the
opportunity to work with a higher salary, it is easy to see why this change has been so well
received by employees.
If you agree to move to a foreign branch to work, when would you like the English training
+ During working hours
+ Outside working hours
According to the survey results, 55.6% of respondents chose to want the training to take place
outside of working hours. It is easy to understand that these people do not want to attend an
English training course to affect the quality of their daily work. They are willing to stay overtime
to learn English and don't want to give up their time routine because of the English course.
The graph chart also shows that 44.4% of those who agree to attend the English training course
want the training to take place during working hours. Most of those who chose the answer
wanted the English training course to take place during working hours because they could not
arrange the time to attend the training course outside of working hours. Panasonic should
consider organizing and arranging two training sessions, one during working hours and one
outside working hours to satisfy the needs of all employees.
If the company you are working for proposes to use AI in work, what is your opinion?
+ Agree
+ Disagree
According to the survey results, up to 94.4% of respondents agree with the company's
application of AI in work. It shows that Panasonic's efforts to make the workplace more modern
are on the right track and are supported by many people. Thereby, it can be seen that most of the
respondents are ready to make digital transformations and are willing to learn and adapt to
improve the quality of the Company's working environment.
2. Interviewing data analysis
Theme 1: English training course

Question 1: With Vietnam being an extremely strong developing country, it is important

for employees to understand many languages other than Vietnamese, especially English so
that they can exchange and work with foreign companies will be extremely important. So
what do you think about the application of English training courses for employees at their

To answer this question, Mr. Quang pointed out the advantages of being fluent in English.
Firstly, Mr. Quang points out that the vast majority of quality information stored worldwide is in
English. Therefore, if the Company's employees can understand and use English well, it will be a
huge advantage compared to the rest.
Secondly, Mr. Quang also points out that in today's competitive labor market, it is necessary to
speak English. Working with local clients, according to Mr. Quang, is no longer enough for
companies in the 4.0 era. Employees of the Company need to understand English to be able to
communicate and work most effectively with foreign guests or overseas Vietnamese.

As for Mrs.Thuy, she agrees that being able to use English fluently will be a great help to the
Company's employees. It's about being able to work with foreign clients on your own without
any difficulty.
Mrs.Thuy also emphasized that being able to use English fluently will make it easier for the
Company's employees to advance in their work. She said that employees who can use English
well can be sent by the Company to a foreign branch to work with a much higher remuneration
than the current level. "It will be a jump in terms of remuneration and a working environment for
them" according to Mrs.Thuy.

Question 2: If English training can be applied to the Company's employees, what will be
the biggest challenges? And can you give solutions to overcome those obstacles?

Mr. Quang believes that one of the biggest challenges for employees when they have to learn a
new language, is that they can't find the motivation to do it. Mr. Quang emphasized that when
employees have to learn a completely new language, motivation is one of the most important
factors. By being able to maintain motivation throughout the training course, employees will
learn and internalize knowledge more effectively.

Mr. Quang said that to be able to solve the above obstacle, the company's mission is to create
motivation for employees. For example, assuring employees that if they can complete an English
training course with good results, the Company can arrange for them to get a new position with a
better salary.

Mrs. Thuy, on the other hand, entirely agrees with Mr. Quang's viewpoint and believes that the
training environment is also a significant obstacle for employees. She believes that if employees
are taught by a good lecturer along with learning and working in a comfortable environment, the
results will be extremely positive. 
To be able to do so, Mrs. Thuy emphasized that it is extremely important for the Company to
choose quality lecturers. The company also needs to build a comfortable learning and working
environment to help employees complete the training in the best way.

Question 3: To be able to apply the above training method, what conditions must the
company meet?

Both Mr. Quang and Mrs. Thuy affirmed that for the English training course to be most
effective, it is extremely important to hire a quality lecturer. Along with that, the learning
environment for employees must be clean and comfortable to help them learn and work most

To satisfy the above conditions, both Mr. Quang and Mrs. Thuy emphasized that the Company
must have enough capital resources to hire a quality lecturer to teach employees. The company
also needs to arrange the training class so that it can satisfy the schedule of all employees.

Theme 2: Artificial Intelligence

Question 1: So to be able to apply AI technology in the Company, what will be the main

To answer this question, Mr. Quang believes that the biggest challenge is that when the
Company puts AI at work, it will encounter disagreements among employees. Because no matter
what, the main workforce of the Company is still employees. Therefore, if employees disagree,
this will affect the quality of their work, thereby also affecting the profits of the Company.

As for Mr. Thuy, in addition to agreeing with the above opinion of Mr. Quang, she also pointed
out that the cost to be able to applying AI in the company will also be a big obstacle. Because AI
is a relatively new field and the cost to have an AI line working and running smoothly is
extremely expensive. In addition, the company also needs to consider the cost to maintain those
AI machines. Therefore, the Company must carefully consider whether to invest in AI or not.

Question 2: So can you give some solutions to solve the challenges that I mentioned above?
Mr. Quang emphasized that the solution he thinks is the most practical is to explain to employees
what AI is and show how AI will be applied in the Company.

Firstly, the Company needs to consult employees about applying AI to work. Next, for
employees who do not agree with the application of AI in their work, the Company needs to
clearly explain the concept of AI to them. After the explanation is complete, the Company
should clearly indicate to the employees which AI will be applied to the Company's activities.
Finally, the organization must show employees how such AI adoption will bring benefits to
employees and the Company.

As for Mrs. Thuy, she pointed out that before investing in AI, the Company must ensure enough
capital to be able to pay for those advanced machines.

 Mrs. Thuy emphasized that the Company should raise enough capital from investors as well as
from shareholders of the Company to avoid having to borrow from banks. Next, the Company
must ensure that those expensive machines will work smoothly and efficiently so that they can
help the Company turn a profit. Mrs. Thuy also mentioned that the company needs to conduct
periodic maintenance as well as to detect and repair errors on time to ensure the smooth
operation of that AI system.

III. Conclusions and recommendations from the findings

1. Conclusions for the key considerations for building a roadmap to a modern workplace

Based on Secondary data along with the results obtained from the survey question and interview,
the researcher pointed out conclusions for the key considerations for building a roadmap to a
modern workplace.

For the English training course, the Company has ensured that the quality of the training course
must be suitable for employees. That is reflected in the Company's plan to hire a good lecturer
who has a lot of experience in teaching English to employees of large enterprises. 

Moreover, the Company has also ensured the time of the English training course so that it is most
suitable for all employees by opening two training classes. One class will take place during
office hours and the other class will be held outside office hours to accommodate the different
needs of employees.

As for the application of AI in work, the Company has ensured that all employees have been
introduced to AI and that all employees agree with the application of AI in work. The Company
has also secured enough capital from investors and shareholders to be able to buy those AI
machines without having to take out a bank loan.

 2. Recommendations for building a modern workplace

For the application of the English training course, the researcher pointed out that the Company
should organize a periodic inspection once a month to know whether the training course is
effective or not. Thereby the Company can also know which employees are not performing well
in the training course so that the Company can urge and remind them to focus and study harder
in a timely manner.

As for the application of AI technology to work, the researcher suggested that the Company
should pay attention to tightening the network security segment. Because cybercriminals have
the ability to take advantage of artificial intelligence and the internet to come up with
unpredictable attack methods. Therefore, many hackers can perform cyber attacks against AI
machines to steal Company information without actually being there.

IV. Evaluation of the tools and techniques for accuracy and authenticity to support and
justify recommendations

1. Evaluation of Chart Analysis


Firstly, Graph analysis will help the researcher get the most intuitive view of the respondents'
choices through the answers they provide to the researcher. From there, the researcher can easily
evaluate and analyze those answers. 
Secondly, the answers that the researchers obtained through graph analysis will also help them to
capture the respondents' tendency to choose the answer. From there, researchers can understand
the thinking style of the responses.


Firstly, small quantitative studies such as chart analysis may be less reliable because of the small
amount of data. Since researchers can only evaluate and analyze the answers given in the survey,
they will not be able to ask the candidate any more case questions. This also affects the
Company's ability to generalize research results.

Secondly, if the researcher's knowledge is not good enough, he or she will not be able to analyze
and evaluate the responses that the respondent submits. Thereby, it will make it useless to create
a survey and also make respondents doubt the quality of the Company's human resources.

2. Evaluation of Thematic Analysis


Thematic analysis helps to clarify the behavioral factors and attitudes of research subjects.
Sometimes, just by relying on body language or the hesitation of respondents to answer
questions, researchers can tell if they are lying or telling the truth.

Since Thematic analysis uses unstructured research methods, the flexibility is very high. The
researcher can change the question depending on the situation to get the desired answer.


Because of time and cost concerns, the design of a Thematic analysis cannot be sampled on a
large scale, and the results of this study are often highly subjective. 

The time required to collect and analyze data for a Thematic analysis is quite long and difficult.
The average time for a thematic analysis application is usually about 30 minutes, which can
make respondents feel uncomfortable, depressed, and tired.
V. Critical evaluation and reflection on the project outcomes including conclusions and

From the conclusions mentioned above, it has been shown that the methods proposed by the
researcher for the Company are completely feasible and will bring many benefits to the

From the recommendations mentioned above, it has been shown that the researchers have
observed and made some suggestions to help the two methods above to operate in the Company
in the best way.

VI. Performance Review form

What did you aim to achieve through your work?

I have found a solution to improve the English training course and the application of AI in the
Company's work.

Did your work succeed in achieving your aims? How do you know? Specifically, please
outline any evaluation and assessment undertaken

My goal is to conduct a survey and collect the results of the respondents. I know I have
accomplished my goal because I have collected enough responses from the participants along
with the research paper that was also completed on time.

What aspects of your development process do you think worked well and why?

Every aspect of the project is equally important to me. But to be able to show the best
performing and most important aspect is initial research. Because I and my colleagues have done
a lot of research together to create surveys and interview questions to get the best quality

What problems emerged during the project and how were they tackled? Was there timely
identification of issues and resolution during the project process?

We had a hard time finding the two interviewees that we found the most satisfying.  Because the
interviewees when being interviewed often do not meet our requirements or do not put their heart
into conducting the interview. We had to sit down together to agree on the necessary and
sufficient criteria for interviewees. After that, we went to search for those interviewees based on
the agreed criteria.

What did you learn from undertaking the project?

The most important thing my work has revealed to me can tabulate and analyze the GANTT
Chart and Work Breakdown Structure along with timing and getting the project done on time.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of your process that you have identified?

My strength is that I have created a Survey question along with an Interview question in the best
way. The weakness that I realized through the process of doing the project is that I have not been
able to select the two best interviewees. Therefore, the interview part took place slower than

How could your process improve for the future?

I and other researchers had to sit down together to agree on the necessary and sufficient criteria
for interviewees so that the matter of having to re-select two interviewees did not happen again.
In future projects, I should also expand the number of interviewers as well as expand the number
of respondents to the survey question to get more accurate and quality information.

VII. Evaluation of the value of the project management process to meet stated objectives
and support own learning and performance.

1. Evaluation of the Primary research

a. Survey

Firstly, respondents can only answer available answers or yes-no questions in the survey. So
those answers will not be too general either. This will make it impossible for researchers to know
why candidates chose that answer. In contrast, survey respondents were also unable to explain to
the researcher why they chose that answer. 
Secondly, small quantitative studies such as surveys may be less reliable because the number of
participants answering the question is only from 15 to 20 people.  In addition, apart from the
questions raised in the survey, the researcher will not be able to ask the candidate any more case
questions. This also affects the Company's ability to generalize research results.

Last but not least, is the quality of the survey respondents. Because a Survey question will be
more accessible to a wider audience than an interview. Therefore, it is inevitable that the
respondents who answered the question had little or no expertise in the area covered by the
researcher in the Survey question. So it's very likely that the researchers won't be able to get the
responses they want.

b. Interviewing

Firstly, the interview method is often very complicated and time-consuming. Therefore, the
number of respondents to be interviewed will be less than that of answering through the survey.
More specifically, the interview will interview 2 people. The first one is Mr. Quang - Sales
Manager of Petrolimex Company. The second person is Mrs. Thuy - Chief Accountant of Kim
Long Joint Stock Company. Because the interview can only interview two people, the data
collected through this interview, although detailed, is extremely meager. Sometimes the results
obtained are not as expected by the researchers.

Secondly, when conducting interviews with the two interviewees above, those interviewees may
have no qualifications and lack knowledge in the field of project management, the quality of the
interviews becomes poor and the results obtained are inaccurate. Or there are cases when
interviewees cannot provide answers because it is the confidential information of their Company.

Last but not least, when conducting the interview, maybe the researcher does not have enough
skills and experience, so it leads to poor quality or off-topic interview questions. This can make
the two interviewees feel like a waste of time and sometimes cause them to have bad thoughts
about the quality of the Company's personnel.

2. Evaluation of the Secondary Research

The researcher used information from Panasonic VietNam's official website as well as some
trustworthy articles for this project. The reviewer has collected information about Panasonic's
culture and working environment on the Company's website. The articles are assured to have
been updated within the last year, and the material is identical to that found on Panasonic's
official website. 

However, information posted on the Company's website may not be a reflection of the
Company's overall quality. Because on some other company review sites, people who have
worked at Panasonic sometimes share negative information about the Company's working
environment as well as disagreements between employees and leaders.

VIII.  Critical evaluation and reflection on the decision-making process and changes or
developments of the initial project management plan to support the justification of
recommendations and learning during the project.

For future projects, the researcher should expand the research method.

Firstly, the researcher should widen the range of respondents to the survey question. Instead of
surveying only 15 to 20 people, the researcher should survey all employees of the Company in
upcoming projects to get the most intuitive and honest information.

Secondly, the researcher should also expand the interviewer range from two to more people. In
particular, the researcher should interview the company's senior leaders, who have high expertise
to be able to collect the most useful and quality information.

Thirdly, because the cost to install AI is very high, Panasonic should try to apply AI to a few
branches of the Company first. From there, Panasonic can evaluate whether this method is
effective and if it costs too much to install. Panasonic can then decide on whether to apply AI to
the job.

Finally, the researcher should use the Observation Method. This method is a qualitative research
method. Additionally, this approach involves deliberate observation and planning under various
conditions to gather particular data.  In addition, this method is often used in the case of finding a
research problem, formulating a hypothesis, or testing a hypothesis.
IX. Conclusion

Through the research above, it is easy to see that the survey questions along with the interview
questions have helped the researcher to collect extremely quality information. The report also
showed readers the solutions along with recommendations for building a modern workplace that
the researcher has drawn when analyzing the answers through survey questions and interview
questions. In addition, the report also pointed out the process by which the researcher worked on
this project and the issues that need to be changed to improve the quality of future projects.

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