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Air Pollution: Affects Heath, Biodiversity, Ozone layer and other Industries.


Air pollution is one of the big problems these days in our community. The destruction of
ozone layer is a major factor in causing asthma, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide can also
cause asthma, bronchial symptoms, lung inflammation, and reduced lung function. It also
increases the risk of heart and respiratory diseases.
Pollutants such as sulfur can lead to excess levels of acid in lakes and streams, damage
trees, and alter forest soils. Air pollution can damage crops and trees in a variety of ways. Air
pollution affects all things. It is harmful to our health, and it impacts the environment by
reducing visibility and blocking sunlight, causing acid rain, and harming forests, wildlife, and
agriculture. Greenhouse gas pollution, the cause of climate change affects the entire planet.
Pollution is affecting many individuals and life as we know it. We need to do something
about how it’s affecting our world. Most people should realize that pollution is an issue that
needs to be prevented because of its negative consequences. Which are the health effects, the
total destruction of environments, and the deaths of animals and plants. More awareness must be
brought up among the people, and they must realize the long-term benefits it has for the world.


The main objective is to evaluate how to lower air pollution by doing things to lessen the
negative effect on the community and ecosystem because poor air quality has harmful effects on
human health, not just for humans but also for other living things that inhale the toxic air,
specifically the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
There are so many ways in which we can reduce and resolve our main problem, which is
air pollution, such as reducing the use of automobiles, avoiding burning garbage at home, and
lastly, using electric appliances indoors only when necessary. We must end cutting down trees
and make our Mother Earth breathable and healthier. With the help of reducing our bad habits
that harm our mother earth, we can reduce the deaths and diseases from stroke, heart disease,
lung cancer, and both chronic and acute respiratory diseases, including asthma

In General, air pollution can be defined as an alteration of air quality that can be
characterized by measurements of chemical, biological, or physical pollutants in the air.
Therefore, air pollution means the undesirable presence of impurities or an abnormal rise in the
proportion of some constituents of the atmosphere. For instance, pollution can affect our health.
It is the most dangerous environmental killer. 


I would like you to all to support our advocacy and the project of reducing the air
pollution in so many ways since this is not just a problem of us but also a problem of our planet

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the following:
Mobile Number: 0999 835 2692
Facebook Acc: Tatel Tatel

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