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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics

By Jamaica I. Aquino

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:
1. Define each of the three measures of central tendency
2. apply the concepts of mean, median, and mode in real life situation
3. determine which measure of central tendency is best to use in a given.

II. Subject Matter:

Unit Concept : Mean, Median and Mode.
Topics : Measures of Central Tendency
References : College Statistics with Computer Applications (2015 Edition)
Pages : 50 to 56
By : Reynaldo G. Barata, Sergio E. Ymas Jr.
Materials : Power Point Presentation, Marker, Whiteboard

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Routinary Activities:
1. Prayer
“Before we start our lesson for
today, let’s all stand for a prayer.”
(Presenting a worship song)

2. Greeting the class

“A pleasant morning for each of “Good morning, Miss Jamaica.”

3. Checking of the attendance

“Okay, may I know if there any “There is no absent today”
absent today?”
4. Observing the orderliness of the
“Thank you, Miss secretary,
everyone please arrange your chair
and sit in your assigned sits.”

B. Review:
“Before we proceed to our next topic,
lest have first a short recap regarding
on our previous lesson”

“Anyone who can remember what we “We discussed about the graphs that are useful
tackled yesterday” for conveying information very quickly”
“Very good. What else?” “We also tackled about the data summaries
that can be form in tabular, graphical and
“That’s right. We also discussed the “The most common graphical methods are,
common graphical methods. Anyone line graphs, time series, line chart, bar charts,
who can enumerate those methods?” histograms, frequency polygons, ogives, pie
charts, pictograms and logarithmic graphs.”
“Very good it seems that you do
understand our previous lesson about
the Graphical Representation of
Frequency Distributions.”

C. Motivation:
” I think it would be best to start our
new lesson with a brand-new exercise
that you are sure to appreciate since
you did so well on every job in our
prior lesson.”

“I have here a bucket of candies and I Each students takes a turn to visit the bucket
need 5 students here in front to grab a and grab a handful of candies
handful of candies and let’s find out
who gets the more candies.” (Assumed number of candies students grab)

1st student- 4 candies

2nd student-6 candies
3rd student- 7 candies
4th student- 3 candies
5th student- 5 candies
“Now let’s list down the number of
candies they grab”

“We have now a set of numbers

(4,6,7,3,5) and this set of numbers will
be the given for our lesson for today”

D. Discussion
“This set of numbers has a connection
in our topic for today which is the
Measures of Central Tendency. There
are three important measures in central
tendency and ill discussed what are Yes, ma’am.
those while we solving this set of
numbers. Are you ready?”
“First, we have to add those 5 given
numbers. Who wants to solve it at the
board?” Expected Answer:
4+6+7+3+5= 25
“Next let’s divide the sum into 5
because we have a 5 given numbers.
What did you get?”
25/5 = 5
“Very good class, the answer that you
get is called the mean. So, base on the
activity what do you think is the
meaning of a mean?
Mean is the sum of all the number of candies
“Very good! Mean is the average of the divided by the number of its set.
scores and it is called the mathematical
center of a distribution, to find the
mean we have here the formula.”

The formula for finding the mean is

“Lets have some example for you to

understand more how to get the mean.”

Sam scored the following grades in his

end of year exams:

What was his mean grade?

Very good! Let’s proceed now to
the next important measures of central
tendency which is median. I have here
a set of scores
4, 17, 77, 25, 22, 23, 92, 82, 40, 24, 14,
12, 67, 23, 29

First, we have to rearrange the numbers 4, 12, 14, 17, 22, 23, 23, 24, 25, 29, 40, 67, 77,
from ascending to descending order 82, 92.
and when we arrange them what will
we get?

“How many given scores we have?’ 15

Very good and the middle number of Number 8 ma’am.

fifteen is?

Very good! And at the 8th given we

have 24. And that is the median of this
set of scores.

Base on this activity what is the Median is the middle value of the given list of
definition of the median? data when arranged in an order. The
arrangement of data or observations can be
made either in ascending order or descending

Very good! Let’s proceed

now to the last important measures of
central tendency which is the mode.”

“A mode is defined as the value that

has a higher frequency in a given set of
values. It is the value that appears the
greatest number of times.”

Let us learn here how to find the mode

of a given data with the help of these

Find the mode of the given data set:

3, 3, 6, 9, 15, 15, 15, 27, 27, 37, 48.

Now, look at this given data and tell me There are a lot of repeated numbers in the
what you notice? given.

That’s right and to find the mode we

have to find the most used number in
the given?what do you think is the I think the mode of the given data isa 15
mode of the given data? because it used 3 times in the given.

Very good, as you noticed 15 used 3

times in the given that’s why the mode
is 15. But how we define the mode if
the given is like this?


What did you notice in the given? The number 2 and 5 is both used 3 times in the

That’s right and when there are two

modes in a data set, then the set is
called bimodal. And if there are three
modes in a data set, then it’s called
Trimodal and lastly if we have four or
more modes in a data set, then the set is
called multimodal.

Do you have any question about the Ma’am what if there is no value or number in
mode? a data set appears more than once.

If there is no value or number repeated

then the set of data have no modes.

That’s all, is there any clarification? Do

you understand the lesson for today? Yes Ma’am.
E. Application
Now class, I will give you an activity
and you will answer the following
question that being asked, after that
discuss on how you solved the said

Find the mean, median and mode of

the following data:

1. 23, 18, 24, 23, 31, 37, 28, 30, 25,

40, 35, 35, 27, 25, 23.

Answer: Mean:28.6, Median: 27

Mode: 23

2. 26, 25, 40, 35, 35, 29, 41, 24, 21.

Answer: Mean:30.66, Median: 29,

Mode: 35

3. 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 28, 28

Answer: Mean: 25.14, Median: 26,

Mode: 28

F. Generalization

What are the most important measures Mean, Median and Mode.
of central tendency?

Good! What is the definition of Mean? The mean is the average of the given data set.

That’s Right!

How about the Median? The median is the middlemost data value of an
ordered data set

Very good. What is the Mode? Mode is the most frequently occurring value in
the data set.
IV. Evaluation
In one whole sheet of paper answer the given items.

I. Identify the following.

________1. The value that is repeatedly occurring in a given set.
________2. The middle value of the given list of data when arranged in an order
________3. A Set of data where There are two modes in a data set
________4. A Set of data where there are three modes in a data set
________5. The average of the given set of values. It denotes the equal distribution of
values for a given data set
________6. A Set of data where there are four or more modes in a data set
II. Solve the Following
1. What is the mean of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10?
2. Find the median of the following:
4, 17, 77, 25, 22, 23, 92, 82, 40, 24, 14, 12, 67, 23, 29
3. Find the mode of the given data set: 3, 3, 6, 9, 15, 15, 15, 27, 27, 37, 48.
I. Identify the following.
1. Mode
2. Median
3. Bimodal
4. Trimodal
5. Mean
6. Multimodal
II. Solve the following.
1. 6
2. 24
3. 15
V. Assignment
Read and study about the Percentiles, Deciles and Quartiles from page 57-60
Aquino, Jamaica I.

BSE 3 Mathematics

Using the guidelines in Constructing a True or False Test, construct a 25-item assessment tool in
any of your chosen topic/s. You may use other subjects aside from Mathematics.

Direction: Determine if each of the following is true or false. In each case, explain your
answer in detail or correct the question if it is false. (Science)

1. Energy can be transmitted wirelessly.

2. A meteor would burn up more rapidly in the atmosphere of Mars than it would passing
through the Earth’s atmosphere.
3. The rings of Saturn are very thin, compared to their length and width.
4. Snowmelt is the source of most of the world’s drinking water.
5. Silver is the most conductive of metals.
6. Walking upstairs uses more energy than walking on level ground.
7. Water is the most common element on Earth.
8. There are 500 stars visible to the naked eye from Earth
9. There are more than 2,000 kinds of mosquitoes.
10. The speed of sound is constant.
11. Hair helps us humans hear.
12. Human skin cells divide only once.
13. Apes don’t laugh.
14. Galaxies are classified by their shape.
15. A rubber band stores potential energy when stretched.
16. An elephant has 100 muscles in its trunk.
17. In the human body, food energy is stored in the hair.
18. The wavelength of red light is shorter than that of blue light.
19. Helium gives off a pungent odor.
20. The path of a light ray can be bent as it travels past a massive object.
21. Astronomers can look back in time.
22. Earth’s oldest known rock is about 4 billion years old.
23. Earth is a giant magnet.
24. There are stars made of diamonds.
25. Iron is the most abundant metal in Earth’s crust
Answer Key:

2. FALSE (The Martian atmosphere is much thinner than Earth’s. As a result, the
frictional heating suffered by a meteor would be less, and it would burn more slowly
than on Earth.)
4. FALSE (Most of the world’s drinking water comes from underground aquifers. This
water is called groundwater, that is, fresh water beneath the earth’s surface.)
7. FALSE (Water is not an element but rather a combination of hydrogen and oxygen
atoms. Hydrogen is the most abundant element.)
8. FALSE. (There are about 6,000 stars visible to the naked eye from Earth. Only 2,000
can be seen from any given spot, even the tallest observatory)
10. FALSE (The speed of sound varies because of environmental conditions such as air
pressure and humidity.)
11. TRUE
12. FALSE (Human skin cells divide between 50 and 70 times.)
13. FALSE (Apes, including gorillas, make low grunting noises that are equivalent to
human laughter. Apes express delight and pleasure with the sound.)
14. TRUE
15. TRUE
16. FALSE (There are more than 150,000 muscle fascicles (specialized bundles of muscle
fiber) in an elephant’s trunk. These form 6 major muscle groups.)
17. FALSE (In the human body, food energy is stored in fat tissue.)
18. FALSE (Light waves at the blue end of the spectrum have shorter wavelengths and
higher frequencies than those at the red end.)
19. FALSE (Helium is a gas that has no color, odor, or taste.)
20. TRUE
21. TRUE
22. TRUE
23. TRUE
24. TRUE
25. FALSE (Iron is the second most common metal in Earth’s crust. Of the metals in the
crust, only aluminum is more common.)

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