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Task 1 (After MID – Semester Genap)

Material: Momentum & Impulse

1. What is the momentum of the truck (m = 10,000 kg) if it is moving at 12 m/s2?
2. Object A and B with a mass of 5 kg and 6 kg, respectively, move in opposite directions as in
the following figure. The initial velocity of object A is 6 m/s.

Then both of them collide and after the collision the object reverses direction with velocity A
= 4 m/s and velocity B = 2 m/s .The velocity of object B before collision is ... (pay attention
to the direction of velocity of the object after collision)

3. A ball of 0.15 kg mass is hit so that its velocity changes from +20 m/s to -20 m/s. How much
impulse does the batter give to the ball?

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