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China Denise Rosales

MIP Homework

1.) Conduct a study on the importance of safety and security in all forms of travel.

The tourism Industry is considered as one of the fastest developing sectors for the economy
worldwide. One of the main reasons of this is the growing numbers of tourist visitation.
Tourist undertakes tour in a place outside their usual environment. It is generally said that
tourism as a development based industry; it has to protect and support the tourist that is
visiting any particular destination. Tourist usually visits in a place with good impressions. One
of the factors to influence their impressions is their assurance regarding the safety and
security of the place.

Safety and security is one of the most considered factors when it comes to travelling. Every
tourism hosts have to ensure that they could provide a secure and safe place for people to
visit,the success and failure of a tourism destination varies within their safety and security
measurements.Safety and security influence tourists decision making on country/place
selection for their vacation.Tourists want to experience peace in travelling,they seek
relaxation,comfort and safety which depends on the mode of transportation and the place
where they go.

We have different modes of travel,such as cars,buses,trains for land mode. Airplanes for air
travel and for water travel,we have cruise and boats. We apply safety and security measure
on everyone not just for the tourists but also for the employees in the tourism
industry.Preventive measures should be followed,because it may affect the certain tourist

According to the study “Strategies for Safety and Security in Tourism” of Leong Choon Chang
(2001), says the safety and security management should be maintained in a high level. The
local government and the police force should collaborate to facilitate and promote
cooperation in providing safety and security measures among the tourists. For example, the
police station near specific places may sign a charter pledging to tighten security in their
premises. The second management is at the national level which amongst other things
includes the police enforcing domestic law and the civil defense forces ensuring public safety
in relation to fire and other dangers.

Safety and Security indicators are important to the destination whereby without the
important of indicators, the destination will not be appealing to the tourist. This is because
everyone takes their life as precious as gold. As for the aspects. The importance of safety and
security for tourism destinations is very high. According to the findings of Dwyer Et Al (2009),
safety and security are among the fundamental requirements for the success of tourism
development at the destination level. Most tourists select their destinations not only on the
basis of price and destination image, but most importantly, on personal safety and security.
The importance of safety and security was also stressed by Peattie El al, Tourism experiences
can be unsatisfying for many reasons, but when a tourist comes to some form of physical
harm, it can pose problems for those promoting tourism to a particular area.
2.) As the Vice President for marketing an airline what programs would you undertake
to even the peaks and valleys in demand?

- Highs and lows in tourism management is expected as competition exist. Also if it is a

seasonal business,for example is an airline there are seasons where in
people/tourists wanted to book a flight for their vacations such as christmas and
holidays and on the other hand there are seasons which there’s not much of tourists.
If Im a Vice President of an airline company,I would create programs and promos
that is fit for a certain season,because people always want promos where they could
afford package deals for travelling. Aside from that I would also work on how I could
promote the airline in social media platforms in order to have more exposure.Have
the social media and webstes more accessible for the tourists since it is the mode of
engagement of people,through the internet.

3.) Research on Significant appeals of cruising.

 Cruising means a journey/voyage on a large ship for pleasure, during which you visit several

Cruises offer great value for your holiday dollars because the fares include nearly everything
you'll need for a fantastic trip: food, accommodations, daytime and evening entertainment
and transportation between destinations

Reasons to travel by a cruise:

1. Cruise Ships are family friendly - From tots to teens, grandparents to grandkids,
cruises are fun for all ages. If you're struggling to find a holiday that your 5-,
10- and 15-year-old will all love -- and that has adult activities, too -- ships now
have extensive kids' facilities, split by age. 
2. Ships offer a variety of onboard activities -Today's cruise ships are designed to
keep everyone happy. Want to pamper yourself at the spa while your spouse
hits the casino? Or lounge in the sun reading a book while your family plays
basketball. You can go to an educational lecture, a wine tasting, a computer
class or a dance workshop; paint pottery, play bridge, learn a language or do
yoga; dine at a casual buffet, a fancy sit-down restaurant, a sushi bar, a diner
or a steakhouse; and watch a movie, a comedy routine, a song-and-dance
show or live music performance. And if all you want to do is nothing while the
ship sails from port to port you can do that, too.
3. Cruise holidays are easy to plan -Because cruise holidays package together
transportation and accommodations, they're very easy to plan. Pick your ship,
itinerary and cabin, and away you go -- no searching for hotels in your price
range, no coordinating travel between cities. You can even get your travel
agent to arrange your airfare for you -- or choose a departure port within
driving distance to eliminate that extra planning step. 
4. Cruise ships are floating cities - If you're concerned about being stranded in the
middle of the ocean, relax. Cruise ships are like floating cities with everything
you could possibly want onboard. Today's vessels are outfitted with Wi-Fi, cell
service and satellite TV so you can stay in touch with the real world during
your cruise
5. Cruising means socializing. If you love to meet people from around the country --
and the world -- cruising provides a wonderful opportunity to make new

Those are the few reasons that made cruising appealing,cruise ships nowadays offer
package deals which includes everything you need in travelling. It has great facilities that
depends on what class of cruise you avail and tourists also enjoy cruising because of the
view that they might see across the ocean within the time of voyage.Some of the cruises
have bars,restaurants,hotel accommodations,swimming pools,play areas and etc. which is
why it is a wonderful experience if you ride a cruise,and these activities appeals the tourist
to try cruising.

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