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Logistic management system

Logistic management system is a system of managing the supply chain and
logistic operations of a business. It is used to track and monitor inventory, shipments,
order, and delivery timelines. Logistic management is the core of modern supply
chain management, as it serves as a platform between the point or origin and the
point of consumption. Its operational efficiency will directly impact the overall
efficiency of the supply chain. Logistic management system is a software solution
that helps companies and organization to effectively manage the movement of
goods, service and personnel. It is designed to assist in the planning, execution and
tracking of freight, transportation and warehousing operations. Logistic
management system helps companies to improve their efficiency and cost-
effectiveness in managing their supply chain operations. The system can be used to
manage inventory, track inventory levels, manage order fulfillment, optimize
shipping costs and improve customer service. It also helps in managing supply chain
activities such as procurement, distribution, warehousing and transportation.


Admin login : This module will allow user to authenticate themselves as

administrators in order to gain access to the system. It will provide a secure login
page that will authenticate user credential and grant access

Warehouse: This module will allow administrators. To manage inventory in the

warehouse. It will provide feature to add, edit, and delete item from the inventory.
It will also provide information about the current inventory levels and stock levels.
Goods arrival: This module will allow administrators to track and record incoming
shipments of goods. It will provide information about the shipment details, as well as
any relevant documentation associated with the shipment.

Good dispatch: The goods dispatch module is designed to help manage the dispatch
and delivery of goods. It allows users to track the shipment and delivery of goods as
well as view and update delivery information. The module also include features to
facilitate the efficient scheduling of shipments and to facilitate communication
between customers and dispatchers.

Existing system : The existing system for logistic management is manual and paper-
based. This system involves manually tracking and recording of shipments. Orders,
invoice, and other logistic activities. It also requires manual input of data into
spreadsheets, and manual calculation of charges for different services. This system is
time consuming and inefficient, and prone to errors

Proposed system: The proposed system for logistic management is automated and
computerized. This system involves the automated tracking and recording of
shipments, order, invoices, and other logistic activities. It also requires the
automated input of data into a database, and automated calculation of charges for
different services. This system is more efficient, accurate, and faster than the
existing system. It also provides better visibility into the entire logistic process.

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