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Name: Jannelle Yessa Mae Evasco

Yr/Program: BA ELS-1A


1. On a bond paper, kindly provide the following information:

- January 28,2004
- Guisian, Mogpog, Marinduque
- Nemalyn sarili (09263301937)
- Never settle for less

2. After watching the short discussion in Ethics, I hope that you already
have an idea about Ethics. On that note, kindly give a short answer to
the following questions: Your answer must be written in no more than 5

a.) What is my idea of ethics? What does ethics mean? How is it

differentiated from morality?
-Find out what is morally right or wrong, right or wrong. In its broader
sense, ethics reflects human beings and their treatment of nature,
other people, freedom, responsibility and justice. Ethics consist of
rules of conduct. It certainly defines how a person should behave in
certain situations. Ethics focuses on the decision-making process of
right and wrong. This can be a weighing of pros and cons, or even
competing values and interests. Morality in the other hand is a code
of conduct, usually based on religious principles, that often influences
our ethical decisions.

b.) How should you answer the question: Why do we want to be

- So we can be a good and positive role model to other people not
just in children but also i adults.with good moral we can be the good
role model that don't give up easily and they persevere when
confronted by obstacles. Their passion to succeed inspires
youngsters to follow through and reach the goals they set for
themselves.This is also can be the key to their development, children
who have positive role models will pick up habits and even
perspectives of adults that could last a lifetime.

c.) How am I supposed to live this LIFE?

- My answer is i want to being myself means liking yourself for who
you are. Living your own life means living the way you want to live without
worrying about what other people think. And that means you respect
yourself. Worrying about what other people think is a waste of time and do
what you want in a good way and enjoy life without regrets .

Good Luck and God Bless!

Be HAPPY and

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