RevChoicesFCE TRM RevTest1-FCE 8442

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Name: ..................................................................

A Read the text and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each gap. (12 points)
According to research that was (1) ...... out in the United States, Americans spend twice as much as they did half a century
ago. Yet they were just as happy, if not more so, in the 1950s. Americans today buy far more products than they used to,
and many of them get (2) ...... debt as a result. It goes without (3) ...... that there is a heavy environmental price to pay for
this ‘spend, spend, spend’ attitude to life. The (4) ...... waste produced by Americans is enormous and includes seven
million cars a year and two million plastic bottles an hour!
However, some organisations are trying to encourage Americans to get (5) ...... on less. Instead of telling people to stop
shopping, they are given the following advice: avoid ‘impulse’ buying – that is, making a decision on the (6) ...... to buy
something. (7) ...... carefully beforehand whether you really need a particular item. Also avoid buying products that have
just (8) ...... , like the latest MP4 player or mobile phone – wait a while and the price will come down. And a (9) ...... of
warning about sales – shop owners know that the word ‘sale’ makes customers think that they are saving money. But if you
buy something you don’t really need in a sale, you are (10) ...... money, not saving it. Don’t be too (11) ...... to buy things
second-hand. Give charity shops (12) ...... – you’ll find stylish and good quality outfits for much less money.
1. A made B carried C put D lifted
2. A onto B up C into D through
3. A saying B telling C noting D speaking
4. A passive B creative C constructive D collective
5. A away B by C over D down
6. A spot B instant C place D moment
7. A Explore B Concern C Consider D Convince
8. A turned up B got through C sent out D come out
9. A sign B way C point D word
10. A wasting B sinking C throwing D dropping
11. A high B proud C ambitious D self-aware
12. A a chance B an experience C a potential D a possibility

B Read the text and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. (12 points)

During the 16th and 17th centuries, London became known (1) ........................... its large shipbuilding industry.
Many trading companies were based there and goods were imported from all (2) ........................... the world. In the 1700s,
the amount of trade continued to increase. In fact (3) ........................... the end of that century, London (4) ...........................
become one of the (5) ........................... important ports in the world. In the 19th century, it also became the world’s largest
port. It wasn’t (6) ........................... the 1960s that the growth in trade came to (7) ........................... halt. London was
beginning to have competition from other ports and older boats were (8) ........................... replaced by huge ships. The
city’s docks, (9) ........................... ships were loaded and unloaded, could not adapt (10) ........................... these larger ships
and by the early 1980s, they had all (11) ........................... closed. However, the British government (12) ...........................
to great lengths to redevelop the whole area, and it now contains many business, housing and leisure facilities.

1 Teacher’s Exam and Resource Pack Photocopiable © Burlington Books

Name: ..................................................................

C Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given.
Use between two and five words, including the word given. (16 points)
1. Tim owes money because he spent more than he had.
Tim .............................................................................................................. his budget so now he owes money.

2. We were not involved in our son’s decision to leave school.

Our son’s decision to leave school .......................................................................................................... with us.

3. They arrived at the airport in plenty of time because they had set out early.
They ........................................................................................... so they arrived at the airport in plenty of time.

4. They still haven’t completed the application form.

Their application form ................................................................................................................................... yet.

5. “Lucy will be well again by the time school starts,” said the doctor.
“Lucy will ........................................................................ her illness by the time school starts,” said the doctor.

6. “How come you got here so quickly?” asked George.

“How .......................................................................................................... get here so quickly?” asked George.

7. Are you going to do the money management course?

Will you ......................................................................................................................... in money management?

8. People find her lively personality attractive.

People ...................................................................................................................................... lively personality.

Total: ....... /40 Mark: ........

2 Teacher’s Exam and Resource Pack Photocopiable © Burlington Books

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