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‘AEB605 EXPERIMENTAL STRESS ANALYSIS LtPec 3003 OBJECTIVE: + To study the various experimental techniques involved for measuring displacements, stresses, strains in structural components, UNIT! EXTENSOMETERS AND DISPLACEMENT SENSORS 8 Principles of measurements, Accuracy, Sensitivity and range of measurements, Mechanical, Optical, Acoustical and Electrical extensometers and their uses, Advantages and disadvantages, Capacitance gauges, Laser displacement sensors. UNIT IL ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE STRAIN GAUGES. 12 Principle of operation and requirements, Types and their uses, Materials for strain gauges, Calibration and temperature compensation, cross sensitivity, Wheatstone bridge and potentiometer circuits for static and dynamic strain measurements, strain indicators, Rosette analysis, stress gauges, load cells, Data acquisition, six component baiance. UNITII| — PHOTOELASTICITY " Two dimensional photo elasticity, Photo elastic materials, Concept of light - photoelastic effects, stress optic law, Transmission photcelasticity, Jones calculus, plane and circular polariscopes, Interpretation of fringe pattern, Calibration of photoelastic materials, Compensation and separation techniques, Introduction to three dimensional photo elasticity, UNITIV BRITTLE COATING AND MOIRE TECHNIQUES: 7 Relation between stresses in coating and specimen, use of failure theories in britle coating, Moire method of strain analysis, UNITV __ NON~ DESTRUCTIVE TESTING 7 Fundamentals of NDT, Acoustic Emission Technique, Radiography, Thermography, Ultrasonics, Eddy Current testing, Fluorescent Penetrant Testing, TOTAL: 45 PERIODS ‘OUTCOMES + Knowledge of stress and strain measurements in loaded components, ‘Acquiring information's the usage of strain gauges and photo elastic techniques of ‘measurement ‘+ Formulate and solve general three dimensional problems of stress-strain analysis especially fundamental problems of elasticity ‘+ Analyze the strain gauge data under various loading condition by using gauge rosette method, ‘+ Experimentally evaluate the location and size of defect in solid and composite materials. by using various Non-destructive Testing methods. ‘TEXT BOOKS: 1. Dally, J.W., and Riley, W.F., "Experimental Stress Analysis", McGraw Hill Inc... New York 1998, 2. Srinath, LS., Raghava, M.R., Lingaiah, K., Garagesha, G., Pant B., and Ramachandra, K. “Experimental Stress Analysis", Tata McGraw Hil, New Delhi, 1984. 3, Sadhu Singh, "Experimental Stress Analysis’, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 1996. REFERENCES: 1 Durell A.J, "Applied Stress Analysis’, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd., New Delhi, 1970 2. Hetenyi, M., "Hand book of Experimental Stress Analysis", John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, 1972, 3. Max Mark Frocht, "Photo Elasticity’, John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, 1968 4. Pollock A.A., Acoustic Emission in Acoustics and Vibration Progress, Ed. Stephens RW.B ‘Chapman and Hall, 1993. 5. Ramesh, K., Digital Photoelasticity, Springer, New York, 2000. 65 ne Experimental Stress Areatysts oa ee oe O Stain ee — A Stolk Epge rey be cb4fred a ou Instrument, er device, that Ts: -emnpleded rreagure the Linea, dedermmtion over a, fren Gouge Aength, occeun BA the pede] of Struct aeotirg the doodtrg of the Stractive —s ow feet Covers De Teme et instrument: metuded bus the Linsey Scale ard the precise | optfca! and clech eal gauges new evatladie, Types of Strath Sages: A. Meclhanfeal 6a) Wedge and Sere Cb) Lever - Simple and Compourd (ey Race and pinion (ay) Combination oF tevev And reek and pinien (2) Dial Indicectors ie eptfeal wiestereretae r= a. Etectical toy inductance cb) Capacitance ey Resta tence dd) Piezoelectric ond plezerestshive 5. Magnelfe & Acowtfeal, 7% Pneumatic, 8. 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Precfsion™ a The charee eo} The mechankal quantity kobe wrensereel Produces. a Change fry the padre Pel and hence Prthe wpedance, of & Current Comying Corl CO \leiable of - gap Fuge dfa- oH P- in woke ae raachance ot the rrogncttc dfetd fs Vanfed by Cteagirg the alr UP Cit) Movoble 7eere Sclencid gruges. —etP- in whieh the Yeluebence edthe He Neifal, by ately mbna pasktven’s CPreutt Ff cthe cof. fron Core Fin ow edly cusvent fr Lobich “the ote verted by Chang hg ot be high — Len element feld. uy Me nedeetrction gauges’ Sin wich Telucctance ©} the pryanodfe C¥reuk} 1s varled by Chorghg ble Stren In the rragrethe Cores Ststie Gell 5 : Lewes Fr the inct®c ce Prcutt th, th&Kneass oF posi bien ted Pr the rragnat Inset \ Elechomagnedfe Stefn gouge: @é : ote er rregnetic ban 7) Asedel by & torsient Aceh, 2 Neliege 5 recerded dy 0 galvonometey Cenreebent e cot! Ehreygh which ‘the bay pot ee An ctecheret ive dere ¥) Induced fh the cet) ot the etecho magnet which deeper onthe kerstonat mement acti onthe Core of the eclecrerragnet whieh 1 bwsted. This Ps know as wiedsmann's ib fs one of the rat Wetet ei Show a mechanPoal dfsplrcement fnto an cleetrtea] Sfgrot. converting => tf conse elo het ew Concertne nen~ AG on Which are mounted three tig’ one pumaty ang pwo Seances. —pup— diag Bam tdi operate 6.3 volts, Aon then 1 sannet = cas mm Core Afsplacorrt. eprper Neltese oo Lines, ant? elise: b ae reged Care: Tiisplatee Fig. olP Neottage ahead exfstics OACIN DT) Capacitance Strain ee @ = The £lechfeal Capacity bleo parallel pletes fs aver b - ee) g.sexte KA Cw) c= h co Gapecitence fr pice Aartads kb dietectste Constant ot the medfum bf tte two pletes eo Aa o} the olds oF = pltes, mrt N—> hambey ot plates bey dBdanie ble plates, tam u beta ae 9.86x18° KA Gw- oe de rr eh eine: | ea amines Ae e me eth Fig. 2.1 The wedge gauge. = Fig. 2.2: Howard strain gauge. Dial indicator e Pivot for unequal-arm lever Fig. 2.4 The Serry strain gauge- Specimen ot Dial indicator Springs Fig. 2.5 The Tinius Olsen strain gauge. Pivot Link. ‘At df n im ad 4 can 1 tot if ' a Kr / Pivot i i al . Clamping Specimen Spring Fig. 2.6 Huggenberger tensometer. Clamping spring TapuOg Fes Fig. 2.7 Porter-Lipp strain gauge. Pointer Beale Gear wrair Spring sainat Fig. 2.8 Dial gauge indicator. Fulcrum plates A ° = Dial indicator (a) Dial indicator ~ ass @ (b) Fig. 2.9 The Whittemore strain gauge. L, gauge length lly about 20 cm (#— usual Ba a Gauge length usually Fixed arm, G Clamping apring Bt Mirror if Lozenge, N Lozenge Mp Clamping spring Observing iT telescope Ss = Fig. 2.10 Marten's mirror extensometer Measuring scale Auto collimgtor SSGG}—$ 1 Scale in eye piece Fig. 2.11 The Tuckerman optical strain gauge. Flash image f : forming ray To : | autocollimator _, Measuring eat : ° a image i . ‘ form autocollimator eeray Reflecting surfaces 2 of roof edge prism eee M, Flash surface roof - edge prism Fig. 2.12 Optical principle of Tuckerman gauge. “Clamping spring Specimen i ‘ — \ Crossed \ Optical fulcrum plates flats Fig. 2.13 Vose Interferometric strain gauge. ase I {HSLyl , 2b Nm BE m Calibrated scale o Standard wire Selector ae Pickup Pick-up Measuring wire in strain gauge Fig. 2.16 Acoustical strain gauge. where A = cross-sectional area of vibrating wire E = Young’s modulus of wire material L = length of vibrating wire m= mass per unit length of the wire P = tensioning force in the wire SL = increment in length of the vibrating wire. o Meter Exe Air. ——" gaps. ~~ | gap —~_! NSLS RAMS { Armature movement (a) Variable air gap. gauge. Magnetic Core movement Exciter: > \ Meter Qo (6) Moving coil solenoic gauge. Meter JL Exciter Magnetic cores ——>} _| \ Calibration resistor | Is | 2p | O,, »|4 Armature & s I t Condenser ) 1 Adjustable central tap inductance A.C. = Power supply Fig. 3.2 Basic impedance bridge circuit. Fig. 3.3 Electromagnetic strain gauge (Wiedemann's effect). Secondary coil Primary coil [— Secondary coil Motion to be measured Protective shield +— Insulating form Primary excitation Output Voltage Fig. 3.4 Construction of linear variable differential transformer. Transducer Tuned circuit i 1 resonant \ 1 | Rectifier or demodu- lator A.C. or D.C. amplifier Recording instrument Oscillating power supply Fig. 3.7 Simplified diagram of a capacitance transducer circuit

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