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Science 6

Quarter 1 Summative Test 5

Name: __________________________________________________ Score: ___________

Section: __________________________________ Teacher: _______________________

Directions: Choose the correct answer in each number. Write the letter of
your answer in the blank.

_______1. What method will you used to separate metallic materials

mixed in the trash found in the community?
A. use of magnet B. decantation
C. filtration D. evaporation

_______2.We usually experiencing typhoon and it brings heavy downpour

resulting to flood in low lying areas. Plastics and garbage are
everywhere, suggest one way to minimize flood in the community.
A. remind people to keep safe in times of a calamity
B. do nothing
C. let the barangay officials do their job to clean the drainage.
D. put a filter that traps plastics and garbage in the drainage to easily
collect the trashes

_______3. If you are in a remote area and water coming from the faucet
is muddy. What will you do to make the water usable?
A. Use a magnet to separate some minerals in the water.
B. Use the method of evaporation
C. Apply the use of filtration and distillation
D. All of the above

_______4. We commonly use table salt in cooking. Table salt is produced

through what process of separating mixtures?
A. use of magnet B. evaporation
C. filtration D. decantation

_______5. Oil spills usually happened in the ocean by huge vessels. What
method could be used to separate oil from the water?
A. Evaporating the oil from the ocean
B. Decanting/scooping of oil from the water.
C. Both A and B
D. Conduct the process of distillation

_______6. Candy making can be done with the use of heat by removing
the excess water from the mixture. What method of separating mixture
is used?
A. use of magnet B. filtration
C. decantation D. evaporation
_______7. This method is used to separate the good from the bad seeds.
What method of separating mixture is used?
A. use of magnet B. handpicking
C. evaporation D. filtration

_______8. Community near coastal areas survive through this livelihood

except _______________.
A. Making table salt B. Crafting vases
C. Using seashells in decorating D. Fishing

_______9. All of the following are the benefits of separating mixture

which is NOT included?
A. Water distillation B. Salt making
C. Segregating waste D. Painting walls

_______10. What will you do to minimize waste in the community?

A. Minimize the use of plastics
B. Separate biodegradable and non-biodegradable materials
C. Reuse materials found in the community
D. All of the above

_______11. What product will be made out of seashells at the seashore?

A. picture frames B. key chains
C. lanterns D. All of the above

_______12. What will you do with the empty plastic bottles of soft drinks
you found in your home?
A. Dispose it in trash can B. Use it as a pot for plants
C. Make a lanterns D. Both A & B

_______13. Anna needs a pillowcase but she doesn’t have money to buy
for a new one. How would you help Anna to have a pillowcase without
spending money?
A. Tell her to ask money to her mom so that she could buy one.
B. Tell her to make a pillow case out of old clothes at home.
C. Never tell Anna about the idea of recycling.
D. Both A & B

_______14. What is the best way to make a scrap book?

A. Buy all the materials you need at the bookstore.
B. Use new and expensive materials to make it elegant.
C. Use recyclables that are available at home to minimize waste.
D. All of the above

_______15. How to properly dispose biodegradable and non-

biodegradable at home?
A. Biodegradable could be use as fertilizer in plants.
B. Non-biodegradable could be recycled to different things and purpose.
C. Make a proper place to separate biodegradable and non-
D. All of the above

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