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John M. Hyland Institute of Learning, Inc.

Sudtonggan Road Basak, Lapu-Lapu City


Name:____________________________ Grade/Section:_________________
Teacher:__________________________ Date:________________________

TEST I: DIRECTIONS: Read and understand each statement carefully. Encircle the letter that
corresponds the letter of your answer.

1. It is a part of speech that denotes action.

a. verb
b. noun
c. adjectives
d. adverb

2. It refers to the name of person, place, things, animals and events.

a. verb
b. noun
c. adjectives
d. adverb

3. It used to describe noun or pronoun.

a. verb
b. adjective
c. noun
d. adverb

4. It refers to the words that specify location.

a. verb
b. adjective
c. preposition
d. adverb

5. It connects words, phrases or clauses together.

a. conjunction
b. adjective
c. preposition
d. adverb

6. It is the central underlying message, usually about life or human nature.

a. Setting
b. Tone
c. Theme
d. Pattern

7. It is a regular, repeated pattern of sounds or movements.

a. Couplet
b. Tone
c. Theme
d. Rhythm

8. It is a kind of rhyme that occurs at the end of the line.

a. End Rhyme
b. Internal Rhyme
c. External Rhyme
d. Couplet

9. It is a systematic arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables in the poetry.

a. Stanza
b. Meter
c. Rhyme
d. Tone

10. It reflects the writer's attitude towards the subject and the characters.
a. Theme
b. Stanza
c. Tone
d. Rhyme

11. It refers to a sequence of events of the story.

a. Settings
b. Plot
c. Dynamic
d. Static

12. It is known as the leading character in a story.

a. Dynamic
b. Static
c. Antagonist
d. Protagonist

13. A structure of the plot where the settings and characters are introduced.
a. Resolution
b. Exposition
c. Denouement
d. Rising action

14. It is the perspective from which a story is told.

a. Exposition
b. Point of view
c. Rising action
d. Third person

15. It is the highest point of tension or drama in a narratives' plot.

a. Rising action
b. Exposition
c. Falling action
d. Climax

16. It is the message the writer is trying to convey through the story.
a. Dynamic
b. Point of view
c. Theme
d. Character

17. It is a character who undergoes significant internal change throughout the course of a story.
a. Dynamic
b. Character
c. Point of view
d. Static

18. It is a character who does not undergo inner changes, or undergoes a little change.
a. Dynamic
b. Protagonist
c. Antagonist
d. Static

19. It refers to a person, a figure, an inanimate object, or animal that drives the story forward.
a. Static
b. Character
c. Noun
d. Dynamic

20. It refers to the part of the story where the conflicts and problems in the story have already come to a head and now
the characters are working to resolve conflicts.
a. Rising action
b. Climax
c. Falling action
d. Resolution

TEST II: INSTRUCTIONS: Read each sentence carefully and identify the verb that agrees
with the subject. Encircle the word of your answer.

1. Matthew (go, goes) for boys hunting.

2. Matthew and Arriana (go, goes) for boys hunting.
3. Either Grandpa or my sisters (is, are) going to the park.
4. Either my sisters or my grandpa (is, are) going to the park.
5. Teacher Davin (teach, teaches) math very well.
6. My friends and my cousins (prepare, prepares) for the upcoming event.
7. My friends or my cousin (prepare, prepares) for the upcoming event.
8. Either my shoes or your coat (is, are) always on the floor.
9. George and Tamara (want, wants) to watch that movie.
10. The students or their professor (writes, write) the speech for the orientation.

TEST III: DIRECTIONS: Identify the kind of adverb underlined in each item as time,
manner, place, Write your answer in the space provided.

1) The children became too restless because of the rumor. ______________________

2) The lady wore traditional clothes occasionally. ______________________
3) We went to the clinic last week. ______________________
4) I am so excited to move to Ireland. ______________________
5) I would like to go somewhere to free my mind. ______________________
6) I met him yesterday. ______________________
7) Serena had to go downstairs to collect the mail. ______________________
8) Mary is very beautiful. ______________________
9) I looked everywhere for my lost necklace. ______________________
10) She seldom finds it difficult to finish her work on time. ______________________

TEST IV: DIRECTIONS: Identify each sentence as inverted or normal.

1) Runners dashed around the track. _____________________________

2) Two seagulls flew above the beach. _____________________________

3) In the first row sat the students. _____________________________

4) Beneath the waves sank the floundering ship. _____________________________

5) Two boys are certain of a victory. _____________________________

6) Cows and horses graze in the peaceful fields. _____________________________

7) There are two possible explanations for the accident. _____________________________

8) On the breakfast table was the newspaper. _____________________________

9) The detective looked cautiously for the fingerprint. _____________________________

10) Around that corner is my favorite store. _____________________________

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