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1. Apple's customer-centric strategy

Apple's customer-centric strategy is very good.They identify potential customers.
They focus on countries with developed economies as well as science and
technology such as China, Japan, Australia, and the European region. These are the
places where Apple products are consumed the most. So it can be seen that Apple
has implemented this strategy very well and they have also done a good job of
turning weaknesses into their own brand. When it comes to smartphones and
high-end laptops, people immediately think of Iphone, Macbook ....)

2. Apple's product strategy.

The second thing we learned was Apple's product strategy. As Nguyen said Apple
has its own ecosystem. They always develop technology through updates, and new
products are always different from previous products. So the product planning is also
a very impressive thing of Apple. However, we can easily see that the change in
design as well as in Apple's features is very small. So why are they still selling so well
new products?

3. Communication strategy.
That is the communication strategy as mentioned by Nguyen. Customers are the
best people to help Apple advertise its products. It is the technological and social
factors that partly make users love Apple products. They take advantage of customer
reviews and feedback, as well as create an enjoyable user experience.

4. Human resource management strategy.

And the last and most important thing is the human resource management strategy.
As a multinational corporation, each country has its own legal system and culture.
But one thing in common at Apple is that they always give employees space to
create and innovate. And keep employee leadership always have understanding and
respect. In other words, Apple has achieved its employee engagement and
orientation plan.

=>>Setting a goal and planning for it is the beginning of success.

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