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Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based

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Towards the classification of recycled

concrete aggregates: influence of
fundamental aggregate properties on
recycled concrete performance
a b c
Liam J. Butler , Jeffrey S. West & Susan L. Tighe
Read Jones Christoffersen Consulting Engineers, Toronto, Canada
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University
of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,University of
Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada
Published online: 22 May 2014.

To cite this article: Liam J. Butler, Jeffrey S. West & Susan L. Tighe (2014) Towards the
classification of recycled concrete aggregates: influence of fundamental aggregate properties on
recycled concrete performance, Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials, 3:2, 140-163, DOI:

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Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials, 2014
Vol. 3, No. 2, 140–163,

Towards the classification of recycled concrete aggregates: influence

of fundamental aggregate properties on recycled concrete
Liam J. Butlera*, Jeffrey S. Westb and Susan L. Tighec
Read Jones Christoffersen Consulting Engineers, Toronto, Canada; bDepartment of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada; cDepartment of Civil
and Environmental Engineering,University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada
Downloaded by [University of Guelph] at 21:09 16 August 2014

(Received 14 October 2013; accepted 26 March 2014)

This study provides an in-depth evaluation of how fundamental aggregate properties

affect mechanical properties of structural concretes produced using 100% coarse
Recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) and constant mixture proportions. The key find-
ings presented within this study will assist in developing a framework for classifying
RCA sources for use in specific concrete applications. Fourteen mixture proportions
were developed using three RCA types with compressive strengths of 30, 40, 50,
and 60 MPa. Contrary to other studies, one RCA concrete type had compressive
strengths up to 22% greater than the natural aggregate concrete. These results were
confirmed by repeated batching and measured to be statistically significant. An anal-
ysis of the failure modes of RCA concrete and linking particular aggregate properties
to the observed concrete failure mode were used to explain the results. Based on
measured correlations, the modulus of elasticity of RCA concrete can be estimated
based on the compressive strength and aggregate unit weight.
Keywords: recycled concrete aggregates; RCA classification; mortar aggregate bond;
statistical significance; adhered mortar; failure mechanisms

1. Introduction and research 21% is from concrete rubble.[1] In com-

significance parison, there is close to 100 million ton-
In 2008, 28.1 million cubic meters of nes of demolished concrete produced
concrete was used in construction pro- annually in the United States and
jects across Canada.[1] Concrete is pro- European countries combined.[2]
duced by combining cement, gravel, Based on projected consumption sta-
sand, and water. Given the high percent- tistics, the aggregate industry may face a
age of aggregate used in concrete shortage of high-quality aggregate
(between 60 and 75% of the total con- reserves within close proximity to major
crete volume), a sufficient reserve of urban centers.[3] Alternative and/or sup-
high-quality aggregate is essential to sus- plemental sources of aggregates will
taining the concrete industry. In Canada, therefore need to be considered to ensure
approximately 11 million tonnes of land- an adequate long-term supply for the
fill waste per year can be attributed to construction industry. The construction
construction activities alone, of which industry will have two options for

*Corresponding author. Email:

© 2014 Taylor & Francis

Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials 141

dealing with the pending shortage of was found that the concrete produced
locally available high-quality aggregate: with RCAs from the crushing of the
accepting the increase in transportation higher strength original concrete was of
costs incurred by importing aggregate superior quality as compared to those
from other areas or, finding supplemen- produced from the lower strength mix-
tary sources of aggregate that are locally tures. Sagoe-Crentsil et al. [7] investi-
available. Recycled concrete aggregate gated the use of commercially produced
(RCA) produced by crushing concrete RCA in new concrete (25 MPa). They
from demolished concrete structures may found that at the 5% confidence level
serve as a potential aggregate alternative there were no significant reductions in
and help to alleviate the aggregate supply compressive strength or splitting tensile
shortage while diverting considerable strength when 100% of coarse NA was
amounts of construction waste from replaced with RCA.
landfills. Although there have been numerous
Downloaded by [University of Guelph] at 21:09 16 August 2014

In the literature, there are many stud- international studies on the use of RCA
ies that have investigated the use of RCA as a replacement for NA in concrete,
(derived from various crushed concrete there is still hesitation from North
sources) in new concrete and various American construction industries for
concrete mechanical properties. A com- using these materials. In part, this is due
prehensive study conducted by Shayan to the reluctance from owners, engineers,
and Xu [4] investigated both the mechan- and concrete suppliers to assume the risk
ical and durability-related properties of associated with guaranteeing the perfor-
RCA concrete of higher compressive mance of a material with such highly var-
strength (50–60 MPa). They used one iable properties. In particular, if RCA is
source of RCA that was commercially to be used on a large scale, sources will
produced and investigated several surface likely include crushed concrete from a
treatment methods as well as the addition variety of concrete structures. Therefore,
of silica fume to achieve similar mechani- there is a great need for the development
cal and durability properties as natural of methods for classifying various RCA
aggregate (NA) mixtures. Based on their sources for use in different concrete
findings, they have indicated that RCA applications. An in-depth evaluation of
may be used in structural concrete appli- the fundamental RCA properties and how
cations. Xiao and Zhang [5] investigated they affect the properties of concrete pro-
the constitutive behavior of RCA con- duced using RCAs is a critical first step
crete using one RCA source with 0, 30, towards developing such a classification
50, 70, and 100% replacement of NA. system.
They reported significant reductions in This study aimed at evaluating the
post-peak ductility (up to 20% reduction failure mechanisms associated with RCA
in peak strain), compressive strength (up concrete and understanding how mea-
to 12% reduction), and modulus of elas- sured aggregate properties can influence
ticity (up to 45% reduction for 100% these mechanisms. An analysis was per-
RCA replacement). Padmini et al. [6] formed to quantify any statistically signif-
performed studies on RCA derived from icant effects of replacing NA with
the crushing of laboratory-produced con- various RCA on the properties of the
crete ranging in strengths of 35–56 MPa. resulting RCA concrete. The findings of
Correlations between properties of the this study combined with the findings of
original concrete and the concrete pro- a previous study by the authors [8]
duced using the RCA were used to form will represent a significant contribution
the basis for their main conclusions. It of experimental data critical to the
142 L.J. Butler et al.

development of a framework for RCA tested. In Phase 2 mixtures (40 and

classification. 60 MPa), slump, compressive strength,
density, splitting tensile strength, and
modulus of elasticity were tested. Results
2. Experimental program for both phases are presented and dis-
The experimental program was carried cussed in the same sections. A previous
out systematically by first testing aggre- study conducted by the authors investi-
gate properties, followed by concrete gated the properties of RCA concrete
mixture proportioning, and concrete produced with similar concrete compres-
mechanical properties testing and evalua- sive strength and slump as the control
tion. Aggregate properties tested mixtures.[8] This study therefore
included: particle size distribution (grada- completes the overall research program.
tion), bulk and relative density, adhered
mortar content (RCAs only), absorption,
Downloaded by [University of Guelph] at 21:09 16 August 2014

adhered surface moisture, abrasion resis- 3. Coarse aggregate properties testing

tance, and aggregate crushing strength. and evaluation
Concrete properties tested included: 3.1. Coarse aggregate sources
slump, hardened density (γc), compressive The aggregates tested as part of this
strength (fc0 ), splitting tensile strength research consisted of one NA (blended
(fct0 ), and modulus of elasticity (Ec). Con- crushed limestone and river gravel) and
crete mixture proportions were developed three RCA sources. The first RCA source
to reach target compressive strengths (RCA-1) was derived from crushing
associated with structural concrete (i.e. concrete from decommissioned municipal
30–60 MPa). The research was conducted sidewalk, curb, and gutter structures.
over several years of experimentation The second RCA source (RCA-2) con-
which resulted in separate phases of con- sisted of crushed concrete from demol-
crete mixture designs involving three dis- ished apron and terminal structures from
tinct RCA sources. Pearson International Airport in Toronto
Figure 1 presents an overview of the and contained a considerable amount of
experimental program. In the Phase 1 deleterious debris (e.g. wood chips, styro-
mixtures (30 and 50 MPa), only the foam, nails, metal ties, glass, etc.). The
slump and compressive strength were third source of RCA (RCA-3) was

Target compressive Aggregate
strengths types
Phase 1 30 and 50 MPa RCA-1 Slump and f ’c

RCA-1 Slump, c, f ’c,
Phase 2 40 and 60 MPa
RCA-2 fct, and E c

Figure 1. Experimental program overview.

Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials 143

produced from the crushing of returned textures which are grainier resulting
concrete at a local ready-mixed concrete from more loose-rounded adhered mortar
plant that had been stored in stockpiles particles on the surface. A method that
and allowed to harden. All four aggregate provides an indirect measure of an aggre-
sources met the gradation requirements gates surface roughness is presented in a
of the Ministry of Transportation of later section.
Ontario Standards and Specifications.[9]
for coarse aggregates used in concrete.
The particle size distribution of both nat- 3.3. Physical properties
ural aggregate and RCAs is presented in A number of physical aggregate proper-
Figure 2. ties including adhered mortar content,
density, absorption, abrasion resistance,
and crushing value were tested as part of
3.2. Qualitative properties this study and have been summarized in
Downloaded by [University of Guelph] at 21:09 16 August 2014

All four aggregate types had the Table 1. The following sections provide a
same maximum particle size of 19 mm discussion and analysis of the results.
although, their shape and surface texture
varied considerably given that all four
aggregate types were derived from four 3.3.1. Adhered mortar content
distinct original materials. The RCA par- The adhered mortar portion of the RCA
ticles are all more angular in shape as consists of both hydrated and unhydrated
compared to the natural source. In addi- cement particles and the original fine
tion, the RCA particles all have consider- aggregate. The adhered mortar content
able amounts of old adhered mortar from can have a significant effect on the aggre-
the original concrete from which they gate properties, including absorption,
were derived. The RCA-1 particles have density, and abrasion resistance. At pres-
the most roughened surface texture ent, there is no standard test procedure
whereas RCA-2 and RCA-3 have surface for the determination of the amount of


Percent Passing


40% RCA-1

0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0
Sieve Size (mm)

Figure 2. Particle size distribution of coarse aggregates.

144 L.J. Butler et al.

Table 1. Coarse aggregate physical properties.

Adhered mortar content n/a 46% 56% 50%
Relative density (saturated surface dry) 2.71 2.48 2.43 2.41
Relative density (oven-dry) 2.67 2.36 2.28 2.22
Oven-dry rodded bulk density (kg/m3) 1744 1539 1458 1395
Absorption % (by mass) 1.52% 4.66% 6.15% 7.81%
Absorption rate (hours)b 2 4 7 8
Moisture content after 24 h of soaking 3.06% 7.34% 8.33% 10.08%
Adhered surface moisturec, MCadhered 1.54% 2.68% 2.18% 2.27%
Abrasion resistanced 11.9% 15.1% 22.1% 25.0%
Aggregate crushing value (ACV) 18.2 23.1 26.0 28.5
Note: n/a = not applicable, NAs contain no adhered mortar.
Based on the thermal expansion method.
Time required for the aggregate to reach its SSD condition.
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MCadhered = MCmoisture 24 h – Absorption % (SSD condition).
Abrasion loss was determined using the Micro-Deval method (percent mass loss).

adhered mortar on RCAs. However, between adhered mortar content and

based on previous study conducted by RCA density is not directly correlated
the authors [10], three methods (nitric which highlights the additional influence
acid dissolution, freeze-thaw chemical of the adhered mortar density on the
attack, and thermal expansion) were eval- RCA density. The contribution of the
uated and the thermal expansion method adhered mortar to absorption may
proposed by de Juan and Gutiérrez [11] provide a relative approximation of the
was found to be the most effective at density of the adhered mortar. RCA-3
removing the adhered mortar. The mea- showed the highest contribution of
sured adhered mortar amounts for the the adhered mortar to absorption (see
three RCA sources are listed in Table 1. Table 1). This suggests that the adhered
RCA-2 had the highest amount of mortar on the RCA-3 has a higher poros-
adhered mortar (56% by weight) as com- ity and thus, a lower density. This finding
pared to the RCA-1 (46%) and RCA-3 explains why RCA-3 had the lowest den-
(50%). sity but did not have the highest adhered
mortar content. A further correlation
between absorption and oven-dry bulk
3.3.2. Density relative density was observed (with
The bulk density, relative density, and R2 = 0.96) and is presented in Figure 3.
absorption capacity of both the fine and
coarse aggregates were carried out in
accordance with the test procedures out- 3.3.3. Absorption rate and adhered
lined in the Canadian Standards Associa- surface moisture
tion (CSA) A23.2-09.[12] The NA was Absorption rates are important to con-
found to have the highest density fol- sider when developing concrete mixture
lowed by RCA-1, RCA-2, and the proportions incorporating RCAs. Con-
RCA-3. Overall, the density of RCA is crete mixtures are proportioned assuming
dependent on the adhered mortar content, that both coarse and fine aggregates are
the density of the adhered mortar itself, in a saturated surface-dry (SSD) condi-
and the density of the original aggregate. tion. Aggregates whose moisture contents
As illustrated in Figure 3, the relationship are less than SSD at the time of mixing
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials 145

9.00 60
RCA-1 50
6.00 40

Adhered Mortar (%)

Absorption (%)


3.00 20

2.00 R² = 0.96
Downloaded by [University of Guelph] at 21:09 16 August 2014

0.00 0
2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80
Aggregate Ovendry Bulk Relative Density

Figure 3. Relationship between oven-dry bulk relative density, absorption, and adhered mortar
content of coarse aggregate.

will absorb mixing water which will and took the longest time to reach
affect workability and the actual water– SSD at approximately 8 h. This may be
cement ratio. Thus, batch proportions due to the more porous adhered mortar
must be adjusted to compensate for this on RCA-3 which could potentially
difference in mixing water to ensure that take longer to absorb water (refer to
the desired water–cement ratio and con- Table 1 for absorption values). RCA-2
sistent workability is attained. The usual with an absorption capacity of 6.15%
maximum time for coarse aggregates to took approximately 7 h to reach SSD,
become fully saturated is around RCA-1 with an absorption capacity of
30 min.[13] Therefore, the rate of absorp- 4.66% took only 4 h, and the NA with
tion of aggregates with high absorption an absorption capacity of 1.52% took
capacities must be considered in order to only 2 h to reach complete saturation.
achieve proper workability and actual or The term adhered surface moisture
desired water–cement ratios. used henceforth refers to the moisture
A study was conducted to measure content in excess of SSD after aggre-
the time required for each coarse aggre- gates have been soaked for 24 h. When
gate type at an oven-dry condition to using RCAs as coarse aggregates in
reach a SSD condition. Several time concrete mixtures, it is necessary to pre-
increments were used during which each wet or pre-soak the aggregates as they
aggregate type was soaked in water and tend to take longer to reach SSD during
both their oven-dry and surface-dry mixing than NAs due to their higher
weights were recorded. To monitor the absorption. If the RCA is not pre-wet,
moisture content changes of each aggre- the gradual absorption during mixing
gate over time, measurements of mois- may cause a variation in the fresh prop-
ture content were taken at ½ hour, 1, 2, erties of the RCA concrete and the
4, 8, and 24 h time intervals. RCA-3 specified water–cement ratio may not be
had the highest absorption of 7.81%, achieved.
146 L.J. Butler et al.

A method for measuring the adhered 26% higher abrasion resistance than
surface moisture in excess of SSD for RCA-1, an 86% higher abrasion resis-
pre-soaked RCA was developed for the tance than RCA-2 and a 110% higher
purposes of developing the concrete mix- abrasion resistance than RCA-3. In
ture proportions for this study (refer to comparing the different RCAs, RCA-1
Section 4.2 for further details). Approxi- had the lowest abrasion loss (highest
mately 1500 g of properly graded coarse abrasion resistance) whereas RCA-3 had
aggregate was allowed to soak for 24 h the highest abrasion loss (lowest abrasion
(or, at a minimum, the measured time resistance). This difference in abrasion
required for total absorption). Samples resistance between the different RCA
were then drained over a 1.18 mm sieve types is due to the differences in strength,
to minimize loss of fines. Once satisfacto- density, and amount of adhered mortar
rily drained, samples were immediately which are a direct result of the properties
weighed to the nearest 0.1 gram and then of the original concrete from which the
Downloaded by [University of Guelph] at 21:09 16 August 2014

placed in an oven to dry at 110 ± 5 °C for RCAs were derived. The source concrete
24 h. Samples were then removed from from which RCA-3 was derived (i.e.
the oven and weighed again. The value returned ready-mix concrete) was improp-
MC24 is defined as the moisture in excess erly cured and may have contained
of SSD measured after 24 h of soaking higher amounts of water and, as a result,
followed by draining over a 1.18 mm would tend to have higher water–cement
sieve and was calculated using Equation ratios, higher mortar porosity, and conse-
(1). quently, lower adhered mortar density
  and strength. Since RCA-1 and RCA-2
MTOT  MOD are both derived from the crushing of
MC24 ¼  100% (1)
MOD concrete structures, it is likely that the
original concrete from which they were
The adhered surface moisture was produced had lower water-cement ratios
then obtained by calculating the differ- and were properly cured and consoli-
ence between MC24 and the absorption dated. They would also have had less
capacity of the aggregate as described in water which would lead to lower mortar
Equation (2). porosity and higher adhered mortar
density as compared to the RCA-3.
% Adhered Surface Moisture British Standard (BS) 812-110:1990
¼ MC24  Absorption (2) [14] was used to determine the ACV of
each aggregate. Following removal from
the ACV test apparatus, all aggregate
3.3.4. Aggregate strength characteristics types (natural and RCA) became more
Two properties were measured to evalu- roughened as many of the rounded and
ate the strength characteristics of the bulk smooth particles had been crushed.
aggregate samples: the Micro-Deval abra- RCA-3 appeared to have a higher per-
sion resistance and the aggregate crushing centage of fines after crushing than the
value (ACV). The abrasion resistance of RCA-2, RCA-1, or the NA. These qual-
each aggregate was determined using the itative observations were consistent with
Micro-Deval method to provide a mea- the ACVs that are summarized in
sure of the aggregate resistance to abra- Table 1. The NA had an ACV that was
sion under moist conditions. The test was 27% higher than RCA-1, 43% higher
carried out in accordance with CSA test than RCA-2, and 57% higher than
method A23.2-29A.[12] The NA had a RCA-3.
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials 147

4. Concrete mixture proportioning Measurements of absorption rate of

4.1. Overview of mixture proportion aggregate, that is, the amount of time
types required for an aggregate to become fully
saturated, were recorded for each aggre-
Two concrete types were developed as part
gate type. It was noticed that all the mix-
of this study: control (NA) and RCA con-
ing water was not fully absorbed by each
crete mixtures. The control mixtures used
aggregate type within the first 30 min of
both natural coarse and fine aggregates,
being added to the mixer (previously
and were proportioned to achieve compres-
noted as the usual maximum time for
sive strengths of 30, 40, 50, and 60 MPa
aggregates to absorb mixing water).[13]
with slump values between 75 and
Also, in mixtures with higher cement con-
125 mm. The RCA concrete mixtures were
tent, the aggregate particles could poten-
developed by directly replacing the coarse
tially become quickly coated with mortar
NA (100% replacement) from the control
and unable to absorb sufficient water to
Downloaded by [University of Guelph] at 21:09 16 August 2014

mixtures with equivalent volumes of RCA-

reach their absorption capacity. If this
1, RCA-2, and RCA-3 with no other
were to happen, it may create an addi-
changes to the mixture proportions (i.e.
tional source of variation in the actual
constant water content, cement content, and
water–cement ratio during the first 30 min
water–cement ratio). Natural fine aggregate
of batching. In order to minimize this
(i.e. river sand) was also used in the RCA
occurrence, typical production practice is
concrete mixtures. Due to the varying den-
to pre-wet the RCA to reduce the amount
sities of the three aggregate types, a direct
of moisture absorbed by the RCA during
replacement by volume approach ensured
mixing; moisture corrections are still
that the total yield remained constant. A
applied for aggregate moisture contents
total of 14 mixture proportions were devel-
other than SSD. For the purposes of this
oped and were used to gage the effect of
research, all coarse aggregates (natural
natural coarse aggregate replacement with
and RCA) were soaked for 24 h and then
RCA on workability, compressive strength,
drained immediately prior to batching to
splitting tensile strength, and modulus of
ensure that the aggregate was fully satu-
elasticity. Table 2 summarizes the control
rated (at or above SSD) to eliminate
(NA concrete) and direct replacement
absorption of the mixing water during
(RCA concrete and RCA concrete mixture
concrete production and placement. The
proportions) mixture proportions.
aggregate moisture content after 24 h of
soaking (MC24) was determined, and the
4.2. Aggregate preparation and excess surface moisture (above SSD) was
controlling the actual water–cement considered to be available as mixing
ratio water (refer to Table 1 for moisture con-
The high water absorption of RCAs can tent values). Accordingly, the batch pro-
result in changes in workability and the portions were adjusted to compensate for
actual or effective water–cement ratio of this additional moisture and to maintain a
the fresh concrete during mixing and place- consistent water–cement ratio.
ment due to absorption of the mixing water Since water absorption by the coarse
by unsaturated RCA. Changes in the fresh aggregate during mixing is eliminated by
concrete properties may still occur even if pre-soaking of the aggregates, the fresh
the moisture content of the aggregate is properties of the concrete may still be
known and moisture corrections are applied affected in comparison to concrete made
to the concrete batch quantities since the with pre-wetted aggregate or where no
absorption rate of the aggregate is not pre-wetting is used. However, assuming
instantaneous. that the batch moisture corrections are
148 L.J. Butler et al.

Table 2. Concrete mixture proportions summary.

Coarse Volume of Fine
Water* Cement* aggregate* coarse aggregate*
Mix ID w/c* (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) aggregate (m3) (kg/m3)
Phase 1 NAC-30 0.60 160 267 1106 0.411 861
NAC-50 0.38 180 474 1106 0.411 633
RAC1-30 0.60 160 267 975 0.411 863
RAC1-50 0.38 180 474 975 0.411 635
RAC2-30 0.60 160 267 949 0.411 863
RAC2-50 0.38 180 474 949 0.411 635

Phase 2 NAC-40 0.59 160 271 1099 0.412 861

NAC-60 0.37 180 487 1099 0.412 625
RAC1-40 0.59 160 271 974 0.412 861
RAC1-60 0.37 180 487 974 0.412 625
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RAC2-40 0.59 160 271 940 0.412 861

RAC2-60 0.37 180 487 940 0.412 625
RAC3-40 0.59 160 271 912 0.412 861
RAC3-60 0.37 180 487 912 0.412 625
Note: RAC1-50 = concrete mixture incorporating RCA-1 as coarse aggregate with a target compressive
strength of 50 MPa.
*Mixture proportion values reported do not include adjustments for aggregate water absorption.

done properly, the effect on the hardened in which the weakest phase becomes the
properties of the concrete should not be source of the failure mechanism. The three
significant except in cases where the phases in NA concrete consist of the
RCA is very dry prior to batching. There- coarse aggregate particles, the mortar
fore, the results of this study are applica- (matrix), and the mortar–aggregate inter-
ble to pre-soaked aggregates. face or interfacial transition zone (ITZ).
This study used one type of concrete RCA concrete is considered a five-phase
sand (fine aggregate) in the “air-dry” state material as the RCA particles produced
(in situ moisture content of 0.2%) which from crushing of NA concrete also consist
had a water absorption capacity of of three phases. Two additional phases are
1.61%. The sand met the gradation introduced when RCA is re-used in new
requirements under MTO OPSS 1002 [9] concrete: a second mortar phase and a sec-
for sand used as fine aggregate in con- ond ITZ. The strength of RCA concrete
crete. Therefore, additional mixing water therefore is ultimately governed by the
was required to offset the additional weakest of the five phases. Figure 4 sum-
water absorbed by the sand (fine aggre- marizes the five possible failure modes of
gate). RCA concrete and the RCA properties
which influence these failure modes.
The majority of the failures that
5. Failure modes of RCA concrete occurred in the compressive and splitting
NA concrete is a complex heterogeneous tensile strength specimens were modes b,
material whose response to stress is c, and d. Given that all of the RCA con-
dependent on both the response of individ- crete mixtures of a given strength class
ual components and on the interaction (i.e. 30, 40, 50, or 60 MPa) had identical
between each component.[13] NA con- coarse aggregate volumes and water–
crete is considered a three-phase material cement ratios, it is reasonable to assume
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials 149

that the strength of the new mortar within particular failure modes were approxi-
a particular strength class was the same mated based on visual inspection of mul-
regardless of concrete (and aggregate) tiple specimens.
type. Therefore, by observing the fracture
planes of the compressive strength and 6. Concrete properties testing and
splitting tensile strength specimens to evaluation
assess whether failure mode b, c, or d
occurred, any variation in compressive 6.1. Slump
and splitting tensile strength could be Slump values for all concrete mixtures
explained based either on the strength of have been summarized in Figure 5. Pre-
the original aggregate, the strength of the soaking the RCAs should have eliminated
old mortar, and the bonding properties of any slump loss due to coarse aggregate
the ITZ (which is influenced by the sur- absorption of mixing water during batch-
face texture of the aggregate particle). It ing. However, a significant reduction in
Downloaded by [University of Guelph] at 21:09 16 August 2014

should be noted that in most cases it is slump between the NA concrete mixtures
difficult to differentiate between failure and the RCA concrete mixtures was
modes b and d as the failure through old observed (up to 78, 61, and 35% reduc-
mortar and through original aggregate tion for the RCA-1, RCA-2, and RCA-3
often occur simultaneously. In most concrete mixtures, respectively). These
cases, it may also be quite difficult to dif- slump results were verified using a mini-
ferentiate between failure modes b and e, mum of two different trial batches.
unless, the original aggregate is clearly Therefore, the repeatability of the results
separated from the old mortar (as would seem to indicate that the lower
depicted in Figure 4(e)). slump values of the RCA concrete mix-
In general, the tensile strength of the tures may result from the more angular
entire RCA particle itself will be depen- shape and roughened surface texture of
dent on the tensile strength of the old the RCAs that increased the inter-particle
mortar and the tensile strength of the friction in the fresh concrete. Recall from
original aggregate. Therefore, for the pur- Section 3.3.3 that the amount of adhered
poses of analysing the concrete compres- surface moisture was defined as the
sive and splitting tensile results, failures moisture in excess of SSD measured after
were visually identified as: 24 h of soaking followed by draining
over a 1.18 mm sieve. A strong relation-
 occurring around more than 50% of ship between the adhered surface
the aggregate (NA or RCA) parti- moisture of the aggregate and the con-
cles, crete slump (assuming aggregates have
 occurring through more than 50% been pre-soaked) exists, as depicted in
of the aggregate (NA or RCA) par- Figure 6. This relationship suggests that
ticles, or the adhered surface moisture of an aggre-
 occurring approximately equally gate particle may provide an indirect
around and through the aggregate indication of the aggregate particle sur-
particles (NA or RCA). face texture and its subsequent effect on
slump. Another possible contributor to
In the case of failures occurring the higher slump values of the RCA-3
equally around and through coarse aggre- concrete as compared to the RCA-1 con-
gate particles, the mortar–aggregate bond crete is a possible increase in mortar vol-
strength (ITZ strength) in combination ume due to the abrasion of the weaker
with the aggregate tensile strength adhered mortar on the RCA-3 particles.
governs the concrete strength. Note that Increasing the mortar volume increases
150 L.J. Butler et al.

(a) Failure through new mortar

Correlated RCA properties:

- New mortar porosity
- Supplementary cementing materials

(b) Failure through old mortar

Correlated RCA properties :

- Old mortar porosity
Downloaded by [University of Guelph] at 21:09 16 August 2014

(c) Failure through new ITZ

Correlated RCA properties :

- RCA surface texture
- New mortar porosity
- Supplementary cementing materials

(d) Failure through original aggregate

Correlated RCA properties :

- Original aggregate strength (porosity)

(e) Failure through old ITZ

Correlated RCA properties :

- Old mortar quality
- Surface texture of original aggregate

Figure 4. Failure modes of RCA concrete.

the lubrication properties of the concrete could lose up to 8% of their mass

mixture and reduces the inter-particle via aggregate–aggregate collisions during
friction. A study conducted by Safiuddin one minute of concrete mixing, hence
et al. [15] concluded that RCA particles increasing mortar volume.
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials 151



Slump (mm)




Downloaded by [University of Guelph] at 21:09 16 August 2014

30 MPa 40 MPa 50 MPa 60 MPa
NAC 100 115 100 115
RAC1 25 30 35 25
RAC2 45 45 75 60
RAC3 85 75

Figure 5. Slump values of NA and RCA concrete mixtures.



Slump (mm)


Phase 1 R² = 0.91
Phase 2 R² = 0.84



0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Adhered Surface Moisture of Aggregate Particle (%)

Figure 6. Relationship between adhered surface moisture of aggregate particle and concrete

6.2. Compressive strength reported are averages of three cylinders

Compressive strengths for the NA and with dimensions 100 mm by 200 mm and
RCA concrete mixtures are summarized in were measured in accordance with CSA
Table 3. The compressive strength values A23.2-9C.[12] All compressive strength
152 L.J. Butler et al.

specimens were moist-cured for the first The increase in compressive strength
seven days followed by curing in air for of RCA-1 concrete as compared to the
the remaining 21 days. control concrete is in contrast with stud-
ies in the literature that have reported a
decrease in compressive strength when
6.2.1. Summary of results NA is replaced with RCA.[5,16–18] Note
It was found that the 30 and 50 MPa that the batching of each NA and RCA
(Phase 1) RCA-1 concrete mixtures concrete mixture was repeated at least
achieved compressive strengths that were once and compressive strengths were
37 and 3% higher than the NA concrete, measured for each independent batch.
respectively. The 30 and 50 MPa RCA-2 Similar differences in strength were con-
concrete mixtures produced compressive firmed within each repeat batch thus
strengths that were 19% higher and 5% these strength results were considered to
lower than the NA concrete, respectively. be repeatable. The compressive strength
Downloaded by [University of Guelph] at 21:09 16 August 2014

After 28 days of curing, the 40 and 60 results presented herein represent the
MPa RCA-1 concrete mixtures achieved results of the final round of batching. The
compressive strengths that were 10 and increase in compressive strength is
12% higher than the NA 40 and 60 MPa explained and discussed further in the
concrete, respectively. The 40 and following sections.
60 MPa (Phase 2) RCA-2 concrete mix-
tures produced compressive strengths that 6.2.1. Statistical significance of
were essentially the same as the NA compressive strength results
concrete at 3% lower and 1% lower,
Overall, within batch variation of
respectively. The 40 and 60 MPa RCA-3
compressive strengths was low at all
concrete mixtures produced compressive
compressive strength levels (i.e.
strengths that were significantly lower
coefficient of variation values ranged
(19% each) than the NA concrete
between 0.4 and 4%). Compared to the
Table 3. Summary of compressive strengths and failure modes.
Mix ID 28 day fc0 (MPa) Failure mode
Phase 1 NAC-30 32.1 Around more than 50% of aggregates
RAC1-30 44.1* Around more than 50% of aggregates
RAC2-30 38.3* Around more than 50% of aggregates
5% LSD 2.7
NAC-50 57.3 Through more than 50% of aggregates
RAC1-50 59.0 Through more than 50% of aggregates
RAC2-50 54.0* Through more than 50% of aggregates
5% LSD 3.8

Phase 2 NAC-40 38.9 Around more than 50% of aggregates

RAC1-40 42.7* Equally around and through aggregates
RAC2-40 37.8 Through more than 50% of aggregates
RAC3-40 31.6* Through more than 50% of aggregates
5% LSD 2.0
NAC-60 61.9 Equally around and through aggregates
RAC1-60 69.5* Through more than 50% of aggregates
RAC2-60 62.6 Through more than 50% of aggregates
RAC3-60 50.0* Through more than 50% of aggregates
5% LSD 4.4
*Indicates that the difference in fc0 from the control concrete is statistically significant at the 95% confidence level.
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials 153

control standards recommended by ACI the compressive strength results can be

Committee 214,[19] this range of coeffi- directly attributed to the effect of the
cient of variation in compressive RCA-1 and RCA-3 aggregate properties.
strengths for laboratory-produced con- The compressive strength of the RCA-2
crete is considered “good” to “excellent”. concrete was found to be statistically
To determine whether the relative dif- similar to the NA concrete for both the
ferences in 28- day compressive strengths 40 and 60 MPa strength mixtures. Sagoe-
between the various NA and RCA con- Crentsil et al. [7] also reported no statisti-
crete mixtures were statistically signifi- cally significant difference in compressive
cant, a least significant difference (LSD) strength between NA concrete and con-
value was calculated at the 5% signifi- crete containing 100% RCA (commer-
cance level. Using analysis of variance cially produced) as coarse aggregate.
and a modification to the Bonferroni
t-test, the 5% LSD values for each com-
Downloaded by [University of Guelph] at 21:09 16 August 2014

pressive strength level were calculated 6.2.2. Failure mechanism and effect of
and are presented in Table 3. RCA properties on compressive strength
The difference in nominal compres- The failure planes of concrete cylinders
sive strength values at the 30 MPa for each concrete type were examined to
strength level between the NA concrete explain the effect that RCA has on con-
and the RCA-1 and RCA-2 concretes crete compressive strength and were
were greater than the 5% LSD value. found to be mainly around or mainly
This indicates that relative differences in through the RCA (failure mode b or d,
compressive strength between the NA see Figure 4). A summary of the 28- day
concrete mixtures and the RCA-1 and the compressive strengths and associated fail-
RCA-2 concrete mixtures are statistically ure modes is presented in Table 3. As
significant at the 95% confidence level. discussed previously, failure planes that
Therefore, this difference in the compres- occur around the aggregate indicate that
sive strength results can be directly attrib- the mortar–aggregate interface or ITZ is
uted to the effect of the RCA-1 and the limiting strength component. When
RCA-2 aggregate properties. However, in considering RCAs that contain original
the 50 MPa mixtures, the difference in NAs and adhered mortar, this suggests
nominal compressive strength values for that either the old or the new ITZ is
both the RCA-1 and RCA-2 concretes the limiting strength component. Failure
was less than the 5% LSD value. This planes that occur through the coarse
result indicates that the relative differ- aggregate indicate that the strength of the
ences in compressive strength between coarse aggregate particle (NA or RCA)
the NA concrete mixtures and the RCA-1 itself is the limiting strength compo-
and the RCA-2 concrete mixtures are not nent. To explain differences in concrete
statistically significant. strength (that were found to be statisti-
In both the 40 and 60 MPa strength cally significant), an evaluation of the
mixtures, the difference in compressive above failure modes was used for all con-
strengths between the NA concrete and crete strength specimens.
the RCA-1 and RCA-3 concretes was In the 30 MPa specimens, the failure
greater than the 5% LSD value. This planes occurred mainly around the aggre-
indicates that relative differences in com- gate for all three aggregate types. Recall
pressive strength between the NA con- that all concrete mixtures (RCA and NA)
crete mixtures and the RCA-1 and the have the same water–cement ratio and
RCA-3 concrete mixtures are statistically proportions and, as a result, are expected
significant. Therefore, this difference in to have the same mortar strengths.
154 L.J. Butler et al.

Therefore, given that the 30 MPa RCA-1 18.2) which explains why the compres-
concrete specimens had higher compres- sive strength of the RCA-2 concrete was
sive strengths than the NA concrete also lower.
specimens, it follows that the mortar– In the 60 MPa specimens, the failure
aggregate bond strength (ITZ strength) planes occurred both around and through
between the new mortar and the RCA-1 the aggregate for the NA concrete speci-
is higher than the mortar–aggregate bond mens and mainly through the aggregate
strength between new mortar and the for the RCA concrete specimens. It was
NA. As suggested by Rao and Prasad also observed that the failure planes
[20], this increase in ITZ strength is passing around the natural coarse aggre-
attributed to the more roughened surface gate occurred around the smoother river
texture of the RCA particles compared to gravel component, whereas failures pass-
the smoother surface texture of the NA ing through the natural coarse aggregate
particles. occurred through the crushed angular
Downloaded by [University of Guelph] at 21:09 16 August 2014

In the 40 MPa specimens, the failure component. For the NA concrete speci-
planes occurred mainly around the aggre- mens, this suggests that the mortar–
gate for the NA concrete specimens, both aggregate bond strength in combination
around and through RCA-1 concrete with the tensile strength of the NA gov-
specimens and mainly through the aggre- erned the concrete compressive strength.
gate for the RCA-2 and RCA-3 speci- The 60 MPa RCA-1 concrete had a
mens. The only statistically significant significantly (according to the calculated
differences in compressive strength exist 5% LSD values) higher compressive
between the NA and the RCA-1 and strength than the NA concrete (i.e.
RCA-3 concrete mixtures. The higher 69.5 MPa vs. 61.9 MPa). Failures occurred
compressive strength of the 40 MPa mainly through the aggregate particles for
RCA-1 mixture is likely due to the the RCA-1 concrete mixtures and both
stronger mortar–aggregate bond resulting around and through the aggregate particles
from the more roughened surface texture for the NA concrete mixtures. As previ-
of the RCA-1. The lower crushing ously mentioned, the RCA-1 consisted of
strength of the RCA-3 particle itself mainly angular particles (with roughened
seems to be factor which most limited surface texture) whereas the NA had both
the concrete compressive strength as the rounded and angular particles (with
failure planes passed mainly through the smooth surface texture). As a result,
weaker strength RCA-3 particles. the strength of the combined failure
In the 50 MPa specimens, the failure mechanism of the NA concrete (i.e. mor-
planes occurred mainly through the tar-aggregate bond failure and aggregate
aggregate for all three aggregate types. particle splitting) was lower than the
This suggests that the strength of the NA mortar–aggregate bond strength of the
particles and the strength of the RCA RCA-1 concrete. Therefore, even though
particles were the limiting factors rather the crushing strength of the NA particles is
than mortar–aggregate bond strength. higher than that of the RCA-1 particles,
Since the RCA-2 concrete had a com- the difference in failure mechanisms led to
pressive strength that was statistically dif- the higher compressive strengths of the
ferent from the NA concrete, it follows RCA-1 concrete.
that the strength of the RCA-2 (aggre- Statistically, the differences in com-
gate) was the governing factor of con- pressive strength between the NA and the
crete compressive strength. Compared to RCA-2 60 MPa concrete mixtures were
the NA, RCA-2 had a lower crushing not significant. Therefore, it can be
strength (higher ACV value of 26.0 vs. inferred that the tensile strength of the
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials 155

RCA-2 and the combination of mortar– significant correlation was found between
aggregate bond strength and tensile concrete hardened density and the com-
strength of the NA are similar. pressive strength or splitting tensile
The 60 MPa RCA-3 concrete had a strength of concrete.
significantly lower compressive strength
than the NA concrete (i.e. 50.0 MPa vs.
61.9 MPa), which suggests that the tensile 6.5. Splitting tensile strength
strength of RCA-3 is considerably lower Splitting tensile strength was measured
than the combined mortar–aggregate using 100 mm by 200 mm long cylindri-
bond and tensile strength of the NA. This cal specimens and following the testing
is consistent with the observed fracture procedure outlined in CSA A23.2-09.[12]
planes passing mainly through the RCA- Triplicate specimens of each concrete
3 particles. type were cast and were tested after 28
days. Results for all concrete types are
Downloaded by [University of Guelph] at 21:09 16 August 2014

presented in Table 4 along with the asso-

6.4. Hardened density ciated 5% LSD limits. In general, the 40
The density of hardened concrete was MPa mixtures produced splitting tensile
measured at 28 days (Figure 7) for the strengths that were lower than the 60
40 MPa and 60 MPa specimens only. In MPa mixtures.
general, the NA concrete had higher den-
sities at both the 40 and 60 MPa strength
levels followed by the RCA-1, RCA-2, 6.5.1. Statistical significance of tensile
and RCA-3 concretes. As suspected, strength results
given that all mixtures had equal volumes To determine whether the relative differ-
(i.e. direct replacement) of coarse aggre- ence in 28- day compressive strengths
gate, a strong correlation between aggre- between the various Phase 2 mixtures
gate density and concrete density was (40 MPa and 60 MP) was statistically sig-
observed, as shown in Figure 8. No nificant, the 5% LSD values were once


Concrete Hardened Density (kg/m3)








40 MPa Mixes 2388 2290 2255 2247
60 MPa Mixes 2407 2323 2279 2268

Figure 7. Hardened density results.

156 L.J. Butler et al.

Natural Aggregate

Concrete Hardened Density (kg/m3)

R² = 0.99


R² = 0.98



40 MPa (w/c = 0.59)
60 MPa (w/c = 0.38)
Downloaded by [University of Guelph] at 21:09 16 August 2014

1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800
Aggregate Bulk Density (kg/m 3)

Figure 8. Relationship between aggregate bulk density and concrete hardened density.

again calculated and compared to the rel- concrete containing 100% RCA as coarse
ative differences in splitting tensile aggregate.
strength. The splitting tensile strength
values for the 40 and 60 MPa concrete
mixtures were calculated and are tabu- 6.5.2. Failure mechanism and effect of
lated in Table 4. The difference in 28-day RCA properties on splitting tensile
splitting tensile strength values (at both strength
40 and 60 MPa strength levels) between Upon inspection of the fracture surfaces
the NA concrete and the RCA concrete of the splitting tensile strength specimens,
were lower than the 5% LSD value. This the majority of the fracture planes for
indicates that relative differences in both the 40 and 60 MPa specimens
splitting tensile strength between the occurred mainly through the coarse
NA concrete mixtures and the RCA aggregate. This failure mode suggests
concrete mixtures are not statistically that the strength of the coarse aggregate
significant. Therefore, the splitting ten- was the most influential property control-
sile strengths of all the RCA concrete ling the splitting tensile strength of the
types are statistically similar to the NA concrete specimens. As noted above, the
concrete within a given strength range relative differences in splitting tensile
(i.e. 40 or 60 MPa strength mixtures). strengths between the four concrete types
Ajdukiewicz and Kliszczewicz [21] pro- were not statistically significant. This
vided a similar conclusion in their inves- suggests that for equal volume fractions
tigation of high strength RCA concretes of coarse aggregate and for equal water–
and found differences in tensile strength cement ratios, splitting tensile strengths
between NA concrete and RCA concrete are statistically insensitive to the proper-
were never more than 10%. Sagoe-Crent- ties of the RCAs used in this research.
sil et al. [7] also reported no statistically Given that the differences in compressive
significant difference in splitting tensile strengths between RCA and NA concrete
strength between the NA concrete and were found to be statistically significant
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials 157

Table 4. Splitting tensile results, statistics and failure modes.

Standard Coefficient of
fct deviation variation Failure mode
Mix ID (MPa) (MPa)
NAC-40 3.18 0.15 0.05 Through more than 50% of
RAC1-40 3.20 0.20 0.06 Through more than 50% of
RAC2-40 3.39 0.41 0.12 Through more than 50% of
RAC3-40 3.48 0.26 0.08 Through more than 50% of
5% LSD 0.78
NAC-60 4.38 0.15 0.03 Through more than 50% of
Downloaded by [University of Guelph] at 21:09 16 August 2014

RAC1-60 3.55 0.07 0.02 Through more than 50% of

RAC2-60 4.07 0.50 0.12 Through more than 50% of
RAC3-60 3.80 0.47 0.12 Through more than 50% of
5% LSD 1.00

and that the differences in splitting tensile MPa specimens on average had elastic
strengths were statistically insignificant modulus values that were 6, 12, and 21%
indicates that there is not a strong rela- higher than the RCA-1, RCA-2, and
tionship between compressive strength RCA-3 concrete specimens, respectively.
and splitting tensile strength for the RCA The differences in moduli of elasticity are
concrete mixtures tested. in part due to the varying compressive
strengths (within the 40 MPa mixes and
60 MPa mixes) and therefore, the experi-
6.6. Modulus of elasticity mental values were normalized with
The modulus of elasticity was measured respect to f 0 1=2
c .
for the Phase 2 mixtures (40 and Based on the values presented in
60 MPa) to determine the effect that Figure 9(b), the 40 MPa NA concrete
replacing NA with RCA has on concrete specimens had normalized elastic modu-
stiffness. Testing was carried out in lus values (Ec/f 0 1=2
c ) that were 6, 8, and
accordance with ASTM C 469,[22] and 10% higher than the RCA-1, RCA-2, and
all modulus of elasticity specimens were RCA-3 concrete specimens, respectively.
cylindrical with a diameter of 100 mm The 60 MPa NAC specimens had normal-
and a length of 200 mm and were moist- ized elastic modulus values that were
cured for the first seven days followed by 11, 13, and 13% higher than the RCA-1,
curing in air until testing. Figure 9(a) pre- RCA-2, and RCA-3 concrete specimens,
sents the modulus of elasticity results for respectively. This reduction in modulus
the 40 and 60 MPa mixtures. The 40 MPa of elasticity values is in agreement with
NAC specimens on average had elastic other research studies.[17,20,23] and
moduli that were 1, 9, and 19% higher reflects the influence of RCA type on the
than the RCA-1, RCA-2, and RCA-3 modulus of elasticity irrespective of
concrete specimens, respectively. The 60 compressive strength. However, these
158 L.J. Butler et al.
Downloaded by [University of Guelph] at 21:09 16 August 2014

Figure 9. Test results for (a) modulus of elasticity, (b) modulus of elasticity normalized to f 0 1=2
c ,
and (c) modulus of elasticity normalized to f 0 c1=2 and concrete density.

previous studies did not attempt to corre- the various Phase 2 concrete mixtures
late fundamental aggregate properties to was statistically significant. The 5% LSD
the modulus of elasticity of the resulting values for the Ec and Ec/f 0 1=2
c values for
concrete. A previous study conducted by the 40 and 60 MPa mixtures along with
the authors found strong correlations their sample statistics (i.e. standard devia-
between the secant modulus of elasticity tion and coefficient of variation) were
of bulk aggregate and the modulus of calculated and are tabulated in Table 5.
elasticity of the resulting concrete.[9] The Note that each Ec value reported repre-
following sections present further correla- sents an average of three specimens. In
tions based on the data presented. general, specimen-to-specimen coefficient
of variation values was relatively low
(i.e. 5% or lower).
6.6.1. Statistical significance of modulus As presented in Table 5, the differ-
of elasticity results ence in moduli of elasticity (at both 40
LSD values were calculated using the and 60 MPa strength levels) between the
data from each strength set (i.e. 40 and NA concrete and the RCA-1 concrete
60 MPa) once again to determine whether was lower than the 5% LSD value. This
the relative difference in moduli of elas- indicates that the relative differences in
ticity (Ec) and Ec/f 0 c1=2 values between Ec between the NA concrete mixtures
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials 159

and the RCA-1 concrete mixtures are not concrete mixture had the same coarse
statistically significant. The differences in aggregate volume and each modulus of
Ec between the NA concrete mixture and elasticity value was normalized with
the RCA-2 and RCA-3 mixtures, how- respect to f 0 1=2
c , the difference in coarse
ever, were statistically significant. aggregate elastic moduli must explain the
To eliminate the effect of compressive differences between the various concrete
strength on modulus of elasticity and types. Often, the modulus of elasticity of
determine whether significant differences the aggregate is unknown and the expres-
exist between the RCA and NA con- sion presented in CSA A23.3-04 [24] and
cretes, the 5% LSD values for the Ec/ other expressions typically use the den-
f 0 1=2
c values were also evaluated. Based sity of concrete raised to the power of
on the results presented in Table 5 at the 1.5 as an indirect estimate of this prop-
40 MPa strength level, only the Ec/f 0 1=2 c erty,[25] as given by Equation (3).
value for RCA-3 concrete was statisti- pffiffiffi0
Downloaded by [University of Guelph] at 21:09 16 August 2014

cally different from the NA concrete. At Ec ¼ 3300 f c þ 6900Þðcc =2300Þ1:5 (3)

the 60 MPa level, all RCA concretes had where Ec = static modulus of elasticity
Ec/f 0 1=2
c values that were statistically dif- of concrete in compression (MPa), fc0 =
ferent from the NA concrete. This finding concrete cylinder compressive strength
illustrates that at higher compressive (MPa), γc = concrete hardened density
strength levels, and with equivalent (kg/m3)
water–cement ratios, replacing NA with Once elastic modulus values were
RCA can lead to a statistically significant normalized with respect to compressive
reduction in modulus of elasticity of the strength and the concrete hardened den-
resulting concrete. sity, the differences between the various
concrete types decreased significantly, as
evidenced by Figure 10(c). Figure 10(a)
6.6.2. Effect of RCA properties on
shows that the concrete modulus of elas-
modulus of elasticity
ticity is proportional to the hardened den-
The modulus of elasticity of concrete is sity of concrete. Using the relationship
dependent on the concrete compressive defined in Figure 8, which presents the
strength, the volumetric proportion of relationship between aggregate density
aggregate, and the modulus of elasticity and concrete hardened density, along with
of the aggregate.[13] Given that each the relationship provided by Figure 10(a),

Table 5. Modulus of elasticity results and statistics.

Ec* Standard deviation Coefficient of variation Ec/f 0 c1=2
Mix ID (MPa) (MPa)
NAC-40 32,088 1135 0.04 5145
RAC1-40 31,558 747 0.02 4829
RAC2-40 28,894 908 0.03 4700
RAC3-40 26,010 1179 0.05 4627
5% LSD 2861 475
NAC-60 35,382 843 0.02 4497
RAC1-60 33,270 559 0.02 3991
RAC2-60 30,989 875 0.03 3917
RAC3-60 29,641 969 0.03 4157
5% LSD 2345 307
*Average of three cylindrical specimens.
160 L.J. Butler et al.
Downloaded by [University of Guelph] at 21:09 16 August 2014

Figure 10. Relationship between modulus of elasticity and, (a) aggregate bulk density and, (b)
concrete hardened density.

it may be deduced that the bulk density mixtures incorporating one NA and three
of coarse aggregate (natural and RCA) is RCA sources. The RCA concrete mix-
proportional to the modulus of elasticity tures had the same mixture proportions
of concrete. This inference is confirmed (i.e. cement content, water–cement ratio,
in Figure 10(b) that shows a good corre- aggregate volume, etc.) as the NA con-
lation between the coarse aggregate bulk crete mixtures, but replaced 100% of the
density and concrete elastic modulus, natural coarse aggregate with RCA. A
particularly in the case of the 60 MPa number of different aggregate and con-
specimens. crete properties were measured, and key
relationships between aggregate and
concrete properties were evaluated. All
7. Conclusions aggregates were pre-soaked for 24 h
A comprehensive research program was prior to batching. The study systemati-
conducted that included 14 concrete cally investigated the failure mechanisms
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials 161

associated with RCA concrete and were significant. Differences that

evaluated how fundamental aggregate were found to be statistically sig-
properties can influence these mecha- nificant were explained through
nisms. Efforts were made to quantify observations of the failure planes
statistically significant effects of replac- of the test cylinders and by
ing NA with various RCA types on the identifying one of several possi-
properties of the resulting concrete. ble failure modes of RCA
The following is a summary of the concrete. Failure modes were
main findings of this study. then associated with RCA proper-
ties (mainly surface texture and
(1) Based on observed correlations strength) and were used to
between aggregate properties, explain the differences in com-
it was found that the density pressive strength between various
of RCA is dependent on the concrete types.
Downloaded by [University of Guelph] at 21:09 16 August 2014

adhered mortar content, the den- (6) In the lower strength mixtures
sity of the adhered mortar itself, (i.e. 30, 40, and 50 MPa), the
and the density of the original RCA-1 concrete specimens had
aggregate. the highest compressive strengths
(2) After replacing the NA with (up to 22% higher than the equiv-
equivalent volumes of RCA and alent NA concrete). These higher
maintaining equivalent water– strengths were explained by the
cement ratios, slump values of more roughened surface texture
the RCA concretes were up to of the RCA-1 particles which led
78% lower. After several repeat to superior mortar–aggregate
batches which verified the slump bond in specimens with failure
results, this significant loss was planes occurring around the
attributed to the more roughened aggregate.
surface texture of the RCA parti- (7) In the higher strength (i.e. 60
cles increased the inter-particle MPa) mixtures, the RCA-1 had
friction in the fresh concrete. the highest and statistically signif-
(3) A good correlation was found to icant compressive strength (up to
exist between adhered surface 12% higher than the equivalent
moisture of aggregate particles NA concrete). Failures occurred
(which provides an indirect mea- mainly through the aggregate
sure of surface roughness) and particles for the RCA concrete
slump. mixtures and both around and
(4) The NA concrete mixtures had through the aggregate particles
the highest hardened densities fol- for the NA mixtures. The RCA-1
lowed by the RCA-1, RCA-2, and consisted of mainly angular parti-
RCA-3 mixtures. The excellent cles (with roughened surface tex-
correlation (R2 = 0.98) between ture) whereas the NA had both
bulk density of coarse aggregate rounded and angular particles
and hardened density of concrete (with smooth surface texture). As
helped to explain this trend. a result, the mortar–aggregate
(5) A statistical assessment was bond in the NA concrete failed at
used to determine whether the dif- a lower compressive strength as
ferences in compressive strength compared to the RCA-1 particles
between the various RCA con- in the RCA-1 concrete. This
crete and NA concrete mixtures difference in failure mechanisms
162 L.J. Butler et al.

is significant as it explains how be implemented as a minimum

concrete incorporating weaker requirement.
coarse aggregate (RCA-1) can
have higher compressive
strengths than a concrete with Acknowledgments
stronger coarse aggregate (NA). The authors would like to thank Steed and
(8) Given that all failure planes Evans Construction, Greater Toronto Airports
passed through the coarse aggre- Authority, Dufferin Aggregates, Lafarge and
gate, relative differences in split- St. Mary’s Cement for their donations of
materials for use on this project; the Univer-
ting tensile strength should have sity of Waterloo and the Centre for Pavement
been observed and related to the and Transportation Technology (CPATT) for
relative strengths of the various the use of their laboratory facilities; and to
coarse aggregates. However, the Rico Fung and the Cement Association of
differences in splitting tensile Canada in conjunction with the National
Downloaded by [University of Guelph] at 21:09 16 August 2014

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