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B A S A L G AN G L I A November 29, 2007 -- Dr.

Rosales Section of Neuroanatomy, Department of Anatomy Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Santo Tomas
BASAL GANGLIA A collection of masses of gray mater located deep within each cerebral hemisphere Paired structures inside the cerebrum that modulate voluntary movement Basically large structures tied up together, NOT found in midline since they are paired Groups of nerve cell bodies and synapses (where cell bodies are, so technically, they are nuclei. Therefore, you can also call it Basal Nuclei) You can move very quietly because of the basal ganglia You do not over or under do a movement because of an intact basal ganglia Lesions in the basal ganglia produces movement problems which may be slow,sudden, tremulous Purely motor in function regulation and modulation of voluntary movement by striated skeletal muscles.

3 Major Structures of the Basal Nuclei: 1. Caudate Nucleus (CN) from the telencephalon 2. Putamen (P) from telencephalon 3. Globus Pallidus (GP) - also called Pallidum; diencephalic in origin Other significant structures: Subthalamic Nucleus of Luys (STN) diencephalic in origin Substantia Nigra (SN) mesencephalic in origin; composed of pars compacta and pars reticulata Terminologies: Corpus Striatum formed by the caudate nucleus, putamen, and globus pallidus Striatum/Neostriatum the newest part; formed by the caudate nucleus and putamen Pallidum/Paleostriatum the oldest part; globus pallidus only Lentiform nucleus/Lentate nucleus/Lenticular nucleus (LN) putamen and globus pallidus Anatomical Features:

Coronal Section (as in the one above)

Cerebral cortex gray mater Caudate nucleus Globus Pallidus internus (GPi) internal division of GP Globus Pallidus externus (GPe) external division of GP Temporal horn of the lateral ventricle

Midsagittal section

Cingulate gyrus on top of corpus callosum; envelopes corpus callosum; more C-shaped than corpus callosum Corpus Callosum Fornix Septum pellucidum divides the lateral ventricle into left and right

Parasagittal section, more medial

Lateral ventricle o Anterior horn o Posterior horn o Inferior/temporal horn Thalamus No lateral ventricles (not as prominent as in the more medial parasagittal section) Putamen Lateral wall of lateral ventricle dips as it tapers off (towards amygdala) Amygdala/amygdaloid body o Almond-shaped; Follows the contour of the lateral ventricle o Contiguous with tail of caudate o Important in linking emotional and motivational responses to external stimuli o Contribute to establishment of memories associated with specific constellations of sensory stimuli

Parasagittal section, more lateral

COMPONENTS OF THE BASAL GANGLIA 1. Caudate Nucleus Large, C-shaped mass of gray matter that lies lateral to the thalamus Forms the lateral wall of the lateral ventricle o Not to be confused with the Thalamus, the lateral wall of the 3rd ventricle Head of the caudate nucleus large and round o Contiguous with the putamen; joined with the putamen o Forms the lateral wall of the anterior horn of the anterior horn of the lateral ventricle Body of the caudate nucleus long and narrow o Forms part of the floor of the body of the body of the lateral ventricle Tail of the caudate nucleus long and slender o Found in the temporal lobe o Follows the contour of the lateral ventricle to its inferior horn o Terminates in the amygdaloid nucleus 2. Putamen Located lateral to the globus pallidus and medial to the external capsule Separated from the caudate nucleus by the internal capsule, except rostrally, where the head of the caudate and putamen are joined together Remember: o Striatum CN + P Primary termination site of incoming axons to the basal ganglia Main entrance to the basal ganglia 3. Globus Pallidus Lies medial to the putamen Made up of sparsely distributed large cells and traversed by many myelinated fibers that account for its pale appearance Divided further into 2 segments: o Globus Pallidus externus (GPe) o Globus Pallidus internus (GPi) GPi one of the major routes of information flow out of the basal ganglia - developmentally affiliated with the diencephalon and thus with the adjacent subthalamus, from which it is separated by the fibers of the internal capsule. Recall: Lenticular Nucleus = P + GP Two major population of neurons in the lenticular nucleus of the subcortex:
(This is different from the one discussed during the lecture on the cerebral cortex)

Spiny neurons dendrites are spiny Aspiny neurons dendrites are not spiny

Two types of Spiny Neurons: Type I Spiny Neurons (S1) from its terminal, releases GABA, which inhibits the structure next to it in the circuit within the basal ganglia Type II Spiny Neurons (S2) produces Substance P, which is suspected to be Potassium Three types of Aspiny Neurons: Type I Aspiny Neurons (AS1) associated with GABA Type II Aspiny Neurons (AS2) associated with Acetylcholine Type III Aspiny Neurons (AS3) not yet elucidated

OTHER STRUCTURES IN THE BASAL GANGLIA: Subthalamic Nucleus of Luys o Small, lens-shaped nucleus located under the subthalamus and on the inner surface of the internal capsule o Where fibers group together to become the cerebral peduncle o Subthalamus contains the following: Zona incerta between lenticular fasciculus and thalamic fasciculus Forels tegmental field H Subthalamic nucleus of Luys Substantia Nigra o In close proximity to the basal ganglia (recall picture of the midbrain & the pair of pants) o Has two segments: Pars compacta True dorsal segment of SN Gives off the dark color, which is actually a pigment of neuromelanin. Neuromelanin is a polymer of Dopamine Contains neurons that are Dopaminergic Pars reticulata Reticular segment, True ventral segment of SN No Dopamine With axon terminals that release: o GABA, Substance P, Serotonin, Enkephalins GABAergic, Substance P-ergic, Serotonergic, Enkephalinergic o Question: Where do I find Dopamine? Answer: Expression of Dopamine does not occur at the nucleus (where the nerve cell body is), but at the location where the axon ends. For example, in the nigro-striatal tract, fibers from the Pars Compacta project to the Putamen. You will find Dopamine in the Putamen and not in the SN. o Primary output route from the basal ganglia = GPi + SN REVIEW OF BASIC NEUROANATOMY Cerebral Cortex made up of gray mater o Insula/Island of Reil cerebral cortex, most lateral/superficial part o Primary Auditory Cortex for hearing o Pre-frontal Cortex for listening o Gyrus of Heschl part of Primary Auditory Cortex; seen only in surface anatomy. This becomes the Insula/Island of Reil when in the coronal aspect Subcortex has white mater. The bulk of the subcortex consists of white mater. There is gray mater in the subcortex. It is in the gray mater where synapses occur. On the left is a representation of an area of the basal ganglia: (see next page) A - GPi B Medial medullary lamina C GPe D Lateral medullary lamina E Putamen F External capsule G Claustrum (this is just a thin structure) H Extreme capsule I Cortex


Figures A, C, E, G, and I are composed of gray mater Figures B, D, F, and H are composed of white mater WHITE MATER RELATED TO BASAL GANGLIA Internal Capsule o From thalamus communicating to cerebral cortex o Broad band of myelinated fibers o Separates the LN from CN and thalamus o Stria Terminalis white mater on top of internal capsule Medial Medullary Lamina - divides GP into GPi and GPe Lateral Medullary Lamina - separates the P from the GP External Capsule o Separates LN from from claustrum o Claustrum thin sheet of gray mater. Lateral to the claustrum is the subcortical insula. Extreme Capsule between claustrum and cortex


AFFERENT CONNECTIONS Two ports of entry both are striatal Caudate nucleus Putamen Major Origins of impulses Cerebral cortex o Projects to caudate nucleus and putamen o Corticostriatal Tract Thalamic Nuclei o Intralaminar nuclei Centromedian nuclei (recall pathway from the thalamus lecture) o Thalamostriatal Tract Substantia Nigra Pars Compacta o Nigrostriatal Tract Dopaminergic Dopamine found in the CN and P where Dopamine receptors are




Pars Reticulata

Subthalamic Nucleus Discussion: Pagkatapos pumasok ng impulse through the Striatum, magmee-meeting yung mga nucleus kung ano ang gagawin nila sa impulse. Question: Saan napupunta yung impulse? Answer: Striatopallidal tract: Caudate Nucleus and Putamen GPe and GPi Striatonigral tract: Caudate Nucleus and Putamen Pars reticulata o Different from the Nigrostriatal tract o NOT dopaminergic o Cholinergic Pallidosubthalamic tract: GPe Subthalamic nucleus Subthalamic Nucleus GPe and GPi Subthalamic Nucleus Pars reticulata

EFFERENT CONNECTIONS Pars Reticulata Globus Pallidus Internus

Thalamus: Ventral Anterior Nucleus, Ventral Lateral Nucleus, Centromedian Nucleus

Pre-motor Cortex, Motor Cortex, Cortex Net effect: Movement is produced Discussion: Bottomline here is that you want the impulse to reach the motor cortex. Two points of exit: o SN Pars Reticulata o Globus Pallidus Internus Pallidothalamic Tract fiber tract that exits the GPi and goes to the thalamus Two fiber tracts that leave the GPi: o Ansa Lenticularis Discovered by Forel a.k.a. H field of Forel o Lenticular Fasciculus a.k.a. H2 field of Forel o Thalamic Fasciculus When the Ansa Lenticularis and Lenticular Fasciculus eventually merge as one a.k.a. H1 field of Forel End product of these connections: Normal Voluntary Movement LESIONS IN THE BASAL GANGLIA Involuntary movements can be seen when there is a lesion in one or more components of the basal ganglia Characteristics of movement disorder associated with basal ganglia problem: o Rigidity matigas ang muscle, hypertonic muscles which are very difficult to move o Bradykinesia slowness of movement o Tremors involuntary, unnecessary movements Nigrostriatal Tract one of the fiber tracts that degenerate with age (recall its function from previous discussion)

Paralysis Agitans a.k.a. Parkinsons Disease Problem with Nigrostriatal tract or Pars compacta No expression of Dopamine (Recall: Where do you find Dopamine?) Treatment: o Levodopa (L-Dopa e.g. Sinemet) o Precursor of Dopamine o Dopa penetrates blood brain barrier. After it has entered the brain, it can be converted to Dopamine which is needed by the brain of a person with Paralysis Agitans o Effect is self-limited o Discussion: If you invited your lolo with Parkinsons to play basketball with you. He can Characteristics of the involuntary movements of persons with Parkinsons Disease: o Disappears when individual is sleeping o Becomes very prominent when patient is excited, emotional, or anything above normal. o Discussion: If you bring your lolo (with Parkinsons) with you in a mall, he is expected to

play very well for 4-6 hours pero babalik sya sa paninigas after kasi wala ng effect yung Sinemet nya.

have tremors. But then, a hot girl passes by and the lolos tremors intensifies to the point that he becomes very stiff. Then you tell youre lolo: Kahit ganyan ka, ganyan ka pa rin.

OTHER DISORDERS IN THE BASAL GANGLIA: Chorea o Lesion in the striatum, caudate nucleus, or putamen o Movement is jerky o Hyperkinetic movement disorder characterized by sudden, frequent, involuntary, purposeless, and quick jerks of both proximal and distal joints o Neurotransmitters affected include GABA/enkephalin Athetosis o Snake-like movements o Lesion in putamen and caudate nucleus o Hyperkinetic movement disorder with slow, writhing, continuous, wormlike movements of the distal extremities Choreoathetosis combination of Chorea and Athetosis Ballismus o Movements of limbs are sudden, quick, continuous, unusually violent, and flinging. o Abnormal movements are evident in the contralateral arm, particularly in the proximal joints o Lesion in the subthalamic nucleus (usually caused by vascular lesion) ---------------------------transcribed by marcotongo for your own academic pleasure!---------------------------Review: 1. Identify the components of the Lentate nucleus 2. True or False: The caudate nucleus forms the lateral wall of the 3rd ventricle. 3. Identify the structure that separates LN from Claustrum 4. Identify the two points of entry in the basal ganglia 5. True or False: Bruno exhibits tremors during sleep. He has Paralysis Agitans. 6. True or False: Ansa Lenticularis refers to the H2 field of Forel. 7. True or False: Basal ganglia directly receive input from the spinal cord and joint receptors. 8. Identify the dopaminergic connection between the Putamen and the Substantia Nigra. 9. Trish exhibits involuntary sudden, jerky movements of her elbow. She probably has a lesion in 10. Identify the serotonergic segment of the Substantia Nigra. 11. Identify the neurotransmitter associated with S2. 12. This gives the dark pigmentation of the Pars Compacta of the Substantia Nigra. 13. True or False: The basal ganglia have sensory and motor functions. 14. Identify the components of the basal ganglia which trace its embryologic origin from the: a. Telencephalon b. Diencephalon c. Mesencephalon 15. True or False: The amygdala is a component of the basal ganglia that isimportant in linking emotional and motivational responses to external stimuli. 16. Shimeni has a lesion in her basal ganglia. You expect her to have all of these except: a. changes in muscle tone b. muscle weakness c. decrease in normal associated movement d. slowness of movement 17. True or False: Levodopa provides a long-term dopaminergic effect on a person with Parkinsons. 18. True or False: The corpus striatum is the afferent connection of the basal ganglia. 19. True or False: The basal ganglia affects the activity of skeletal and smooth muscles. 20. Identify the movement disorder expected from a lesion of the subthalamic nucleus. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I will try and find a melody as beautiful as you. Find the words to say your eyes are bluer than blue. Fill my voice with the emotion Im feeling for you. And now, when the beat is so strong, Ill give my heart in a song. Give the songs title & artist.

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