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Minimal drawing in bold line art style of a face and flowers with random, painted
style shapes in the background. Very clean beautiful artwork. The series on ‘face’ reflects the
appeal of mosaic like face expressions that are no longer genuine or credible; faces that have
been touched up by the mask of modern society. The existence and contribution of humans as
social beings becomes a big question which is difficult to answer as long as humans remain
drowned in the era which has already lost its face and cannot recognize itself anymore.

Reality is, it seems humans are programmed with their own unique beauty detectors.
Across cultures, there are variations of aesthetic preferences shaped by thousands of years of
evolutionary standards, and now – in this modern age where technological advances
influenced social ideals such as the mainstream media’s portrayal of physical beauty, it
caused some of us to be subliminally fooled into copying unrealistic beauty standards of
Photoshop and one of the solutions towards that insane goal of perfection is by using a wide
selection of trendy makeups.

We all have days when we feel insecure about a certain aspect of our appearance or
think we don’t look our best. You find yourself spending a lot of time obsessing over, hiding,
or trying to correct what you see as flaws. We hear a lot of stories out there that tell women
don’t really need makeup to look beautiful and it’s okay to have blackheads, acne and other
image issues. Sadly, it is a reality these girls live in: our sick society treats attractiveness as a
quality that seems to be required for a more favorable treatment and they are often seen as
more likable people because of their appeal. Ironically, society also wants us to be true to
who we really are. Such stress burdens these poor anxious girls and it makes them stay
contained inside their own makeup of self-deception that they painted for themselves.

On days when women wear their makeup on, it does somehow lift up their self-
esteem, make them feel good and boost their confidence. But that is not enough since it hides
their inner selves and avoids to understand that little voice inside trying to reach out and
screaming, “It’s okay to be yourself and this is a time for you to grow better! On top of that, it
is important to realize that superficial beauty is as transient as youth. It is short-lived and will
never last so long because people get old and will soon look like an ancient chunk of flesh,
lose the youthful skin that once glowed soft pink, hair thins and turns gray, and then even in
the end, forgets about the societal norms – never again to care so much about what people
To escape this beauty illusion and deprecating situation, it is important to appreciate
one's flaws and to take care of one’s well-being. If this is you, learn to love yourself right.
We just have to remember that we also bloom on our own. That's I think the art trying to
point out.

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