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- INTRODUCE: + This extinction event, often referred to as the "Great Dying”, is the largest to
ever hit Earth.

+ It is relevant to the modern world because climate change on a massive scale may have played a

- TIME :(When did it happen?) +Permian extinction occurred about 252 million years ago here on
+ Geological evidence shows that it may have taken no more than 200,000 years. In terms of
geological time the extinction occurred quickly.
- CAUSES ( What caused the extinction?)
+ Warming of Earth’s climate and associated changes to oceans were the most likely causes of
the extinction.
+ The next reason for this mass extinction was the volcanic activity on a massive scale in what is
now Siberia led to a huge outpouring of lava

+ The eruptions also produced carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, methane ( poisonous gas).In
addition, the dissolved carbon dioxide would have produced changes in seawater chemistry that may
have made it difficult for some marine invertebrates, such as corals, to grow shells or skeletons

+ The global warming resulted in reducing the amount of oxygen dissolved in sea water so the
marine biodiversity was in danger.


+ A massive 95% of marine animals were reported to be disappeared. Shallow warm-water
marine invertebrates, which included the trilobites, rugose and tabulate corals, enchinoderms
showed the greatest losses during the Permian extinction

+ On land, 70% of terrestrial vertebrate species vanished such as synapsids and sauropsids

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