Disastermanagement 17-18

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Registration No:
Total Number of Pages: 02 B.Tech.
5th Semester Regular Examination 2017-18
Disaster Management
Time: 3 Hours
Max Marks: 100
Q.CODE: B440
Answer Question No.1 and 2 which are compulsory and any four from the rest.
The figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.

Q1 Answer the following questions : (2 x 10)

a) Seismic waves are recorded by an instrument called____________
b) Effective hazard management will largely rely on__________ planning.
c) Cyclones in the pacific ocean are known as ______
d) Long term drought can cause ____________________ changes in social and
living patterns.
e) Landslides often occur in ___________region.
f) The foundation of community-based disaster management is __________.
g) National Institute of Disaster Management is located at ____________.
h) Three phases of disaster management planning are _______, ____________
and _______.
i) For coordinating disaster management activities for all natural hazards, the Nodal
Agency at the Central Govt. is the _____.
j) ___________ & ______ basins in India that are frequently affected by flood.

Q2 Answer the following questions: Short answer type (2 x 10)

a) What is disaster? What is the difference between natural and manmade
b) Enlist the various institutions and National Centers involved in natural Disaster
c) Differentiate between Natural Disasters and Manmade Disasters
d) State the importance of disaster preparedness.
e) Write two impact of disaster has in its community.
f) Enlist the components of Disaster Relief.
g) Write Eight missions identified on National Action Plan on Climate Change.
h) List responsibility of State Level Control Room whenever a disaster situation
i) What kind of natural hazards are not normally insurable?
j) What are the necessary steps to be avoid dangerous epidemics after a flood

Q3 a) Discuss the various types of natural disasters. (10)

b) Highlight the specific efforts to mitigate disasters in India. (5)

Q4 a) Describe the relationship that exists between the terms hazard, risk, vulnerability, (10)
and disaster.
b) Explain How disaster and developments are interrelated (5)

Q5 a) Write an essay on different DOs and DON ’T s for safety during various type of (10)
b) What are the factors affecting Vulnerabilities? (5)


Q6 a) Explain Central government policy in disaster risk reduction (5)

b) Write in detail the responsibilities of State Disaster Management (10)

Q7 a) Explain the role of GIS and Information Technology system in Disaster Damage (10)
b) Explain how the public awareness in helpful in risk reduction. (5)

Q8 a) Describe briefly the followings Cyclone, Flood, Landslides, Environmental (10)

Hazards and Chemical disaster.
b) What are the Steps involved in Risk communication. (5)

Q9 a) Write the methods to predict Natural disaster (10)

b) Explain the vulnerability profile of India. (5)


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