Org 357 Culminating Project Milestone Part 2

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Strengths Weaknesses Focus

Good to Great Closely tied to Designed to be used by Leadership, team

organizational top company members, and
principals and a leadership so bias may commitment to core
transformation plan. influence results. values
Helps companies to May not be as effective
avoid mistakes and as other assessment
continue growth. tools when a company
is already in trouble.
Malcolm Baldredge Flexibility, broad Is not the best choice Quality and customer
reaching. for manufacturing. commitment.
Can be used as a
simple internal
assessment tool.
Extremely detailed
Shingo Prize Flexibility, broad scope, Isn't a true assessment 17 key principles from
especially good for tool, so it needs to be the Toyota production,
manufacturing. paired with another system, and lean
tool. business practices
Organizational Works well for May not be the best Strenghs and weakness
Assessment Model government, NGO, and choice for related to
(Lusthaus) some private firms. manufacturing. performance.

LESAT Designed for regular Possiblity of bias by Performance relative to

ongoing assessment. those administering it. lean practices.
Because it's self- Requires a substantial
administered, level of knowledge
everyone will have regarding lean
familiarity with the principles and
organization. concepts.
Identifies high priority
areas for
Easily implemented.

The model I am choosing to use is Good to Great. Based on the fact that I am a
fairly new employee that has been promoted to leadership within the company, I
am going to assume that this is a young company that is still finding its way. In a
later development stage, a company would already have leadership positions
filled with more experienced people. This leaves me to assume that I am working
in a fast-growing, successful company that needs to set the course to ensure
future success.
For those reasons, I believe that Good to Great is the best assessment tool to use
at this time. Good to Great will help make sure we have the right team in place
and ensure that we are creating a healthy culture. And as the name states, it will
also help us transition to the next level.
The method I will be using will be a video presentation. Because we are a young,
vibrant company, we have a young, enthusiastic staff. I realize that we need a
company manual, and that will come, but the truth is, most employees won't read
it, which leaves either a PowerPoint presentation or a video. Both video and
PowerPoint have strengths, but I believe that a video presentation will be more
likely to catch employees' attention. Of course, I realize that to hold their
attention, it can't be too long, yet it has to contain all of the relevant information.
I have outlined my initial presentation ideas below.

I. Description of what an organizational assessment is.

1.) Use going to doctor for annual checkup analogy
2.) Explain benefits
3.) Explain employee role
4.) Explain leadership role
II. Explain why Good to Great was chosen
1.) Focus of Good to Great
2.) Strengths of Good To Great
3.) "Mediocrity is the enemy"
III. Explain the Good to Great model
1.) Level 5 Leadership-
A.) having the right kind of leadership
2.) First who then what-
A.) choosing the right people for the right positions
3.) Confront the brutal facts
A.) don't be afraid to confront problems
4.) The hedgehog concept-
A.) see clearly and protect the company
5.) Culture of discipline-
A.) Plan objectives beforehand
B.) Write down objectives
C.) Personal responsibility

6.) Technology accelerators

A.) Be open-minded about new technologies
B.) Don't fall for fads
7.) The flywheel and the doom loop
A.) Egg analogy
8.) Built to last
IV. Conclusion

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