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Stage Lead in

Aim To arouse Students interest and to provide a context for the language. To elicit the target language using a context

Time & Int 5 mins Ss Ss

Procedure Show the power point and ask the WC

Ask what the man or the woman can do to save himself or herself Ask: Is there a parachute? Yes Ask: If he had a parachute, what would he do? Board the answer: If he had a parachute he would jump from the plane. Show the power point of the man and woman sleeping in the plane Ques Whats he doing? Dreaming Whats he dreaming about? (As above) Has he got a yacht? No Has he got a lot of money? No Does he want a lot of money? Yes TL: How can he buy yacht? Answer: If he had a lot of money he would buy a yacht

Tutor Comment

Focus on meaning check students understanding. To check that students have understood the meaning of unreal conditionals

3 mins S

3.a&b Which one refers to hypothetical situation in the past and which one refers to present or future? Underline the verb forms and which form are they? When a situation is unlikely to happen or if it is imaginary situation? is the situation happening now? Is it a real situation, is it likely to happen
If he had a lot of money he would buy a yacht

5 mins T- Ss Ss- T

Focus on pronunciation

Focus on form To provide controlled oral practice of target language 2 mins T-Ss

When referring to an unreal or highly improbably present or future situation - is the situation happening now? Is it a real situation, is it likely to happen - if the distance to the airport were shorter I would walk there (the distance is unlike to change)

If I were you, I d take the flight tonight. If he d a lot of money he d buy a

yacht (both he had and he would = hed)

To highlight form and provide a written record

5 mins T-Ss

IF + past simple / would + infinitive without to If we had known you were in hospital, we would have visited you (we didnt know so we didnt visit you did we know or visit you when you were in the hospital) NO IF + past perfect / would have + past participle (3rd conditional refers to hypothetical situation in the past so it is impossible to happen) If they had invited my friend, he would have gone Negative (would wouldnt and were werent) elicit them Main clause and dependent clause can be used as the first sentence

Controlled practice

Feedback Freer Practice 3 mins To check the understanding of Ss unreal conditionals To give an activity to confirm that the sentences are formed correctly To provide freer spoken practice of the unreal conditionals Feedback To confirm the correct use 2 mins of sentences 3 mins -

Video on 2nd conditionals Do it individually. 3C. Complete 1-4 below

2 mins

Pear to pear feedback and T checks individually answers

10 mins

Use the TL for freer practice

Monitor and check for errors. Correct the errors if there in any

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