Daily Routine Exercise Meet 1

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Activity 1: Complete the table of daily routine based on the information given!
Mark’ Activity Nicole’s Activity
Get up Get up
07:45 07:00
Go to bathroom 07:00
Breakfast 8:15 Having lunch at 01:00
Leaving the home 8:40 Doing homework at 03:00
School start at 09:00 Go to dance club at 05:00
Having lunch at 12:30 Having dinner at 07:30
Leaving school 02:00 Go to sleep 10:30
Back to home 04:00
Doinya homework 06:00
Having dinner 07:00
GO to sleep at 10:00

Activity 2. Watch the video about explanation of telling time. Then Write the time of activity
done by Mark and Nicole.
Formal Less Formal ; o’clock

6:15 = quarter past six 8:15 = eight fifteen 15:00 = Three o’clock
7:30 = half past seven 7:30 = seven thirthy
8:45 = quarter to nine 8:45 = eight fourty five
9:55 = five to ten 9:55 = nine fiftyfive

Digital time Formal Speaking Less Formal

07:45 Quarter to eight Seven fourty five

08:15 Quarter past eight Eight fifteen

08:30 Half past eight Right thirty

10:00 Ten o'clock Ten o'clock

12:30 Half past twelve Twelve thirty

04:00 Four o'clock Four o'clock

Activity 3. Match the time signal with the meaning

Adverb of time Meaning

1. Every day - sekali
2. Every week - dipagi hari
3. Everymonth - pada pukul tujuh
4. Every year - setiap hari
5. In the morning - dua kali sehari
6. At seven - setiap bulan
7. Once - setiap tahun
8. Twice a day - setiap minggu

Activity 4. Match the adverb of frequency with the meaning

Adverb of frequency Meaning

1. Always - jarang
2. Often - tidak pernah
3. Usually - jarang sekali
4. Sometimes - kadang-kadang
5. Seldom - sering
6. Rarely - selalu
7. Never - biasanya

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