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Tree Physiology 20, 527–533

© 2000 Heron Publishing—Victoria, Canada

Needle and stem wood production in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) trees
of different age, size and competitive status
Department of Forest Ecology, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Present address: SAIMA—Centre for Environmental Sciences, Linnankatu 11, 57130 Savonlinna, Finland

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Received June 2, 1999

Summary We studied effects of tree age, size and competi- stems have the lowest priority. As an application of this the-
tive status on foliage and stem production of 43 Scots pine ory, Waring et al. (1980) proposed that a growth efficiency in-
(Pinus sylvestris L.) trees in southern Finland. The tree attrib- dex (GEI), defined as stem growth per unit foliage area, could
utes related to competition included foliage density, crown ra- be used to quantify tree vigor. This definition is based on the
tio and height/diameter ratio. Needle mass was considered to assumption that various stresses are reflected as a decrease in
be the primary cause of growth through photosynthesis. Both stem growth relative to foliage growth. Thus, increased com-
stem growth and foliage growth were strongly correlated with petition should decrease the share of carbon allocated to the
foliage mass. Consequently, differences in growth allocation stems. Similarly, if older trees suffer from decreased overall
between needles and stem wood in trees of different age, size, productivity, stem growth should decline relative to foliage
or position were small. However, increasing relative height in- growth.
creased the sum of stem growth and foliage growth per unit The pipe model theory (Shinozaki et al. 1964a, 1964b) de-
foliage mass, indicating an effect of available light. Sup- scribes the tree as a system of conducting pipes between fo-
pressed trees seemed to allocate more growth to stem wood liage and roots. The pipes sustain metabolism between the root
than dominant trees, and their stem growth per unit foliage and foliage systems and provide the mechanical support. The
mass was larger. Similarly, trees in dense stands allocated pipe model theory implies that growth allocation occurs to
more growth to stem wood than trees in sparse stands. The re- maintain a stable ratio between foliage area and the cross-sec-
sults conformed to the pipe model theory but seemed to contra- tional area of stem sapwood (Valentine 1985, Mäkelä 1986).
dict the priority principle of allocation. The theory predicts a higher proportion of stem growth in sup-
Keywords: allocation, growth efficiency, pipe model, priority pressed trees than in dominant trees because their height
principle. growth relative to diameter growth is faster, and diameter
growth is roughly proportional to foliage growth (Mäkelä
1986, Bartelink 1998). The pipe model predicts a growth allo-
cation pattern with tree age that largely follows the pattern of
Introduction height growth, with increasing allocation to stems in young
Foliage and stem wood production are major components of trees, a peak and a leveling off as the tree ages (Mäkelä 1990).
tree growth, yet the effects of tree age, size and competitive The priority principle has been widely accepted as an over-
status on growth allocation between these components re- all theoretical framework for growth allocation (Waring et al.
mains the subject of both empirical and theoretical contro- 1980, Bassow et al. 1990, Bossel 1994, Jäghagen 1997), and
versy. Allocation of growth to stem wood has most often been several empirical studies have provided evidence to support it.
described in terms of either (1) priority between compartments In particular, GEI and allocation to stems have been observed
(Gordon and Larson 1968, Waring and Schlesinger 1985, Oli- to increase with increasing site fertility (Linder and Axelsson
ver and Larson 1996), or (2) combinations of the pipe model 1982, Satoo and Madgwick 1982). However, there is little
theory and functional balance theory (Valentine 1985, Mäkelä support for the priority theory of growth allocation under con-
1986, Mäkelä 1990, Nikinmaa 1992, Sievänen 1993, West ditions of competition and during aging. Cannell (1985),
1993, Perttunen et al. 1996, Bartelink 1998). According to the Albrektson and Valinger (1985) and Nilsson and Albrektson
priority theory of allocation (Gordon and Larson 1968, War- (1993) found that allocation to stems increased with increas-
ing and Schlesinger 1985, Oliver and Larson 1996), tree pro- ing tree height and decreasing crown ratio (crown length/tree
duction is directed hierarchically to the different parts of a length), which agrees more with the pipe model predictions.
tree, according to their priority and demand. Foliage and buds We analyzed the effects of age, size, and competition on
are usually assumed to have the highest priority, followed by growth allocation between foliage and stems, and on the
roots and mobile reserves, whereas protective chemicals and growth efficiency index. The analysis was carried out on Scots

pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) from southern Finland, comprising Table 2. Distribution of sample trees in sampling categories. Some
stands of different ages and density and trees of different com- sampling categories are empty because we did not include trees in
petitive status. We used the data to assess the hypotheses un- stands YD and YS in this study. In stands MD, MS and OS, there were
no trees in some subclasses.
derlying the priority principle and the pipe model theory. We
found that needle mass provided good estimates of both stem Plot Dominant trees Suppressed trees
wood and needle production, indicating that needle mass alone Total
could be used as an indicator of total photosynthetic produc- Subclass Subclass
tion in Scots pine.
1 2 3 1 2 3

Material and methods

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Data collection
Data were collected at the end of the 1995 and 1996 growing
seasons from six young (Y), middle-aged (M) and mature (O)
stands in southern Finland representing two stocking densities
(dense = D and sparse = S), regenerated either naturally or by
sowing (Table 1). All stands were located on mineral soil that than 3 m, an extra disk was taken halfway between the two.
represented Myrtillus-type fertility (Cajander 1949). Trees Foliage mass for each branch per tree was estimated by lin-
were selected by stratified sampling from the dominant and ear regression analysis of branch diameter and position in the
non-dominant crown layers (Vuokila 1980). We further di- crown. Tree-level foliage mass was the sum of the branch-
vided the dominant and non-dominant trees into three sub- level masses determined by regression. To find the most con-
groups for sampling. The subgroups consisted of small, sistent variables for the needle dry weight models, data for all
medium and large trees with respect to diameter at breast trees were first combined and the independent variables were
height, and they covered an equal share of total basal area in selected by the best-subset-regression method. Models with
the respective crown layer. More trees were sampled from the those variables were further fitted separately for each tree (Ta-
smaller tree classes, because of greater variation among these ble 3). In the case of two sample trees, it was necessary to devi-
trees (Table 2). ate from the general variables.
A comprehensive analysis of biomass and stem dimensions Needle dry weight production was estimated on the basis of
was made for the trees, as described by Vanninen et al. (1996). current-year and 1-year-old needles combined as described for
The stem and branch dimensions used in the regression analy- the estimation of total needle mass (Table 3). It was assumed
ses of needle mass estimates included: branch diameter at the that there was negligible mortality in these age classes, be-
stem junction and at the lowest live sub-branch, running num- cause no needle scars were evident for 1-year-old needles.
ber of the whorl, stem diameter below the whorl and the dis- The relative errors (SErel) of tree-level foliage mass (kg; Wf)
tance of the whorl from the top. Ten sample branches were and foliage growth (kg year –1; Gf) were calculated as esti-
taken systematically (sampling interval = total number of liv- mated mean error (SEmean) divided by the estimated tree-level
ing branches divided by 10) from each tree to estimate needle Wf and Gf. Tree-level mean errors (SEmean) were calculated as:
mass. In 1996, to estimate needle growth, the needles in each
sample branch were further divided into age classes. n
SEmean = ns 2 + ∑ ( x k (Y T Y ) −1 s 2x k),
For stem analysis, a minimum of nine stem disks was taken (1)
k= 1
from heights of 10, 50, 130 cm, at the middle of the bole below
the crown base, at the crown base, and at 25, 50, 75 and 90% of
the length of the live crown from the crown base upward. Ad- where s 2 is the residual mean square (MSE) of the branch-
ditionally, if the distance between any two disks was more level regression model, (Y TY) –1s 2 is the covariance matrix of

Table 1. Stand and plot characteristics. Abbreviations: H100 is expected tree height at Age 100; D is diameter at breast height (1.3 m); and Hi is
5-year mean height increment.

Plot Location Regeneration Age Site index Year of Stocking Basal area Mean D Mean tree Mean Hi
method (H100) thinning (ha –1) (m 2 ha –1) (cm) height (m) (cm)
YD 61°48′ Ν, 24°19′ E Sowing 16 30 – 18727 21 4 4.1 40
YS 61°48′ N, 24°19′ E Natural 15 30 – 2584 10.2 4 5.8 53
MD 61°20′ N, 25°00′ E Sowing 41 29 ’68 2914 35 12 11.7 29
MS 61°20′ N, 25°00′ E Sowing 41 29 ’68, ’75, ’96 693 23 20 16.3 36
OD 61°17′ N, 27°00′ E Natural 71 27 ’61 1070 33 19 20.8 13
OS 61°17′ N, 27°00′ E Natural 71 27 ’61, ’78, ’94 455 19 23 22.3 15



Table 3. Summary of the linear regression models used to estimate fo- analyzed λs. Foliage growth was measured only in stands MD,
liage dry weight (Wf) and needle dry weight growth (Gf) per tree. The MS, OD and OS; therefore, the analyses of stem growth were
models were of the form y = ax1 + bx2 + c, where y is either Wf or Gf, x1 conducted separately on this subset of the data, as well as on
is branch cross-sectional area at the lowest live sub-branch, and x2 is
the entire data set.
x1z1, where z1 = (distance of branch from top)/(crown length). For two
trees, a third independent variable, x3 = z12, was used in addition. The
Tree age was measured as the number of rings in the sample
range of percentage of variation (r 2) in individual-branch needle dry disk at a height of 10 cm. Indicators of tree size included fo-
weight or dry weight growth explained by the models, as well as the liage mass (Wf), tree height (H), diameter at breast height (D),
relative standard error of the foliage estimate of the whole tree (SErel ), crown length (L C), and height of the crown base (HB). Indica-
based on this model, are given. tors of competitive status included relative height (Hrel), crown
ratio (RC = L C/H), and height/diameter ratio (H/D). Relative
Plot y R2 SErel (%) height was defined as tree height relative to maximum tree

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height in the plot sample. Foliage density in the crown with re-
YD Wf 0.62–0.95 1.3–7.3
spect to crown volume (FV) and crown surface area (FS) were
YS Wf 0.67–0.87 3.5–7.8
MD Wf 0.50–0.98 1.8–9.2 also studied as indicators of competitive status. Both FV and
MS Wf 0.77–0.91 3.3–3.9 FS were calculated based on the assumption that crowns were
OD Wf 0.66–0.99 0.5–8.8 cones with length HC and radius equal to mean crown radius at
OS Wf 0.86–0.98 2.1–3.5 the height where the crown was widest. The number of mea-
MD Gf 0.48–0.98 2.3–27.5 surements for FS and FV was only 26, because crown radius
MS Gf 0.72–0.98 1.7–12.9 was not measured in five trees in the sample.
OD Gf 0.63–0.98 2.3–7.9 The Statistix program (Analytical Software Co., La Jolla,
OS Gf 0.76–0.98 1.9–3.7
CA) was used for the statistical analyses. A two-sample t-test
was used to evaluate differences in Gf and λs between plots.
Effects of age, size and competitive status were evaluated by
the regression coefficients of the branches used for model fit- correlation and regression analyses.
ting, xk is the vector of independent variables at branch k (in all
branches where the model was applied), and n is the number of
branch needle estimates in the tree. The first term in the sum
represents the error attributable to summing all of the branch Stem and foliage growth
estimates, and the second term is the error attributable to the
Both Gs, Gf and their sum Gs + Gf (total growth), calculated as
use of a model in determining the individual-branch estimates.
the mean value for the 1995 and 1996 growing seasons, were
Stem wood production was determined by stem analysis
strongly correlated with Wf, with r = 0.92, 0.97 and 0.96, re-
and wood density analysis. Stem analysis was carried out with
spectively (n = 31) (Figure 1). The intercept of the regression
the WinDendro and XlStem programs (Regent Instruments,
line was insignificant in all cases. When the total data set, in-
Inc., Québec City, Québec, Canada). Annual ring width was
measured in all cardinal points and also inter-cardinal points
for the 1996 data set. Tree volume was calculated as the sum of
truncated cones based on the sample disks. Volume was con-
verted to mass piece by piece, based on measurements of
wood density of the sample disks, and assuming that the wood
density between two disks was the mean of the two density
measurements. Volume growth was converted to biomass
growth based on the mean wood density of each stem. Annual
means for needle growth and stem growth were determined
from the combined data for 1996 and 1997.

Growth allocation
Allocation of growth between stems and foliage was analyzed
in terms of stem growth, Gs (kg year –1), foliage growth Gf (kg
year –1), relative allocation to stems (λs = Gs /Gf + Gs), and a
growth efficiency index based on foliage weight (abbreviated
as GEIW to distinguish it from the original definition based on Figure 1. Mean annual stem and foliage growth in 1995–1996 in
foliage area; Waring et al. 1980). We defined GEIW as Gs /Wf, stands MD, MS, OD and OS as a function of foliage mass. Symbols:
䊉 = foliage growth, regression line y = 0.293x – 0.116, r 2 = 0.95,
where Gs (kg year –1) is stem growth and Wf (kg) is foliage
RMSE = 0.253, and Pconstant = 0.15. 䉭 = stem growth, regression line
mass. Foliage area was replaced by foliage mass because no y = 0.423x + 0.238, r 2 = 0.84, RMSE = 0.692, and Pconstant = 0.28. 䉬 =
information was available on foliage area. stem and foliage growth summed, regression line y = 0.716x + 0.122,
Because the allocation to foliage, λf , equals 1 – λs, we only r 2 = 0.92, RMSE = 0.776, Pconstant = 0.62. For all regressions, n = 31.

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cluding stands YD and YS, was used for the correlation be- statistically significant (P = 0.053). Increasing crown length
tween stem growth (Gs) and foliage mass (Wf), the correlation or diameter at breast height also increased stem growth per
coefficient increased slightly (r = 0.93, n = 43). unit foliage mass. When the total data set was considered for
The accuracy of the prediction of growth from foliage mass stem growth, relative height was no longer significant (P =
was improved by using information about the size and position 0.150), but both the surface area density of foliage and volu-
of the tree (Table 4). For total growth, the best single addi- metric density of foliage were significant. For the total data
tional variable was relative height. Foliage density in the set, tree height, crown length and height to the crown base sig-
crown, measured as both volumetric density and foliage mass nificantly improved the prediction of stem growth from fo-
over surface area, reduced the total growth predicted from fo- liage mass (Table 4). Tree age did not significantly affect the
liage mass, whereas increasing crown length increased the to- dependence of stem and foliage growth on foliage mass.
tal growth predicted from foliage mass. None of the other

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variables examined improved the prediction. The prediction of Growth efficiency index
foliage growth was improved by using crown ratio. Foliage As shown in Figure 1, GEIW was relatively constant. How-
growth increased with increasing crown ratio. Foliage density ever, the surface area density of foliage was negatively corre-
did not improve the prediction of foliage growth from foliage lated with GEIW. In the larger data set, this correlation was
mass. stronger, and there was also a significant correlation between
The prediction of stem growth from foliage mass was im- GEIW and the volumetric density of foliage, and between
proved by using the relative height of the tree. Stem growth in- GEIW and H/D, such that more slender trees had a larger GEIW
creased with increasing relative height. The surface area (Table 5). In all age groups, GEIW tended to be larger in the
density of foliage reduced stem growth per unit foliage mass. dense plots than in the sparse plots, but the differences were
The effect of volumetric density of foliage was similar but not not statistically significant (Figure 2a).

Growth allocation
Table 4. Single factors improving the linear regression between fo- Growth allocation to stems, λs, was positively correlated with
liage mass and total growth, stem growth and foliage growth. The re- GEIW, as would be expected on the basis of our definitions of
gression equation was y = aWf + bx + c, where y is the growth the terms. A significant correlation was also found with both
component, Wf is foliage mass, x is the factor in question, and a, b, and surface area density of foliage and H/D, but no other indicators
c are regression coefficients. Factors have been reported if b ≠ 0 at P < of size or position correlated with λs (Table 5).
0.05. Effects of each factor on the linear regressions are reported as The two-sample t-test of the four plots where λs was mea-
positive (+) or negative (–); r 2 = percent of variation in y explained by sured showed that allocation to stems was significantly higher
the regression; RMSE = root mean square error, P = probability that b
(P = 0.0296) in the dense middle-aged plot (MD) than in the
= 0; and n = number of observations. Symbols: D = diameter at breast
height; H = tree height; Hrel = relative height; HC = crown height; HB = sparse plot of the same stand (MS). The sparse plot MS dif-
height of crown base; FS = surface area density of foliage; FV = volu- fered from the dense plots (MD and OD) but not from the old
metric density of foliage; and RC = crown ratio. sparse plot (P = 0.185) (Figure 2b).

Factor Effect r2 RMSE P n

Total growth (Plots MD, MS, OD, OS) Accurate measurements of biomass growth by compartment
Hrel + 0.95 0.400 0.0009 31
FS – 0.94 0.397 0.0008 26
HC + 0.94 0.475 0.0127 31
Table 5. Variables correlated with growth efficiency index (GEIW)
FV – 0.92 0.525 0.0261 26
and relative allocation to stems (λs) at P < 0.05.
Foliage growth (Plots MD, MS, OD, OS)
Variable R P n
RC + 0.96 0.0465 0.0145 31
Stem growth (Plots MD, MS, OD, OS) GEIW (Plots MD, MS, OD, OS)

Hrel + 0.90 0.332 0.0008 31 FS –0.523 0.0000 26

FS – 0.88 0.3674 0.0011 26
GEIW (Plots YD, YS, MD, MS, OD, OS)
HC + 0.87 0.401 0.0150 31
D + 0.87 0.416 0.0269 31 FS –0.641 0.0000 38
FV –0.438 0.0060 38
Stem growth (Plots YD, YS, MD, MS, OD, OS)
H/D 0.39 0.0082 43
FS – 0.89 0.319 0.0004 38
λs (Plots MD, MS, OD, OS)
HC + 0.89 0.314 0.0011 43
HB + 0.88 0.369 0.0362 43 GEIW 0.72 0.0000 31
H + 0.88 0.350 0.0108 43 FS –0.47 0.0143 26
FV – 0.86 0.409 0.0420 38 H/D 0.43 0.0163 31



were no differences between the dense and sparse stands, or

between the older and younger stands. The effects of low
irradiance may have been partly offset by acclimation, be-
cause trees are able to compensate for low irradiances by in-
creasing the specific needle area (Kellomäki and Oker-Blom
1981). The finding that surface area density of foliage, FS,
gave better results than volumetric density of foliage, FV, is in
accordance with light interception models that relate light cap-
tured by the crown to its total shadow area (which is dependent
on the surface area and amount of foliage) (Oker-Blom and
Kellomäki 1982).

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It has generally been assumed that productivity decreases as
trees age (Waring and Schlesinger 1985). The old trees in our
study appeared to represent old trees based on their height
growth pattern over the last five years (Table 1); however, nei-
ther total growth (Gs + Gf), nor the separate relationships be-
tween growth of foliage (Gf) and growth of stems (Gs) on the
one hand and foliage mass on the other showed an age depend-
ence. There are several possible explanations for this finding.
First, both growth and foliage mass may decline in older trees
(cf. Table 1), thereby masking the effect of age on growth.
Second, only stem and foliage growth components were mea-
sured, and there could be reductions in the branch or root
growth components. Third, increasing availability of light and
other microclimatic changes in older stands might have
masked the effect of age on growth.
Figure 2. (a) Growth efficiency index (GEIW) in the six plots. Error Regression analysis indicated that deviations of foliage
bars indicate standard deviation. (b) Relative allocation to stems (λs) growth and stem growth from the pattern predicted by the
in the four plots where foliage growth was measured. Error bars indi- amount of foliage were, to some extent, in opposite directions.
cate standard deviation. The observed correlations of GEIW and λs with H/D may pro-
vide an explanation. If (1) total growth is proportional to fo-
liage, and (2) stem growth can be predicted from foliage mass
are difficult to obtain for trees, especially for older trees, be- and height, then both allocation to stems and GEIW must be
cause many assumptions and compromises have to be made. proportional to the ratio of height to foliage. Because foliage
In this study, we assumed that means of needle and stem wood and stem diameter are usually closely connected (Kittredge
production over 2 years described the allocation between the 1944, Loomis et al. 1966), it follows that λs and GEIW should
compartments more precisely than 1-year means. However, also be correlated with H/D.
because Scots pine in southern Finland usually supports only These findings are in agreement with other empirical stud-
about four annual cohorts of foliage, foliage growth as we de- ies on Scots pine (Albrektson and Valinger 1985, Nilsson and
fined it closely approximated foliage dry weight. Furthermore, Albrektson 1993, O’Hara et al. 1999), and also with deriva-
we used similar independent variables and the same statistical tions based on the pipe-model theory (Mäkelä 1986, Bartelink
method to estimate both foliage growth and total foliage dry 1998). Our finding that increasing competition increased allo-
weight. Thus, a correlation between foliage growth and total cation to stems corroborates reports that height to diameter
foliage dry weight is to be expected. (Ek 1971, Weiner and Thomas 1992) and height to foliage
Despite the experimentally built-in correlation between (Albrektson 1980) ratios are larger in suppressed trees than in
needle mass and needle production, needle mass alone was a dominant trees.
good estimator of stem wood and needle mass production in In a study of branch growth, Mäkinen and Colin (1998)
this study. Similar results have been obtained for the depend- found that H/D explained the effects of social position more
ence of volume increment on foliage mass in Scots pine and consistently than the other competition indices examined. If
Norway spruce (O’Hara et al. 1999). These findings indicate growth allocation between height and diameter is regulated by
that foliage mass alone is strongly indicative of total the environment, then H/D is a cumulative index integrating
photosynthetic production. The combined production of fo- the long-term effects of the local environment. The depend-
liage and stem wood per unit foliage mass was only slightly ence of allocation on H/D could therefore be interpreted as ac-
dependent on indicators describing the amount of available climation to the local environment through variation of the
light; e.g., relative height—an indicator of shading by neigh- growth pattern.
bors, and foliage density, which affects self-shading. There Contrary to our results, some studies have shown that com-

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Foliage density was the most important single factor charac- land, OR, pp 50–57.

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