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PowerMax/VMAX Procedure Generator Information Guide


What is the PowerMax/VMAX Procedure Generator (PowerMax/VMAX ProcGen)?

The PowerMax/VMAX Procedure Generator is run through desktop Symmwin, with the
CreateProc script. This script only requires the FSE or RemPro's to select their original bin file
and upgrade bin file and from there creates the upgrade procedure. This removes the manual
input the FSE or RemPro's have to do to create the upgrade procedure. You can select an
Online\Offline Code Upgrade, an Online\Offline Configuration Upgrade, a New Install and a
Power Up\Power Down and this will create the procedure of the activity.

What PowerMax OS/Enginuity Levels are supported with this tool?

This tool is supported at
1. PowerMax OS 10
2. 5978, 5977, 5875, 5874, 5773 and 5772 Levels
2. 5771.91.99 or above
3. 5671.55.60 or above
4. All 5670 Levels

Download and Installation

Where do I download the Symmetrix PG?

The Symmetrix PG can be downloaded from

 Downloading DELL Internal: Click the Symmetrix Procedure Generator version 1.9.11 to download the latest EPG
 Partners: From SolVe Online select > "PowerMax and VMAX" select > "The relevant Platform" (e.g VMAX All Flash
(250F) > Partner and Internal Procedures > Procedure Generator - Partner

How to Install Symmetrix PC onto my PC?

1. Copy the SymmProcGen.exe file to your pc and run the file.

Click Next to Continue

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This will install the Symmetrix Procedure Generator files to C:\CreateProcedure.
Please don’t change the name of this directory or the program will not work.

The Install will copy the CreateProc.smp file for Each Enginuity/HYPERMAX
OS/PowerMaxOS Family to the c:\CreateProcedure\Script directory. This file must be
manually copied to the Symmwin directory as directed.

Click Finish to complete the installation.

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2. For the first time you install SymmProcGen and when downloading and installing a new
Version of Symmetrix Procedure Generator onto your PC the CreateProc.smp file must be
manually copied to the each running Symmwin Directory on your pc as follows:

In the folder c:\createprocedure\script and this is split into separate Enginuity/HYPERMAX

OS/PowerMaxOS level directors
(/10.0.0.x, /5978, /5977, /5875, / 5874, /5773, /5772, /5771, /5671, /5670).
These folder contains the createproc.smp file for each Symmwin version. This file is the
symmwin script for this procedure generator.
These files must then be manually copied to the symmwin directory on your pc.

For PowerMax OS 10, Copy C:\CreateProcedure\Script\10.0.0.x\ script to the

…\symmwin\py_scripts folder for the relevant PowerMaxOS level on your personal PC.
For 5978, 5977, 5875, 5874, 5773, 5772 and 5771 copy the file into the .\bin directory and
For 5671 and 5670 copy the file into the .\ucode directory of the symmwin loaded on you pc.

• This file must be copied to all Symmwin Version you wish to run this tool from.
• If this file is not copied to the correct location the Script will not run.
• If you already copied these files in a previous installation, then there is no need to copy
the file again.

If a new version is released then you will receive a message similar to the below. The
Script will automatically copy the latest CreateProc.smp file to the Symmwin directory.
The script will exit and you must re-run the CreateProc script from the beginning.

What if I experience Symmetrix PG installation problems?

Send an email to

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Using the Symmetrix PG

Note: Prior to running the script all compares of this upgrade MUST be done to ensure the
upgrade bins are valid.

How to Use this Tool:?

Note: Can’t Run this script unless the CreateProc.smp or file has been copied as the
above script.

Running EPG at PowerMax OS 10.0.x.x

 Install desktop symmwin into default c:\EMC or a specific folder.
 Copy C:\CreateProcedure\Script\10.0.0.x\ script to the …\symmwin\py_scripts folder for the relevant
PowerMaxOS level on your personal PC.

 To View the Python Scripts in Symmwin DeskTop

 In Symmwin Desktop Set Define show_python=x

Setting this define will allow the python scripts to be visible, if these are shown then please restart Symmwin Desktop

 To Run the EPG Script

 Select Procedure -> Run Python Script in Java.
Enter in the following:

NOTE: Ensure to match the exact format above (this is a case sensitive script).

 Then run the EPG as per normal

Running EPG at PowerMax OS 5978 and below:

1. Start Symmwin logging in at a level high enough to see the below option.

2. At Any 5874 Level or at 5773 level from Code Level 5773.130.90 or above:

Select Procedures -> Procedure Wizard

Or at all other code levels

Select Procedures -> Enter and Run procedure

Enter in Module name: CreateProc, Procedure: run()

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3. This will open the following screen:

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For 5670 and 5671

For 5874, 5773, 5772 and 5771

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4. Select the type of upgrade you want to a procedure to be created for.

• For Online Code Upgrade, run this script at the new code level, you will be asked to
select the original (old) code level later.
For example for NDU 5772 to 5773, run the script at Symmwin level 5773,
• For an activity that includes a Code Upgrade and a Configuration Change select
“Online Code Load and Configuration Change”, this will create the one procedure for the
2 steps.
• For any configuration changes you will be asked to select the original bin and the
upgrade bin files.
• For the code upgrade, power down, New Install or Non Bin File Change you will be asked
to select the original\new bin.

Any problems with reading the bin files will cause the Symm ProcGen to abort.

5. Once Symmwin has read and compared the bin files the first Symm ProcGen screen will be
the Contact Details:
If you are connected to the EMC Network then the Site ID, Site Name, Region and District
will be filled in automatically.
The Service Request ID Must be entered to continue.
This information entered here will be used in the procedures that will be created.

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6. The Next Screen will be something similar to below which list the changes detected, the code
level and also any Known Issues that will\may effect your Upgrade.

7. For all Code Levels you are given the option to change the Enginuity Level. By clicking of
“Change Code Level” or “Select Code Level” but, you are given the following screen and
options to change the code levels as shown in the next diagram

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For Code Upgrades you Must Select the Original\Old Code level to continue. Also you are
then given an option to “Include an Epack Load” during the upgrade.

Once you select your code levels, the Upgrade Information will reflect the new code

8. For non bin file changes such as Memory Board Upgrade, Power Supply Upgrade Click on
“Non Bin File Change”

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Selection a Memory Upgrade you are given the following screen to select the layout of the
new memory configuation

9. For SRDF Procedure: For and Online\Offline Upgrade Procedure, if SRDF is detected in any of
the bin files then the option to enter the SRDF Synchronize Information is given

When you click on the “Create Synchronize RDF Information the following screen is given

Once you have entered the information Select the continue button you return main screen
and in the Upgrade Information the SRDF Synchronize Information is given.

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10. Once you have read and confirmed that the Upgrade Information, and known issues are
correct, click to confirm, this enabled the Generate Button.

Click on OK to Continue button to Create Procedure and documents for this upgrade.

11. Then enter in the name of the procedure document.

The ETA \ Warning document will be called ETAWarnings_SNxxx.doc (where xxx is the last 3
digits of the serial number).
If your are connected to the EMC Network then the Warnings and Alerts given in this
document is feed directory from the Enginuity Reference Database.

The procedure and ETA\ Warning documents will be saved to

C:\CreateProcedure\ProcDoc\sr# (where sr# is the service request number entered in

Also saved in this folder will be the bin files selected in this script.

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12. Once the Procedure and documents have been created the program will return to the
Symmwin Script, giving you the following option:

Here you either select to Finish script or select to run the CCA Simulator Check.

13. Selecting the CCA Simulator Check , this will run a check to determine if your upgrade
requires a CCA Activity to be opened. The report is logged to file SimChk.log

If all Steps of the upgrade are ok and do not require a CCA to be opened you will get a
similar message as below:

If you are connected to the EMC Network the RCM Database is automatically opened and the
information for the upgrade will be routed to the Database.

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If you activity requires a CCA then you will get a similar massage as below:

14. Once the Procedure is created Symmwin will give the following message

Click OK to finish the script.

Feedback and Suggestions

If you have any questions or suggestions for the Procedure Generator, please submit it for
consideration to

What information should I include?

Include as much information as possible. If possible, include the entire generated procedure with
the applicable steps or sections marked in blue or red bold font. For interface related issues,
identify all selected menu options.

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Error Messages:

The following is given if the Symmetrix Procedure Generator aborted either by error or by the
user select “Abort” and no documents were created.

The following is given if there is an error with the installation of Symm ProcGen on the users pc.

The Following is given if the CreateProc is run through Symmwin but the CreateProc.smp file has
not been copied to the correct directory of the running symmwin.

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