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Marks Obtained ,( b,.

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llM Lucknow
Term 1,2017-t8

Marketing Management I

Quiz2 Marks: 10 Duration 10 mins

For the following questions, write the most suitable choice in the column beside the question (for Q2, fill in
the blanks in the question itself.

S.No. Question Answers

L. When consumers believe that they could not find any competing brand which
offers the same value as their current brand, the brand has

, a,' Points-of-difference A
b. Points-of-parity
c. Points-of-value
d. No differentiation with other brands

2 There a re^at least two key q:jteria for choice of PODs (poi nts-of-difference) : be-r,ina&t
b) ::: :

The key consumer deliverabi ity criteria for points-of-parity,

looks at:
a. the ability of the company to communicate a benefit, ie its
advertisi ng effectiveness
,b'. its presentation style and content
c. whether the positioning plank is
d. non-technological
4. For each target market, the firm develops a market offering. The offering is
positioned in the minds of the target buyers as delivering some
I value +
%. niche
c. product features
d. benef its
5. The five product levels constitute a customer value hierarchy. At the highest
level, is
a. Augmented product
b. Potential product
,,/w'eal product
eSrodurct Value Add
6. The brand manager needs to
a. Shape consumer perceptions through communications mainly
brManage the entire segmentation and targeting process
\-d AX the above
d. Manage the ROI of the brand throuih managing brand equity
l is the act of designing the company's offering and image to occupy a
distinctive place in the mind of the target market.
.2. Positioning
b. Product conceptualization
c. Promotionpresentation
d. Performance ima ging

8. A starting point in defining a competitive frame of reference for a brand

positioning is to determine _-the products or sets of products with
which a brand competes and which function as close substitutes.
a. functional membership
b. _competitive field
-E: category membership
d. value membership
9 The five product levels constitute a customer value hierarchy. At the highest
level, is
a. Augmented product
b. .Potential product
,( wealproduct
e. Product Value Add


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