Analytic Solutions For Stokes Flow Past A Partially Encapsulated Droplet Enhanced Reader

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Analytic solutions for Stokes flow past a partially encapsulated droplet Cite as: Physics of Fluids 9, 1218 (1997); ‘Submitted: 29 July 1996 « Accepted: 01 January 1997 « Published Online: 02 September 1998 jappan and Sangtae Kim 7) ke} = | J (o} 7) i} 7) > ts ey ARTICLES YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN Physics of Fluids 12, 2377 (2000); Physics of Fluids 9, 1838 (1997); Physics of Fluids 20, 063301 (2008); Submit Today! > AR 0 AA Tear) Physics of Fluids 9, 1218 1997) 9.218 ©1997 American institute of Physics. Analytic solutions for Stokes flow past a partially encapsulated droplet D. Palaniappan® and Sangtao Kim”) Department of Chemical Engineoring, University of Wisconsin, 1413 Engineering Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53706-1691 (Received 29 July 1996; accepted 1 January 1997) The Stokes flow past the unusual geometry of two fused (overlapping) spheres, somewhat surprisingly, las an exact analytic solution, provided that the spheres intersect orthogonally. The problem of flow past a partially encapsulated droplet is considered, to illustrate the bas idea. The simple nature of the analytical solution is of some interest in biophysical models of molecular assemblies involving a combination of stick and slip surfaces. Physics. [S1070-6631(97}02005-9] |. INTRODUCTION In many engineering applications, the determination of the viscous of Stokes drag on a particle is of fundamental importance. Stokes himself solved the problem of slow mo- tion of a sphere through a viscous fluid as described in Lamb! The general solution in spherical coordinates is also described by Lamb! in terms of three independent harmonic functions. Some perspective on analytical and numerical techniques for Stokes flow past submerged bodies can be gained from the standard reference books on the subject. ‘There are several motivating factors for the present analysis, The concept of a Stokes friction coetficient is een- ‘ral to mathematical models in chemical physies and bio- physics, with particular interest on bodies consisting of over- Tapping spheres, However, in these fields of endeavor, the existence of @ simple analytical solution for overlapping spheres has heen precluded; as a result, the ellipsoid and spheroid have received most of the attention for mathemati- cal investigations of nonsphericity. The overlapping-sphere geometry occurs as well in the polymer-grafted® and lipid bilayer® membranes in concentrated solutions. Finally, the study of viseous flows past liquid drops attached to surfaces has been of great interest in recent years (see Li and Porrikidis’ and references therein). The present paper thus ‘may be of interest as a simple analytical solution in a non- trivial geometry. The organization of this paper is as follows. We start ‘with the description of the geometry of the two-sphere as- sembly and present geometrical relations involving the coor- dinates. In See. IL, we give the formulation of the problem in terms of the streamfunctions and the expressions for the velocity and pressure fields. The image systems for the sin- gularties in a bubble, in a rigid sphere, and in a viscous drop are used to construct the solution. Although the problems involve more than a single sphere itis clear from the present analysis that the bispherical coordinate system is not re- quired, The exact solutions for the two problems: (i) flow past a vapor-solid two-sphere assembly and (ii) flow in and around a vapor-liquid two-sphere assembly; the derivation Permanent ates: Deparment of Mthomatcs, Post-Graduate Contre of Gritaran Unversity, Sandor 583 119, Belay Distt, Karak, India SComesponding —nuhor Fax: 608-262-5434 Electonic mal Kim@eagewiecade 1218 Phys. Fluids 9 (6), May 1997 1070-0831/07/0(5y1218/4/810.00 © 1997 American Instinte of ‘of the expression for the drag and the discussion is presented in Sec. IV, followed by concluding remarks in Sec. V. I, GEOMETRY OF THE COMBINATION BODY Consider the assembly (Fig. 1), denoted by P, formed by two unequal spheres S,, and S, of radii a" and secting orthogonally with centers at © and 0, respectively In the ight-angled triangle OAO’, c?=a" +6, where ‘00’ =c. In the meridian plane, join AB to intersect OO" in D; then OD=a"e, DO DA= eal observation is to note that D is the inverse point of the centers O and O' with respect to the spheres Sy and Sy. respectively. Let (r,6), (",0") and (R.@) be the spherical polar coordinates of any point outside the assembly with O, ‘0’, and D as origins, respectively. The following geometri- cal relations are clear from the figure inter Sable. The eriti- 2 42er" cos O+e%, a 2=2er cos B+e?, @ cos O'+ @) We see from Eqs. (1)-(3) that on the spheres S,, and Sy, 1’, and r reduce to on r=a, co) r=SR, on r'=b 5) We designate the fluid region exterior to Tas T and the spherical regions 5, and S,, as TI and II, respectively Il, FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM We consider two separate problems: () a vapor-igid assembly and (i) @ vapor-liguid assembly; but obviously, problem (ii) contains problem (i) as a subcase. The govem- ing equations are the Stokes or creeping flow equations, HOV GI=Vy', Veql=0 (=1,2), 6 © 1097 American Institut of Physics FIG. 1. The two-sphere assembly F where 1 = 1,2 is used fo denote the continuous and dispersed phase liquids, respectively, q' pl and 0” are the velocities, pressures, and viscosities in the respective phases. Of the few analytical methods available for solving Stokes flow problems, the singularity method continues to receive attention since useful information can be extracted from the solutions thus attained to guide more general theo- ries. A seminal discussion of the singularity method for Stokes flow for a wide range of problems may be found in CChwang and Wo" and references therein. The fundamental singularity in an infinite viscous fluid is called the “Stokes Jet,” and it can be extracted from the classical solution of Stokes for flow past a sphere. The problem of finding the image of a Stokeslet near a rigid spherical boundary was treated by Oseen® many years ago by the method of the Green's functions. However, when the flow is axially sym- metric, the streamfunction method gives more information regarding the identification of the image singularities, as noted by Nigam and Srinivasan!” many years later. Oseen's analysis has been extended by Fuentes ef al to the image system for a viscous drop. As the motion is axisymmetric about the 2 axis, we employ the Stokes streamfunction. I is ‘well known? that in the slow viscous flow the Stokes stream- function y satisfies the fourth-order scalar equation, wo, o where J isthe axisymmetric Stokes opcrator defined by a 1-ee Lage ® eet a ' yt or ah % for the coordinates (1,4), with E=cos 0 and (r',6") with £'—cos @, respectively. Now the velocity components in terms of the steamfunetion ate 1 ow sin 0 90° uy 1 40" Fin 0 ar” ap and the pressure is obtained from Phys, Fluids, Vol 9, No. 5, May 1997 0 a ry yet (12) 4 O98 5 e) (3) IV, EXACT SOLUTIONS We present here the analytical solutions forthe slow past the partially encapsulated geometry deseribed in Sec. Il and derive the formula for Stokes resistances. ‘A. Vapor-solid assembly We consider a stationary compound body I (Fig. 1), consisting of a vapor-solid assembly (ie., region Tl is a solid), immersed in a uniform stow stream of speed U7 (in the nogative = direction). The streamfunction corresponding to this flow is fo=~ 1/2Ur? sin® @ We now write the stream function for the modified flow due to the presence of the boundary I as W= Wot Yat Wt oss (a4) where Uy. Ys and Yap are the perturbed terms due fo the introduction of T in the flow field of wy. We have dropped the index ‘“", as there is only a single fluid region in the present ease. The boundary conditions to be satisfied by the strcamfunction W given in Eq. (14) on Tare that (i) uniform stream velocity U at infinity; (i) zero normal velocity on =a andr’ =O; (i) zero tangential velocity on the part of T where r/'=b; and (iv) zero shear stress at =a Now we proceed to find the images of yin the assem- bly PI is well known that the image system for uniform flow consists of (i) a Stokeslet (along the flow direction) located at the centre inthe case ofa stress-free sphere; (il) A stokeslet and a potential doublet (degenerate Stokes quad pole) at the center inthe case of a rigid spherical houndary. ‘Therefore, in the present notation we have Yo= $uar si (as) y= BUbr' sin? 0" 308 a1) Itremains to find the image dy with respect tothe sphere ‘Sy and the image of yy, in the sphere S, and we will show here that they are the same, Inthe axisymmetric case, Nigam and Srinivasan'® provide a systematic procedure for identi> fying Oscen's image system’ from the Stokes streamtfunc- tion. The image system for a Stokeslt at O, placed in front of a rigid sphere of radius 5, found to consist of a Stokesle a Stokes doublet, and a potential doublet (degenerate Stokes ‘quadrupole) all located at the inverse point D. The expres- sion for the streamfunction for this image system can be writen as Yah (4 8) a ne 4 Lah sin? 8 Yor — Ge [3— 2a] sin? + in? @ cos @. (17) D.Palaniappan and S. Kim 1218 FIG. 2 Typical steamliae pate for ow around ¢vapor—rigid assembly. Now the image of Stokeslet at O' with respect 0 a stress-free sphere S, is a Stokeslet atthe inverse point D and the image system for a potential doublet at 0” in the sphere S, consists of a Stokeslet, a Stokes doublet, and a potential doublet all located at the inverse point as well. In terms of the streamfunetion this takes the form Baby 2 a a2 gs UA tO de een ee iat © con r Fat sin? @ cos a) From the above two equations we see thal yay Ya and the complete streamfunetion for the flow around the assembly satisfying the boundary conditions is found to be 3 no +7 Ubr’ sin? abu Uab | sg, Uarb? sin? @ Hs) pant on EP rab? + ar si 8 cos @, (19) Typical streamline patterns are shown in Fig. 2. The expres- sion for the drag on the body is extracted from this solution in See. IVC. B. Creeping flow past a partially encapsulated viscous drop Now we consider a stationary compound body T° (Fig, 1), part of which (region II) is filled with another liquid of different viscosity (partially encapsulated drop), immersed in uniform slow stream of a viscous fluid with speed €7 in the negative z direction. The streamfunction corresponding to this flow, as before, is Yo V2Ur? sin? @ The streamfunc~ tion for the modified extemal flow due to the presence of the boundary T is Yor Yat Wot Yo ‘The boundary condi are that () uniform stream velocity U is infinity: (Gi) zero normal velocity on r=a and r ii) continuity of tangential velocity at the liquid: interface, ie. at the I-Il interfaces (20) ns to be satisfied in the present case 1220 Phys. Fluids, Vol. 9, No. 5, May 1997 Gv) continuity of shear stress at I-II; and (¥) zero share stress at r The expression for q, is the same as in the previous problem; the expression for is also the same, but now the sirengths of the singularities also depend on the viscosity ratio, This may be written as a sin? 0” Ube’ sin? 0" — 306° J+a-a) x(Ubr' sin? 6"), Qi) where A=gOV(u'+ 4), The image system for a Stokeslet positioned in front of a liquid spherical geometry was found by Fuentes ef ai." in connection with the caleu- lation of the mobility functions for two viscous drops in Stokes flows. They also observed that in the axisymmetric case the image system is just a kinear combination of the results for the rigid sphere and bubble. This fact is indeed true for an arbitrary axisymmetric Stokes flow past a liquid sphere, as shown by Palaniappan ef af"? Making use of the available results and noting that a result like y= Wyo also hholds in the present case, we arrive atthe streamnfunction for the external flow (as explained in the Sec. IV A) as 1 1 V'(r,0)= 5 UP sin? O45 Var sin? ee cana Al] Ubr uae! sin? @ cos @|+(1—A) alter e sin? @, (23) is defined in (9). 1t should be pointed out that reduces the results 10 that of Sec. IVA and A=0 produces the flow pasta vapor-vapor assembly."" By direct verification it can be shown that W" and W? satisfy the fol- (ay (es) 26) and D. Palaniappan and S. Kim FIG. 3 Typical streamline pater for Now around aptly encapsulated rope on the remaining part of P where r’=. Thus, we have determined the streamfunctions describing the flow past the partially encapsulated viscous drop. Typical streamline pat- tems are shown in Fig. 3, The velocity and the pressure fields may be computed using (10)~(13). Next we tum our atten- tion to the drag on the two-sphere assembly, ©. The drag on the two-sphere assembly ‘The expression for the drag may be obtained by using either the method due to Payne and Pell" or by noting that it is Sm") times the sum of the strength of the Stokeslets Hence from (22) we obtain (0-8) +A) 2ab 28) ‘The drag on the body depends on many parameters, such as the viscosity ratio, the free-stream velocity, the radii of the spheres, and the distance between the centers of the two spheres. The first term on the ths of Eq. (28) is the hydrody- namic force on a bubble in a uniform stream. The second and the last terms put together is the Stokes resistance on a liquid spherical boundary placed in a combination of a Stokeslet and uniform flow, When the radius a is small, the drag ap- proaches the Hadamard—Rybezynski value for the liquid sphere drag? and when the radius b approaches zero, the expression for the drag tends to that due to the bubble? Th other limiting cases may be obtained by assigning the ex- tremal values for A, When A=1 we obtain the expression for the drag on the vapor-solid assembly, ab 2apU}2a+36~— 29) while for A=0 we recover the drag for the vapor—vapor assembly (see Palaniappan ef at") Phys. Fluids, Vol 9, No. 5, May 1997 V. CONCLUSION We have obtained exact analytical solutions separately for the problems of creeping flow about (i) a vapor-solid tovo-sphere assembly, and (ii) a vapor-Liquid two-sphere as- sembly, ie, an encapsulated droplet. Despite the unusual ‘geometry, a simple analytical solution exists because the wo centers in the assembly share a common inverse point. ‘An amazing feature of the Hadamard-Rybezynski solu- tion is that the flow is independent of surface tension, This is also true for the low around the vapor-solid assembly as Tong as there is a 90° contact angle. That is, the configuration exists at rest due fo surface tension but the flow is indepen- dent of surface tension. 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