2022 01 06 LECTURE 9 ModelingAndCurrentControl

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Power Electronics – Control, Synthesis, Applications (CSA)

Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters

Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Institute for Power Electronics

and Electrical Drives 1
Consultation hour with “Special Lab Session Today @ 06:30pm in Zoom
Special Topic: Active Power Cycling and Real-Time Aging Diagnosis

■ Frequency-domain thermal
impedance spectroscopy
□ Exciting Gate with a sinusoidal

𝑉GS in mΩ
□ Using temperature dependency
of 𝑅DS,on
Real-time aging diagnosis

𝑉DS in mΩ
during power cycling quadratic approximation
error bars

𝑅DS,on in mΩ
𝑇NTC in °C

time in s temperature in °C

2 06.01.2022 | Isabel Austrup

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters

■ Modeling and analysis

□ Review steady-state and dynamic operation
□ Linear time Invariant converter model
□ State variables, disturbance and model
□ State block diagram and Laplace domain model
□ Dynamic converter analysis ■ Objective
□ How to model converters as linear-time invariant (LTI)
systems, e.g. via transfer functions or block diagrams
■ Control Design MATLAB □ Create physical insight into converter control design
□ Requirements and objectives ■ What is the control performance we want to achieve?
□ Control structure Simulink ■ What limits the control performance?
□ Feedback design and analysis ■ What is the “design-space” we can explore?
□ Command tracking □ Linking time and frequency domain control dynamics
□ Trajectory generation □ Design command tracking and disturbance response
□ Validation via simulation independent of each other
□ Experimental control design validation □ Learning about effective control design tools and metrics

3 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Modeling and analysis
Review steady-state and dynamic operation

■ PWM modulation creates average voltage 𝑢ത pwm

□ Adjustable via the duty cycle d

■ PWM Properties
□ Repetitive voltage pulses at fsw
□ Average PWM voltage follows reference
■ Makes converter a controllable voltage source

4 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Modeling and analysis
Review steady-state and dynamic operation

■ PWM modulation creates average voltage 𝑢ത pwm

□ Adjustable via the duty cycle d

■ Steady state operation

□ Average current 𝑖Lҧ over period Tsw does not change

□ Equal volt-second areas A1 = A2

5 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Modeling and analysis
Review steady-state and dynamic operation

■ Dynamic operation
□ Change the average current over one switching period

□ Increment or decrement of 𝑢ത pwm via duty cycle d

□ Unequal volt-second areas A1 > A2

■ Key concept for current control

□ Manipulate 𝑢ത pwm via d to get a desired average current

6 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Modeling and analysis
Linear time invariant (LTI) converter model

■ Limitation
□ Converters are intrinsically nonlinear system due to
their switching behavior
■ Objective
□ Transform a power converter to a LTI system
□ This allows utilizing widely-spread techniques for
analysis and design of dynamic LTI systems e.g.
■ Superposition
■ Laplace/Fourier Transform and transfer functions
■ Frequency domain representation
■ Pole-zero representation Average current
■ Concept
□ We cannot manipulate the instantaneous current
□ Manipulate the averaged PWM voltage 𝑢ത pwm to
control the averaged current 𝑖Lҧ

7 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Modeling and analysis
Linear time invariant (LTI) converter model - Short-term averaging

■ Converter equation

■ Short-term averaged variable over Ts = Tsw

Average current

8 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Modeling and analysis
Linear time invariant (LTI) converter model - Short-term averaging

■ Converter equation

■ Short-term averaged variable over Ts = Tsw

■ Short-term averaged converter equation

averaging creates
LTI model

Derivate of average iL Manipulated input voltage

over Tsw generated with PWM um = 𝑢ത pwm

9 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Modeling and analysis
Linear Time Invariant (LTI) Converter Model - Synchronous Sampling

■ Measuring average current without lag

□ Low-pass filter is not an option → Induces lag
□ Sample at top or floor of the carrier
“Synchronous Sampling”
■ This extracts averaged current without lag

Short-term averaged
current can be

10 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Modeling and analysis
Linear Time Invariant (LTI) Converter Model - PWM Model

■ Modeling the PWM with a latch

□ Not possible to include PWM in linear model
□ Approximating the PWM by a latch is the best we can do

□ Latch exhibits a delay of Ts/2

□ Single Update
■ Reference is updated with Tsw at peak or valley

11 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Modeling and analysis
Linear Time Invariant (LTI) Converter Model - PWM Model

■ Modeling the PWM with a latch

□ Not possible to include PWM in linear model
□ Approximating the PWM by a latch is the best we can do

□ Latch exhibits a delay of Ts/2

□ Single Update
■ Reference is updated with Tsw at peak or valley
□ Double Update
■ Reference is updated with Tsw/2 at peak and valley

12 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Modeling and analysis
Linear time invariant (LTI) converter model – Update delay

■ Current sampling and voltage update

□ Only possible at top and/or floor of the carrier
□ Computation of the control algorithm needs time
■ Update delay between sampling and update
□ Minimal update delay Tdelay = Tpwm/2 (DSDU)


From now on leave out bars on

variables for convenience

13 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Modeling and analysis
Linear time invariant (LTI) converter model – Blanking Time

■ Concept
□ Both devices must never be turned-on at the same time
■ Short circuit will destroy the converter
□ Introduction of blanking times
■ After one device is turned-off a defined time
must pass before the other device turns on
■ Effect on the converter operation
□ Commutation is delayed
■ At turn-on of S2 if iL < 0
■ At turn-on of S1 if iL > 0
□ The manipulated voltage exhibits an error

■Compensation is partially possible

□ Duty cycles d close to 1 and 0 cannot be modulated
14 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck
Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Modeling and analysis
State variables, disturbance and model deviations

■ System variables
□ State variables (e.g. iL) █
■ Variables of the plant that exhibit energy storage
□ Load variables (e.g. uLoad) █
■ External variables that are measured
□ Disturbances (e.g. udist) █
■ Variables that are not measured, e.g.
− Approximation error of the PWM
− Blanking time
− Measurement inaccuracies of variables

■ Objective
□ Use information on load and state-variable for control
□ Make a system insensitive to disturbances
15 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck
Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Modeling and analysis
State variables, disturbance and model deviations

■ Model deviations
□ Parametric deviations (e.g. DL and DRL) █
■ Incorrect parameter estimate
■ Temperature induced parameter drifts
■ Saturation effects
□ Effects and dynamics not included in model
■ Neglecting delays associate with …
… voltage modulation █
… sampling and update process █
■ Ignoring dynamics of the sensor and measurement circuitry █
− Current measurement must not be low-pass filtered to mitigate
noise (Synchronous Sampling does not work)
■ Objective
□ Be aware of all relevant model deviations or changes
□ “Robust” design of the control loop must take them into account
■ Easy for feedback design & difficult for feed forward

16 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Modeling and analysis
State block diagram and Laplace domain model

■ Develop state block diagram

□ Include integrators, one for each energy storage device
□ Use device equation for interconnecting states and inputs
■ Advantage of state block diagrams
□ Dynamics of physical systems as well as controls are
represented graphically revealing cause-effect relations
□ Allows insightfully inspecting system dynamics for
manipulation and control design

17 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Modeling and analysis
State block diagram and Laplace domain model

■ Model of modulator dynamics M(s) must reflect TPWM

□ Update-delay Tupdate = TPWM/2 = Ts TS

□ Delay due to latch TLatch = TPWM/4 = Ts/2

□ Total delay TD = Tupdate + TLatch = 1.5·Ts

■ Approximation in the Laplace domain

□ Delay is approximated by first order low-pass
Double-sampling double-update

□ Inaccuracies are reflected in udist

18 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Modeling and analysis
State block diagram and Laplace domain model

■ Model of modulator dynamics M(s) must reflect TPWM

□ Update-delay Tupdate = TPWM/2 = Ts TS

□ Delay due to latch TLatch = TPWM/4 = Ts/2

□ Total delay TD = Tupdate + TLatch = 1.5·Ts

■ Approximation in the Laplace domain

□ Delay is approximated by first order low-pass
Double-sampling double-update

□ Inaccuracies are reflected in udist

■ Assumptions
□ Ideal sensors
□ Modulator dynamics are are negligible M(s) = 1
■ Valid if PWM frequency exceeds control bandwidth
by a least a decade
19 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck
Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Modeling and analysis
State block diagram and Laplace domain model

■ Analytical system response calculation of Transfer function calculation

the short-term averaged current
□ Determine disturbance transfer function

□ Determine excitation

□ Calculate response in the Laplace Domain Process

20 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Modeling and analysis
State block diagram and Laplace domain model
Parameter Quantity
■ Analytical system response calculation of Transfer function calculation Input voltage 400 V
the short-term averaged current Output voltage 200 V
□ Determine disturbance transfer function Duty cycle 0.5
Inductance L 1 mH
Resistance R 100 mW

□ Determine excitation PWM frequency 10 kHz

Dead-time −
Sampling and update DSDU
Disturbance voltage 1V
□ Calculate response in the Laplace Domain

□ Transfer result to the time domain with

Laplace table with

21 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Modeling and analysis
Dynamic converter analysis

■ Analytical system response calculation of

the short-term averaged current
□ Determine disturbance transfer function t

■ Eigenvalue
□ Pole of the transfer function Gd(s)

□ Characterizes response dynamics of single

■ Response speed ~ -Re{sEV}
− Increases towards negative branch of real-axis

22 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Modeling and analysis
Dynamic converter analysis

■ MATLAB and the Control Systems Toolbox (Short-term averaged model)

□ LTI systems can be flexibly created, interconnected and analyzed

23 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Modeling and analysis
Dynamic converter analysis

■ MATLAB Simulink (Short-term averaged model)

□ Simulink allows conducting complex linear and nonlinear system-simulations


24 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Modeling and analysis
Dynamic converter analysis

■ PLECS (Piecewise Linear Electrical Circuit Simulation) embedded in Simulink

□ Control design addresses short-term averaged current █
□ PLECS simulates entire converter operation █



25 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Modeling and analysis
Dynamic converter analysis
■ Dynamic stiffness (DS)
□ Metric for disturbance rejection ability
□ How much disturbance (voltage) is required to change
the state variable (current) by one ampere?

■ Dynamic-stiffness magnitude calculation

□ Approximation based on asymptotes

□ Low bandwidth DS (f < fb) dominated by resistance

□ High bandwidth DS (f > fb) dominated by inductance Disturbance of 0.1V Disturbance of 2 V
■ Bandwidth of asymptote intersect corresponds to EV results current error of 1A results current error of 1A

■ Steady state error

□ Results from DS at low bandwidth
26 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck
Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Power Electronics – Control, Synthesis, Applications (CSA)

Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters

Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Institute for Power Electronics

and Electrical Drives 27

■ Review - Modeling and analysis

□ Review steady-state and dynamic operation
□ Linear time Invariant converter model
□ State variables, disturbance and model
□ State block diagram and Laplace domain model
□ Dynamic converter analysis ■ Objective
□ How to model converters as linear-time invariant (LTI)
systems, e.g. via transfer functions or block diagrams
■ Control Design MATLAB □ Create physical insight into converter control design
□ Requirements and objectives ■ What is the control performance we want to achieve?
□ Control structure Simulink ■ What limits the control performance?
□ Feedback design and analysis ■ What is the “design-space” we can explore?
□ Command tracking □ Linking time and frequency domain control dynamics
□ Trajectory generation □ Design command tracking and disturbance response
□ Validation via simulation independent of each other
□ Experimental control design validation □ Learning about effective control design tools and metrics

28 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Modeling and analysis
Creating models of power electronic converters

Eliminate nonlinearity via

“short–term averaging”

Deriving state block diagram

by identifying energy states

29 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Modeling and analysis
Deriving disturbance response

■ Analytical system response calculation of

the short-term averaged current Transfer function calculation
□ Determine disturbance transfer function

□ Determine excitation

□ Calculate response in the Laplace Domain

□ Transfer result to the time domain with

Laplace table with

30 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Modeling and analysis
Analyzing converter behavior

■ Analytical system response calculation of

the short-term averaged current
□ Determine disturbance transfer function t

■ Eigenvalue
□ Pole of the transfer function Gd(s)

□ Characterizes response dynamics of single

■ Response speed ~ -Re{sEV}
− Increases towards negative branch of real-axis

31 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Modeling and analysis
Using dynamic stiffness as a metric for disturbance response

■ Dynamic stiffness (DS)

□ Metric for disturbance rejection ability
□ How much disturbance (voltage) is required to change
the state variable (current) by one ampere?

1 decade
■ Dynamic-stiffness magnitude calculation
□ Approximation based on asymptotes 1 decade

□ Low bandwidth DS (f < fb) dominated by resistance

□ High bandwidth DS (f > fb) dominated by inductance Disturbance of 0.1V Disturbance of 2 V
■ Bandwidth of asymptote intersect corresponds to EV results current error of 1A results current error of 1A

■ Steady state error

□ Results from DS at low bandwidth
32 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck
Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Control Design
Requirements and Objectives

Rejection of disturbances State-Feedback Design

❑ Minimize effect of disturbances ❑ State feedback and load/disturbance decoupling
❑ Achieve zero steady-state error ❑ Adding state feedback path
❑ Avoid unwanted resonances ❑ Dynamic stiffness-based feedback design

Command tracking Command-Tracking Design

❑ Follow reference currents iL ❑ State-feedback decoupling
❑ Fast response time ❑ Command filters and feedforward
❑ Achieve zero steady-state error ❑ Generate feasible references

33 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Control Design
Control Structure - Load Voltage Decoupling

■ Decouple effect of load voltage █

□ Measure load voltage and compensate its effect
■ Decoupling eliminates impact of uload on iL
■ Measurement errors of uload are reflected in udist

■ How to improve the dynamic stiffness?

□ Enhancing the “passive” properties of a physical
system by “active” control
□ Provide “active resistance“

34 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Control Design
Control Structure - Proportional State-Feedback Control

■ Proportional state feedback path █

□ Acts like “active” resistance realized by converter
□ Augments dynamic stiffness at low bandwidth

□ Determine bandwidth via asymptote intersection

Control bandwidth fp
■ For f < fp the feedback gain Kp dominates the stiffness
■ For f > fb the inductance L dominates the stiffness
□ System dynamics are reflected by eigenvalue / pole of Gd(s)
■ Larger Kp leads to faster response
− EV is directly reflected in bandwidth fb

35 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Control Design
Control Structure - Proportional State-Feedback Control

■ Proportional state feedback path █

□ Time domain response

→ Strong rejection of disturbances

■ Strong attenuation of the disturbance response
■ Steady state error is not compensated
□ Time constant

■ Time constant t directly relates to

eigenvalue and bandwidth fb

36 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Control Design
Feedback Design and Analysis - Dynamic Stiffness-based Design

■ Asymptotes indicate relation between feedback

gain KP and proportional bandwidth fp

■ Bandwidth fp is limited by
□ Signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) of the sensor
□ PWM dynamics
■ Ideal voltage modulation M(s) = 1 can only be
assumed if feedback bandwidth fp < fpwm/10
■ Maximum feedback bandwidth and gain

■ At bandwidth above fpmax

□ Modulator dynamics M(s) need to be considered

37 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Current Control Design and Analysis
Limits of the Control Design

■ What happens if the control bandwidth

exceeds the maximal bandwidth
□ Modulator does not work properly
□ Dynamic stiffness descends to passive design
□ Effects
■ Local minimum of the stiffness
■ Oscillations in the disturbance Active Passive
design design
■ Complex conjugated EVs

■ Features of proportional feedback control

□ Higher Kp mitigates disturbances
□ Constraint Kp due to
■ Modulator bandwidth
■ Sensor bandwidth
Voltage modulator bandwidth
■ Sensor signal-to-noise ratio
□ Steady-state error remains 

38 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Control Design
PI State-Feedback Control

■ Integral state feedback path █

□ Accumulates error and increases manipulated input
voltage until error DiL is entirely compensated
■ No steady state error after disturbance steps
□ Augments dynamic stiffness at low bandwidth
■ Stiffness reaches towards infinity for f → 0

39 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Control Design
PI State-Feedback Control

■ Integral state feedback path █

□ Accumulates error and increases manipulated input
voltage until error DiL is entirely compensated
■ No steady state error after disturbance steps
□ Augments dynamic stiffness at low bandwidth
■ Stiffness reaches towards infinity for f → 0

Proportional feedback bandwidth Inductance

□ Relation of feedback bandwidths fp, fi and gains Kp, Ki
■ Intersection of asymptotes
Integral feedback bandwidth

40 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Control Design
PI State-Feedback Control

■ Integral state feedback path █

□ Accumulates error and increases manipulated input
voltage until error DiL is entirely compensated
■ No steady state error after disturbance steps
□ Augments dynamic stiffness at low bandwidth
■ Stiffness reaches towards infinity for f → 0

□ Relation of feedback bandwidths fp, fi and gains Kp, Ki

■ Intersection of asymptotes

− Larger Ki results in higher low-bandwidth stiffness .

41 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Control Design
Control Structure PI State-Feedback Control

■ Integral state feedback path █

□ Accumulates error and increases manipulated input
voltage until error DiL is entirely compensated
■ No steady state error after disturbance steps
□ Augments dynamic stiffness at low bandwidth
■ Stiffness reaches towards infinity for f → 0

□ Relation of feedback bandwidths fp, fi and gains Kp, Ki

■ Intersection of asymptotes

− Larger Ki results in higher low-bandwidth stiffness .

− Larger Kp increases medium-bandwidth / worst case stiffness.

42 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Control Design
PI State-Feedback Control

■ Integral state feedback path █

□ Accumulates error and increases manipulated input
voltage until error DiL is entirely compensated
■ No steady state error after disturbance steps
□ Augments dynamic stiffness at low bandwidth
■ Stiffness reaches towards infinity for f → 0

□ Relation of feedback bandwidths fp, fi and gains Kp, Ki

■ Intersection of asymptotes

− Larger Ki results in higher low-bandwidth stiffness .

− Larger Kp increases medium-bandwidth / worst case stiffness.
− Larger L increases high-bandwidth stiffness.

43 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Control Design
Combining Frequency and Time Domain for Control Design

■ Laplace domain analysis

□ Disturbance transfer function

□ Eigenvalues for fp>> fi


Proportional feedback bandwidth Inductance
≈1 Truncated Taylor Series

Integral feedback bandwidth

□ Eigenvalues sEV1,2 directly relate to bandwidths fp and fi

■ Reflection in disturbance transfer function

44 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Control Design
Combining Frequency and Time Domain for Control Design

■ Time domain analysis

□ Disturbance transfer function Gd(s)

□ Solve via partial fraction decomposition

≈ Lwp = Kp

□ Time domain response

Determines settling time Determines maximum deviation t0

45 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck
Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Control Design
Combining Frequency and Time Domain for Control Design

■ Control bandwidth fp limited by

□ PWM dynamics
■ Voltage modulation only works up to f < fpwm/10

□ Signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) of the sensor

■ Integral state-feedback bandwidth fi
□ Keep bandwidths of Kp and Ki a decade apart
□ Close proximity of fi and fp results in oscillatory EVs Proportional feedback bandwidth Inductance

Integral feedback bandwidth

■ Larger bandwidths or gains requires higher …

□ Inductance L or
□ PWM frequency fpwm and better sensors

46 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Control Design
Validation via simulation

Feedback Design Bandwidth fx Gain Kx

■ PLECS simulation of the half-bridge converter
Proportional (p) 1000 Hz 18 V/A
■ Simulink simulation of the control
Integral (i) 200 Hz 22600 V/As
Disturbance voltage step of 100 V is smoothly rejected
Converter: fpwm = 10 kHz, L = 3 mH, Rp= 2 W


47 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Control Design
Requirements and Objectives

Rejection of disturbances State-Feedback Design

❑ Minimize effect of disturbances ❑ State feedback and load/disturbance decoupling
❑ Achieve zero steady-state error ❑ Adding state feedback path
❑ Avoid unwanted resonances ❑ Dynamic stiffness-based feedback design

Command tracking Command-Tracking Design

❑ Follow reference currents iL ❑ State-feedback decoupling
❑ Fast response time ❑ Command filters and feedforward
❑ Achieve zero steady-state error ❑ Generate feasible references

48 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Control Design
Command Tracking - Analysis of Proportional Feedback Control

■ Frequency response function (FRF)

s = jw


□ Eigenvalue sEV and bandwidth fb remain █

□ Steady state error occurs █


49 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Control Design
Command Tracking - Virtual Zero-Reference (VZR)

■ Frequency response function (FRF)

s = jw


□ Eigenvalue sEV and bandwidth fb remain █

□ Steady state error occurs █
■ Virtual Zero-Reference (VZR)
□ Passive resistance Rp “behaves” identical to
proportional feedback path Kp,
■ BUT applies virtual zero reference iLVZR = 0
□ Two references are applied in parallel that are
weighted with their feedback gains
50 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck
Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Control Design
Command Tracking - Virtual Zero-Reference (VZR) Decoupling

■ Decouple Virtual Zero-Reference via active

current state feedback
□ Requires resistance estimate 𝑅෠𝑝 -


□ Decoupling eliminates steady state error

entirely if resistance Rp is known
෠𝑝 exhibits small inaccuracies VZR
■ If 𝑅
decoupling still improves command tracking

51 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Control Design
Command Tracking - Analysis of PI Feedback Control

■ Decouple Virtual Zero-Reference via active

current state feedback
□ Requires resistance estimate 𝑅෠𝑝


□ Decoupling eliminates steady state error Unity gain

entirely if resistance Rp is known
Approaches reference
෠𝑝 exhibits small inaccuracies VZR
■ If 𝑅
decoupling still improves command tracking
■ Integral feedback path (moderate gain) Integral feedback bandwidth

□ Ensures command tracking with unity gain in Proportional feedback bandwidth

its bandwidth fi and compensates inaccuracies

52 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Control Design
Command Tracking - Analysis of PI Feedback Control

■ Integral feedback design of Ki

□ Yielding maximum bandwidth with real poles
■ Frequency response function and step
response show stronger overshoot 

□ System poles are not the root-cause

■ Im{sEV} = 0
□ Dominant zero of the transfer function results
in this overshoot

53 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Control Design
Command Tracking - Command Filter based on Low-Pass

■ Integral feedback design of Ki

□ Yielding maximum bandwidth with real poles
■ Frequency response function and step
response show stronger overshoot 

□ System poles are not the root-cause

■ Im{sEV} = 0
□ Dominant zero of the transfer function results
in this overshoot
■ Add low pass-filter as command filter
□ Time constant t = Ki/Kp

□ Compensates effect of zero ☺

□ Adds strong lag to system 
54 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck
Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Control Design
Trajectory Generation - Command Feedforward

■ Apply command feedforward voltage ucff that

generates the desired current iL
■ 1st order systems CFF results from model inversion

□ Feedback regulator only compensates

■ Model-parameter deviations DL, DRp
■ Disturbance voltages udist
thus integral feedback cannot cause overshoot

55 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Control Design
Trajectory Generation - Command Feedforward

■ Apply command feedforward voltage ucff that

generates the desired current iL
■ 1st order systems CFF results from model inversion

□ Feedback regulator only compensates

■ Model-parameter deviations
■ Disturbance voltages
■ Features
□ Enables command tracking with
■ Minimal amplitude error above feedback bandwidth
■ Nearly zero phase even above feedback bandwidth
□ Allows designing command tracking bandwidth
independent of feedback bandwidth Proportional feedback bandwidth

■ e.g. due low cost noisy sensors

56 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Control Design
Trajectory Generation - Feasible Trajectories

■ Limits of command tracking

□ Modulator bandwidth
□ Voltage limits of the converter
■ Maximal/minimal available voltage that
limits feasible diL/dt

Maximum positive diL/dt Maximum negative diL/dt

Not feasible Feasible

( )


57 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Control Design
Trajectory Generation – Trajectory filter
Trajectory Filter Feedback Control Plant

■ Trajectory generation
□ Generates feasible and consistent
command trajectories including
■ Current reference iLref
■ Command feedforward voltage uCFF
□ Takes into account voltage limits
■ Trajectory filter
□ Feedback gain Kc Not feasible Feasible
■ Determines bandwidth
□ Voltage limit
■ Reflects voltage limits of converter ucffmax
□ Model of the plant
■ Ensures consistent generation of current
command and command feedforward voltage

58 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Control Design
Evaluation based on Simulation - Command Tracking

■ Trajectory achieves optimized command tracking

Design Bandwidth fx Gain Kx
Proportional feedback (p) 1000 Hz 18 V/A
Integral feedback (i) 200 Hz 22600 V/As
Command filter 5000 Hz 31000 V/A
Converter: fpwm = 10 kHz, L = 3 mH, Rp= 0.1 W

Maximal available voltage of

400V is not exceeded


59 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Modeling PWM converters as Disturbance rejection ability is Command tracking is enabled
LTI system is achieved via achieve via feedback gains by CFF and trajectory filter
❑ Short-term averaging ❑ Sensors and modulator limit fp ❑ Independent of state feedback
❑ Synchronous sampling ❑ DS provides design insights ❑ CFF yields minimal error

60 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Power Electronics (CSA) - Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters
Power Electronics – Control, Synthesis, Applications (CSA)

Modeling and Current Control of Power Converters

Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Institute for Power Electronics

and Electrical Drives 61

62 06.01.2022 | Dr.-Ing. Christoph H. van der Broeck

Institut für Stromrichtertechnik und Elektrische Antriebe

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